Wednesday 5 February 2014 photo 2/3
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A horrible blizzard had pulled in over the kingdom, it broke trees and made it impossible to travle on the roads. People had been warned to go out, but one person wasn't at all botherd by the weather, Domenique.
He walked in the snow and sang to him self, despite the wind stealing the words from him as soon as they left his lips...
"I hear the wind call your name
It calls me back home again
It sparks up the fire - a flame that still burns
Oh it's to you I'll always return
I still feel your breath on my skin
I hear your voice deep within
The sound of my lover - a feeling so strong
It's to you - I'll always belong
I know the road is long but where you are is home
Wherever you stay - I'll find the way
I'll run like the river, I'll follow the sun
I'll fly like an eagle to where I belong
I can't stand the distance - I can't dream alone
I can't wait to see you - Yes I'm on my way home
Now I know it's true
My every road leads to you
And in the hour of darkness
Your light gets me through
You run like the river - you shine like the sun
You are the one
I've seen every sunset
And with all that I've learned
Oh, it's to you I will always, always return"
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Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:54
*Akita has been defying the blizzard as he feels like even though the weather is tough the patrols needs to be kept up. he walks through the forest as it gives some cover from the harsh winds. pulling his winter coat closer to his body to block out the most cold he's about to turn around and find some shelter for a while when he hears something in the wind. he looks around to see where it might come from and he can hint a silhouette in the distance. frowning he wonders who would go out in weather like this, and he carefully makes his way over there*

Wed 12 Feb 2014 14:24
Domenique for once didn't pay much attention to his suroundings and so he didn't notice Akita closing in...

Wed 12 Feb 2014 14:51
*as he gets closer he can see that it's Domenique standing there. he relax slightly and pulls the coat even closer. coming closer he can hear more of the words, though still not making out the entire thing*

Wed 12 Feb 2014 16:09
Domenique moves out on a cliff, looking down at everything beneath him (has the same platform shape as the one in Lion King).

Wed 12 Feb 2014 16:26
*hardly making out the cliff he stays back slightly to get a better view. also he stays back as he doesn't want to scare Domenique risking that he falls down the cliff.
standing there watching him makes him smile slightly as he can't help but feel that his is a perfect place for Domenique to be.
Akita leans some against a tree and stays there for a moment*
standing there watching him makes him smile slightly as he can't help but feel that his is a perfect place for Domenique to be.
Akita leans some against a tree and stays there for a moment*

Thu 13 Feb 2014 08:13
Suddenly Domenique tenses and thou it's hardly noticable he looks over his shoulder, and when seeing Akita he simply jumps off the cliff.
It didn't show but there was one branch one could grabb a hold off, but Domenique knew... And so when he fell he grabbed the branch and somehow managed to spin his body untill he was "above" the branch to then let go and land on top of it.
It didn't show but there was one branch one could grabb a hold off, but Domenique knew... And so when he fell he grabbed the branch and somehow managed to spin his body untill he was "above" the branch to then let go and land on top of it.

Fri 14 Feb 2014 09:18
*as Domenique looks over his shoulder at him Akita smiles slightly. though it quickly fades and he looks horrified as Domenique jumps off the cliff* No! *with his heart almost beating out of his chest in horror he ignores the winds and cold and instead rush over to the edge and falls to his knees looking down. he hopes with all of his might that he'll see Domenique clinging to something as he can't stand the thought of him having jumped over because of him*

Fri 14 Feb 2014 11:28
Domenique smirks hearing Akita scream but stays where he is, thinkng it serves Akita right for spying on him without saying anything.
By the time Akita looks over the edge Domenique stands on the edge leaned against the wall of the cliff. So seeing Akita look down for him he mearly grinned at him.
By the time Akita looks over the edge Domenique stands on the edge leaned against the wall of the cliff. So seeing Akita look down for him he mearly grinned at him.

Fri 14 Feb 2014 11:35
*he sees Domenique looking up at him and his worried and horrified look turns to a sour glare. he keeps back most of the profound things he wants to say - or shout - and instead tires to keep a cool head as he calms his heart down.* Why would you ever throw yourself off a cliff like that!?

Fri 14 Feb 2014 15:36
Domenique doesn't care about the glare, he had expected more of a reaction and fealt fairly bored with it over all "Why not?" he replied, but he had to rise his voice quite a lot to even be heard over the storm.

Fri 14 Feb 2014 15:46
*he almost bored reply made him snort as he heard it over the winds. a part of him felt like he should freak out, while another part forced him to keep his distance and not let it all out. and for once he listened to he reasonable part* Cause you scared me half to death! *he shouts as well so that Domenique will be able to hear him properly*

Sat 15 Feb 2014 12:32
"So? It's not my fault you spy on people instead of comming up to talk to them, then you might get to see things you don't like~" he shouts back with a smirk on his lips.

Sat 15 Feb 2014 19:01
*he rolls his eyes some* I didn't spy. I kept out of the worst winds. I would have called for you if I thought you'd hear. *he shouts back at him and would much rather have him come back up so they could talk like normal*

Sat 15 Feb 2014 23:47
Domenique rolls his eyes as well and shruggs "Well then you get to suit yourself." he said, for the time being having no plans on comming up, partly because he had no idea how the hell he was supposed to get up.

Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:48
*he still sits on his knees on the cliff and looks at him* Can't you come back up? Makes it easier to talk you know. *he really does want to talk to Domenique and he knows that there is a point to what he says about it not being a good idea to have stayed like a spy and he knows he has himself to blame* Just come back up...

Sun 16 Feb 2014 14:35
Domenique lets out a snort at Akitas request but doesn't say no, he looks up towords him, not letting it show that he was looking for a way to acutally get up, since he had NO plands on letting Akita know that he couldn't get up.

Sun 16 Feb 2014 14:45
*he sits down on the edge with his feet dangling over* Or I'll come down to you...*he looks down figuring out the easiest way to go to not miss the branch*

Mon 17 Feb 2014 10:07
"Yeah you do that, and when the branch breaks we'll both fall down and die." he replied giving Akita an annoyed look.

Mon 17 Feb 2014 10:10
*he frowns and inspects the branch some* Looks thick enough I'd say. *he ignores the annoyed look but lets out a small sigh that he knows won't reach Domenique as the wind steals it much too soon*

Mon 17 Feb 2014 10:14
Domenique shakes his head not wanting to tell that even if the branch was thick enough it wasn't rooted well, having landed on it after such a long fall had torn at the roots, and if Akita landed as well... It was a large chance that they'd both fall down with the branch.

Mon 17 Feb 2014 10:23
*he looks around some trying to find another path down. though he seem unable to find one so he gives up on that thought. he's not really in the mood to throw himself off the cliff so he stays seated where he is and just hopes that Domenique will come back up*

Mon 17 Feb 2014 10:48
Domenique lets out a deep sigh and pulls his boots off and very very unwillingly considers to let them go, because climbing up with shoes on is no option. And he needs both hands.
But just as he's about to let them go he realised he could put them in his belt and so he did before scanning the mountain wall for anything to grabb onto. And finding a small small place to do so he grabbed a hold of it and then did it all over again. But he had to press close to the wall not to get torn away by the wind, and as he pushed away from the branch with his feet the branch fell down into what seemed like an botomless abyss.
But just as he's about to let them go he realised he could put them in his belt and so he did before scanning the mountain wall for anything to grabb onto. And finding a small small place to do so he grabbed a hold of it and then did it all over again. But he had to press close to the wall not to get torn away by the wind, and as he pushed away from the branch with his feet the branch fell down into what seemed like an botomless abyss.

Mon 17 Feb 2014 11:54
*he's been looking around and hasn't been noticing how Domenique has looked for a way up. but as the sound from the branch breaking away he quickly turns his head back down and sees the branch falling, but no Domenique can be seen falling with it. his heart almost stops for a second as he lays down close to the edge and looks over it. seeing Domenique cling to the wall of the cliff he lets out a relieved sigh and reach down a hand to help once he reaches high enough to grab it*

Sat 22 Feb 2014 00:40
Domenique paid no attention to Akita looking down at him, he hardly noticed as he had to focus just to find the right stepping stones to get up...
And so he doesn't notice Akitas hand, and that was just as good, or he would have started to take another way just to egt out of reach...
And so he doesn't notice Akitas hand, and that was just as good, or he would have started to take another way just to egt out of reach...

Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:12
*he rolls his eyes as Domenique seems to ignore his presence at the moment and so he pulls his hand back up. the main reason for doing so is that he feels a bit unstable in the harsh winds even though he's laying down and he feels it safer to keep both hands on the cliff. but he keeps an eye on Domenique the whole time and is ready to reach out should it be needed*

Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:59
As Domenique starts to get close to the edge it gets harder and harder to find places to step and grip.. But he would never in his life ask for help. And so he keeps going on his own...

Wed 26 Feb 2014 08:53
*he frowns as he can see that it seems to get harder from Domenique to find places to grip as he comes closer to the edge. once more he wonders if he should help or not and he does actually reach down his hand once more for Domenique to take if he wants*

Wed 26 Feb 2014 18:31
Domenique lets out a growl and glares up at him "Take that thing away. And back off so I can get up." he said with a frim voice as it hid even the smallest part of the cliff wall that he needed to get up.

Thu 27 Feb 2014 13:40
*he just rolls his eyes as Domenique growls and he retracts his hand* Fine. Just forget that I was just trying to be nice and help. *he glares at him and does in fact back away. he gets up from the cliff and walks a few steps back to get out of the way as Domenique seems to be quite determined not wanting to have him close*

Fri 28 Feb 2014 15:30
Domenique lets out a snort as Akita gets it wrong in his opinion. But he himself seems less annoyed as Akita moves back and took a deep breath to collect himself, knowing there was only one shoot at this.
Domenique some how managed to push himself from the wall, as if jumping, grabb a hold of the edge and "spin" around so he almost does a handspring and lands pefectly on the cliff but crouches down not to get sweept away by the wind.
Domenique some how managed to push himself from the wall, as if jumping, grabb a hold of the edge and "spin" around so he almost does a handspring and lands pefectly on the cliff but crouches down not to get sweept away by the wind.

Sat 1 Mar 2014 20:18
*he stays back while he wait and he can't help but to roll his eyes some at the acrobatic moves from Domenique to get back up on the cliff. he shakes his head some and is really glad that the wind didn't sweep him away while trying to get up.
he stays where he is and looks at him some* Are you okay?
he stays where he is and looks at him some* Are you okay?

Sat 1 Mar 2014 20:45
Domenique heavens his eyes as Akita asks if he is okey as he finds the question stupid "Of course I am... I might not have been over joyed falling down but I didn't."

Sat 1 Mar 2014 20:50
*he just shakes his head hearing the response* Well, to be fair I wouldn't have been overly joyed either if you'd fallen~

Sat 1 Mar 2014 21:02
"Of course you wouldn't." he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world to then walk back into the forrest.

Mon 3 Mar 2014 08:22
*he shakes his head some and looks after him as he walks back into the forest. not really in the mood to stay here on the cliff he turns and walks after him as the forest offers a bit more protection from the winds than the open cliff does*

Mon 3 Mar 2014 15:27
Domenique stops as he gets into the forrest and turns when hearing Akita following, he crosses his arms and looks at him as if asking what he wanted...

Tue 4 Mar 2014 12:13
*he raises an eyebrow and looks at him* Thought you'd like some company~ *he could see the question even though there were no words or anything and instead of playing he just answered*

Tue 4 Mar 2014 21:24
"Why would you think that?" he asked as he headed to a place in the forrest where the threes grew in an od formation, they grew really tight, but if you managed to squeeze inbetween it was almost like a room there was no snow and hardly any wind, the ground was even dry, and so in the middle a fire was burning.

Wed 5 Mar 2014 13:15
*he follows through the forest and looks around amazes as the forest seems to transform in front of his eyes* I just did. I followed the voice in the wind and it lead me to you. *he shrugs and follows closely to Domenique so that he won't get lost*

Wed 5 Mar 2014 16:34
Domenique rolls his eyes and was about to snort when he realised what it was Akita must have heard and so he gave him a glare "Don't go around following voices in the forrest. You will get so lost that you'll never find out again." he said before walking up to the fire to warm his hands.

Wed 5 Mar 2014 19:44
*he looks at him and shakes his head some. but soon he smiles and looks after Domenique for a second* Well, it lead me to you so I'm not complaining. *the fire looks very inviting so he walks over there as well to get some proper circulation back to his cold hands*

Wed 5 Mar 2014 23:02
A cold snort was the only response Akita got to that cheesy comment, but he didn't seem to mind Akita comming up to the fire.
He wraped the furr lined coat tighter around himself and closed his eyes, and despite the cold Domenique still didn't wear much more clothes. he wore long pands and better boots but other then that it was the same as always.
He wraped the furr lined coat tighter around himself and closed his eyes, and despite the cold Domenique still didn't wear much more clothes. he wore long pands and better boots but other then that it was the same as always.

Wed 5 Mar 2014 23:18
*he chuckles some as Domenique snorts as he expected nothing less knowing the line was cheesy, but he just couldn't help himself as Domenique more or less gave it to him on a silver plate. he stands opposite Domenique by the fire and rubs his hands over the fire. he smiles some as he starts to get the feeling back to hia fingers.
he looks at him and shakes his head some as he notices how lightly dressed Domenique is. Akita himself is is dressed in a thick coat and is still slightly bothered by the cold* Aren't you cold?
he looks at him and shakes his head some as he notices how lightly dressed Domenique is. Akita himself is is dressed in a thick coat and is still slightly bothered by the cold* Aren't you cold?

Wed 5 Mar 2014 23:32
Domenique raises an eyebrow at him to then let out a low laugh "Cold? This is still mild weather~" he said with a small smirk.
Despite him being in the bear shape or not he still stayed as warm as the bear would in this weather, and it evolution had made it a perfect fit for this cold weather.
Despite him being in the bear shape or not he still stayed as warm as the bear would in this weather, and it evolution had made it a perfect fit for this cold weather.

Wed 5 Mar 2014 23:46
Mild? *he raises an eyebrow* This is the worst blizzard in many years. I hardly remember the last time it was like this. *he shakes his head some not fully understanding how Domenique could see it like that*

Thu 6 Mar 2014 00:20
"Yes?" he replied and rose an eyebrow back "It's a massive storm yeah. But it's not that cold..." he said and moved what looked like a few leafs before he moved a wooden board and took out a large pice of meat that he put on a stone that he placed on the fire to cook.

Thu 6 Mar 2014 00:29
"Not that cold"? *he shakes his head some* It's freezing. It's almost too cold to be outside...*he looks at him as he moves around among the leaves and smiles some seeing the meat* You usually keep your food here?

Thu 6 Mar 2014 12:51
"Yeah? It's not to bad.. Been through woese." he said but when hearing what Akia said he let out a laugh "You people are so sensetive~"
He shook his head and rose his eyebrows annoyed "You really think so? I can't hunt in this weather and knowing it was comming of course I made sure to save some."
He shook his head and rose his eyebrows annoyed "You really think so? I can't hunt in this weather and knowing it was comming of course I made sure to save some."

Thu 6 Mar 2014 13:16
*he snorts and moves a bit closer to the fire* You might have been, and you might not be bothered by the cold...but the rest of us are....though this place is nice. seems less cold here...*he looks around some and smiles slightly.
seeing the annoyed eyebrow on Domenique makes him smile even more* Not really no. I always thought you preferred fresh food. Though I can understand that you don't want to go hunting in this weather. Only idiots would
seeing the annoyed eyebrow on Domenique makes him smile even more* Not really no. I always thought you preferred fresh food. Though I can understand that you don't want to go hunting in this weather. Only idiots would

Thu 6 Mar 2014 21:18
"Heh where I'm from this weather is every winter. So we knew how to handle it.." he said and then seemed to think a bit before getting up "It should be, and I'm suprised you even got here." he said before starting to walk out again but stoped for a moment "I love my meat rare with fresh blood~ But rather eat something I don't love then starve through the winter. And you shouldn't either, so eat.. Just let me have some as well..." he then started to walk away again.
Just before leaving the protective cirkle of trees he looke back at Akita "Stay." he said with a firm voice.
Just before leaving the protective cirkle of trees he looke back at Akita "Stay." he said with a firm voice.

Fri 7 Mar 2014 08:28
Rough winters then? *he smiles some as he looks up at him* I guess you get used to it after a while...*he looks after him and frowns some as he walks away but stays by the fire* Just because it's bad weather doesn't mean we don't need to patrol the area... and that's part of my job after all *he shrugs as it doesn't really bother him all too much that he had to get out. hearing what Domenique says about the food makes him grin* Inviting me to stay for dinner now, are you? Thank you~ *though seeing him walk away once more he frowns and is about to follow just as Domenique looks back at him. he raises an eyebrow at the firm command* Where are you going then?

Fri 7 Mar 2014 20:42
"You have no idea." he said with a small smirk to then shrugg his shoulders to what Akita said.
"Heh I'm sure you are the only one who sees it that way~" he said with an amused tone and almost sarcasm...
Hearing what Akita said about the food he gave him a deadly glare "Either you shut up right now or I'll kick your lousy ass out of here." he growled before leaving, without anwsering Akitas question.
"Heh I'm sure you are the only one who sees it that way~" he said with an amused tone and almost sarcasm...
Hearing what Akita said about the food he gave him a deadly glare "Either you shut up right now or I'll kick your lousy ass out of here." he growled before leaving, without anwsering Akitas question.

Sat 8 Mar 2014 14:16
*he nods some as he really has no idea about the winters Domenique has experienced in the past.
hearing what Domenique says he raises an eyebrow* I think there's more people who would see it like that...others were patrolling the city. I'm not the only one who's sceptic to the ravens sheild... *he shrugs some and keeps warming his hands.
seeing the glare Domenique gives him and hearing what he says makes him bite his lip. he keeps quiet and looks after Domenique as he leaves. but as Domenique is gone he lets out a quiet laugh as he just couldn't help himself as he found the complete switch of emotions and such really funny. but he wasn't suicidal which is why he waits to laugh until Domenique is gone*
hearing what Domenique says he raises an eyebrow* I think there's more people who would see it like that...others were patrolling the city. I'm not the only one who's sceptic to the ravens sheild... *he shrugs some and keeps warming his hands.
seeing the glare Domenique gives him and hearing what he says makes him bite his lip. he keeps quiet and looks after Domenique as he leaves. but as Domenique is gone he lets out a quiet laugh as he just couldn't help himself as he found the complete switch of emotions and such really funny. but he wasn't suicidal which is why he waits to laugh until Domenique is gone*

Sat 8 Mar 2014 14:23
Domenique lets out a snort that might have been part laughter when hearing what he says about the others and the magic shield "Oh it works alright... I can't come in anymore at least~" he said and despite the smirk on his lips there was a slight pout in his eyes.
Seeing Akita bite his lip didn't keep Domenique from glaring at him but when hearing Akita laugh made Domenique let out a low growl and so as a small payback he picked up some snow, and before Akita had stopped laughing a snowball came flying through the trees, just to hit him right in the face.
Domenique then changed to the bear shape and moved away from the protective cirkle.
Seeing Akita bite his lip didn't keep Domenique from glaring at him but when hearing Akita laugh made Domenique let out a low growl and so as a small payback he picked up some snow, and before Akita had stopped laughing a snowball came flying through the trees, just to hit him right in the face.
Domenique then changed to the bear shape and moved away from the protective cirkle.

Sat 8 Mar 2014 19:17
*he raises an eyebrow and looks at him* You can't come into town? *he looks slightly surprised and impressed, but that still doesn't mean he trusts it. though seeing the small pout he smiles* Good thing then that I left for the forest for a while~
*he keeps laughing some as Domenique leaves and isn't at all prepared for the icy snowball as it hits him straight in the face. he flinch some and groans as he wipes the remaining parta from his face and looks around. as his mind catch up he realise that it was Domenique that threw it and that just makes him laugh harder as he just knowd that Domenique heard him and he can't help but to find it quite hilarious*
*he keeps laughing some as Domenique leaves and isn't at all prepared for the icy snowball as it hits him straight in the face. he flinch some and groans as he wipes the remaining parta from his face and looks around. as his mind catch up he realise that it was Domenique that threw it and that just makes him laugh harder as he just knowd that Domenique heard him and he can't help but to find it quite hilarious*

Sat 8 Mar 2014 19:38
"No.. It's like walking into an invisible wall, and trying to force through means quite a bit of pain and injuries..." he said and shrugged his shoulders to show that he didn't care about it.
But hearing Akita call it good luck that he went out in this weather makes him roll his eyes"You've got to be kidding me." he mumbled...
By the time Akita starts laughing once more Domenique was to far away to hear and the wind would have made it close to impossible as well and that was propbably as good.
But hearing Akita call it good luck that he went out in this weather makes him roll his eyes"You've got to be kidding me." he mumbled...
By the time Akita starts laughing once more Domenique was to far away to hear and the wind would have made it close to impossible as well and that was propbably as good.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 09:36
*he listens to the explanation and frowns some* Huh...seems like the ravens can do something right then...who knew? *he almost sounds impressed knowing the shield works, though still a bit annoyed seeing how he will be unable to meet Domenique in town again.
he chuckles slightly seeing him roll his eyes, but doesn't comment on it as he can guess it wouldn't make any difference anyway.
unable to stop laughing he sits down on one of the stones close to the fire. he clutch his stomach some and shakes his head. it was a while since he laughed like this and he just can't understand why he finds it so funny with Domeniques mood swings right now*
he chuckles slightly seeing him roll his eyes, but doesn't comment on it as he can guess it wouldn't make any difference anyway.
unable to stop laughing he sits down on one of the stones close to the fire. he clutch his stomach some and shakes his head. it was a while since he laughed like this and he just can't understand why he finds it so funny with Domeniques mood swings right now*

Mon 10 Mar 2014 11:28
"Seems like it..." he said with a snort and seemed a little less impressed then Akita but it didn't seem to actually bother him either.
As he moves through the snowstorm he frowns deeply as he isn't sure where to find the leafs he's looking for in this weather but it doesn't take long before he figgures it out and he's off.
As he moves through the snowstorm he frowns deeply as he isn't sure where to find the leafs he's looking for in this weather but it doesn't take long before he figgures it out and he's off.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:52
*after a while he manages to stop laughing and he just keeps a smile on his lips as he catch his breath. he stays close to the fire as he feels the heat return to all of his body. he relax and starts to look around trying to figure out where he is as he's never seen this place before*

Mon 10 Mar 2014 14:21
The bear moves through the snow with ease and soon reaches the cave it was searching for, the bear turns back to Domenique and picks up some of the plants and rubbed the leafsand got a small grin on his face before he took some more leafs...
He put them away in his coat to then change back to the bear and move back knowing he had been gone for more then 20 minutes already.
He put them away in his coat to then change back to the bear and move back knowing he had been gone for more then 20 minutes already.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 22:09
*he has no idea how long Domenique has been gone, but he starts to get restless. so he gets up and walks around some. he promised he wouldn't leave but he's not really the type to just sit around. he sigh and looks up in the sky trying to navigate, though the storm and the height of the trees makes it hard for him to know where he is. he looks in the direction that Domenique left and he wonders if he should follow anyway*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 00:23
Domenique makes his way back but takes away around as he feels it's to much of a risk to go back the same way...
But as he gets closer he changes back to the human form and walks in among the trees again, shaking off the snow from himself as it lays like a thick layer on his clothes.
But as he gets closer he changes back to the human form and walks in among the trees again, shaking off the snow from himself as it lays like a thick layer on his clothes.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:30
*he's walking along the edge of the ring as Domenique comes back from another direction. he hears him before he enters and looks over there* Found what you were looking for?

Tue 11 Mar 2014 10:25
Domenique just looks coldly at him before walking back to the fire and takes a seat... He takes out the leafs and rubs them onto his own clothes, and at first they turn into a green mash but as he continues they seem to disapear.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 11:10
*he frowns some as Domenique just looks at him, and so he walks up to the fire himself. seeing Domenique rub the leafs on his body he raises an eyebrow as he has no idea what he's doing*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 12:45
Domenique holds out a few leafs towords him "Rub them on the inside of your clothes..." he said calmly as if nothing had happend but now wouldn't even look at him.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 12:47
*he looks at the leafs and frowns* Why should I? *he has no idea what it is and even though he saw Domenique do it, he wanta to know what it is*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 15:10
"So you wont freeze your ass of when I kick you out." he said and rose an eyebrow as Akita even asked, but there was something similar to a smirk showing in his eyes.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 15:25
*he rolls his eyes and takes the leafs from him* Yeah right~ *though there is a slight smile on his lips as he sits down by the fire and copies what Domenique did before and rubs the leafs on his clothes.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 16:09
Domenique gives him a look as if to say "Don't push your luck." but he looks away as Akita acually does use leafs as he can't help but to smile a little.
As Akita rubs the leaf it turns warm and a minty scent spreads.. When he has rubbed enough to make the mass disapear it creates a warm coxzy feelings and seems to dry the melted snow as well.
As Akita rubs the leaf it turns warm and a minty scent spreads.. When he has rubbed enough to make the mass disapear it creates a warm coxzy feelings and seems to dry the melted snow as well.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 17:13
*he sees the look but keeps from commenting on it as he can see the "threat" in it.
he smiles as he feels the scent of mint and he close his eyes enjoying it - he's always been soft for that particular scent. feeling how the mass disappear he shivers slightly as it's replaced by the warm feeling instead. he opens his eyes and sees the snow melt away and it makes him relax seeing that he will keep warm now*
he smiles as he feels the scent of mint and he close his eyes enjoying it - he's always been soft for that particular scent. feeling how the mass disappear he shivers slightly as it's replaced by the warm feeling instead. he opens his eyes and sees the snow melt away and it makes him relax seeing that he will keep warm now*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 21:56
Seeing how Akita smiled just from the scent made him wonder, as he himself never had been particularly fond of the smell but the shiver and seeing how he relaxes was something he appriciated more.
"It should last about a week before the effect starts wearing off... Two if you don't get it wet much." he said and looked into the fire.
"It should last about a week before the effect starts wearing off... Two if you don't get it wet much." he said and looked into the fire.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:00
*he looks over at Domenique as he talks and nods some* Really? That's amazing. What kind of plant is this? It must really come in handy.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:22
Domenique shruggs, to him it was no big deal...
"It's good when not wanting to wear 10 layers of clothing and I don't know what kind it is.. Just know where to find it."
"It's good when not wanting to wear 10 layers of clothing and I don't know what kind it is.. Just know where to find it."

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:26
*he nods some* It's very good. Perfect for walking around in this weather. *he smiles and looks into the fire*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:41
"Not as perfect to find... But they are an edible plant." he said and wraped the cloack close around himself.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:46
Edible? *he raisea an eyebrow* That's good. And I must say they smell wonderful as well

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:55
"Yeah, not that they fill you up much but they keep you warm on the inside as well and they do help a little. At least you don't feel hungry." he said and shruggs but has to raise an eyebrow as Akita says they smell good.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:29
So they give off heat when you eat them too? *he looks slightly surprised and wonders why he's never heard of these before* I think that's better than easing hunger in this case. *he sees him raise an eyebrow as he mentions the smell* What?

Wed 12 Mar 2014 10:22
"Theu give off heat whenever you crush them up..." to him it was something so normal and obvious that the fact that Akita even needed to ask seemed strange to him.
"It smells like.. Mint. Nothing wonderful about it." he said still with a rosen eyebrow.
"It smells like.. Mint. Nothing wonderful about it." he said still with a rosen eyebrow.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 10:45
*he nods at the explanation as he does make sense that they would do the same even when being eaten. though he would actually never have guessed it himself.
he smiles some as he hears how Domenique talks about the scent* I know. I like mint. It reminds me of home. Like something I should remember but can't. But it still feels calm you know.
he smiles some as he hears how Domenique talks about the scent* I know. I like mint. It reminds me of home. Like something I should remember but can't. But it still feels calm you know.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:28
Domenique frowns even more as he hears the explination to why Akita liked the smell of mint... To him reminded of something completly diffrent.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 21:22
*he looks up at Domenique and sees that he doesn't really get the explanation, so he sigh slightly* Just forget it. It's a personal thing I guess...

Wed 12 Mar 2014 22:57
*he nods and looks into the fire before looking around* What is this place?

Wed 12 Mar 2014 23:35
"My place." he said with a firm voice, making it clear that it was a subject Akita better stay away from.

Thu 13 Mar 2014 09:14
*hearing the tone in Domeniques voice Akita decides that he shouldn't ask more questions even though he is quite curious about this place.
he frowns some as his stomach rumbles and he realise that he's hungry. sighing he looks into the fire not letting it show*
he frowns some as his stomach rumbles and he realise that he's hungry. sighing he looks into the fire not letting it show*

Thu 13 Mar 2014 20:38
Hearing Akitas stomache rumble causes Domenique to let out a laugh and he shakes his head he pulls a knife out and cuts off a pice of meat that he then stabbs a smaller knife into and holds out to Akita.

Fri 14 Mar 2014 12:42
*he glares slightly at Domenique as he hears the laugh, but it's a glare without edge. as he's handed the knife with the meat on he nods some* Thanks~ *then he takes hold of the knife as well as he sees it as quite rude to just grab the food with his hands*

Fri 14 Mar 2014 14:14
Domenique couldn't care less about th glare and instead he nods as Akita thanks him for the meat "It's nothing..." he said and very much meant it. He then cut off some meat for himself before moving the stone it was on off the fire to make sure it keept red.

Fri 14 Mar 2014 14:48
*he takes the meat properly and he smiles some at him at the reply. Akita didn't agree that it was nothing, but he knows he would have done the same thing - and having already pissed him off once he decides to keep quiet about it. instead he starts eating and can't help but let out a low pleased sound as it was exactly what he needed right now*

Fri 14 Mar 2014 15:21
Domenique starts eating as well and lets out a pleased sigh as he hasn't eating for about 30 hours, and had Akita not popped in he might not have eaten for seveal more hours to make sure he wouldn't starve later on.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 20:49
*he eats slowly as he wants it to last, but also because he wants to get full without eating too much of Domeniques food as he can guess it must be hard to hunt right now* This is delicious. What meat is it?

Sun 16 Mar 2014 20:10
Domenique had learnt how to eat to keep as full as possibly... And he was thankful that Akita did the same, not that he ever would say so.
Hearing Akita ask about the meat he raises an eyebrow slight "It's moose..."
Hearing Akita ask about the meat he raises an eyebrow slight "It's moose..."

Fri 21 Mar 2014 12:02
*he looks over at Domenique and sees him raising the eyebrow, it makes him smile slightly as he's still in a good mood* Mhm...tastes good. It was a while since I had moose. Usually it's doe or boar when it comes to game.

Fri 21 Mar 2014 19:09
Domenique let out a short laugh "The dears will freeze to death in this weather... Had there been reindeer they would have made it but now it's moose, wolf.. Bears if you can find where they hibernate." he said with a shrugg.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 09:00
*he sigh some and nods* Yeah. Haven't seen a doe in ages really. No wonder with this weather though...*he tilts his head slightly and thinks some* Hrm...I think I would stay away from bear at least. You know what they say, never wake a sleeping bear. *he smiles some* Besides, I've never found them to good to eat anyway. Better to look at if you ask me. Though I wouldn't say no to a wolf.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 12:18
"Heh no, you wont see them again til spring at the best, but it will be a while before they get back to normal, many of the young and old have died... So maybe next year when there's been two new generations..." he said and shrugged, it didn't affect him to much.. It was all natural.
Hearing what Akita said about bears he lets out a laugh "Yeah not the best thing you can do, not very tasty either.
Wolf? No I wouldn't bother."
Hearing what Akita said about bears he lets out a laugh "Yeah not the best thing you can do, not very tasty either.
Wolf? No I wouldn't bother."

Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:01
Really? *he frowns some as he hears that* Huh...hadn't thought about that. Maybe doe will become a delicacy until that happens then...if it'll become short with them I mean.
*he shakes his head some and kind of laugh as well as Domenique agrees with him to the treatment of bears, he still remembers his last encounter with a bear and would not like to repeat it anytime soon. though hearing what Domenique says about wolf Akita tilts his head* You don't like wolf? How come?
*he shakes his head some and kind of laugh as well as Domenique agrees with him to the treatment of bears, he still remembers his last encounter with a bear and would not like to repeat it anytime soon. though hearing what Domenique says about wolf Akita tilts his head* You don't like wolf? How come?

Tue 25 Mar 2014 11:26
"Don't think there will be that few of them but it surely wont be as many of them, same with the few bird breeds that doesn't move south over winter."
Domenique doesn't care much about the laugh, instead he frowned when he heard Akitas question as he found it stupid that he even had to ask...
Scrawny fuckers and if you get close to one you get th whole pack on you. And unlike others..." he gave a Akita an annoyed and meaning look "I can't get injured every 5 minutes. Then it's easier take down pray doesn't bite back."
Domenique doesn't care much about the laugh, instead he frowned when he heard Akitas question as he found it stupid that he even had to ask...
Scrawny fuckers and if you get close to one you get th whole pack on you. And unlike others..." he gave a Akita an annoyed and meaning look "I can't get injured every 5 minutes. Then it's easier take down pray doesn't bite back."

Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:19
*he frowns slightly and nods at Domeniques explanation as that sounds pretty reasonable, even though he would have liked to be able to view doe as a delicacy as he's always found it tasty. so he just nods in agreement.*
Of course you get the whole pack on you. That's why you don't hunt wolf on your own. Or you take the lone animal without a pack. And sure, they're scrawny, but I like the fur. Makes great lining on winter clothes...*he sees the annoyed look and he rolls his eyes as he knows exactly what Domenique is referring to* Well, you're not alone in not being able to afford getting injured all the time. That usually applies to all of us you know
Of course you get the whole pack on you. That's why you don't hunt wolf on your own. Or you take the lone animal without a pack. And sure, they're scrawny, but I like the fur. Makes great lining on winter clothes...*he sees the annoyed look and he rolls his eyes as he knows exactly what Domenique is referring to* Well, you're not alone in not being able to afford getting injured all the time. That usually applies to all of us you know

Wed 26 Mar 2014 14:12
"There aren't many idiots who would go this deep into the forrest so there aren't many to hunt with." he said calmly and gave Akita a very meaning look.
"And I don't need wolf to get good lining for winter clothes. It's not worth the risk of getting injured and not being able to hunt."
Hearing what Akita says about him not being alone about not having the luxury of beign able to get injured he let out a snort and shook his head.
"And I don't need wolf to get good lining for winter clothes. It's not worth the risk of getting injured and not being able to hunt."
Hearing what Akita says about him not being alone about not having the luxury of beign able to get injured he let out a snort and shook his head.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 08:40
*he can actually detect the insult, but he doesn't let it bother him as he actually enjoys walking deep into the forest as it's much calmer here. but he nods at what Domenique says about the wolf* True. You keep warm anyway. And I agree with you, being on your own you need to be able to hunt.
*he frowns slightly as Domenique snorts, but he for once actually keeps quiet and doesn't ask more. instead he just grins at him and keeps eating*
*he frowns slightly as Domenique snorts, but he for once actually keeps quiet and doesn't ask more. instead he just grins at him and keeps eating*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 11:08
Domenique skipped another insult as he heard Akitas comment and instead just closed his eyes "Yeah... And reindeer are just as warm, their skin is softer as well." he said and finished his meat. He didn't eat much to keep his stomache small, and so he was full even after a small pice.
He opened his eyes once more and looked at Akita, he forced another snort down and laid down on his side, looking into the fire.
He opened his eyes once more and looked at Akita, he forced another snort down and laid down on his side, looking into the fire.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 12:50
*he nods a bit as he too enjoys the feel of reindeer from time to time, and he agrees that it does keep one warm. he keeps from frowning as he sees Domenique finish his food so quickly but soon realise the reason for it. he can't help it, but he almost feels bad about eating his food as he knows that Domenique needs it all so much more and Akita can get enough in town. so even though he's not full he soon stops eating so that he will save food for Domenique.
he looks at him as Domenique lays down and he smiles some. and in silence still he moves to sit down beside him hoping he won't mind too much*
he looks at him as Domenique lays down and he smiles some. and in silence still he moves to sit down beside him hoping he won't mind too much*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 23:03
Domenique raises an eyebrow when seeing Akita stop eating... He had known Akita for long enough to know that so little food would never fill his stomache "Going anorectic or something?" he asked with a hint off annoyance. Having figgured out the reason to why Akita stopped he couldn't find the thoughtfullness nice, instead he fealt offended by the fact that Akita thought so badly of his hunting skills tthat he actually belived that Domenique couldn't get food for himself if Akita ate as well...
But he at least doesn't move away from Akita as he sits down closer to him... Even thou the behaviour is strange to him.
But he at least doesn't move away from Akita as he sits down closer to him... Even thou the behaviour is strange to him.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 14:24
*he rolls his eyes hearing what Domenique says and he can hear the annoyance in his voice* Nope. Just not as hungry as I thought I would be *he shrugs it off even if it is a lie. but he would feel bad to eat more even though he can tell that Domenique got annoyed because of that. it's not that he doubt the hunting skills, just that he can tell that weather like this keeps the animals away and hidden, making them harder to find and thus harder to get.
he relax some as Domenique doesn't move away as he was almost sure he would. he looks into the fire and gathers its heat. watching the flames he lets his mind wander some and for some reason he finds this whole situation rather odd, but he just can't say what the odd thing is*
he relax some as Domenique doesn't move away as he was almost sure he would. he looks into the fire and gathers its heat. watching the flames he lets his mind wander some and for some reason he finds this whole situation rather odd, but he just can't say what the odd thing is*

Sat 29 Mar 2014 11:33
Domenique hides just how much Akita rolling his eyes annoys him, and instead rolled his eyes when Akita anwserd... He gets up and instead of litterally kicking Akita out as he would want to he walks just a few steps away to get a few logs to put on the fire.. But when having done so sits on the oposite side of the fire as a protest to Akitas lie as he didn't buy it even for a second.

Sun 29 Jun 2014 20:31
He frowns slightly as Domenique gets up and is about to ask him why when he sees him gathering some logs. He nods some as they're put on thw fire and it gets more life. Though as Domenique sits down so far from him he frowns as he doesn't get it. "Something wrong?" He asks it even though he knows he probably won't get an answer from him

Tue 1 Jul 2014 01:08
"If you need to ask you don't deserve an anwser. Thought even you were smarter then to repeat the same misstake twice, seems I was misstaken." he said almost coldly as Akita lying not only was offencive in a LOT of ways but it also brought back quite a few bad memories.
However he keept most of what he wanted to say inside, not feeling like bringing up the whole "A man isn't worth more then his word" talk, knowing he would have to dragg Akitas father (the adoptive father) into it as he was the one who usually gave Akita those talks while he was alive.
Instead Domenique lets out a snort and pulls his boots back on knowing it would be easier now when the leather was soft from the warmth of the fire.
However he keept most of what he wanted to say inside, not feeling like bringing up the whole "A man isn't worth more then his word" talk, knowing he would have to dragg Akitas father (the adoptive father) into it as he was the one who usually gave Akita those talks while he was alive.
Instead Domenique lets out a snort and pulls his boots back on knowing it would be easier now when the leather was soft from the warmth of the fire.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 11:00
Hearing the cold tone as Domenique speaks Akita knows that something is wrong. He frowns some and can only think of one thing that he's said that could make Domenique pissed - and that's the food. He sigh and shakes his head. "You're mad cause I won't eat more? Is that it? No offence, I just have my reasons for doing so, okay?" He looks over at Domenique and he's just really not in the mood to fight or argue or anything like that right now.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 14:47
"I don't give a shit about weather you eat or not." he growls out as he started to get angry, before he had only been annoyed, but this was diffrent entierly "But your time is up now. Say bye bye and get your ass away from here. Far away."

Fri 4 Jul 2014 14:30
He hardly reacts to the growl and looks at Domenique. He keeps from sighing and gets up. "Fine. I am so NOT in the mood to argue or that shit now. So thanks for the food and Sorry for breathing or whatever the fuck I did to piss you off this time." He pulls his clothes closer to his body and turns to walk away.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 01:56
Domenique lets out yet another growl before mumbeling a long line of curses "Your a fucking idiot for not getting something so simple." he closed his eyes allowing a cold expression to take place on his face as he hated the words he was about to say but meant them none the less "Your parents would turn in their graves if they could see you now." the words were quiet but loud enough for Akita to hear.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 13:43
Akita ignores the curses and he really has no idea what Domenique is so pissed off about. So he keeps walking, but the last thing Domenique says he hears as plain as day. And it makes him stop dead in his track. His hand clench around the sword and he can't keep the physical pain from shooting through his chest. He close his eyes to keep it under control and he gets a cold look on his face as he turns to looks at Domenique. "You have no idea what you're talking about." The mask he wears is colder than what he's used before, but seeing how much he feels now both for Domenique and for what was said he can't use anything less to mask the pain.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 14:46
"Bullshit." he growls out, for now not caring about the mask... His shape started to get burred as it was hard to controll his shape when being angry "I meet both of them enough times to know that they would never allow you to lie to the people you claim to care about unpunished." he said coldly but the anger could still be heard.
Domenique realised he didn't have much more time in this shape and so he started to walk away, he had to little controll over the bear to feel it was safe to stay close to Akita.
Domenique realised he didn't have much more time in this shape and so he started to walk away, he had to little controll over the bear to feel it was safe to stay close to Akita.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 20:03
He sees the blurry outlines of Domenique but decides to ignore it for now. Instead when he hears what Domenique says he snorts. "The also didn't allow it when you hurt someone you love so I really wanted to spare your feelings. But fine. Forget it." He clench his hand closer around the sword and glares at him. "The truth? I didn't want to eat more cause you need the food way more than I do. And I would feel awful knowing you didn't have enough cause you gave it to me. Happy now?" He turns his back to Domenique and starts to walk away as he really doesn't want to meet the bear again.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 21:05
Domenique keept from rolling his eyes and letting out a laugh hearing Akita say you shouldn't hurt the one you love... But he knew he had done enough dammage, so even thou he, for the time being at least, didn't belive in those words there was still a small part of him with enough sense to keep quiet.
And as Akita told the truth he mearly let out a snort "A little to late to make me happy. But better late then never." he said before walking the other way, and as soon as he had gotten outside the cirkle he let go and let the bear out.
And as Akita told the truth he mearly let out a snort "A little to late to make me happy. But better late then never." he said before walking the other way, and as soon as he had gotten outside the cirkle he let go and let the bear out.

Sat 5 Jul 2014 21:09
He doesn't care about getting an answer or not from Domenique and just leaves the circle. He pulls his clothes closer to his body and starts finding his way back to the city and decides to go to the closest pub - he really needs a drink right now.
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