Sunday 9 March 2014 photo 1/1
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Castiel sits in the corner of the Bastilles makret place, that is what was left of it... His eye had started bleeding for no reason and his head hurt so bad he couldn't think straight and even less walk on his own.
"C-cesar was r-right... I-I can't on my own.. Ow... I want to go home." he said to himself.
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Mon 10 Mar 2014 20:30
"CASTIEL" Toia sees him and runs over to him, she knees down worried in front of him "what happened? where is your brother? "

Mon 10 Mar 2014 23:04
He flinches scared and hunches back but recognising the voice he looks slightly relifed "T-toia... I.. I don't know where he is... I can't find my w-way home. I... I just wanted to get him s-some fruit." he said and sobbed low.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:21
"there there Castiel~ I'm sure we will find him " Toia smiles softly and whip the tears away, carefully to not touch the wounded eye

Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:55
Castiel hunches back almost scared as he was touched but then nodded slow "C-cesar..."

Tue 11 Mar 2014 10:26
Toia sighs as Castiel hunches back when she touch him "Castiel I won't hurt you~ my touch can't hurt you so you don't need to be scared of me" she smiles softly "come on lets go and see if we can find him"

Tue 11 Mar 2014 13:49
"I-it can.. I... I cna't take anymore." he says holding his head and whimpers low. But hearing they would find Cesar he looks up at her with faint hope.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:03
Castiel shakes his head sight but then nods "If I.. I lean against the wall... Perhaps.."

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:36
she thinks a little and then speaks softly "Casteil~ I'm going to change my shape into a horse~ you can climb up on my back so can I cary you will we look for you brother~is this okey for you?" she ask him softly

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:39
Castiel looks really insecure but nods slow as he didn't dare to risk staying out.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:44
Toia smiles as Castiel nodes and she changes her shape into a Friesian, she kneels down in front of him so that he could grab her long mane and climb up on her back

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:03
Castiel looks a bit amazed at this new shape before he gets up, seemingly used to be on a horse back ...

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:39
She waits to Castiel to gain some balance before she rise up and starts walking "you seems pretty used to be on a horse back Castiel?"

Wed 12 Mar 2014 12:02
Castiel nods and smiles a bit "Cesar has a horse, a chestnut coloured andalusian~"

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:22
"He is, a-and really nice too..." he said and seemed more wobbely now.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:25
Toia walks slower as she notice that he was unsteady "he sounds wonderful sweetie~ where was the last time you saw you brother? "

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:33
Castiel smiles faint and looks around "A-at the inn... He was asleep.."

Wed 12 Mar 2014 20:51
"Okey the inn then " she start to trots softly the way towards the inn

Wed 12 Mar 2014 21:19
"Th-there are so many of them here... I.. I can't remember wich.." he said and looked quite ashamed.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 22:43
"its okey sweetie ~I can follow you sent mark to you inn ~ "

Thu 13 Mar 2014 10:29
she trots softly and follows the sent mark of Castiel back to the inn

Thu 13 Mar 2014 14:32
Castiels body starts growing limp about half way there, and he had obviously walked quite far.

Thu 13 Mar 2014 14:54
"why did you walk this far away from you brother Castiels "she walks a bit faster when she feels him growing limp

Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:37
"Castiel?!" she starts moving again as she hurries to find the inn and his brother

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:09
Cesar steps out from the inn, having woken up and discoverd that his brother was gone had almost made him panic...
But Castiel was still very much unconsius and so his body was limp, and so when she started to move faster he slowly started to slide to the side...
But Castiel was still very much unconsius and so his body was limp, and so when she started to move faster he slowly started to slide to the side...

Mon 17 Mar 2014 16:09
Toia turns her head around as she keep walking and pulls Castiel up so that he wouldn't fall down.

Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:13
Castiel stays on her back when pulled up.. But he soon starts sliding once more, he couldn't help with keeping any balance after all.

Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:47
"come on baby~ I'm taking you home" she pulls him up again when he slides. she stays when they come to the inn, she sniffs in the air and try to catch Cesar's smell

Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:34
Cesar hadn't gotten far and so when feeling his brothers energy he turned around and ran back seeing Castiel on a horse he grew pale and there was a hint of panic in his eyes "Put my brother DOWN." he almost growled out.

Tue 18 Mar 2014 19:52
Toia snorts and blows up her chest a little when Cesare growls at her, not liking the tone in his voice "calm down you fool " she sneers at him but then lifts Castiel with easy of her back and place him in his brothers arms "he went out to buy some food for you and got lost ~ I brought him back for you so be grateful and don't let him out of your sight again~ this is not a safe place for a young boy like him "

Tue 18 Mar 2014 22:39
Hearin her voice Cesar calms down at once and he nods "He shouldn't have left..." he said and hugged Castiel close "Thank you." he mumbled low, as he knew very well that no place was safe for the two of them.

Wed 19 Mar 2014 08:31
Toia relax as Ceser calms down "no worries Cesar~ just take care of your brother….you know Cesar~ you and your brother is always welcome to stay at my place "

Thu 20 Mar 2014 11:59
Cesar suprisingly enough smiles faint at her to then blink suprised "Really? That..." part of him just wanted to scream yes as he heard it, staying at a safe place would be amazing but he didn't want to impose.

Thu 20 Mar 2014 12:46
"yes really~ Is only me in the big house ~ it's a safe place, I don't mind the company and you can come and go as you want"

Mon 24 Mar 2014 10:42
Castiel looks really exited at the thought and now even Cesar smiles "That would be very gracious and an offer we would be happy to take you up on..." he said and bowed his head polite.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 10:16
Thy both smile at her but Castiel blushes deeply the second after as his stomache rumbles.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 18:20
She chuckles softly when she hears Castiel stomach rumbles "how about we go home and makes some delouses vegetable soup~

Sat 29 Mar 2014 11:35
Castiel lights up and nods "Soup?"
Cesar smiles still but seems a lot less exited "Sounds like a good idea.. We can pay for the ingredients."
Cesar smiles still but seems a lot less exited "Sounds like a good idea.. We can pay for the ingredients."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 13:26
Toia smiles and laughs softly " it's okey I got mostly everything in my garden anyways~"

Sat 29 Mar 2014 20:00
Cesar nodded and smiled faint "I know, I can taste that.. But the rest... You need to let us help with something when you allow us to stay with you..." he said and Castiel nodded agreeing.

Mon 31 Mar 2014 01:09
just help me with the household chores and it will be fine " she smiles

Sat 5 Apr 2014 22:51
Castiel looks a little insecure at the offer "B-but... We-we don't know how to.." he said quietly.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 14:00
They both nod, Castiel with a wide smile and Cesar more hinted a smile.
Sun 9 Mar 2014 00:59
*Lucius has been walking around some in the city just to get a better insigh of it, but also to keep up appearance of staying there. walkimg across the market place he sees Castiel, and he grins as he sees him alone. he walks over to him but instead of smiling he looks at him worried* Castiel? What's happened to you? *he hunch down in front of him*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:03
Castiel hunches away fast and lets out a low whimper "I... I.. It is nothing. I.." he was a terrible liar and the pain caused his head to spin and so he couldn't even remember the lies his brothers had taught him.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:06
*he frowns some as Castiel hunch away. he doesn't even have to be good at spotting lies to know castiel is lying to him. he shakes his head and gets a very concerned look in his eyes* I don't believe you Castiel. Let me help you~

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:17
Castiel doesn't see the frown, the blood and tears made it close to impossible and he was just happy it was only one eye this time.
"I-it's true.. I-it' just happens sometimes... I-it will pass." he said and knowing this was no lie it went better but he still fealt bad for keeping the whole truth away.
"I-it's true.. I-it' just happens sometimes... I-it will pass." he said and knowing this was no lie it went better but he still fealt bad for keeping the whole truth away.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:21
*he nods some hearing what he says feeling the truth in his words* I'm glad to hear it will pass. Though you shouldn't sit here alone when you're in pain like this. It can't be good for you. *he sounds concerned as well and stays hunched in front of him, but refrains from touching him as he knows how silly people can be about that*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:23
Castiel tries to smile hearing the kind words from Lucius but lets out a sob at the word alone "I.. I can't find Cesar... I.. I wanted to bring him some nice food..."

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:25
*he sees the trying smile and nods some looking slightly mpre concerned as hw says he can't find his brother* Have you lost Cesar? Do you want help finding him again?

Sun 9 Mar 2014 02:29
"N-no he's... He's at the in.. I-I went out to get some food... A-and then.." he bit his tounge before he said the rest, knowing himself that those parts were dangerous to tell.. But at the offer of help he nods.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 02:35
*he nods and grins some as he understands what happened, but the grin turns to a soft smile in the blink of an eye* Ah, so he's still at the inn then? I'll help you find your way back~ *he gets up and reach a hand out to offer Castiel help to get up*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 02:49
Castiel does not notice the grin and so he nods to confirm his twins location.. He hesitates to take Lucius hand as he knows bad things can happen when he does. "I.. I don't even know wich inn we stayed at... There has been so many." he said as he attempted to get up on his own but with little sucsess.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 02:54
*he nods some but keeps the soft smile though he tilts his head as Castiel refuses the hand and he can't help but wonder why. though that wonder he keeps hidden from view* That's okay~ we can walk past them all until you find the right one. *seeing how Castiel struggles to get up he puts an arm under Castiels arms and helps him up* I'm sorry to touch you like this, I just want to help~ *he smiles apolpgetic to him as he tries to get him steady*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:07
"B-but I wouldn't know e-even then..." he said and looked quite ashamed, since they moved out from the castle Castiel and Cesar had lived in about 5 diffrent inns and had looked through close to every single one in the city.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:23
*he finds the whole situation rather amusing but doesn't let Castiel see it. instead he keeps the soft smile* That's okay~ we'll find him somehow. You can trust me~ *he looks at him very sincere and keeps his arm around him*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:26
Castiel nods as Lucius speaks and smiles at him, not suspecting a thing "Thank you~" he said even thou he still fealt uncomfortable with being touched.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:32
*he smiles back at him and can feel the discomfort from him. he frowns some and looks ar him* Do you want me to let go of you? You don't seem too comfortable. *he looks at bit concerned even though he inwardly rolls his eyes*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:35
Castiel nods at the question as being touched was something he was so un used to and having had visions when touching people about them he didn't like it.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 03:38
*he nods and makes sure that Castiel is standing steadily before he lets go of him* I apologise. I don't want you to be uncomfortable *he smiles some and looks around finding the best way to go as he knows just where they're headed* Should we start looking for Cesar then?

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:06
For Castiel there was no such thing as standing steadily but he smiled slight at Lucius "Thank you.."
He nods and takes a step to get going but his legs folds at once and he dropps to the ground.
He nods and takes a step to get going but his legs folds at once and he dropps to the ground.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:11
*even though he can see that Castiel is unsteady he lets go and smiles slightly at him as he's thanked. though seeing how the legs folds at the first step he's there quicker than the eye can react and puts his arm back around him to keep him from hitting the ground* Well, you're not walking on your own like that. *there is concern in his voice even though he finds it slightly annoying* Lean on me Castiel. I won't let you fall~ *he smiles and takes a few careful steps so that Castiel can follow*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:27
Castiel let out a gasp as he's caught and looks quite ashamed but can't more then nod as Lucius states that he can't walk on his own "I... I'm sorry for the inconvenience.." he said and the guilt in his voice was clear. But hearing the kind words he dares to smile and manages to walk even if it isn't to fast.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:33
*he chuckles softly and shakes his head hearing the apology* Don't worry so much Castiel, it's not an inconvenience. It'll feel better once you get back home where you can rest. *he smiles at him and it widens as he sees the smile on Castiels lips* Trust me~ *his smile is warm as are his words and so he walks just as slow letting Castiel set the pace*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:47
Hearing him chuckle Castiel fealt even worse but as he was told not to worry he nods and smiles slight "Thank you..." and hearing the words trust me he isn't sure what the feeling means but his gut is trying to tell him something... But Castiel mearly assumes that it's a good thing and nods.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 14:10
*he nods hearing Castiel thank him and he mentally rolls his eyes as he finds it hard to believe that someone can be so naive. bu still he keeps his soft smile* You're welcome Castiel~ no need to thank me. You would have done the same for me, no? *he tilts his head and looks at him softly.*

Sun 9 Mar 2014 17:16
"B-but I want to..." he said with a small smile as he's told there is no need to thank Lucius. He then nods and smiles "Of course..."

Sun 9 Mar 2014 17:25
Well, then I guess I can't stop you if you want to. *he keeps his warm smile even though he finds the need to thank him rather annoying. though hearing Castiel confirm that he would do the same Lucius almost wants to laugh. but instead he just nods* See? No need to worry then.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 19:58
Castiel blinks a bit suprised at the comment but then lets out a soft giggle.
As Lucius says it's no need to worry he looks a bit hesitant but then smiles warmly at him, almost seeming to radiate kindness.
As Lucius says it's no need to worry he looks a bit hesitant but then smiles warmly at him, almost seeming to radiate kindness.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:03
*hearing the giggle makes him raise his eyebrow as he didn't expect that response. but he doesn't comment.
seeing the warm smile and the kindness makes him almost cringe as he finds it all a bit too much at the moment. but he keeps from doing so and instead smiles back. then he looks around at some of the Inns* Do you remember anything from the Inn where Cesar is?
seeing the warm smile and the kindness makes him almost cringe as he finds it all a bit too much at the moment. but he keeps from doing so and instead smiles back. then he looks around at some of the Inns* Do you remember anything from the Inn where Cesar is?

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:13
"It... It had lots of dooors to get out through and the rooms had lots of windows.." he said with a faint smile, knowing it wasn't much help but that was all he rememberd as that was what Cesar always looked for, lots of easy escape routes.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:19
Hrm...okay~ *he frowns some as he looks around. he has a pretty good idea of where it might be as he's caught sight of the twins from time to time. so he walks in the opposite direction towards the Inn where he himself has a room booked. he looks at Castiel and smiled* We'll find him~

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:41
Castiel nods and almost seems to slow down a bit as his energy was very low right now...
He doens't notice anything off about where they're walking and instead he follows and smiles at Lucius "Y-yes.. But... But he will be really mad at me." he said and sounded a bit worried.
He doens't notice anything off about where they're walking and instead he follows and smiles at Lucius "Y-yes.. But... But he will be really mad at me." he said and sounded a bit worried.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:45
*he notices that Castiel slows down and does so as well. he looks at him and frowns some looking very worried* Are you sure you're okay to walk?
*hearing the worry in his voice Lucius smiles some* It's okay. I'll talk to him. I'll tell him not to be mad~
*hearing the worry in his voice Lucius smiles some* It's okay. I'll talk to him. I'll tell him not to be mad~

Sun 9 Mar 2014 21:08
Castiel nods and smiles faint "I'm just... Feeling a little tired." he said and almost seemed out of breath.
"R-really?" he looks a bit hopeful but more then that he looks thankful.
"R-really?" he looks a bit hopeful but more then that he looks thankful.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 21:11
*he nods as Castiel says he's tired* You look tired...no offence. *he looks around some and smiles* Would you like some rest? I have a room at an Inn close to hear. You could lay down and rest for a bit and then we can keep looking for Cesar when you have a bit more strenght~ *he smiles warm and looks genuinely concerned for him.
he nods at Castiels question* Of course~ I'll talk to him. He shouldn't be mad at you~
he nods at Castiels question* Of course~ I'll talk to him. He shouldn't be mad at you~

Sun 9 Mar 2014 22:20
"N-none taken..." he said and smiled a bit to then look insecure at the invitation "I... I don't know.. C-cesar has s-said I'm not allowed..." he looks down not wishing to be impolite or anything alike it but... He had already disobeyed his brother once and that had turned out horrible, and so he didn't dare to think of what would happen if he did it again.
He smiles at Lucius as he confirms that he'll talk to Cesar "T-thank you.."
He smiles at Lucius as he confirms that he'll talk to Cesar "T-thank you.."

Mon 10 Mar 2014 09:05
*he smiles to then frown slightly as Castiel seems to get so insecure* Cesar says you're not allowed? *he frowns slightly disapproving but finds it rather amusing for real* Wouldn't he want what's best for you? *he shakes his head some and then smiles* Well, I was thinking that perhaps you could rest some while I keep looking for him. That way I could talk to him and explain what happened so he won't be mad at you. And I could have him with you by the time you wake up again. *he smiles warm and looks at him softly* Though it's up to you of course~

Mon 10 Mar 2014 11:50
Castiel nods to confirm he wasn't allowed but as Lucius questioned that Cesar wanted his best he for the first time showed some temper, the smile went away and he shook his head hard "Of course he wants what's best for me. B-but he just doesn't think being with a stranger is what's best... And I belive he's right. My brother has never tried to harm me, but strangers very much have." he said before pulling his arm away from Lucius. But he quickly had to lean towords a house wall not to fall...

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:06
*he looks surprised at Castiel as he shows some temper for the first time and he looks at him very apologetic even though he finds this more fun* My apologies~ I didn't mean it like that. Of course he wants what's best for you . I didn't mean to upset you. * he looks genuinely sorry as he says it and worry comes to show as Castiel leans against the wall for support* Please, allow me to help you again~ *he smiles softly even though the worry shines through*

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:18
Castiel looks a bit insecure still and but getting an apolegy he didn't know what else he could demand and so he nodded to accept the apolegy even if he still didn't feel completly okey.
"I... I don' t think I should.. C-cesar... He doesn't like it.." he looked down at the ground.
"I... I don' t think I should.. C-cesar... He doesn't like it.." he looked down at the ground.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:28
*he nods softly and smiles warm* That's okay. We can skip resting. Let's focus on finding your brother, okay?

Mon 10 Mar 2014 15:01
Castiel nods insecure and smiles slight at him "O-okey.." he said and started to walk slowly.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 15:34
*he smiles back and walks just as slow beside him. he looks around some and sees a few Inns along the way* You'll let me know when you find something that looks familiar, right? I'm sure Cesar is looking for you too right now~

Mon 10 Mar 2014 23:02
Castiell nods slow and looks around at the diffrent inns but he can't recognize anything as they, due to Lucius, had been going in the wrong direction the whole time.

Mon 10 Mar 2014 23:13
*he keeps walking slowly finding this rather boring really, but he keeps looking just as determined as before. he frowns slightly before looking softly at Castiel* You remember anything else except lots of doors and windows?

Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:54
Castiel shakes his head and looks around "Th-this doesn't seem like the right neighbourhood e-either... C-cesar only wants to live in the expensive ones." he said with a worried look on his face, as he finally realised they were further away now then when they started.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 10:00
*inside he's taking a frustrated breath, but outside he looks at him almost confused at first* Oh? I didn't know that. You never said~ *he smiles softly* Then we go back to the more expensive area of the town. Maybe you'll recognise it then~ *he slowly turns around and looks back to where they came from*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 14:00
"I... I'm sorry... B-but Cesar says it's uns-safe for us to live anywhere else.." he said with an ashamed look on his face but nods slow as they start walking back.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 14:02
*he nods understanding* You don't have to apologise Castiel, I understand. Your brother just wants to keep both of you safe~ *he smiles warm and chuckles softly* Had you told me that from the start then we wouldn't have had to made this detour~

Tue 11 Mar 2014 16:25
Castiel nods to confirm what Lucius says, but looks quite embarrassed when hearing him chuckle."B-but I didn't think we w.would walk this way... Or um.. I didn't know this way lead a-away from that place..." he looked down embarrassed, thou looking down made his whole head spin and he fealt his legs fold once more.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 17:08
*he smiles at him and finds the embarrassed look quite adorable in a way* It's okay Castiel~ I told you, I just want to help. *he frowns as Castiel looks down and reacts quickly to catch him as his legs once more give in and he prevents him from falling* Are you sure you can keep walking? *he looks at him worried*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:02
Castiel nods as he knows Lucius has said that but it still fealt bad to assume it.
At Lucius question he shakes his head "I.. I can't feel my legs..."
At Lucius question he shakes his head "I.. I can't feel my legs..."

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:06
*he frowns as he hears what Castiel says and holds him close* You can't feel your legs? Perhaps you should sit down *he lookd around some trying to find where they can sit*

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:39
Castiel shakes his head "I.. I need to find Cesar..." he said and it by the way he moved it seemed like he no longer could feel his arms either.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:41
*he nods* Of course. We'll look for him~ *he looks ar him worried* May I carry you? To make it easier for you~

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:02
Castiel looks insecure but as his head falls down slight it could easily be mistaken for a nod.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:07
*he sense the insecurity more than the nod and so he doesn't pick him up just jet. he keeps him close and looks him in the eyes* Are you sure? I don't want you to feel uncomfortable~

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:16
Castiel opend his mouth to anwser when his eyes closed and his body grew limp... All engergy had now escaped him and he needed to rest, so his body would temporarily shut down, or in a simpler word, he fainted.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 23:23
*he sees him grow limp and as he feels that Castiel has fainted properly he chuckles and picks him up* Poor little boy~ I do wonder what made you like this. *he holds him bridal style and keeps him quite close as he doesn't want to drop him. then he turns around and walks to the Inn where he has a room to himself.
he makes sure as few people as possible sees them as he walks to his own room. he close the door and puts Castiel on the bed* You're quite the hassle you know...I really hope you'll be worth it. *he leans some against the wall and watches Castiel closely as he ponders about his mext move*
he makes sure as few people as possible sees them as he walks to his own room. he close the door and puts Castiel on the bed* You're quite the hassle you know...I really hope you'll be worth it. *he leans some against the wall and watches Castiel closely as he ponders about his mext move*

Wed 12 Mar 2014 12:01
Castiel didn't react or move... He most likely wouldn't for several hours.

Fri 14 Mar 2014 15:03
*he looks at him and shakes his head as he realise that Castiel will be out for quite some time. he chuckles slightly and walks over to the bed* I don't have time to wait for you to come around on your own. *he easily picks Castiel up and puts him over his shoulder to get a good hold. he goes over the route in his head before he close his eyes focus on the first stop. he feels like something grips hold of his intestines and pulls him backwards with such force he looses his breath for a second.
when he opens his eyes again he's standing in the woods by the foot of the mountain range. he looks at Castiel seeing him in one piece. he shakes his head some before he close his eyes and focus on the next stop.
three stops later he opens his eyes and looks upon the cave in which he lives. he hefts Castiel up more on his shoulder and walks inside. he walks towards one of the nicer parts of the cave and enters a room. there he puts Castiel down on a bed* I really hope you' be worth this...
when he opens his eyes again he's standing in the woods by the foot of the mountain range. he looks at Castiel seeing him in one piece. he shakes his head some before he close his eyes and focus on the next stop.
three stops later he opens his eyes and looks upon the cave in which he lives. he hefts Castiel up more on his shoulder and walks inside. he walks towards one of the nicer parts of the cave and enters a room. there he puts Castiel down on a bed* I really hope you' be worth this...

Fri 14 Mar 2014 22:03
Sarakshi looks at him with a very amused face as he apears in the cave, but she pays him little attention as she is napping with most of her body out in the sun.
There was still no reaction from Castiel, if anything he seemed less consious and almost colder as if his body did everything to preserve engergy.
There was still no reaction from Castiel, if anything he seemed less consious and almost colder as if his body did everything to preserve engergy.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:46
*he saw Sarakshi by the cave and just like her he paid little attention to her as he was more focused on the one over his shoulder.
having put Castiel to bed he sees that he's much paler than before and he rolls his eyes* Well isn't this nice. Dead to the world... *he shakes his head as he finds it rather annoying. though he has to admit that it was nice to have him out cold during the journey. he looks at him some before he turns to leave. he's not in the mood to sit there and hold his hand until he wakes up. instead he makes sure to be alerted slightly before Castiel comes to so that he can get back later*
having put Castiel to bed he sees that he's much paler than before and he rolls his eyes* Well isn't this nice. Dead to the world... *he shakes his head as he finds it rather annoying. though he has to admit that it was nice to have him out cold during the journey. he looks at him some before he turns to leave. he's not in the mood to sit there and hold his hand until he wakes up. instead he makes sure to be alerted slightly before Castiel comes to so that he can get back later*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:42
As Lucius comes back Sarakshi lets out a laugh "Gotten a new toy have you~? Did you already break the one I gave you?" she asked and grins widely at him.
Castiel remains still in the bed not moving at all for several hours... He would need food when he woke up but for now his body needed to heal and rest.
But when it was already dark outside his eyelids flickerd as if he started to wake up, and not long after he was tossing and turning, seeming close to panic.
Castiel remains still in the bed not moving at all for several hours... He would need food when he woke up but for now his body needed to heal and rest.
But when it was already dark outside his eyelids flickerd as if he started to wake up, and not long after he was tossing and turning, seeming close to panic.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:17
*having heard what she said he looks at her and grins* I haven't broken the other one yet. But this one I've wanted for quite some time. *he chuckles some and the grin turns to a smirk* It comes two for the price of one. I'll pick the other one up later.
*he had been looking in on Castiel a couple of times throughout the hours and there's a tray with some fruit and a bottle of wine beside the bed waiting for when Castiel wakes up.
this time when Lucius looks into the room he sees Castiel moving so he walks over to the bed and sits down beside it waiting for Castiel to wake fully*
*he had been looking in on Castiel a couple of times throughout the hours and there's a tray with some fruit and a bottle of wine beside the bed waiting for when Castiel wakes up.
this time when Lucius looks into the room he sees Castiel moving so he walks over to the bed and sits down beside it waiting for Castiel to wake fully*

Sun 16 Mar 2014 20:56
"Oh? How come your so careful with your toys all of a sudden? I thought for sure it would be broken~" she said with a chuckle but hearing that he's wanted this one and that there will be two she bursts into laughter and shakes her head "Now I see~ Well then have fun~"
Castiel lets out a low whimpering sound as if having nightmares... But soon he settles and a white shine surounds him, it gives off an anchient air, showing that he is a very old soul even if the body is young, and ther eis something pure almost holy about him.
Castiel starts mumbleing low in the language of the anchient and several times he says something that must be his brothers name, his eye also starts bleeding again but he doesn't seem to notice the pain.
Castiel lets out a low whimpering sound as if having nightmares... But soon he settles and a white shine surounds him, it gives off an anchient air, showing that he is a very old soul even if the body is young, and ther eis something pure almost holy about him.
Castiel starts mumbleing low in the language of the anchient and several times he says something that must be his brothers name, his eye also starts bleeding again but he doesn't seem to notice the pain.

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:07
*he raises an eyebrow and looks at her* I wouldn't call it careful. Just, playing differently. *he smirks some* But it will break in due time. *hearing her chuckle he shakes his head some* I will have plenty of fun with them. They seem to be much more than what meets the eye so to speak. *he chuckles some* And I want to know what that is~
*he isn't too bothered with the nightmares Castiel seems to have, though seeing the shine he is intrigued. he can sense the pureness and the ancient feeling is something he can't fully place, and he gets more interested in what the boy might be.
hearing the mumbles he is unable to understand it but he does hear the brothers name and he rolls his eyes* Inseparable it seems...perhaps I should get the other one soon...*he sees the eyes starting to bleed and he gets rather curious as to what is causing it*
*he isn't too bothered with the nightmares Castiel seems to have, though seeing the shine he is intrigued. he can sense the pureness and the ancient feeling is something he can't fully place, and he gets more interested in what the boy might be.
hearing the mumbles he is unable to understand it but he does hear the brothers name and he rolls his eyes* Inseparable it seems...perhaps I should get the other one soon...*he sees the eyes starting to bleed and he gets rather curious as to what is causing it*

Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:27
"Hm~ I'll make sure to watch closely then~" she said with a laugh and the smirk she wore only grew wider as she heard the toy would break, like all the others.
"Hm is that so~? You have to let me know when you find out~" she said with a laugh.
Castiel mumbles faster and faster.. The energy around him seems to start shivering and it gets more intense And when that happens the eyes bleed more before opening then and looks straight out in the air as if they didn't see, and instead of the purple-ish eyes he normaly had they were now white, as if blind and they were glowing from the inside.
"Hm is that so~? You have to let me know when you find out~" she said with a laugh.
Castiel mumbles faster and faster.. The energy around him seems to start shivering and it gets more intense And when that happens the eyes bleed more before opening then and looks straight out in the air as if they didn't see, and instead of the purple-ish eyes he normaly had they were now white, as if blind and they were glowing from the inside.

Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:33
*he chuckles some as she laughs and he just nods as he too look forward to breaking his new toy in due time.*
Of course I'll let you know dear~ much more fun to share such observations, don't you think? *he smiles some*
*he frowns as the mumbles gets harder to follow and the energy around Castiel change. he leans forwards slightly and when Castiel opens his eyes and Lucius sees them being white and almost glowing from the inside his frown deepens though he smirks slightly* Are you a seer? *he's heard about it long ago but never come across one himself, and never met anyone that has either. though this looks very much like one in his own opinion* My, my...This might be fun~
Of course I'll let you know dear~ much more fun to share such observations, don't you think? *he smiles some*
*he frowns as the mumbles gets harder to follow and the energy around Castiel change. he leans forwards slightly and when Castiel opens his eyes and Lucius sees them being white and almost glowing from the inside his frown deepens though he smirks slightly* Are you a seer? *he's heard about it long ago but never come across one himself, and never met anyone that has either. though this looks very much like one in his own opinion* My, my...This might be fun~

Tue 18 Mar 2014 22:43
Sarakshi laugsh once more as she truly enjoys these conversations"Aaw~ Your so generous Lucius~" she said and smirks, if possible even wider.
Castiel suddenly stops and sits up with a jolt, accidently skulling Lucius since he had leant close, he panted and his whole body shiverd from the exhaustion he fealt. And now the real tears came, but he was still not aware of Lucius presense nor where he was.
Castiel suddenly stops and sits up with a jolt, accidently skulling Lucius since he had leant close, he panted and his whole body shiverd from the exhaustion he fealt. And now the real tears came, but he was still not aware of Lucius presense nor where he was.

Wed 19 Mar 2014 09:08
*he bows his head lightly at her and grins some* Of course~ When you bring me such lovely toys it's only fair that I share the others with you~ *he too enjoyed the conversations greatly and found their banter relaxing*
*he groans as Castiel accidentally sculls him, but having been prepared for some kind of reaction he had managed to move away slightly so the impact wasn't as bad as it could have been. he watches Castiel and sees the tears fall, as well as sensing the exhaustion. he pulls on his concerned face once more and smiles slightly* Castiel~ You're finally awake. How are you feeling? I was so worried. *he says it all calm but quickly sounding rather upset as well as relieved that he's awake once more*
*he groans as Castiel accidentally sculls him, but having been prepared for some kind of reaction he had managed to move away slightly so the impact wasn't as bad as it could have been. he watches Castiel and sees the tears fall, as well as sensing the exhaustion. he pulls on his concerned face once more and smiles slightly* Castiel~ You're finally awake. How are you feeling? I was so worried. *he says it all calm but quickly sounding rather upset as well as relieved that he's awake once more*

Wed 19 Mar 2014 12:48
"How kind of you~" she said and bowed her head back.
Castiel let out a small wince and held his forhead as he knocked Lucius.. His head turned fast hearing the voice and he started to look around and even thou the glow disapered the second he sat up his eyes were still white and he didn't seem able to see... Thou the eyes slowly seemed to go towords their normal purple.
"Wh-what? A-awake?... L-lucius?" he seemed very much confused to then tense up and force himself off the bed but due to the exhaustion his legs folded but he keept trying to move.
Castiel let out a small wince and held his forhead as he knocked Lucius.. His head turned fast hearing the voice and he started to look around and even thou the glow disapered the second he sat up his eyes were still white and he didn't seem able to see... Thou the eyes slowly seemed to go towords their normal purple.
"Wh-what? A-awake?... L-lucius?" he seemed very much confused to then tense up and force himself off the bed but due to the exhaustion his legs folded but he keept trying to move.

Wed 19 Mar 2014 12:53
*he chuckles some* Only to you dear~
*he looks at Castiel he sees the change in the eyes and he notice the confusion. though as Castiel tries to get up Lucius reacts quickly and catches him* Easy now~ *he puts him back on the bed carefully* Yeah~ I'm here. You passed out. You really scared me. But you're awake now~ and that's what's important
*he looks at Castiel he sees the change in the eyes and he notice the confusion. though as Castiel tries to get up Lucius reacts quickly and catches him* Easy now~ *he puts him back on the bed carefully* Yeah~ I'm here. You passed out. You really scared me. But you're awake now~ and that's what's important

Thu 20 Mar 2014 10:18
"Mmh I like the sound of that~ For me exlusivly~" she almost purred out.
Castiel lets out a whimper as he's caught, his whole body was sore and he was so tired... But there was no rest now and so he struggled against Lucius grip "I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to scare y-you but... I.." he paused but hearing Lucius say that the fact that he was awake was what was important he shook his head fast "N-no.. I-I... I have to get t-to Cesar.. He doesn't know where I a-am!" he said and seemed quite paniced to then tense as he realised he had no idea where he was either.
Castiel lets out a whimper as he's caught, his whole body was sore and he was so tired... But there was no rest now and so he struggled against Lucius grip "I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to scare y-you but... I.." he paused but hearing Lucius say that the fact that he was awake was what was important he shook his head fast "N-no.. I-I... I have to get t-to Cesar.. He doesn't know where I a-am!" he said and seemed quite paniced to then tense as he realised he had no idea where he was either.

Thu 20 Mar 2014 10:42
I thought you might like that~ you know there's only you~ *he grins and winks at her hearing her purr like that*
*he doesn't mind Castiel struggling and lets go of him as he's put him back on the bed* It's okay Castiel~ I know you didn't mean to. And as I said, I'm glad you're okay now~ *he keeps from rolling his eyes and instead nods as he looks at him concerned* I know Cesar doesn't know where you are, but I didn't know what else to do when you passed out. So I took you to safety, and I've been here the whole time to make sure you've been safe~ *he smiles warm at him and it all seems very genuine. he talks calm to him as he wants him to calm down a bit* But I'll get him so that he can come here and help you stay calm. But you need to rest Castiel~ *he once more sounds very concerned* Or your body will make you pass out again.
*he doesn't mind Castiel struggling and lets go of him as he's put him back on the bed* It's okay Castiel~ I know you didn't mean to. And as I said, I'm glad you're okay now~ *he keeps from rolling his eyes and instead nods as he looks at him concerned* I know Cesar doesn't know where you are, but I didn't know what else to do when you passed out. So I took you to safety, and I've been here the whole time to make sure you've been safe~ *he smiles warm at him and it all seems very genuine. he talks calm to him as he wants him to calm down a bit* But I'll get him so that he can come here and help you stay calm. But you need to rest Castiel~ *he once more sounds very concerned* Or your body will make you pass out again.

Thu 20 Mar 2014 12:22
"Mmh your too sweet~" she changes to her male human version and grins at him, still purring.
(it looks like this http://31.media.tumblr.com/4c3ff943dd480abc1bd313a961d8a728/tumblr_mrf4nj4Tbf1robxeao1_500.jpg but this type of chlothes http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/bd19155db211c4a99658250688bfd312/http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u339/reiko78/-anime-guy.jpg )
Castiel whimperd low as Lucius spoke again, he was glad to hear that it was okey but the thought of his brother tormented him imensly.
"N-no you.. You don't understand... I.. I am thankful b-but I need to find C-cesar... H-he needs me!" he said and more tears fell as Castiell got more and more paniced.
Hearing Lucius would get Cesar, Castiel couldn't help but to look confued "B-but you don't know where he is... I know... I.. I can go to him...!"
(it looks like this http://31.media.tumblr.com/4c3ff943dd480abc1bd313a961d8a728/tumblr_mrf4nj4Tbf1robxeao1_500.jpg but this type of chlothes http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/bd19155db211c4a99658250688bfd312/http://i517.photobucket.com/albums/u339/reiko78/-anime-guy.jpg )
Castiel whimperd low as Lucius spoke again, he was glad to hear that it was okey but the thought of his brother tormented him imensly.
"N-no you.. You don't understand... I.. I am thankful b-but I need to find C-cesar... H-he needs me!" he said and more tears fell as Castiell got more and more paniced.
Hearing Lucius would get Cesar, Castiel couldn't help but to look confued "B-but you don't know where he is... I know... I.. I can go to him...!"

Thu 20 Mar 2014 14:37
*he raises an eyebrow and looks at her as she change to her male form instead* Well, aren't you the sight~ *he smirks as he looks at him(?)*
*he keeps from sighing and nods some* I understand you need your brother, and that he needs you. *he keeps his voice calm still and looks at him, but he keeps from touching him more as Castiel doesn't seem to like it* But you need to rest. I can't carry you the whole way, and you're not well enough to walk on your own...*he frowns some as he seems to think about how to solve this in the best way* How about...I go to look for Cesar. I look through every Inn I can find, ask anyone working there if they know him. That way I'm bound to find him. And when I do, I'll take him here and he can help you. So in the meantime you try to regain your strength and rest. I have some fruit here as well if you're hungry~ *he smiles warm and honest at him* It'll be okay~
*he keeps from sighing and nods some* I understand you need your brother, and that he needs you. *he keeps his voice calm still and looks at him, but he keeps from touching him more as Castiel doesn't seem to like it* But you need to rest. I can't carry you the whole way, and you're not well enough to walk on your own...*he frowns some as he seems to think about how to solve this in the best way* How about...I go to look for Cesar. I look through every Inn I can find, ask anyone working there if they know him. That way I'm bound to find him. And when I do, I'll take him here and he can help you. So in the meantime you try to regain your strength and rest. I have some fruit here as well if you're hungry~ *he smiles warm and honest at him* It'll be okay~

Mon 24 Mar 2014 02:48
"Hm I actually think I am~ And it's been long enough~" he laughed low, but still with the same smirk on his lips as he allowed his fingers trace the chains over his chest.
Castiel shakes his head hard "N-no.... I-it's.." he started but stopped himself as even he knew he shouldn't talk about such things.
Hearing what Lucius says he grows pale and almost paniced "W-what do you m-mean? Th-the whole way? W-where a-am I?" the panic became far more audible in his voice and he didn't seem to notice Lucius pretending to think of a solution. Castiel instead turned his head fast as if trying to look around, despite the fact that his eye sight still was very poor.
Hearing the suggestion Castiel lets out a quiet almost complaining sound but there was pain in it as well... He could feel his brothers agony and worry over not being able to find Castiel, and being apart only triggerd one another more and more.
And so he mearly shook his head at the food as he did not feel nearly well enough to eat, and even less albe to belive that things would be okey.
Castiel shakes his head hard "N-no.... I-it's.." he started but stopped himself as even he knew he shouldn't talk about such things.
Hearing what Lucius says he grows pale and almost paniced "W-what do you m-mean? Th-the whole way? W-where a-am I?" the panic became far more audible in his voice and he didn't seem to notice Lucius pretending to think of a solution. Castiel instead turned his head fast as if trying to look around, despite the fact that his eye sight still was very poor.
Hearing the suggestion Castiel lets out a quiet almost complaining sound but there was pain in it as well... He could feel his brothers agony and worry over not being able to find Castiel, and being apart only triggerd one another more and more.
And so he mearly shook his head at the food as he did not feel nearly well enough to eat, and even less albe to belive that things would be okey.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 08:19
*he keeps the smirk on his lips as he keeps watches him* What's been long enough dear? *he lets his eyes roam his body as he really enjoys some eyecandy from time to time*
*he frowns slightly as Castiel stops himself, but he doesn't press the issue as he figures he might know at a later time.
he inwardly rolls his eyes as Castiels panic sets in, but he stays as calm as ever.* I mean the whole way through town to find the right Inn. You can't walk on your own, and I'm not strong enough to carry you. But you're safe here. You're in my room. Nothing will happen you here, and I will bring your brother too. Then we can both help you out~ *he keeps his voice calm and friendly, but as he hears how Castiel seems almost in pain once more he sits down on the bed beside him and looks at him softly* Listen to me Castiel, I would never let anything happen to you~ You're safe here. And I will make sure your brother comes too, so you don't have to worry. Trust me~ *he smiles warm and leans closer so that Castiel can look at him*
*he frowns slightly as Castiel stops himself, but he doesn't press the issue as he figures he might know at a later time.
he inwardly rolls his eyes as Castiels panic sets in, but he stays as calm as ever.* I mean the whole way through town to find the right Inn. You can't walk on your own, and I'm not strong enough to carry you. But you're safe here. You're in my room. Nothing will happen you here, and I will bring your brother too. Then we can both help you out~ *he keeps his voice calm and friendly, but as he hears how Castiel seems almost in pain once more he sits down on the bed beside him and looks at him softly* Listen to me Castiel, I would never let anything happen to you~ You're safe here. And I will make sure your brother comes too, so you don't have to worry. Trust me~ *he smiles warm and leans closer so that Castiel can look at him*

Mon 24 Mar 2014 11:20
"Long enough since I was in this form~ Don't you think~?" he tilts his head and grins, walking up closer to Lucius.
Hearing Lucius explain what he meant Castiel calmed slightly and nods but he still tenses as he hears Lucius knows he can't walk on his own, knowing it's true even if he doesn't want ot admitt it "B-but maybe I.. I could... I.. I can't s-stay if Cesar i-is looking..." he said and sounded very sad over not being able to agree but he just couldn't accept being left "A-and b-being s-safe w-when Cesar isn't... T-then it doesn't matter..."
He was about to protest again when Lucius said to trust him and he looked quite insecure, but then nodded as he hadn't seen any reason to why he shouldn't trust Lucius.
Hearing Lucius explain what he meant Castiel calmed slightly and nods but he still tenses as he hears Lucius knows he can't walk on his own, knowing it's true even if he doesn't want ot admitt it "B-but maybe I.. I could... I.. I can't s-stay if Cesar i-is looking..." he said and sounded very sad over not being able to agree but he just couldn't accept being left "A-and b-being s-safe w-when Cesar isn't... T-then it doesn't matter..."
He was about to protest again when Lucius said to trust him and he looked quite insecure, but then nodded as he hadn't seen any reason to why he shouldn't trust Lucius.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 14:01
*he chuckles and nods some* Mhm...I think I must agree with you there~ And it is a form I really do like~ *there's a slight, almost purr, to his voice as Sarakshi walks up to him*
*he smiles softly as Castiel starts to protest as he thought he would. but he keeps his smile soft and his voice calm* I know how you must be feeling. I know you want to be with me to look for him, but...if you can't walk...I don't have a horse and I can't carry you. *he looks almost devastated as he says it* I want to help you Castiel~ but right now I can only do that if you stay here. I promise nothing will happen to you while you're here. And if Cesar is looking I'll just find him quicker~ *he smiles warm at him and it just turns warmer as Castiel nods. though on the inside Lucius is cheering that Castiel doesn't object to trusting him*
*he smiles softly as Castiel starts to protest as he thought he would. but he keeps his smile soft and his voice calm* I know how you must be feeling. I know you want to be with me to look for him, but...if you can't walk...I don't have a horse and I can't carry you. *he looks almost devastated as he says it* I want to help you Castiel~ but right now I can only do that if you stay here. I promise nothing will happen to you while you're here. And if Cesar is looking I'll just find him quicker~ *he smiles warm at him and it just turns warmer as Castiel nods. though on the inside Lucius is cheering that Castiel doesn't object to trusting him*

Fri 28 Mar 2014 10:28
"Of course you agree I'm always right~" he purred with a joking smirk on his lips "Hm~ Your sweet~" he said and gently allowed a finger trace the over his chest but instead of following the muscle structure he followed ust outside the edge of the eyes that Lucius keept hidden.
Castiel got a devostated look on his face as he was told that following was impossible but he didn't protest more, instead he curls up on the bed.
Hearing that he himself would be fine caused him to let out a small sound "I... I don't worry about me.. I-I worry about C-cesar." he said and thought that something was off with what Lucius said about finding Cesar faster because they were both looking but he couldn't think of what it was and so he said nothing about it.
Castiel got a devostated look on his face as he was told that following was impossible but he didn't protest more, instead he curls up on the bed.
Hearing that he himself would be fine caused him to let out a small sound "I... I don't worry about me.. I-I worry about C-cesar." he said and thought that something was off with what Lucius said about finding Cesar faster because they were both looking but he couldn't think of what it was and so he said nothing about it.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 12:17
*he chuckles slightly* Not always dear, just right now~ *as Sarakshi runs his finger along his chest Lucius shivers slightly. and feeling the fingers along the eyes he raise his eyebrow slightly almost as to warn him from slipping, but he allows the touch as it's been a while since last*
*as he sees the devastated look on Castiels face he looks very sad himself, but he's glad that Castiel at least stops protesting. though hearing what he says about just worrying about Cesar he frowns slightly* I worry about you Castiel~ and I know Cesar does too. I'll go find him for you~ *he smiles comforting and puts a soft hand on Castiels shoulder* I'll be back as soon as I can, so try not to worry too much, okay? *he tilts his head some and keeps the soft and comforting smile as he gets up*
*as he sees the devastated look on Castiels face he looks very sad himself, but he's glad that Castiel at least stops protesting. though hearing what he says about just worrying about Cesar he frowns slightly* I worry about you Castiel~ and I know Cesar does too. I'll go find him for you~ *he smiles comforting and puts a soft hand on Castiels shoulder* I'll be back as soon as I can, so try not to worry too much, okay? *he tilts his head some and keeps the soft and comforting smile as he gets up*

Sat 29 Mar 2014 13:13
Sarakshi leaned in closer and smirked at him but it had a softness to it that made it all the more seductive "Lies~" he purred and let his hand wander further down.
But he didn't care much about the warning look as he knew very well where the eyes were, despite never having seen them.
Castiel looks a bit at Lucius as he says he worries about Castiel he looks slightly ashamed "I'm sorry..." he said quietly to then nod as he didn't want anyone to worry about him.
"O-okey... P-please take care.." he said looking worried at Lucius, as it did scare him to be alone, even more in a new place, but it worried him even more when others went out alone...
But he didn't care much about the warning look as he knew very well where the eyes were, despite never having seen them.
Castiel looks a bit at Lucius as he says he worries about Castiel he looks slightly ashamed "I'm sorry..." he said quietly to then nod as he didn't want anyone to worry about him.
"O-okey... P-please take care.." he said looking worried at Lucius, as it did scare him to be alone, even more in a new place, but it worried him even more when others went out alone...

Sat 29 Mar 2014 13:59
*he raises his eyebrow as Sarakshi leans closer, but smirks at the seductive tone. feeling the hand wander lower he doesn't object but he lets Sarakshi continue as he Wants to see how far he will take it. though he is in the mood to play, so he might hurry it up sooner or later*
*he tilts his head as he sees the ashamed look. smiling softly he caress Castiels shoulder* It's okay Castiel~ I just can't help but to worry about you.
*he nods as Castiel finally agrees to let him go and find Cesar. he finds the concern almost touching anf smiles softly* Thank you~ I will~ and you take care as well and relax. We'll be back before you know it~ *he lets go of Castiels shoulder and walks to the door. there he turns and looks some at him again* It'll be okay~ See you soon~ *he opens the door and leaves the room. closing the door he puts a spell on it to prevent people from entering and to keep track of Castiel as well should he leave, just because it's fun. then he leaves to go back to town*
*he tilts his head as he sees the ashamed look. smiling softly he caress Castiels shoulder* It's okay Castiel~ I just can't help but to worry about you.
*he nods as Castiel finally agrees to let him go and find Cesar. he finds the concern almost touching anf smiles softly* Thank you~ I will~ and you take care as well and relax. We'll be back before you know it~ *he lets go of Castiels shoulder and walks to the door. there he turns and looks some at him again* It'll be okay~ See you soon~ *he opens the door and leaves the room. closing the door he puts a spell on it to prevent people from entering and to keep track of Castiel as well should he leave, just because it's fun. then he leaves to go back to town*

Sun 30 Mar 2014 01:01
"Hm~ Have you nothing to say for yourself~?" he purred and tilted his head slight "Or is it that you have become so soft that you cannot lie anymore, hm~?" he asked with the same tone, allowing his fingers to stroke along he waist line of Lucius pants.
Castiel looks ashamed still but he does manage a small smile as he gets very touched by the consern "T-thank you Lucius... B-but you don't need to.. I'm safe here remember?" he asked and tilted his head as he repeated the words Lucius had told him.
Castiel nods as Lucius tells him to take care and relax, and his smile widens slightly hearing that they would be back soon.
Thou as soon as Lucius leaves the room he curls up on the bed with a sad look on his face.
Castiel looks ashamed still but he does manage a small smile as he gets very touched by the consern "T-thank you Lucius... B-but you don't need to.. I'm safe here remember?" he asked and tilted his head as he repeated the words Lucius had told him.
Castiel nods as Lucius tells him to take care and relax, and his smile widens slightly hearing that they would be back soon.
Thou as soon as Lucius leaves the room he curls up on the bed with a sad look on his face.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 05:42
*hearing the soft taunt in his voice Lucius chuckles and runs his uncovered hand along Sarakshis cheek* I wouldn't call it soft dear~ besides, I hardly ever lie~ especially not to you~ *his voice drops and gets both lower and more seductive as he leans closer to him so that their lips almost touch during his last words. he runs his hand up through Sarakshis hair and down his neck in a slow and almost teasing manner. feeling the fingers along his waistline he smirks and runs his own fingers up along Sarakshis jawline to tilt his face up towards his own*
*he smiles at Castiel and chuckles softly as Castiel answers back with his own words* True~ *he smiles warm* You'll always be safe here~ I promise~ *and he does actually mean it, though perhaps not in the way it sounds.
seeing the smile widen at his words of beeing back soon Lucius almost ahakes his head at the boys naivety, though he still finds it rather amusing. so before he close the door to leave he waves at him and smiles warm. though as soon as the door closes he shakes his head in disbelief that anyone can be like Castiel*
*he smiles at Castiel and chuckles softly as Castiel answers back with his own words* True~ *he smiles warm* You'll always be safe here~ I promise~ *and he does actually mean it, though perhaps not in the way it sounds.
seeing the smile widen at his words of beeing back soon Lucius almost ahakes his head at the boys naivety, though he still finds it rather amusing. so before he close the door to leave he waves at him and smiles warm. though as soon as the door closes he shakes his head in disbelief that anyone can be like Castiel*

Sat 5 Apr 2014 22:50
Sarakshi allows the caressing of his cheek even if it was VERY tempting to bite Lucius, thou he could mostly resist as Lucius words were so amusing he couldn't help but to laugh low "No~? Then what would you call it~? Creative truth perhaps~?" he smirked but let out a low purr as Lucius leaned closer.
Feelign Lucius hands in his hair the purr turned to a low, almost playful growl, and just as Lucius has tilted his head up he pushes him back and crosses his arms "Now what do you think your doing~?" he purred out once more smirking amused.
Castiel looks just a little more secure as Lucius chuckles and he smiles back at him, adding a nod has Lucius once more ensures him of his safety...
Feelign Lucius hands in his hair the purr turned to a low, almost playful growl, and just as Lucius has tilted his head up he pushes him back and crosses his arms "Now what do you think your doing~?" he purred out once more smirking amused.
Castiel looks just a little more secure as Lucius chuckles and he smiles back at him, adding a nod has Lucius once more ensures him of his safety...

Sun 29 Jun 2014 00:45
Sensing the true reaction Lucius chuckles when hearing the words. "Very creative indeed~ though as I said, only the truth to you dear~"
Hearing the low growl he smirks and even though he gets pushed away he's not too bothered. Instead he chuckles and gets closer again. "I have a lot of thoughts about what I'm doing~ and I have a feeling you'll like most of them~" he chuckles and caress up Sarakshis arm slowly as he moves in closer again. With his other hand he takes hold of Sarakshis waistband and pulls him against him.
Hearing the low growl he smirks and even though he gets pushed away he's not too bothered. Instead he chuckles and gets closer again. "I have a lot of thoughts about what I'm doing~ and I have a feeling you'll like most of them~" he chuckles and caress up Sarakshis arm slowly as he moves in closer again. With his other hand he takes hold of Sarakshis waistband and pulls him against him.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 01:51
"I thought so~ Since you have far to much selfpreservation to be able to lie to me~" a charming grin plays on his lips.
Seeing Lucius come closer once more and hearing what he said made Sarakshi tilts his head and the grin widend a bit "Hm~ You might be right, but just to be sure... Why don't you give me a demonstration~?" he asked and leaned even closer.
Seeing Lucius come closer once more and hearing what he said made Sarakshi tilts his head and the grin widend a bit "Hm~ You might be right, but just to be sure... Why don't you give me a demonstration~?" he asked and leaned even closer.
キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 00:50
Cassandra saw him and walked to him "Castiel? Whats happened ?" she asked and reached out her hand towards him but then pulled it back fast, remembering that he didnt liked to be touched. "Can i do something?" she asked worridly

Sun 9 Mar 2014 00:55
Castiel flinches when hearing the familiar voice but curls up more "I-it's nothing it.. It happens sometimes." he tried to smile a bit but failed misserably due to the pain "I.. I need to get b-back to Cesar..."

Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:15
"T-the in... Um.." he tries hard to remember the name of the in they stayed at but couldn't remember as they had visited so many before Cesar had found one he aproved off.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 01:29
She smiled softly and.mentioned the INNs that were in the town, to see if he recognized the right one.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 02:30
Castiel recognized many names but not wich one it was they stayed at as they tended to move around a bit.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:26
She smiled softly "Can i touch you? so i can help you up, i wont hurt you, i promise Castiel. i only want to help you" she said softly

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:29
Castiel looked insecure but nodded slow "I'm sorry... And th-thank you.."

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:32
Cassandra helped Castiel up and smiled softly. "Can you walk on your own? If not, do you know what piggyback-ride is? I can carry you on my back if you cant walk" she said softly " We're gonna find your brother even if we need to visit every inn in this kingdom"

Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:44
"I... I can walk just.. Slowly..." he said with a faint smile as the thought of being carried did scare him a bit..
His smile widend a bit as he heard what she said and he nods slow "Thank you.." he said once more.
His smile widend a bit as he heard what she said and he nods slow "Thank you.." he said once more.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 13:46
She nodded "Alright, tell me if you get tired or so, then we can think of another way" she said as she noticed he felt slightly scared. She put her arm around him and started to walk, slow. "Is the pace alright?"

Sun 9 Mar 2014 17:33
Castiel nods slow and manages a faint smile "O-okey..." he said and then nods once more to agree on the pace.

Sun 9 Mar 2014 19:56
Castiel was very unsteady but he walked with her and looked around as he tried to recognize something that would help him find his brother.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 9 Mar 2014 20:04
They soon reached one of the Inns "Is this the in?" she asked softly

Sun 9 Mar 2014 21:07
Castiel walks with her but already starts feeling how the energy drains from his body...

Mon 10 Mar 2014 11:44
Castiel keept walking despite the tiredness he fealt, as if keept getting worse and worse... But he also got more stressed as he still didn't recognize anything.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:01
Cassandra felt that he didnt feel good and stressed, she stopped and looked at him "Castiel, take it easy okey? if you dont recognize anything, its all right. we can alwahs walked inside the inns and ask if ypur brother is checked in, alright? we will fix this, im here for you ''she said softly

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:05
Castiel fealt a little calmer when hearing what Cassandra had said and nods slow "O-okey..." he said and took a deep breath.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:09
Cassandra smiled softly "So...calm down now, no need to be stressed. im here. We will find your brother together. " she said softly
(...i first wrote that she slimed....eww i.i haha )
(...i first wrote that she slimed....eww i.i haha )

Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:12
"Mmh... I.. I have never spent this m-much time away from brother..." he said and looked a bit worried "I.. I hope he is alright" he said and it really showed how worried he was.
(haha don't worry, I would have understood none the less~)
(haha don't worry, I would have understood none the less~)

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 10 Mar 2014 12:25
she nodded "Well, if we arre in a hurry, let me carry you? its not as scary as it sounds, i promise.. i want you to find your brother, Castiel" she said, she cared, and it showed.
(But stil... Slimed... XD )
(But stil... Slimed... XD )

Mon 10 Mar 2014 15:00
"I-I'm sorry I really can't..." he said and pulled away from her, leaning against the wall instead.
(hehe yeaaaah xD)
(hehe yeaaaah xD)

Mon 10 Mar 2014 22:58
Castiel nods slow to then light up "Cesars horse!" he said with a wide smil e "He will know the way back as well~"

Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:52
Castiel leaned against a wall and seemed to consentrate really hard, he obviously grew weaker and and weaker but still he pressed on... Not stopping til his legs folded "H-he should c-come." he said with a faint smile and closed his eyes.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 11 Mar 2014 09:54
She looks at him "Let me help you.." she said and put a arm around him and held him up.

Tue 11 Mar 2014 13:51
He looks insecure once more when touched but allows her "O-oh.. Thank you..." he said a little insecure and looks around.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 11 Mar 2014 16:41
"I wont hurt you, Castiel. i just want to help you.. remember that'' she said softly

Tue 11 Mar 2014 22:01
"I-I know but touching can.. Can be very hamful t-to me... Even if it's gentle." he said and looked down.

Wed 12 Mar 2014 12:01
Castiel nods and almost hangs on her... But after a few mintues the sound of hoofs can be heard and soon a chestnut coloured horse with white socks and a thin blaze, it seemed to be an andalusian.
Castiel smiled and reached a hand out for it "Miramis~"
(this is the closest I can find http://parizadman.persiangig.com/image/only/animals/82060.jpg)
Castiel smiled and reached a hand out for it "Miramis~"
(this is the closest I can find http://parizadman.persiangig.com/image/only/animals/82060.jpg)

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 12 Mar 2014 12:03
She looked at the horse and smiled alittle "how beautiful." she said

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:21
The horse frusted and then made a bow (kinda like that http://www.horsegroomingsupplies.com/horse-forums/members/lindamm-albums-my+horses-picture63165-baby-bowing.jpg ).. Seening that made Castiel smile sight and he petted the horse "Good boy~" he said to then look at Cassandra "H-hai, I really like him..."

Wed 12 Mar 2014 19:35
The horse bowed down further to let Castiel on.. Castiel smiled back faintly at her "Y-you can let me go..."

Wed 12 Mar 2014 22:11
Castiel managed to get onto the horse and hugged it's neck "Thank you Cassandra..." he said with a smile "D-do you want to ride as well?"

Wed 12 Mar 2014 22:20
"O-okey..." he said and the horse got up and started to walk "T-then is this good bye?" he asked almost worried.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 12 Mar 2014 22:22
"Do yu want me to follow you unil you find your brothr?" sh asked and walked witn the horse atleast until she got a answer.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 13 Mar 2014 01:07
"I said id help you find him, i will stand for my Word" she said softly

Fri 14 Mar 2014 22:04
"Do you think... Nnh.. Are you happy with your life?" he asked and looked at her with tired eyes.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 14 Mar 2014 23:32
She smiles alittle "Kinda..i have a man i love. ..and we are expecting a child, right not nothing could make me more happy so i guess im happy with my life"

Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:38
"C-child...?" he looks not disgusted nor confused nor sad but he had some look on his face and it was not happy "A-aren't you a bit to young? C-can be very harmful... A-and.. Y-your famili I..." he shakes his head looking almost worried.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:59
"Im 17 and since im only the princess, im only the next oldest of my siblings and will never get the throne its no problem. i will loose my Title since i wont marry a man of Royal heir but im alright with that"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 20:58
"T-that's far to young..." he said sounding very conserned, having seen what could happen, even to grown up people he was horrified of what might happen to someone who hardly had finished growing.
But he said nothing about the whole "royal" thing as it was of no intrest to him, and those things never made any sense to him.
But he said nothing about the whole "royal" thing as it was of no intrest to him, and those things never made any sense to him.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:49
"W-well that's very good but... A-a child.. I... I don't want you t-to get hurt b-because of love.. Y-you can love without a child..." he said and there was only consern in his voice. But he had started to sound weak, as if something was wrong.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:08
She looked at him "Shh... easy.. dont strain yourself.. " she said softly "The baby wont hurt me..i promise'

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:54
She smiled softly "The only thing that can hurt me is Cassidy... " she said and looked down

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:24
"O-oh..." he looked a bit thoughtful but said nothing more.. He was getting far to tired, and so the horse seemed stressed and started to walk faster.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:24
She walked besides the horse and looked at Castiel, he looked worried..

Tue 18 Mar 2014 12:30
The horse started to trott as it couldn't keep to walking anymore but castiel keept getting worse, he could barly keep his eyes open and he seemed to grow very weak, almost falling off the horse.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 18 Mar 2014 13:01
Cassandra jumped up on the horse, behind Castiel and held him Close, sheknew he didnt like it but she couldnt let him fall off he horse...

Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:33
It seemed like a jolt went trough his body when she got close and her let out a pained scream as his eyes started to bleed again. He got a white glow around him and started to speak low and fast.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 18 Mar 2014 18:04
"Damn...." she moved away so nothing else hut her hans touched him, she didnt want to hurt him more...

Tue 18 Mar 2014 22:46
None the less the shimer remained around him and he keept speaking, but the language was an anchient and forgotten one... And even in it's glory days only a few people knew of it.
He started speaking faster and faster and the white glow around him got stronger, it was a powerful energy, almost as a shield, but it was made of pure innocent and good engergy, and it fealt old, maybe even anchient.
He started speaking faster and faster and the white glow around him got stronger, it was a powerful energy, almost as a shield, but it was made of pure innocent and good engergy, and it fealt old, maybe even anchient.

Wed 19 Mar 2014 12:30
Castiel suddenly slumped forword and the second he did the glow was gone.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 11:22
Castiel remains unconsious and the horse speeds up and so they soon reaches a inn at the more expensive part of town nd there it stops.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Mar 2014 12:20
She got down from the horse and made Castiel leaned against the horse so he wouldnt slip down. "damn..." she looked around, she didnt want to leave Castiel alone..

Sat 29 Mar 2014 11:37
It wasn't long before a boy came running towords them, looking quite a lot like a thundercloud "Get away from my brother." he almost hissed out.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 29 Mar 2014 12:34
Cassandra looked at him and then moved away "I was just trying to help him.."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 01:03
"Help him with what? Dying?" he said with an angry voice and walked up to Castiel, he fealt his brothers pulse with a worried expression before lifting him down.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 00:33
She lookd at him "He got worse on the way here, you shouldnt have let him be out this long anyway ! DONT blame it on the person who tried to help!!"

Tue 8 Apr 2014 13:58
"I would never let him out alone! I know he can get sick..." he growls and now seems to get even more angry "I fall asleep for 10 minutes and he's gone!"

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 8 Apr 2014 15:07
She glared at him "Are you gonna continue arguing or are you gonna help him?!"

Fri 25 Apr 2014 11:54
"There is NOTHING I can do for him at this point!" he gowls and his hands seems to glow slight.

Sun 27 Apr 2014 03:04
"I think I know my brother better then you do miss. And he needs rest.. There is NOTHING that can be done, he was born that way, and he will die that way!!"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 27 Apr 2014 10:24
"THEN TAKE HIM INTO THE HOTEL AND LET HIM REST!! DONT KEEP HIM HERE OUTSIDE!!" She screamed, She was irritated,paniced and so on...

Mon 28 Apr 2014 01:14
"The reason for my brother being in this state is you, when you touched him." he said coldly and as he did the horse frusted and looked from Cesar to Cassandra "Now LEAVE." he went inside and the horse bit after Cassandra.
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