Wednesday 15 January 2014 photo 2/3
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Simon had been with the bears until now, after the mission failure he couldn't help but to admit that he was a bit sad about it. Yet, he figured there was no need to be down by such a thing, so he tried to cheer up as usual.
He walked towards his and Victor's house, looking up at the sky slightly, noticing the snowflakes that were falling down on him. "Snow...?" he smiled faint.
"What am I all sad for? I'm finally going home after days of work, getting some lunch...hopefully I'll meet Alynore soon, too...." he got all warm thinking about it. He buried his face down in his scarf, smiling to himself as he kept walking towards his house.
"What am I all sad for? I'm finally going home after days of work, getting some lunch...hopefully I'll meet Alynore soon, too...." he got all warm thinking about it. He buried his face down in his scarf, smiling to himself as he kept walking towards his house.
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Wed 15 Jan 2014 08:40
A: *Akita sees him walking the streets and walks up to him* Good to see you smiling Simon~ *even though he wasn't himself there was truth in his words*

Simon looked at Akita and bowed slightly. "Yes, sir! I figured there's no use of being sad because of failure. We'll just have to try again if we feel like we must!" he said with the same smile just as before.

Wed 15 Jan 2014 12:22
*he nods to return the bow* A failure takes hard on the pride. But it's good that you keep thinking positive and keeps your spirit up. We should all do that. *he hints a smile* And maybe I should lead by example~

"We bears are strong, but we shouldn't let some bad luck get us down. We'll just have to keep fighting!" he said with a grin.

Thu 16 Jan 2014 11:35
*he chuckles some* Perhaps not. Just takes a little while to get over when we fail. It's much nicer to succeed every time. Don't you agree?
キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 00:42
Alynore was sitting in the Cold, outside Victors house since he wanted to meet Simon... he had gotten to know about minami loosing her Powers and so, he knew what it meant, something his siter didnt even know herself.. he actually cried.

Simon was pretty close to his house, and as he turned round the last corner, he immediately noticed a familiar figure. He shone up instantly and almost jogged forward.
When he came closer he froze for a moment. He had noticed Alynore's crying, and it was truly a painful sight. He immediately walked up to him and got down on his knees, holding Alynore's hands, warming them up for him. "Alynore, my love, what are you doing out here, crying alone in the cold?" He said calmly, yet worried, as he looked up at Alynore's face.
When he came closer he froze for a moment. He had noticed Alynore's crying, and it was truly a painful sight. He immediately walked up to him and got down on his knees, holding Alynore's hands, warming them up for him. "Alynore, my love, what are you doing out here, crying alone in the cold?" He said calmly, yet worried, as he looked up at Alynore's face.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 00:58
Alynore hugges Simon fast and helf him Close, he was Close to icecold and his lips were slightly blue. "S...simon..... " he studdered and cried. "M...minami.... will....d...die... s-she...have l-lost her p.powers..... h-her core..is g-gone...s-she... cant l-live w-without it..." he said and hugged him more

Simon stroke his cheek softly. "Shh, shh..." He shushed him and lifted him up from the cold ground, holding him up in his arms. "You're so cold..."

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 11:49
Alynore cried and hugged hug close " I...i c...cant...c-calm d....down..."

Simon kissed his forehead, and turned to go towards the door. "I know, and that's ok. Let's just get inside and warm you up for a while. We can talk then." he smiled faint and looked into Alynore's eyes.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 12:12
(....Did i write... hugged hug? omg.. hahahHaha wtf?)
Alynore nodded and hugged him closer. he tried to calm down
Alynore nodded and hugged him closer. he tried to calm down

(I actually snorted when I read it hahhAH xD)
Simon smiled and opened the door to his house, and stepped in carefully. "Victor, I'm home~"
Victor was in the kitchen, cooking some lunch. "Oh, welcome home! I suppose you're alive and well?" he said with a chuckle as he stirred a soup.
Simon chuckled slightly. "Yeah, thankfully. The mission was a huge failure though." he stepped out of his shoes, and walked into the livingroom and put down Alynore in an armchair in front of a fireplace. He kneeled down and looked up at Alynore. "I'll go get you some blankets and some food once it's ready." he said as he stroke Alynore's cheek.
Simon smiled and opened the door to his house, and stepped in carefully. "Victor, I'm home~"
Victor was in the kitchen, cooking some lunch. "Oh, welcome home! I suppose you're alive and well?" he said with a chuckle as he stirred a soup.
Simon chuckled slightly. "Yeah, thankfully. The mission was a huge failure though." he stepped out of his shoes, and walked into the livingroom and put down Alynore in an armchair in front of a fireplace. He kneeled down and looked up at Alynore. "I'll go get you some blankets and some food once it's ready." he said as he stroke Alynore's cheek.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:05
(hahahahahaha... he hugged a fucking hug!! ;'D xD )
"N....no...its alright... i..i dont w-wanna... b-be a b-bother..." he said and he was shaking alittle. he still had tears running down his cheeks.
"N....no...its alright... i..i dont w-wanna... b-be a b-bother..." he said and he was shaking alittle. he still had tears running down his cheeks.

(frickin unbelievable xD)
Simon pouted and poked Alynore on the nose. "You're not a bother. Ever." he said with a serious tone.
Simon pouted and poked Alynore on the nose. "You're not a bother. Ever." he said with a serious tone.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:18
( HAHAHAHAHHA.. maybe he hugs someone who hugs themself.. HUGGING A HUG!)
Alynore tried to smile and leaned against him "I...i l-love you so much.... im...s-so...happy i m-met you.."
Alynore tried to smile and leaned against him "I...i l-love you so much.... im...s-so...happy i m-met you.."

( omg xdDD)
Simon smiled faint and put one arm around him. "I love you too. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, don't ever forget that."
Simon smiled faint and put one arm around him. "I love you too. You're the best thing that ever happened to me, don't ever forget that."

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 15 Jan 2014 23:35
He nodded alittle and hugged Simon, he closed his Eyes, he was so tired.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 16 Jan 2014 00:28
Alynore crawled up together and yawned, he tried not to fall asleep.

Simon went back into the room, with two or three blankets in his arms. He quickly spread the blankets out and laid one on Alynore.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 16 Jan 2014 16:33
Alynore smiled carefully, his lips wasnt as blue as befor anf he started to get more color, not being so pale.

Simon smiled faint and pointed at the other blankets. "Just grab one of these if one isn't enough, ok?"

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 21 Jan 2014 19:48
alynore nodded alittle " A...alright.." he said softly abd streached alittle and took the blanket around him tighter

Simon was on his way to the kitchen when he stopped and looked back with a tiny frown. "I'm getting you soup. You're going to eat it." he said and pouted. He really wanted to pamper Alynore when he was like this. There was probably no stopping it either...Simon could be really stubborn.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 23 Jan 2014 23:08
"....alright you stubborn little bearcub..." alynore said alittle jokingly

Simon instantly shone up, then went into the kitchen where Victor sat by the table, having dinner silently while reading a book. Simon filled a bowl with soup for Alynore, then went back into the livingroom.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 26 Jan 2014 20:19
alynore crawled up alittle and yawned alittle. he wad thinking alittle

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 27 Jan 2014 07:06
alynor looked at him and took the soup 'thank you.n' he said and started eating

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 28 Jan 2014 10:10
He laughed alittle '' Well.. he is a realky good chef...thou.. if doesnt beat Mina's food thou' he said and smiled alittle, Minamis food was the bestand would always be that for him.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 29 Jan 2014 18:32
He nodded and smiled "They should meed in a Cook-of.." he said and laughed softly

Simon nodded and laughed. "Totally! And we'd be judging by eating all of their food..." Simon almost looked a little bit dreamy while saying it.

Simon took the bowl when Alynore finished it and put it away on the table. "So...Can I ask you what's going on with your sister...? You were pretty sad..."

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 29 Jan 2014 20:49
Alynore bit together "she lost her magic core... without magic she will die.. " he said

Simon was quiet for a while before trying to be positive. "Maybe someone will figure something out...Don't lose hope just yet."

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 2 Feb 2014 23:59
he smiled alittle and hugged Simon 'but...i want to sleep with you..'

Simon nodded slightly and smiled. "I'll just put this away, then." he said as he walked into the kitchen again.

Victor was standing in the hall, getting dressed again. After Simon put the bowl by the sink, he looked out at Victor while raising an eyebrow. "You goin' somewhere?"
Victor huffed slightly and looked up at Simon. "Well, yes. I have a night shift. We're on duty to protect the city after all the mess the dragon made. I'm not entirely sure how long I'll be gone, but I'm sure it won't be all night." he said and smiled faint before reaching for the door.
"Ah, I see. Don't overwork yourself, 'kay?" Simon said with a soft smile.
"Yeah, yeah, I won't." Victor said before leaving.
Simon began mumbling as soon as Victor closed the door behind him. "You WILL overwork yourself, I just know it...fuckin' workaholic...There's a limit to how much guild leaders can work too, you know..." he said and sighed before going back to the livingroom.
Victor huffed slightly and looked up at Simon. "Well, yes. I have a night shift. We're on duty to protect the city after all the mess the dragon made. I'm not entirely sure how long I'll be gone, but I'm sure it won't be all night." he said and smiled faint before reaching for the door.
"Ah, I see. Don't overwork yourself, 'kay?" Simon said with a soft smile.
"Yeah, yeah, I won't." Victor said before leaving.
Simon began mumbling as soon as Victor closed the door behind him. "You WILL overwork yourself, I just know it...fuckin' workaholic...There's a limit to how much guild leaders can work too, you know..." he said and sighed before going back to the livingroom.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 00:37
Alynore looked at him " Victor still has a hard time.. huh?" he asked, worridly, he was worried about him, of course.

Simon nodded. "Yeah. He's always worked a lot, but it got even worse when the princess left. Even if she's back, he keeps occupying himself with tons and tons of work...He's been trying to forget her, y'kno'?" Simon sighed heavily and slumped down beside Alynore in the sofa.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 00:50
He nodded ' Cassandra still loves him...she got so sad when he said no to when she asked him to marry her... He was her first love..."

Simon groaned irritated. "What a fuckin' ass. I don't get it...What's he on about? He's so sad, yet it was his own fault it turned out this way. If there's something I don't get...it's this..."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 01:12
"I dont get it either... but...she loves another man too., Zodomir.. He shows that he loves her.. and he treats her like a normal girl, not a princess... "

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 01:32
"Its complicated...im happy i love one guy and one guy alone'' he said softly

Simon looked at him and shone up. Though it almost looked like he would start to cry, too...(xD) "Oh, yes!! I love only one guy and that guy is youuu!!!" he said as he held Alynore's hands, looking completely overjoyed.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 09:30
He laughed alittle and smiled "Oh. you dooork~" he said and kissed him

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 16:34
Alynore hugged Simon Close and kissed his neck~ "I want to feel your warmth.." he said with a small grin, he was still freezing alittle and he Always got so 'hot' when he was with Simon.

Simon's eyes widened and he blushed slightly. After hearing that come from Alynore, he was suddenly filled with arousal. "...Really?" He whispered against Alynore's ear.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Feb 2014 16:49
Alynore grabbed Simons crotch softly and nibbled on his neck "Mhm~ " he saidd with a soft but sexy voice~

Simon groaned slightly as Alynore grabbed his crotch, biting his lip afterwards. "Alynore, you tease...~" he said with a slightly playful voice.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 5 Feb 2014 21:37
He grined softly and licked over simons lips and grabbed alittle more~ "My sexy Simon~ "

Simon groaned yet again. "fffffffffuckkkk....." he said before leaning his head on Alynore's shoulder.

Simon pouted slightly. "You tease..." he said before attacking Alynore's neck, planting soft kisses on it.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 6 Feb 2014 00:15
He moaned and massaged with one hand then with his other hand he caressed his ass~

Simon was getting hard by now, and the fact bothered him slightly. "shhhhittt..." he murmured as he let his arms slide down to Alynore's ass, caressing it firmly in his hands.

Simon grinned slightly. "Hell yeah." he said and picked him up, then started to walk towards his room.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 6 Feb 2014 22:44
he laughed alittle "Hey. i can walk you know~" he said and nibbled on his neck

Simon kissed Alynore back, then laid him down softly on the bed before crawling up over him, kissing him lovingly, again and again.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 11 Feb 2014 00:09
Alynore answered each kiss as lovingly and with caressing moves he undressed Simon~

Simon undressed Alynore as soon as his own clothes were off, then kissed his neck. Shortly after he began caressing along Alynore's chest.

Simon panted slightly and raised his head from Alynore's neck slightly, looking at his face. "Babe, you're on fire today...~" he said with a grin as he let his hands caress further down on Alynore's body.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:22
Alynore maoaned alittle "Nhn..ah... i really want you~" he said and caressed more

Simon grinned slightly as he grabbed Alynore's cock, and caressed it up and down while pressing one finger into him.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 25 Feb 2014 02:34
Alynore moaned and blushed alittle, he started to jerk Simon off. "Ah..~"

Simon moaned slightly and then pushed another finger in. He was being a bit impatient, but he was really turned on...especially by the way Alynore was acting.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Feb 2014 22:17
Alynore moaned and jerked him off "Ah...Simon please... i cant wait...fuck me, now!~" he begged and looked at him with horny eyes.

Simon panted and grinned slightly. "You're begging for it, huh~?" he said as he pulled out his fingers slowly. "Can't help but to do as you tell me, cutie~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 2 Mar 2014 02:34
Alynore let go of Simons cock "S..stop talking and give it to me...!~" he begged. he really really wanted him..

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 3 Mar 2014 22:46
He moaned pretty loud "Ah... e-exactly...s...so fuck me good~" he said and looked at him

Simon kept smiling and started thrusting fairly quickly. He was a bit rough, but according to Simon, Alynore seemed to want it that way~

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 4 Mar 2014 00:04
Alynore moaned and arched his back "A-ah!~" You could see that he really loved it.

Simon thrusted as hard as he could, while moaning louder than before. He was feeling incredibly good.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 10 Mar 2014 22:52
He almost scream moaned,, was pretty tight and loved the feeling*~~

Simon looked at Alynore with an expression filled with pleasure, and let one of his hands caress Alynore's side, from his chest, down to his stomach.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 12 Mar 2014 23:14
Alynore looked up at Simon as he moaned, he smiled a Beautiful smile... He was so happy that Simon was his...

Simon smiled back and slowed down his pace slightly, to be able to kiss Alynore properly, softly on the lips.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:23
Alynore put his arms around his neck and answere the kiss as softly

Simon panted and kept going for quite a good while, before grabbing Alynore's hand. "I, uh...nh, am about to-..come..Alynore..."

Simon bit his lip slightly, holding back for a little bit longer. Eventually, he couldn't hold back anymore, and stopped his moving as he came inside of Alynore. "hhhnnh...ah..."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 20 Mar 2014 16:31
Alynore moaned loud and came too, he blushed and kissed him deeply

Simon smiled and laid down beside him, letting out a relieved sigh. "Guess it was a little bit extra amazing today, we didn't see each other for a long while~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 19:33
he hugged Simon and cuddled against him. "I love you so damn much.."

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:42
He smiled "Everything in the world is worth something now when i have you"

"Remember when we first met? How we talked about...traveling together? I thought...sometime, in the near future, we could uh, go somewhere? Just you and me."

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:49
Alynore looked at him, he smiled big "Yes!! thats a great idea Simon!~"

Simon smiled warm and nodded. "Great! I'll need to get some free days from work first, but...It'll work out in some way."

Simon stroke his cheek while smiling faint. "...Yet we can't...Even if our love is just as true as it is for a man and woman...we can't." he looked a bit sad.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:57
He bit his lip and looked sad "... I know..." he said and buried his face into Simons chest
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