Friday 4 April 2014 photo 1/1
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Axis sighs and grumbles grumpy as he curled up in his nest "..tsk.." He sits up and stretch out,extending his now healed wing and folds it back against his back "mm wonder if Castiel is fine, haven't seen him on a while…haven't seen Lucius ether…but I doesn't complain…"he sighs, he was bored,hungry and he would probably do anything for a bath right now…"wonder how everyone at home is doing?…" he scratches over the leather band a little
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Fri 4 Apr 2014 01:52
*Lucius shakes his head as he hears what Axis says. he chuckles and walks into the room* One could almost think that you've missed me, little birdie~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 09:12
Axis grumbles and looks up when Lucius walks in to the room "I haven't.."

Fri 4 Apr 2014 09:14
*he raises his eyebrow and looks at him before he chuckles and walks over to him. he caress along Axis back and lets his fingers trace the wing* Mm...looks like it has been healing nicely even with the band~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 09:49
Axis tens up of feeling Lucius fingers trace the wing but stays still "..yes.."

Fri 4 Apr 2014 09:52
*he nods and caress it gently* And how is the other one coming along? *he tilts his head some and looks at him* Will you be even soon?

Fri 4 Apr 2014 10:30
"…its coming along fine…I will be even soon..maybe on one or two day left "

Fri 4 Apr 2014 11:52
*he nods and moves his hand* That sounds good. And your new room is ready for you to use. So I suggest you follow me~ *he gets up and walks to the door hardly even looking at Axis*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 11:55
"...." Axis hesitates a little but then follows after him

Fri 4 Apr 2014 12:19
*he hears how Axis follows and he starts walking along the hallway. he doesn't say anything but keeps his ears on Axis to make sure he doesn't stray.
he walks deeper into the mountain through the empty hallway. their steps echo against the wall and is the only sound to be heard.
but finally he stops outside of a door. it doesn't look much, but seeing it he smirks and turns to Axis* Your new home awaits you~ *and then he opens the door*
he walks deeper into the mountain through the empty hallway. their steps echo against the wall and is the only sound to be heard.
but finally he stops outside of a door. it doesn't look much, but seeing it he smirks and turns to Axis* Your new home awaits you~ *and then he opens the door*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 14:30
Axis frowns as Lucius leeds them deeper in to the mountain but follows closely after, he didn't want to get lost "…." when lucius stops in front of the door Axis stops some meters away "…." he stares at the door and hesitates a little when he opens it but got curies and walks a bit closer to see the room even tough he didn't walk through the door

Fri 4 Apr 2014 18:01
*seeing how curious Axis is he chuckles some and holds the door open (the room looks a bit like this http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-imNp1DY1HR8/Uf_RXzZ9xXI/AAAAAAAAI8k/k11ytB4cHGM/s1600/2013-08-05+17_58_19-Play+Cave+House+Escape.jpg though not quite as modern and with a bear head hanging over the other door) he stays silent as Axis gets a look and then push him inside* You shouldn't stay out like that when I invite you inside

Fri 4 Apr 2014 18:36
Axis tens and tries to back out from room when Lucius pushes him inside "…." he looks around a little and walks in on stiff legs, he stops in the middle of the room "..it's..nice"

Fri 4 Apr 2014 18:42
*he blocks the door as he sees how Axis tries to back away and he close it behind him. he looks around the room and chuckles some* I know~ this is my room. *he points to the door by the bed* Yours is in there~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 19:09
He flinch as he hears that this was Lucius room and his eyes narrows a little "…" he looks at the door to "his" room

Fri 4 Apr 2014 19:21
*he raises his eyebrow* You don't want to see what I've done for you? Hrm...some would consider that very rude~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 20:44
he flinch again and tens up a bit "..sorry..may I look?"

Fri 4 Apr 2014 20:56
*he nods* Better~ You can open the door yourself. It's your room after all~ *he smirks and cross his arms*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 20:59
"tsk.." he bits his lips and walks over to the door "…" he hesitates a minute before opening the door

Fri 4 Apr 2014 21:04
*the inside of the room is very different from the room he's in. on the wall the torn off wing is nailed up and on the floor there's hay and a blanket.
as Axis walks to the door Lucius moves almost soundlessly to stand behind him, blocking the way so that Axis will be unable to back away*
as Axis walks to the door Lucius moves almost soundlessly to stand behind him, blocking the way so that Axis will be unable to back away*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 21:30
Axis gaps horrified and jolts back to get out from the room, his eyes moving between the up nailed wing and the hay and blanket "W-What the hell is this?! you can't be sirius!" he was trembling

Fri 4 Apr 2014 21:37
*he chuckles seeing Axis reaction and grabs him by the neck as he jolts back. he turns him around some holding him hard around the neck and looks at him* Don't you know? Birds belong in a cage~ *he grins and more or less throws him into the room and pulls a metal gate before the door opening*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 21:59
"N-NO Let me out!! I'm not a bird!" Axis gasp as he hits the floor but stands fast up and throw himself against the metal gate in panic

Fri 4 Apr 2014 22:06
*he cross his arms some and watches him as he panics. he lets him go on a bit as he chuckles* You can fight all you want, but you're not getting out of there unless I open the gate~ and you'll stay there until I know I can trust you. I want well behaved toys birdie~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 22:34
"I'M NOT A DAMN TOY!" Axis screams now angry and bangs on the gate, he growls and kicks the gate hard "LET ME OUT"

Fri 4 Apr 2014 22:47
*he laughs and watches him as he fights* Aren't you just adroable~ finally you show some spirit. *he sits down on the bed and finds this very amusing*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 22:57
Axis growls and throw himself against the gate, attacking it

Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:02
*he shakes his head some* It's no use birdie~ You're staying there until I let you out. You should be grateful that I give you your own room~

Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:23
" You're a monster! " Axis growls and attacks the gate again

Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:27
You haven't even seen the half of it birdie~ *he leans back some and keeps watching him fighting with the gate*

Fri 4 Apr 2014 23:48
*he shakes his head some and the amusement of seeing him like that is getting boring*

Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:02
Axis growls and kicks the door hard, he pants heavy and stares at the gate "….." he sighs and walks over to nailed up wing "…." he stares at it and then suddenly tears it of the wall, It crumbles to dust in his hands

Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:12
*as Axis stops kicking he raises his eyebrow and watches him. though seeing him take down the wing Lucius get up and walks to the door. and when the wing turns to dust he glares at Axis and gets inside the room. he grabs him by the throat and lifts him straight up in the air* You do not destroy the decoration. I told you that it would stay as a reminder. *he keeps the cold glare and smirks* I guess we have to make a new one~

Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:34
Axis only glared cold at Lucius and suddenly the remming wing start to molt and sheds it feathers and in only some seconds the wing had molt tills it was nothing but bones left and then the bones withdrew back in to Axis back with a tearing sound as it goes trough the skin

Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:41
*he glares at him and clench his hand around Axis throat and restricts his breathing almost to suffocation* So you don't want me to tear it off again? *he throws him hard on the ground and walks out to his own room closing the gate behind him so that Axis won't get out.
he walks to his wardrobe and takes out a small wooden box. in that he takes out another leather band. with that in hand he walks back to the room and opens the gate. he keeps his cold glare at Axis as he walks over to him and grabs his throat again* If you don't keep your wing out I will make sure you never see it again. *he holds up the band in front of Axis eyes* This will restrict all of your magic, and all of your abilites that aren't concidered human. Do you understand?
he walks to his wardrobe and takes out a small wooden box. in that he takes out another leather band. with that in hand he walks back to the room and opens the gate. he keeps his cold glare at Axis as he walks over to him and grabs his throat again* If you don't keep your wing out I will make sure you never see it again. *he holds up the band in front of Axis eyes* This will restrict all of your magic, and all of your abilites that aren't concidered human. Do you understand?

Sat 5 Apr 2014 00:57
Axis makes a strangled sound and grips after the hand around his throat, his eyes glares back at Lucius, he dons't look at the band "..the wing will grow out with the other wing…"

Sat 5 Apr 2014 01:04
*he clench his hand harder around his throat and lifts Axis from the ground so he's only haninging by that grip. his cold glare is there as he looks down his body. he then throws Axis back onto the ground and hunch beside him* If I can't have your wing then I believe I will take another limb~ *his voice is hard but silky smooth at the same time. he takes hold of Axis arm and bends it back and up in an unnatural angle* Let's see if this grows back as well, shall we?

Sat 5 Apr 2014 01:15
Axis let out a pained cry as his arms was bend back in an unnatural angle and his eyes widens when Lucius planed to take his arm " NO STOP! stop please!…I-I will take them out, " Axis whimpers and bits his lips, he concentrate and with a pained whimper he start to force his wings out

Sat 5 Apr 2014 01:39
*he looks very unaffected by the pained cry, though his eyes shows some sadistic amusement hearing the begging. he loosens his hold of the arm and lets it fall to the ground* Show me your wings then~ do that and I might let you keep your arm~ *he smirks cold as he watches him force the wings out*

Sat 5 Apr 2014 15:01
Axis groans and claws the floor as he let out pained whimpers, "nghh" he arch his back and screams in pain as his wings breaks through the skin

Sat 5 Apr 2014 15:05
*he finds the scream of pain rather beautiful to listen to as he watches the wings come back out. he hunch down beaide Axis and caress his back just between the wings* Now that wasn't so hard, was it?

Sat 5 Apr 2014 15:47
Axis sobs low of pain and shivers exhausted, he flinches when he felt Lucius hand on his back, caressing his sensitive area right between his wings, he whimpers low and shakes weakly on his head "..n-no.."

Sat 5 Apr 2014 16:22
*he caress out his wing and up to his shoulder* But you still destroyed the decoration, as well as misbehaving. I can't let that go unpunished~ *his voice his soft as he caress down his arm. he smirks as he takes hold of his upper arm hard enough to hear a slight crack in the bone*

Sat 5 Apr 2014 19:07
Axis let out a cry in pain and twist around to get away, he kicks out with his leg hard and hits Lucius belly hard

Sun 6 Apr 2014 00:14
*he chuckles as Axis cries out. but he wasn't prepared for Axis to twist around nor kick him. he groans as Axis foot connects with his stomach and that makes him stumble slightly as he grips harder of Axis arm making the bone snap in two with a sickening crack. he lets go and glares at him* Now look what you made me do

Sun 6 Apr 2014 00:28
Axis screams in pain as the snaps and cradles his broken arm against his chest though as Lucius let go of him he bolts for the door

Sun 6 Apr 2014 01:47
*the door to the bedroom out to the corridor outside is closed and locked, something Lucius made sure of as they entered the room. though as Axis bolts to the door Lucius is quickly behind him as he just stumbled a bit. being unaffected by pain or anything like that he is rather quick and so gets hold of Axis hair. he gets a good grip and pulls backwards hard enough for Axis to fall back onto the floor* That really wasn't a goof move birdie. *his voice is ice cold and it's clear that he's in no good mood*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:05
Axis let out a desperate sound as he feel the grip around his hair and screams as he falls back onto the floor, he flinches of the ice-cold voice and he whimpers scared,

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:10
*he lets go of Axis hair as he lays on the floor and he puts his foot down on his chest and press him hard against the floor. neither the desperate sound nor the scared whimper affects him but he instead puts more pressure on the chest* I was planing on letting you off easily, but I see now that was a mistake. You clearly don't appreciate it when I'm kind to you, so I guess I'll stop with that. *his voice stays as cold as he talks and he looks at Axis with a matching glare. he then moves his foot and takes hold of Axis broken arm and drags him by it back into the caged room*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:37
Axis whimpers and struggles to get loose even though it hurt like hell to get drag by his broken arm "L-Let go of me! Stop! don't touch me!" he screams and struggles more to stop from getting drag in back into the caged room, he bit down hard on Lucius arm, desperate to get loose

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:44
*he doesn't mind the struggling and he doesn't care about what Axis says. though feeling the bite he takes his other hand and takes hold of Axis hair pulling his head back in a rather painful angle* If you wish to live til morning I suggest you knock it all out. *his voice holds little room for argument as he walks into the room and more or less throws Axis into one of the walls*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:52
axis gasp ad lets go of Lucius arms when getting his head pull back in a painful angle "Ghhaa " he cries out as he was throw into one of the walls hard and he almost pass out,

Sun 6 Apr 2014 02:55
*not seeming to care about Axis almost passing out he walks over to him and pulls his hair again, forcing Axis to look up at him* Didn't I tell you when you first got here that if you just behaved nothing bad would happen to you?

Sun 6 Apr 2014 03:07
Axis whimpers in pain when Lucius pulls his hair and force him to look at him, he grinds his teeth and glares at Lucius" you're putting me in a fucking cage and you expect me to behave " he growls "I'm not a fucking toy for you to play with"

Sun 6 Apr 2014 03:15
I expect you to behave no matter what I do. *he slams Axis head down into the floor with force and the sound of his nose crushing can be heard. he then pulls his face back to look at him* You are the one forcing my hand with your behaviour. If I so have to tear every limb from your body to make you see then I would. So I ask again, did you not understand the suggestion about you behaving to minimise the amount of pain you will be in?

Sun 6 Apr 2014 12:56
he screams in pain when he get slammed in to the floor and his nose brooke, he whimpers and stares horrified at Lucius. he swallows scared "..n-no forgive me…I-I didn't understand but I understand now " he shivers " please forgive me I will behave "

Sun 6 Apr 2014 15:37
*he glares back at Axis seeing the horrified look in his eyes* You really think an apology will save you now? After all the warnings I gave you...*he shakes his head and looks at him coldly* I doubt you understand anything birdie. *he lets go of Axis hair and lets him fall to the ground. then he puts his foot between the wings and push him down on the floor while he takes hold of both wings and starts to pull*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 16:02
"N-Not my wings gahh stop please!!" Axis whimpers in pain and push against the foot on his back

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:02
*he push the foot harder down onto Axis back so his chest is pressed against the floor* They'll grow back. *he pulls a bit harder making the skin tense on the verge of tearing*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:11
"ghaa please don't I-I will do anything just don't pull them of " Axis begs desperate, he didn't want to feel the pain of having his wings rip of..again

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:31
*he laughs coldly hearing the plea* You have nothing to offfer that I would be interested in birdie. You need to learn. *he lets go of the wings and looks at him for a second before he hunch down and grabs hold of Axis leg. he takes hold of it with both hands and applies so much pressure that it starts to give in. then he twists his hands in opposite directions making the shinbone snap in two*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:43
he let out a sigh of relief when his wings where let go of and pulls them tightly against his back though he screams loud in pain when the shinbone snap in two

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:48
*he lets go of the now broken leg and looks at him coldly* You see the importance of behaving now birdie?

Sun 6 Apr 2014 17:55
*he nods slightly but the coldness stays over him* So what have you learned now?

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:00
"t-that I should I behave if I don't want to feel pain"

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:10
Good. You should also know by now that I am serious with what I say. So from now on, what will you do?

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:15
Good. Because when you behave there will be no pain~ *his voice is still cold, but starts to get softer*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:21
Axis let out low whimpers of pain as he lays still on the floor, to afraid to move or do anything, though he unconsciously relax some as Lucius voice gets softer

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:37
*he notice how Axis seems to relax and so he bends down and picks him up almost carefully and puts him down on the blanket over the hay which almosy makes a bed* You will heal in time. The band just slows it down some

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:49
Axis whines as he was picked up but didn't do any attempt to move or struggle, his wings wrap protective around himself when he was put down on the blanket over the hay "…."

Sun 6 Apr 2014 18:58
*he doesn't care much for the whine or even the fact that Axis almost hides under his wings. he caress softly over the wings before he stands up again*

Sun 6 Apr 2014 19:04
he flinches of the touch on his wings and his wings curls up tighter around himself

Mon 7 Apr 2014 10:06
I suggest you rest birdie~ I believe it will take a lot of your energy to heal again. *he turns his back to Axis and leaves the room. as he does he close the cage door behind him and locks it properly so that Axis won't be able to get out*

Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:14
Axis watches Lucius leave, locking the gate behind him as he leaves "…." he groans low and force himself to sit up, he start to tear and move around the hay building a nest so best could with just one arm, when he was finish he curls up in the nest and cover himself with the blanket, creating a hollow for him to rest and heal undisturbed from watching eyes

Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:17
*he hears the groan and turns to watch Axis as he builds a new nest. he chuckles some seeing it and shakes his head some.
when Axis is hiding under the blanket Lucius takes the wooden door that was covering the doorway at first and removes it so that the only door available is the caged gate which gives a clear view into the entire room*
when Axis is hiding under the blanket Lucius takes the wooden door that was covering the doorway at first and removes it so that the only door available is the caged gate which gives a clear view into the entire room*

Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:31
Axis ignores everything that was going on outside of the blanket, he just curls up more and close his eyes, trying to shut the world out
Fri 4 Apr 2014 01:00
S: "Stop whinging you damn brat! I have a headache." the dragon growled at him.

Sat 5 Apr 2014 23:46
He groans surprise of being swop of his feet "hey what was that for!?" He runs his head and sits up

Sun 6 Apr 2014 00:11
She knocks him down again and opens one eye to look at him "Because your annoying."

Sun 6 Apr 2014 01:24
The dragon exhails content before getting up and going to the opening of the cave.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:19
"Sort of~ But don't worry, I'll keep an eye at you incase you decide to make a run for it~" it smirked at him before leaving the cave.

Wed 9 Apr 2014 11:03
The dragon folds it's wings out and stretches them "The hell do you want?"

Thu 10 Apr 2014 01:58
"Feel free to try~" the dragon laughed rumbeling and looked down the mountain wall that surounded the cave, knowing that any creature that tried to get down would die.
She speraded her wings and took off, turning when she was a few hundred meters away and watches him amused.
She speraded her wings and took off, turning when she was a few hundred meters away and watches him amused.

Thu 10 Apr 2014 10:43
he just stands there, enjoining the wind against his face

Fri 18 Apr 2014 14:37
The dragon lands on a mountain top, watching him as it almost wraps it's body around it "Hm... I think you look a bit to happy.. Wonder what would happen if I took a bite out of your family~" she said with a dark laugh.

Sat 19 Apr 2014 20:59
he flinch and looks up at the dragon, his eyes narrows as she threatens to take a bite out of his family "..….please don't " he looks down and retreats back some into the cave

Fri 25 Apr 2014 13:41
She laughs low and watches him "Hm I like that attitude better~" she said before flying off."

Sun 27 Apr 2014 02:56
She flies away towords well nowhere, but then flew up above the clouds.
102 comments on this photo