Friday 14 March 2014 photo 1/1
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Axis bits his lip and hisses low in pain as he carefully massages over his painful slow healing wings "…." he fingers tips trace over the leather band that Lucius had placed around his neck, hiding him from using his magic and slowing down his abilities like healing "..why.." he didn't understand why Lucius was doing this to him..treating him like, like a toy.
Axis scowls in disgust and claws the leather band in a try to get it of himself, his neck already marked in red scratches of earlier attempt.
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Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:01
You should keep from scratching. It won't come off no matter how hard you try *Lucius walks into the room with a smirk on his face*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:06
Axis freeze and stops when Lucius come in to the room, "...." He glares at him

Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:13
*he raises an eyebrow as he sees the glare and cross his arms* Is that they way to greet me? I think you might have lost your words.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:57
*he shakes his head disapproving* And here I thought that royals still had manners. Looks like I was mistaken

Sat 15 Mar 2014 15:04
Axis flinch but then looks up and stretch of himself, he looks right at Lucius "I got manners ~ but only to the one that deserves it.."

Sat 15 Mar 2014 16:24
I see. So you think I don't deserve them? *he raises an eyebrow and walks up to him* Keeping you alive doesn't give me that right?

Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:15
"What do you even want with me Lucius?" Axis hunch away a little of instinct when Lucius walks closer but then remember himself and stops "you're treating me like you own me "

Sat 15 Mar 2014 17:26
*he smirks seeing how Axis hunch away by him just walking closer* I haven't decided what I want with you yet little birdie. Though I'm not one to say no to new toys. Especially not when Sarakhsi is so kind to bring them to my door. *he puts his hand on one of Axis wings and caress over the broken bones* Though I still don't like that tone in your voice...

Sat 15 Mar 2014 18:39
"I'm not a toy " Axis glares at him but whimpers low and flinches away when Lucius puts his hand on one of Axis wings and caress over the broken bones, he turns so that Lucius can't touch his wing

Sat 15 Mar 2014 18:43
*as Axis turns Lucius grabs his him bu the throat and lifts him up pulling off his feet* If you wish to live I suggest that you rethink your behaviour. *his voice is cold and he squeeze his throat hard enough to cut off the air supply*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 18:52
Axis gasp and grabs lucius hands as he tries to fight for air "s-stop…ahh..l-please" he tries to reach the ground with his feet "ugh…I-I'm sorry.." he gasp after air

Sat 15 Mar 2014 19:02
*he just looks at Axis as he starts to struggles and finds it mildly amusing. though when Axis apologises he lets go of him, letting him fall straight to the floor* Better. Though you still have far to go birdie

Sat 15 Mar 2014 19:17
Axis whines as he hits the floor as Lucius let go of him but right now he didn't care, the only thing he was focus on was to fill his lungs with air

Sat 15 Mar 2014 19:45
*he keeps his eyes on him and cross his arms* You have anything to say for your behaviour?

Sat 15 Mar 2014 19:53
*he rasies his eyebrow* No? You believe this behaviour should be tolerated?

Sat 15 Mar 2014 20:02
*he chuckles coldly* At least you're honest. *he walks over to him and grabs the base of the wing* You're right. It will not be tolerated. *he grips harder and the bone begin to crack along the base. he pulls back making the skin tense and soon it breaks making him bleed as the wing slowly is pulled off of his back*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 20:23
"NO GHAAA" Axis eyes fills with tears and he screams in pain he arch his back and struggles to get away

Sat 15 Mar 2014 20:27
*he looks at him almost unaffected by the tears and the screams and instead pulls more as Axis keeps struggling* I gave you chances to clean up your act and behave, and yet you fight against it. You only have yourself to blame for this. *he yanks his hand back and with an almost sickening sound the wing disconnects fully from Axis back leaving only a gaping, bleeding wound as Lucius holds the wing in his hand*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 20:47
Axis screams more as the wing disconnects fully from his back, he collapse to the floor since his legs didn't want to bear him, he sobs and try to cover the gaping bleeding wound with his hand, his fingers trace over the wound, like they where looking for the wing. he trembles of pain.
Axis didn't know how long it would take for the new wing to grown out with the leather band slowing down everything but he hope it wouldn't take to long.
Axis didn't know how long it would take for the new wing to grown out with the leather band slowing down everything but he hope it wouldn't take to long.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 21:00
*he looks at the wing in his hand and then back at Axis again. he ignores the screams and just shakes his head* Pity. Now you're all uneven again~ *he sees how Axis traces the wound and hunch down beside him. he puts his hand under his chin and tilts his head up to look at his face* I take it your wings grow back again, no? *he tilts his head some* I suggest that you think very hard on how you act if you don't wish for me to keep removing them. So...*hr smiles some* how about those manners~

Sat 15 Mar 2014 21:22
Axis flinches when Lucius put his hand under Axis chin and tilts his head up to look at his face, he whimpers low when Lucius made clear that he did know about his wings growing out, he swallows and nodes weakly, he didn't want to have his wings to keep getting removed "..y-yes they grow back…I-I can even reattach the old wing back, it spare me the energy of creating a new wing…sir"

Sat 15 Mar 2014 22:45
*he smirks seeing him flinch and nods slightly as Axis confirms his theory about the wings growing back. though hearing that he can reattach them the smirk grows* Then you should keep your strenght as you need to grow a new one, if you want it back. *hearing the word "sir" he raises his eyebrow and looks at him pleased* I like that~

Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:04
*he chuckles and nods* Then rest. You're going to need it birdie. *he lets go of his chin and stands up*

Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:10
Axis curls up as Lucius let go of him,the gap on his back was still bleeding badly

Sun 16 Mar 2014 01:17
*he lraves the room and walks to his own room. there he gets a bowl of water and some cloths. he shakes his head as he looks at it before walking back to Axis. he puts the bowl beside him and the cloth beside the bowl.* You may clean the wound.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 16:38
Axis looks confused after Lucius when he walks out from the room "….." he trace the leather band some with his bloodily fingers and swears low over it stoping him from healing the bleeding wound. he flinches a little and stops when Lucius come back with a bowl of water and a rag that he puts down beside him "..t-thank you" he takes up the rag careful and looks at it a little "um…i-if you just could take of the leather band just for a moment.. I-I could heal the wound…sir"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:51
*he nods as Axis thanks him, though upon hearing the question he rasies his eyebrow and looks at him coldly* You're really pushing your luck here. I said you may clean it. Had I wanted you to heal I would have said so. *he bends down and grabs hold of Axis hair and janks his head back hard to look at him* I suggest you clean it before I decide to tear the other one off as well.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:59
Axis whimpers in pain by getting his head jank back by his hair "f-forgive me sir..I went to far…I won't ask again" he start to clean the wound as best he could

Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:10
*he nods and lets go of Axis hair* You did. I can forgive you now, but be warned, my patience is running out with you. *he stands up and cross his arms as he watches Axis clean the wound*

Sun 16 Mar 2014 22:18
Axis stays quiet as he cleans the wound, dipping the cloth then and then in the bowel of water that was slowly turning red

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:53
*he watches him as he cleans the wound and doesn't seem at all affected by the water turning red. instead he looks at the torn off wing that lays on the floor still. he takes it and puts it on a shelf high up on the wall, but still so that it can be seen properly* Just a reminder of what can happen if you disobey me

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:58
Axis finches cleaning the wound and he looks pale when Lucius puts up the torn of wing in a shelf to be seen properly "…" he felt sick in his stomach and looks away

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:13
*he chuckles as he sees how Axis turns pale and looks away* I see it does its trick already. Just remember, every wing I tear off will end up there. *he smirks some* How many do you think it'll be?

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:22
Axis flinches and gets even paler when Lucius states that every wing he tear off will end up on the self,
he wrap his hand around his remanning wing when he ask how many wings would end up on the shelf "..h-hopeful no more.. sir"
he wrap his hand around his remanning wing when he ask how many wings would end up on the shelf "..h-hopeful no more.. sir"

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:35
*he notices the flinch and nods slightly in approval of it seeing that Axis seems to understand the seriousness.
though hearing the answer to the question he lets out a laugh anf shakes his head* Oh my, don't you think highly of yourself now. I have yet to see any evidence that you listen so I expect to see plenty more before this is over
though hearing the answer to the question he lets out a laugh anf shakes his head* Oh my, don't you think highly of yourself now. I have yet to see any evidence that you listen so I expect to see plenty more before this is over

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:39
Axis bits his lips and pulls his wing protecting against himself when Lucius said that he expect plenty more

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:55
*he chuckles and walks over to Axis and caress the wing still attached* You're holding on to your precious wing? How long does it usually take for it to grow out?

Mon 17 Mar 2014 01:07
he flinches and shies away from Lucius touch, afraid that he would take it to"…I-It usually take three to four days…b-but with the leather band slowing it down I don't know"

Mon 17 Mar 2014 01:25
*as Axis flinch away from the touch Lucius holds on the the wing firmer, but without tearing it or breaking it - just holding it* Three four days you say? *he thinks for a moment working out how long it will take with the band* I would say about four to five times longer than normal. *he smirks some* So no more flying for you in a while then~ *he tilts his head and looks at the wing in his hand* And no more symmetry in a while as well. Pity...

Mon 17 Mar 2014 01:35
Axis freezes as Lucius holds firmer on the wing, his eyes widens a little when he here how long it would take for his wing to grow back with the leather band

Mon 17 Mar 2014 07:30
*as Axis freeze he goes back to caressing the broken wing though he does add extra pressure to where it's broken as punishment for Axis moving away from his touch in the first place. though the look in Axis eyes as he realise how long it will take him to grow back his wing really does amuse him* Just be thankful it will come back. I could have stopped it fully by totally blocking your natural magic~

Mon 17 Mar 2014 12:12
Axis whimpers low when Lucius puts pressure on the broken part but stays still so that he could keep caressing his wing, he bits his lip to stop a other whimper to slip out when he said he could had block Axis natural magic completely

Tue 18 Mar 2014 09:12
*hearing the whimper he press a little bit harder, but still far from hard enough to cause more damage. though he can sense the reaction from Axis as he mentions the full block of his magic* So I suggest you appreciate the things I give you, because I can just as easily take them away~

Tue 18 Mar 2014 10:12
He groans whenLucius press a bit harder and grinds his teeth a little to stop himself from growling and he digs his fingers into the floor.. "thank you for the things you allow me to have ~…I'm grateful "

Tue 18 Mar 2014 13:23
*he chuckles as he hears how Axis responds and he loosens his grip and just caress the wing* That's good~ And you're welcome~ *he smirks some as he sense the reactions from Axis even though he tries to hide it, though he's almost disappointed that Axis is able to hide his reactions so well*

Tue 18 Mar 2014 13:43
Axis trembles slightly under Lucius hand as he loosens the grip and just caress his wing "…."

Wed 19 Mar 2014 08:53
*he tilts his head some as he feels the tremble and raises his eyebrow as he keeps caressing the wing* I believe you will come to appreciate this touch~

Wed 19 Mar 2014 09:32
Axis grinds his teeth and mutters low "…no sir…I won't"

Wed 19 Mar 2014 10:11
No? *he chuckles coldly and stills his hand* So you prefer it when I break your wings or tear them off then? *he tilts his head slightly and smirks* Well, in that case I'm easy~ *he tightens his grip if the wing again causing tension in the bone just short of breaking it*

Wed 19 Mar 2014 10:22
"ahh n-no..no I don't " Axis whimpers in pain of the tighten grip and he hunch to get away, his wing snap down and curl forward immediately in a gesture of submission, displaying the vulnerable areas underneath to Lucius

Wed 19 Mar 2014 11:37
*he lets go of the wing the moment Axes whimpers in pain and moves the wing forward. he raises an eyebrow at the gesture but nods approvingly as he bends down and place his hand on the exposed area. he uses the nails to add pressure to the skin without breaking it and chuckles some* I knew you preferred the gentle touch instead~

Wed 19 Mar 2014 12:41
He whines low when Lucius uses his nails to add pressure to the skin but he don't move away from the hand

Wed 19 Mar 2014 13:47
*hearing the low whine he actually moves his hand some to move the nails from the skin, though he keeps his hand there* As I said, you will come to like it~

Wed 19 Mar 2014 14:16
Axis tens for a moment when he feels the pressur of the nails being lift but when nothing happened he allows himself to relaxes a little

Wed 19 Mar 2014 15:44
*he nods slightly as he feels how Axis relaxes a bit and he starts to slowly move his hand up along the wing, caressing the feathers as he goes*

Wed 19 Mar 2014 15:58
Axis shuffles a bit a bit uncomfortable as Lucius slowly starts to move his hand up along the wing, caressing the feathers as he goes.
He weren't use to having someone ells other then his sister touching his wings but he stays quiet, rather having the caressing then pain
He weren't use to having someone ells other then his sister touching his wings but he stays quiet, rather having the caressing then pain

Wed 19 Mar 2014 23:14
*he can feel how uncomfortable Axis gets by the touch. so he gently keeps caressing them and straighten out some that are still ruffled* You will come to crave this touch~

Wed 19 Mar 2014 23:36
Axis keeps quiet but his body tens of what Lucius said

Wed 19 Mar 2014 23:45
*he chuckles as he feels him tense up. he moves his hand away and looks at him* Aren't you suddenly the good birdie~

Thu 20 Mar 2014 08:16
Axis bit his lip some and keep himself from answering "...." He only behaved because he couldn't stand the pain

Thu 20 Mar 2014 13:12
Keeping quiet won't save you in the long run~ just a heads up~ *he smirks and stands up*

Thu 20 Mar 2014 14:24
"…." Axis looks empty at him "…you just want to have a reason to punish me..sir"

Thu 20 Mar 2014 14:46
*he chuckles and actually sounds amused* Of course not. I take no pleasure in hurting just because it might be fun. I have my rules, my expectations. If you follow those nothing bad will happen to you and you will feel no pain~ break them and...well, *he gestures at the wing on the wall* then that'll happen

Thu 20 Mar 2014 15:27
Axis doesn't looks so amused and his wing folds tightly against his back when Lucius makes a gestures at the wing on the wall "…I can't bring myself to believe you..sir"

Thu 20 Mar 2014 20:12
Hrm, perhaps not. Though you will learn to believe in me birdie~ *he looks at him and grins*

Thu 20 Mar 2014 20:40
Axis stars back at him for a moment before he avert his eyes down at the floor "…." his stomach rumbles low

Fri 21 Mar 2014 08:25
*he raises an eyebrow as he hears his stomach rumble* I take it that you're hungry, no?

Fri 21 Mar 2014 08:36
he blushes embarrassed when his stomach rumbles "…." he nodes "…yes..sir"

Fri 21 Mar 2014 09:05
*he nods slightly and looks at him before he sigh and turns to leave* I guess even birdies need to eat...*he leaves the room and walks to a kind of storage which he looks through to find something suitable for Axis to eat*

Fri 21 Mar 2014 09:38
Axis looks after Lucius as he leaves the room "…." he moves back to the bed and sits down in it, he start to build a nest of the blankets and pillows since he didn't really knowing what to do while he waited

Fri 21 Mar 2014 11:01
*he looks for a bit before he grabs some items and puts them on a tray. he also gets a pint of water that he takes in his other hand before walking back to Axis room.
as he enters the room he sees the nest and chuckles* You really are more of a bird. *he walks over to the bed and puts the pint of water beside the bed and puts an apple and some dry bread beside it. he then looks at Axis*
as he enters the room he sees the nest and chuckles* You really are more of a bird. *he walks over to the bed and puts the pint of water beside the bed and puts an apple and some dry bread beside it. he then looks at Axis*

Fri 21 Mar 2014 12:57
Axis looks up some from the nest when Lucius comes into the room "….I'm not.." he looks at the food and water and climbs out from the nest "..thank you"

Fri 21 Mar 2014 14:07
*hearing him object Lucius just raises an eyebrow at him as he finds only birds built nests like this. but hearing how Axis thanks him for the food he nods slightly and watches him with his arms loosely crossed*

Fri 21 Mar 2014 15:01
Axis choose to ignores Lucius and instead lays his focus on the food, he inspects it carefully before he gently picks up the apple and studies it closer "...." He takes a bit of it

Fri 21 Mar 2014 15:12
*he chuckles as he sees him inspect the apple and tilts his head some* Don't worry, it's not poisoned~ *he says it right as Axis takes a bite and he smirks some*

Fri 21 Mar 2014 15:28
Axis chews some and then swilled "if it's isn't poison then why are you smirking?" he takes a other bit and chews slowly

Fri 21 Mar 2014 15:38
Because you look at the food like you don't trust me. I'm just telling you it's nothing to worry about birdie~ *he leans against the wall and keeps watching him as he has no plans on leaving anything with him once he's done with the food*

Fri 21 Mar 2014 15:44
"I don't trust you~" axis flash a innocent smile at Lucius before he goes back to eating

Fri 21 Mar 2014 16:43
"….." he finishes eating the apple and drinks some of the water

Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:43
*he stays against the wall and watches him to make sure he doesn't hide anything as he doesn't plan to let Axis eat unless Lucius himself gives him permission to do so*

Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:28
Axis glance at Lucius "…." he finish the last pice of the bread and drinks the last of the water

Tue 25 Mar 2014 08:10
*as soon as Axis is done Lucius takes the things and leaves the room in silence. he does not intend to let Axis keep any of it for longer than necessary. so he carries the things back to where he got it and puts it in a sinklike bowl to let it soak a bit*

Tue 25 Mar 2014 09:46
Axis fumbles with the nest and watches Lucius leave with the things "….." he sighs and rubs his neck, clawing the leather band a little

Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:17
*after leaving the things he walks back to Axis room. he sees him clawing on the leather band and shakes his head* Told you it won't come off unless I remove it~

Tue 25 Mar 2014 10:27
He stops when Lucius comes back "…I know…" tough he start clawing the band again

Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:02
Then stop it. *he looks at him almost coldly* I don't want to see a single mark on your neck around that band unless I give them to you

Tue 25 Mar 2014 12:47
Axis freeze and stops clawing when Lucius looks at him coldly, he curls instinctually up "..yes..sir"

Tue 25 Mar 2014 13:44
*he nods approvingly as Axis stops clawing, and that he curls up just makes Lucius smirk* Good boy. The only damages I ever wish to find on your body are the ones I inflict on you myself. Should anything else happen you will tell me how it happened and I might let it slide. Should I find anything myself...well, do I need to tell you what might happen then? *his eyes stays cold but there's a slight hint of something similar to anticipation and enjoyment as he thinks about it*

Tue 25 Mar 2014 16:37
Good. *his smirk widens as he looks at him and he walks up to him. he caress the wing gently and smiles* I think you will come to like it here in the end

Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:06
Axis shudders a little and bits his lip as Lucius caress his wing "…."

Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:08
*he raises his eyebrow as he feels the shudder and so he keeps caressing the wing with a surprisingly soft and gentle touch*

Tue 25 Mar 2014 18:37
Axis tens up when the touch get soft and gently, he wanted to move away from the touch but didn't dare to, he trembles slightly

Wed 26 Mar 2014 23:29
*he finds it rather amusing feeling how Axis tense up by the touch, amd he must admit that the level of self control - or perhaps it's only self preservation - is almost admirable* See? This isn't so bad, is it?

Thu 27 Mar 2014 12:52
Axis greet his teeth in discomfort "..yes..is not that bad.."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 12:56
*he chuckles as he notices the gritted teeth but keeps caressing the wing just for the heck of it*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 13:21
Well, aren't you well behaved all of a sudden?~ *he smirks some as he feels him tense up some and he removes his hand from the wing*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 13:42
Axis relaxes some when the hand was removed from his wing "..yes.."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 18:57
I'm preparing a new room for you. So don't get too comfortable here~

Thu 27 Mar 2014 20:27
Axis looks up a bit surprised and looks confused at Lucius "why?"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 20:40
He flinches and looks down fast when he realize what he had done "..…."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 20:51
*he nods as he sees Axis reaction and strokes his head* Good birdie~

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:18
Axis was still confused and a bit curies on why Lucius would move him to a other room but he stays silent

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:23
*he removes his hand from Axis head and walks to the door* So behave now

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:28
He nodes and curls up in the nest he had mad of the pillow and blankets "I will behave"

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:33
*he nods and leaves the room walking back to his own room instead*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 21:44
Axis curls up more and close his eyes to trie to get some sleep
Sat 15 Mar 2014 10:39
C: A small white haired boy sits curled up in a corner of the "main room" and sob low.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 12:01
Axis flinches and stops clawing on the leather band when he could here low sobs "…hello?" was it someone ells then him there, he hesitates a little but then crawls of the bed he had been siting on and stubbles slowly towards the low sound in the main room, his wings dragging behind him

Sat 15 Mar 2014 13:47
The boy seemed to mumble to himself and rocked slowly back and forth.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 14:08
Axis sees him and stops in his tracks "...hi are you okey!~" he speaks softy to the scared boy and walks slowly over to him

Sat 15 Mar 2014 22:56
The boy hunches back and seems to grow even more scared "D-don't come here I.. I... I'll attack!" he said but it was obvious what a lie it was.

Sat 15 Mar 2014 23:03
Axis laughs weakly and slumps down on the ground some meters in front of the boy, he didn't have the strength to stand "calm down little one~ I'm not going to hurt you~…I'm Axis~who are you? "

Sun 16 Mar 2014 12:33
The boy doesn't seem amused at all as he hears laughther and he pushes more against the wall to escape him "I-I'm Castiel.. W-who are you?"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 14:45
Axis notice how the boy shies away from him but he stays where he is "I'm Axis~"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 20:48
"T-that's just a name... N-not who you are.." he said insecure but as this person did nothing to harm him he fealt calmer.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:07
Axis flinches a little and he looks down on the floor when Castiel says that his name what just a name "…here it is what I am " his fingers trace over the gaping wound on his back there his other wing should have been. he smiles weakly when the boy seems to calm down

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:39
"A-a wound?" he asks confused and the confusement seemed to make him forgett some about the catiousness.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 21:42
he flinches a little "y-yea…it's was my own fault..I was stupid and tough that I could disobeyed him…I made him angry"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:08
Castiel whimpers at the memorie of the man who abducted him and he looks down "H-he lied to me.."

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:11
Axis nodes a little "It don't surprise me…Lucius seems like that kind of man..are you okey?"

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:13
Castiel shakes his head and his eyes fills up with tears "M-my home is gone... I-I can't get to him.. My other half... C-cesar..." he lets out a sob and curls up.

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:18
Axis shuffles a bit closer but still stays on a safe distant from Castiel "shh its okey~e-everything will be fine " he tries to calm Castiel down

Sun 16 Mar 2014 23:28
Castiel shakes his head and sobs more "Cesar..." was all he got out... He could barely remember his family, the only ones that had survived was him and his twin... And to stay safe they had been inseperable for their whole life, this was the first time they ever had been away from eachother and it broke his heart and could scare him to death.

Mon 17 Mar 2014 00:00
Axis didn't know what to do seeing Castiel so heart broken and scared "..m-may I hug you?" hugs use to helps axis to calm down

Tue 18 Mar 2014 15:52
Casteil shakes his head fast looking even more scared "N-no, please... Don't t-touch me.." he said and held a hand infront of his eye.

Tue 18 Mar 2014 16:06
Axis nodes a little and stays where he is "it's okey~ I won't touch you"

Thu 20 Mar 2014 10:10
Castiel glances at him as he is assured of his "safety" and so he dares to show a small smile.

Thu 20 Mar 2014 10:24
Axis smiles weakly back when Castiel shows a small smiles "..h-how did you get here?"

Fri 28 Mar 2014 10:14
"I... I don't know." he said almost ashamed "I.. I woke up here, L-lucius said it was his r-room at the inn but... It's n-not." he said with a low whimper.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 11:52
Axis flinch a bit when he hears Lucius name and looks nervous around "..you're at a mountain ~ Lucius probably brought you here, the dragon brought me here as a present for him..."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 01:58
Castiel doesn't understand that the name was the reason to Axis being so frightend, he himself fealt no fear for Lucius as he had not gotten the same treatment as Axis.
But hearing where they were he was about to whimper once more to then blink confused almost shocked "N-no that can't be true... Lucius doens't like dragons, he has said so.. They killed his family."
But hearing where they were he was about to whimper once more to then blink confused almost shocked "N-no that can't be true... Lucius doens't like dragons, he has said so.. They killed his family."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 05:34
"Lucius is a liar ..and a good one to...you can't trust him, his dangerous.." When Castel whimpers, Axis hushes low and tries to calm him down " it's okey, I will come up with something I promise ~ I jus need to get my wings to heal and grown back but it can take a few days...but as fast as they are healed I will flies out out from here" he smiles weakly "..j-just don't angry or disobey him okey?..noting good comes out of it..."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 00:52
Castiel looked at Axis almost in disbelif "T-that is a very harsh and not very nice thing to say about someone... A-and Lucius hasn't done anything to deserve those crule words..." he said and looked a bit sad.
But hearing that Axis would try to escape he tilted his head as he didn't find it to be that aweful, he mearly missed his brother and was still not sure where he was or why... Even less why Lucius had lied about where they were.
Hearing the warning makes Castiel look quite confused "But Lucius doesn't get angy, he is really very kind..."
But hearing that Axis would try to escape he tilted his head as he didn't find it to be that aweful, he mearly missed his brother and was still not sure where he was or why... Even less why Lucius had lied about where they were.
Hearing the warning makes Castiel look quite confused "But Lucius doesn't get angy, he is really very kind..."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 01:00
Axis looks empty at Castiel "he broke and tore of my wings, he deserves every words…it's just a mask~ he's playing with you Castiel, what ever you do don't trust him"

Sun 30 Mar 2014 01:58
Castiel shakes his head with a mix of disbelif, hurt and fear on his face "N-no..."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 15:37
"I'm sorry, but it's true....I need to go..I have already been away from my room to long "

Sun 30 Mar 2014 22:06
Castiel shook his head as he still couldn't belive it but hearing he would be left caused him to curl up "B-bye..."

Sun 30 Mar 2014 22:36
"….do you want to follow? I'm not much for company but at least we don't have to be alone"

Wed 9 Apr 2014 10:17
He waves a little before he turns around and stumbles back to his "room" "bye.."
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