Thursday 3 April 2014 photo 1/2
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It had gone a while after Zadie left Damon to unergo the Trail to become complete human.
Now she was back...
But the people had left her in a park, completly nude, she was too weak to move and she couldnt do anything right now, she couldnt even open her mouth to scream for help.
Not thaat she would, no one wouldd reakky help a butt-naked woman.. maybe the wrong kind of help...
She wanted to be with Damon, to feel his arms around her, to feel safe..
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Damon had been out drinking with two guards, and they were going back towards his inn by now. Damon laughed loud at one of the guards' jokes... He was a bit intoxicated, yes, but he wasn't drunk.
They walked by the park, and Damon spoke loudly about something.
They walked by the park, and Damon spoke loudly about something.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 01:03
Zadie Heard Damons voice and started to get tears in her Eyes, he was so Close but so far away... She prayed to the gods that he would take Another route and find her..

Damon laughed at his own stupid jokes, then looked at the park. "Hey I haven't been here before!" he said with a grin as he jogged into the park.
"My prince, that way is much longer than the main road..." one of the guards said calmly while following him.
"Doesn't matter! A man like me wants to find all kinds of places...Places that are new to me!!" He said as he stood in the park and held his arms up in the air.
"My prince, that way is much longer than the main road..." one of the guards said calmly while following him.
"Doesn't matter! A man like me wants to find all kinds of places...Places that are new to me!!" He said as he stood in the park and held his arms up in the air.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 01:09
Zadie Heard the voice come closer, she looked around, she even saw him... "Damon.." she thought and tried to move but nothing happened.

Damon kept talking to the guards about some weird philosophy. "And that's why-......" he had finally looked Zadie's way, and he got quiet for a while before bluntly saying her name. "Zadie."
He walked up to her and crouched down slightly. He touched her carefully, noticing that she was pretty cold. "Oh dear..."
He walked up to her and crouched down slightly. He touched her carefully, noticing that she was pretty cold. "Oh dear..."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 01:36
Zadie lookd up at him and tried to speak but she couldnt, she only managed to move her fingers alittle, she looked away cause it felt so embarrasing.. being completly naked out in a park, unable to move, unable to speak..

Damon took his shirt off, and put it on Zadie, It covered a bit of her body at least. He then picked her up in his arms, looking at her a bit worried. "Zadie? How did you get out here?"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 12:20
Zadie managed to move her lips...but no sound came out, she bit her lip hard and looked away. She really tried to say sometjing but the only words that came out really quiet was 'the trial'

Damon couldn't really hear her, so he sighed slightly and smiled faint. "Well, it doesn't matter. You can come along with me."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 14:43
Zadie wouldnt move so she just closed her eyes, her bodyparts were very limp. She was really, really tired and she 'relaxed' in his arms

Damon looked at the guards and nodded slightly, before going towards the inn where he was staying. "Hm..."

Damon looked at her and blinked a few times before he realized she had passed out. "Ah-!" he walked a bit faster, and with the guards, he arrived at the inn in no time. He put her down on his bed, laying her under a few covers, to keep her warm.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 19:58
Zadie was passed out for some hours, then she woke up "nhn...d-da...mon.."

Damon sat in a chair across the room, reading a book and drinking some wine. He looked up from his book and looked her way instead.

"Well, you were laying in a park completely naked, not able to speak or move...Then I brought you here, to my room, to let you rest." he said while smiling faint and getting up from his seat.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 23:12
"O..oh... w...well.. i...underwent the trial, Damon.. they dumped me in the park.." she said and sas that she was still naked. She covered her body

Damon walked to her, and sat down on the bedside and looked at her. "I figured as much. How did it go?"

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:31
She bit her lip "It did....alot... " she and and looked at him "but..it was Worth it...now i can be with you.."

"..It's amazing how devoted you are to me..." Damon looked up at her slightly, and intertwined his fingers with hers. "It's making me tremble... You're infatuating."

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:46
She looked at their hands annd blushed alittle "Im sorry...if im too much..." she said and then looked up at him "i...dont want to be...too importunate..."

Damon shook his head slightly. "Not at all...It's rather that I want you to bother me. Infuse me with your love...And I'll end up infusing you with mine." he said before he leaned forward even further, and kissed her softly.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:57
She answered the kiss and deeped it alittle. She looked into his Eyes. "Damon... m really happy...that you dont get scared that i am like this....cause...i really like you.."

Damon smiled faint. "I couldn't be scared of you, even if it should've been my first instinct...I just couldn't be."

Damon shook his head slightly. "I don't yet know the answer to that myself." he said with a faint smile.

Damon smiled and put an arm around her. "I feel like I don't have to be scared of you...You wouldn't hurt me."

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:56
"No..i would never hurt you...id protect you with my life.." she said, she meant it.

Damon glanced back at her and smiled faint. "I'm about to." he said before taking off his shirt, with his back facing her.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 5 Apr 2014 16:59
She answered the kiss and grabbed his ass softly~ "Oh, how couldnt i love that ass?~ its sooo perfect~ "

Damon kept grinning and kissed her again. "You mean, everything about me is perfect~" he said before getting into the covers with her.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 5 Apr 2014 17:08
She Smiled aand answered the kiss "Well, i actually do Think so~ " she said softly and laid down

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 01:22
She hugged him softly and smiled alittle "Sleep now, Damon..you really need it"

Damon fell asleep within minutes, he had stayed up all night to be there for Sadie when she woke up, in case she was feeling bad or anything. He had been worried, but now when he thought she felt ok, he could get some sleep~

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:01
Zadie kissed his hair and fell asleep too after a while, she needed more sleep and when she slept besiides Damon she felt safe and it was the best sleep shw ever had. she slept for hours.

Damon woke up after a few hours, opening his eyes slowly. He still felt pretty sleepy so he snuggled close to Zadie and just kept his eyes closed for a while.

"Mmmhmm~ Me too~" Damon said with a smile.
"Mmmhmm~ Me too~" Damon said with a smile.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 14:09
Zadie cuddled against him and smiled "Oh, really now?~ " she asked cutely
Zadie cuddled against him and smiled "Oh, really now?~ " she asked cutely

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 15:31
She looked into his Eyes and kissed him softly "Maybe.. we can get used to this?~ "

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 15:45
She huged him and cuddled "Really?!" she aked and looked really happy

Damon was just about to get more intimate and had almost reached down to Zadie's crotch, before he heard a knock on the door. He sighed and glanced at the door. "What?"
The guard said something about morning practice, and Damon simply sighed again. "That can wait. Give me an hour. ...You're dismissed." he listened at the guards footsteps disappearing, then looked at Zadie again. "Now~ where were we?" he said with a chuckle.
The guard said something about morning practice, and Damon simply sighed again. "That can wait. Give me an hour. ...You're dismissed." he listened at the guards footsteps disappearing, then looked at Zadie again. "Now~ where were we?" he said with a chuckle.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 6 Apr 2014 21:17
she streached her body alittle and moaned softly but got quiet as she Heard the knock but then she looked at him and giggled alittle "nhn.. ~ " she kissed Damon deeply and caressed his stomach

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 8 Apr 2014 16:01
She moaned softly and caressed more~ she started to jerk him off alittle

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 8 Apr 2014 19:40
She stopped and looked at him "W-what..? d..did i do something wrong..?"

Damon looked away and blushed slightly. "Well, I-...You're really so beautiful, I just lost track of everything there to stop and stare at you..."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 8 Apr 2014 21:59
she blushed ".." she got shocked by his words but then kissed him deeply~

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 21 Apr 2014 01:24
Zadie looked at him with a wonderfull and sexy gaze. "make love me~" she begged

Damon grinned and nodded. "Just looking at you makes me want to do that~" he said as he took out his fingers.
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