Thursday 6 February 2014 photo 1/1
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he leans som against a tree and smiles as he takes a deep breah, he has just arrive ''hmn~ its so beautiful here~'' holds out a hand and and a leaf falls into his hand ''maybe it's just now.. but i find this spot very calm..''
(his in Raven)
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Fri 7 Feb 2014 20:02
K: *walks by in a hurry but stops and turns around and looks at you silent*
Thu 6 Feb 2014 23:49
(Most of the city is in ruins but maybe he likes that ^^")
S: A girl tilts her head at him and smiles "You a fan of ruins~?"
S: A girl tilts her head at him and smiles "You a fan of ruins~?"

the unwanted boy
Thu 6 Feb 2014 23:59
(ohh he dose, somehow he finds beauty and calm in everything even though nothing around him is calm etc o.o)
he amiles some "heh yeah~ I have always done"
he amiles some "heh yeah~ I have always done"

Fri 7 Feb 2014 09:04
(Well then, no complaints from me ^^ And Karasu sends him his best and says to come see him as soon as possible, he needs one of the bracelets you know~)
"Hm.. Most here are whining about the city being in pices, that they've lost their home their money... Really annoying you know~" she grins and tilts her head.
"Hm.. Most here are whining about the city being in pices, that they've lost their home their money... Really annoying you know~" she grins and tilts her head.

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Feb 2014 15:00
(heh, he will as soon as possible~)
''they do?..'' he just shake his head some '' they should see the beaut in all this~ money isn't everything.. and Who needs a home when u can walk around and stay at one place for just some days os hours and after that continue to look around~ but if u have a home u have to go back..'' he sigh and shake his head.. no a home is for chickens..''
''they do?..'' he just shake his head some '' they should see the beaut in all this~ money isn't everything.. and Who needs a home when u can walk around and stay at one place for just some days os hours and after that continue to look around~ but if u have a home u have to go back..'' he sigh and shake his head.. no a home is for chickens..''

Fri 7 Feb 2014 17:38
(Good ^^)
"Well they do say that even the strongest of birds need a place to rest their wings~" she said with a smirk to then tilt her head to the side "I find you rather amusing." she sounded thoughtful and almost as if she wasn't talking to him anymore.
"Well they do say that even the strongest of birds need a place to rest their wings~" she said with a smirk to then tilt her head to the side "I find you rather amusing." she sounded thoughtful and almost as if she wasn't talking to him anymore.

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Feb 2014 21:55
he smiles som and looks up at the sky ''hmn..maybe.. but usually the strongest birds die from loneliness...'' he looks some at her as she heard what she says and he small grin shows on his lips ''ohh really now?~''
he smiles som and looks up at the sky ''hmn..maybe.. but usually the strongest birds die from loneliness...'' he looks some at her as she heard what she says and he small grin shows on his lips ''ohh really now?~''

Fri 7 Feb 2014 22:29
"Is that so? I don't know much about birds, I'm more of a reptile kind of girl~" She said and a smirk shows on her lips, widening til a row of pointed teeths show "Yes, I think I'll bring you home~ If I don't like you.. Well you'll be a nice snack~" she said before growing horns, wings and a tail, and within a second a massive dragon strood before him... She snatches him up, holding him with one foot and flies off.

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Feb 2014 22:37
he grins some as he heard what she says and blinks som as he sees her tturning into a dragon.. but he dosen't seem scared or anything.. and as she flies away whit him he chuckles some. ''my my~ i didn't thought this would ever happen to me~ abducted by a dragdon can it get better?~''

Sat 8 Feb 2014 00:44
She lets out a small snort, bieng used to more of a reaction she can't help but to feel at least a little disapointed.
But hearing what he said she lets out a sound almost like a laugh, if now dragons can produce such a sound "Just wait til you see the dragonsnest~ After I destroyed the city I made a small... Investment~"
But hearing what he said she lets out a sound almost like a laugh, if now dragons can produce such a sound "Just wait til you see the dragonsnest~ After I destroyed the city I made a small... Investment~"

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Mar 2014 21:22
he looks down some before he looks at her and findes this so awesome and he want's to call her an angel from hell or something. and he fro sure finds her dragon shape so beautiful and intresting and almost feel a bit jealous that he can't turn into a dragon...

Fri 7 Mar 2014 22:44
The dragon heads for the mountains and but not before breathing out a massive amount of fire that it then flies through with a content sigh, keeping him just out of it as dragon fire is hot enuogh to even melt stone.

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Mar 2014 22:52
he looks at the fire with big eyes and really want to touch eat but he keeps that for himself as he finds it so childish.. but he have always had a interest to touch hot stuff and he loves to burn himsel.

Fri 7 Mar 2014 23:26
As they fly over the mountains it becomes more then obvious that without flying you are not getting away from here. But as they start getting deeper between the mountains the dragon starts making twists and turns, loops and curls, making sure that his head was really spinning and that finding his way back on his own would be impossible.

the unwanted boy
Fri 7 Mar 2014 23:32
ash she starts with the twists and turns etc he starts to feel sick and he pales some as he put his hand over his mouth so he won't throw up. he really hates it and its not a big fan off loops etc.

Sat 8 Mar 2014 13:41
The dragon seems to pay little or no attention to how he feels... It keeps going for quite some time and when she finally straightens outit is impossible to tell which way they came from as all that can be seen no matter where you turn your head is mountin tops.

the unwanted boy
Sat 8 Mar 2014 14:48
he close his eyes as he really needs to throw up and as she straightens out he still tries to not throw up.

Sat 8 Mar 2014 16:00
She lets out a dark laugh and looks down at him "Bit oversensetive are we boya~?"

Sat 8 Mar 2014 19:03
She lets out a laugh before slowly flying down between the mountains, there is a platfrom comming out from one of them and she slowly lands on it.

the unwanted boy
Sat 8 Mar 2014 20:35
he frowns some as hw sees the platform but keeps quiet as he still feels a bit sick

Sat 8 Mar 2014 20:37
Having landed she folds her wings back and lets him go, knowing he wont be able to get down from the mountain without wings.

the unwanted boy
Sun 9 Mar 2014 15:14
as she lets him go he put his hand on his head "jeez... i think my brain died..." he sigh some and sits down as it spins some. "u know.. i have no plans to leave ot anything so next time.. skip all that..yeah.."

Sun 9 Mar 2014 17:40
She lets out a laugh and tilts his head at him as he says he has no plans to leave but the last words makes her snarl and she puts a foot on his chest and growls deeply "Don't you dare tell me what to do. Or I'll make sure something far more precious then your brain dies."

the unwanted boy
Sun 9 Mar 2014 18:15
he frowns some as she puts her foot on his chest and looks at her "really now? well to be killed by u would be an wonderful adventure~"

Sun 9 Mar 2014 19:46
"I never said I would kill you boya~" she said with a rumbeling laugh before going into a hidden opening in the mountain and into a massive cave.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:02
When she comes inside she lets her shape shrink til it wasn't much higher tehn 4 meters... When she was her full size a grown man was the size of one of her teeths.

the unwanted boy
Sun 9 Mar 2014 21:06
he looks around some before he looks towards her and walks over there "well I'm a bit confused...why am i here?"

Sun 9 Mar 2014 21:09
She turns and looks at him with his head slightly tilted "Because I thought you seemed like to much fun to kill~"

the unwanted boy
Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:25
he chuckles "hmm what a surprise~ here i thought u would for sure kill me"

Mon 10 Mar 2014 11:23
"I don't eat grown ups.. Not tender enough." she said and revealed a row of shiny teeths with a grin.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 14:45
(ohh sorry.. my dv didn't show that u had answerd..^^'')
he chuckles as she revealed a row and for som resone he want's to touch her teeth but he doesn't do it.
(just me or..is my boy a bit weird?)
he chuckles as she revealed a row and for som resone he want's to touch her teeth but he doesn't do it.
(just me or..is my boy a bit weird?)

Thu 13 Mar 2014 21:11
(It's okey, I'm having similar problems ^^"
Yepp just you, to used to weird ^^ And I have the same urge so don't worry~ xD)
The dragons tail quickly swipes his feet away making him fall to the ground "You should respond when someone adresses you. Got it?" it hissed and more theeths showed.
Yepp just you, to used to weird ^^ And I have the same urge so don't worry~ xD)
The dragons tail quickly swipes his feet away making him fall to the ground "You should respond when someone adresses you. Got it?" it hissed and more theeths showed.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 21:40
(ohh.. well dv have starten to..yeah i have no words for it..
haha XD i use to have weird boys but this little thing..*shakes head* his a bit to weird^^'' haha xD)
as he hit the fround he gasps and in pure reflex he shifts into a big snake and hissed back.
(heres his snake form: http://www.widewallpapershd.info/file/142/600x338/16:9/giant-fantasy-snake_1381850804.jpg )
haha XD i use to have weird boys but this little thing..*shakes head* his a bit to weird^^'' haha xD)
as he hit the fround he gasps and in pure reflex he shifts into a big snake and hissed back.
(heres his snake form: http://www.widewallpapershd.info/file/142/600x338/16:9/giant-fantasy-snake_1381850804.jpg )

Thu 13 Mar 2014 22:05
(Indeed, and it is quite frustrating.
Oh well, i don't find him strange~ Only strange thing about him is that he is a raven as he doens't seem like one xD)
Seeing the snake shape Sarakshi lets her body grow once more and she growls instead, as she does so flames flicks betweeen her teeths.
Oh well, i don't find him strange~ Only strange thing about him is that he is a raven as he doens't seem like one xD)
Seeing the snake shape Sarakshi lets her body grow once more and she growls instead, as she does so flames flicks betweeen her teeths.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 22:10
(no shit..*sigh*
heh i know xD when he first told me i was like ''i have to get a boy that knows his place'' ><)
he only grins if a snake can do such thing and he actually set some off his body on fire as he can't feel the heat and hisses again as some poison drops shows on his ''fangs''
heh i know xD when he first told me i was like ''i have to get a boy that knows his place'' ><)
he only grins if a snake can do such thing and he actually set some off his body on fire as he can't feel the heat and hisses again as some poison drops shows on his ''fangs''

Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:01
(Heh, well if nothing else the dragon will put him into place ^^" She is being nice to him now... But if he keeps this up she will loose her patience ^^")
The dragon lets out a rumbeling laugh seeing the poisin dripping from his fangs and she suprisingly fast moves and bites a hold of his body, quite close to the neck.
The dragon lets out a rumbeling laugh seeing the poisin dripping from his fangs and she suprisingly fast moves and bites a hold of his body, quite close to the neck.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:11
(well.. he doesn't really care.. he is the way he is and he won't change..)
he kinda sigh as he isn't in the mood for a fight but he doesn't feel much as his ''skin'' is kinda just as hard as stone if not harder and he moves some to get away so he can chance back... his not the one that finds fights necessary.. and he rarely fights anyway..he only dose it if he really have to
he kinda sigh as he isn't in the mood for a fight but he doesn't feel much as his ''skin'' is kinda just as hard as stone if not harder and he moves some to get away so he can chance back... his not the one that finds fights necessary.. and he rarely fights anyway..he only dose it if he really have to

Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:20
(Hm.. I then I would suggest he pretends to have changed or escapes fast... For his own safety ^^")
As he starts moving the dragon mearly clenches it's jaws harder, not caring about the hardness of the skin as stone never had even scraped her teeths before.. It puts a foot down on his head to keep him down and growls once more to let him know that he better behave before throwing him across the room.
As he starts moving the dragon mearly clenches it's jaws harder, not caring about the hardness of the skin as stone never had even scraped her teeths before.. It puts a foot down on his head to keep him down and growls once more to let him know that he better behave before throwing him across the room.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:28
he doesn't move and just waits for her to let go so he can change back before his hidden temper starts to creep in his body..and he will explode and more or less be biger in his snake form..

Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:37
After having throen him away the dragon seems to have lost close to all intrest in him...
(hai that i the wisest thing to do, you shouldn't pick fights with those who are bigger then you, even less when they are dragons ^^")
(hai that i the wisest thing to do, you shouldn't pick fights with those who are bigger then you, even less when they are dragons ^^")

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:42
as soon as he is on the ground he shifts so his human form and he sits up and puts his hand on his head some and doesn't care that his kimono have slipped down slightly and his back is covered in scars and new wonds and he close his eyes as his body screams in pain again and he ignores his nosebleed as well and is trying to calm his body down and for the moment he ignores the dragon.

Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:51
When smelling fresh blood the dragon turns it's head, it had no intrest in eating him as he was to old but the scent was still something gorgeous to her.

the unwanted boy
Thu 13 Mar 2014 23:57
he takes a deep breath and open his eyes some and carefully fix his kimono and wipe away the blood from his nose

Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:17
She changes back to her human shape as well but keeps horns, wings and fangs... Her nails had a claw-like look about them but they did not look like acutall claws.
"Not so healthy are we boya~?" she asks with a laugh and tilts her head.
(she looks something like this thou.. her skin is tanned and the blue "spots" are red.. All the "straps on the clothes are gold (don't ask me how it's soft) and the dots are jems) She has several piercings, 6 in one ear and 5 in the other, also gold, she has in her bellybutton and two in her tongue as well http://www.zerochan.net/1553185 )
"Not so healthy are we boya~?" she asks with a laugh and tilts her head.
(she looks something like this thou.. her skin is tanned and the blue "spots" are red.. All the "straps on the clothes are gold (don't ask me how it's soft) and the dots are jems) She has several piercings, 6 in one ear and 5 in the other, also gold, she has in her bellybutton and two in her tongue as well http://www.zerochan.net/1553185 )

the unwanted boy
Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:23
he frowns some as he hears what she says and from what he know his healthy. ..or well he use to be and he can't feel any different from then and now. "I'm healthy enough" he gets up and looks at her and keeps his grin away

Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:31
"I can smell it from here, your not." she said with a laugh but not being sure of what the scent is and so she leaves it at that.

the unwanted boy
Fri 14 Mar 2014 00:49
"really now? I should know if I'm healthy or not my little angel from hell~" he grins some and it's very clare that he doesn't say it like it would be a bad thing to say

Fri 14 Mar 2014 11:34
"Watch your mouth." she hisses as she did not aprove of him say she was "his little angel" even if the term angel from hell was quite apealing.

Fri 14 Mar 2014 18:28
"Better. But there should be an apolegy in there somewhere." she said with a smirk.

the unwanted boy
Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:03
''really? i don't think u should apologize if u haven't done something really bad..''

Sun 16 Mar 2014 12:25
"And I think you should learn to apolegise before something really bad happens~" she said still smirking at him.

the unwanted boy
Thu 20 Mar 2014 12:20
(and then again DV didn't show that u had answer this one..)
he smiles some and bows ''very well then~ I apologize for what i did anf or the things a will do cuz this my lady will be the only apology u get for now~''
he smiles some and bows ''very well then~ I apologize for what i did anf or the things a will do cuz this my lady will be the only apology u get for now~''

Fri 21 Mar 2014 19:13
(it's okey I'm not going to anwser much since the problems with Kau hasn't stopped. So I sleep anywhere from 30 min to 3,5 hours a night.)
"Hm~ Much better~" she said with a pleased purr but drose an eyebrow as he said it was the only apolegy, but for now she couldn't be botherd enough to ask.
"Hm~ Much better~" she said with a pleased purr but drose an eyebrow as he said it was the only apolegy, but for now she couldn't be botherd enough to ask.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:50
The dragon lays down with a snort and closes it's eyes almost fully, but keept them ever so slightly open.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 15:51
It was quite obvious that the dragon didn't live alone here, there was a lot of rooms and tunnles in the mountains and the more one looked around the clearer it became that this was not the dragons only den. The lack of gold, riches and jewls made that obvious.
Soon the dragon changes to it's human form and walks after him with a smirk, now in a male form "How about you find a room sweetie~ Or would you prefeer to sleep on the floor~?" he purrs.
Soon the dragon changes to it's human form and walks after him with a smirk, now in a male form "How about you find a room sweetie~ Or would you prefeer to sleep on the floor~?" he purrs.

the unwanted boy
Mon 31 Mar 2014 17:10
he frowns as he sees it all as he finds it so weird..for some reasone and he looks at him some and kinda frowns as hits a male form now. ''first off all don't call me sweetie second off all.. i prefer to sleep close to a lake... and the last thing what the fuck are u? a woman or a man?''

Tue 1 Apr 2014 16:06
"First of all, I don't care~ Second of all, I don't care~ And the last thing, I can be whatever I want~" he smirks and tilts his head to the side.

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 11:14
''looks like it...'' he sigh as he feels uncomfortable in this environment

Fri 18 Apr 2014 14:39
"If you don't like it how about I let you take a one way trip to the other side~?" it said with a dark smirk.
71 comments on this photo