Monday 7 April 2014 photo 1/1
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Runt lay curled up just outside the city gates, he had been driven out by the people in the Bastile after keeping them awake with his howling.
"I never meant to..." he said quietly and wraped his tails around himself "I wish my pack was here."
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Mon 7 Apr 2014 22:52
Toia trots past him in her african dog form but stops when she caught his sent, she sniffs curiously in the air and follows the sent track to where he was

Tue 8 Apr 2014 13:56
Runt tenses as he can smell a female, curling up more as if tryign to make him invisible.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 14:22
She sniffs and stops when she sees the white ball of fur, with out thinking she sticks her nose into the ball of fur and takes a deep breath "pup~" she wages her tail softly and looks up and scans the area for the mother for this small ball of fur

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:00
He lets out a scared gasp before turning and biting after her, growling and puffing his furr up to seem bigger and more dangerous... But having his tail tucked between his legs didn't make it very belivable.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 23:22
She looks amused at the pup as he turns around and bits after her. she chirps delight over how adorable he looks when he puffs of his fur in a try to seem bigger. she pretend to be hurt by his biting and flips down on her back and she makes nosies in pretended pain

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:29
Seeing how she reacted Runt tenses suprised and almost scared over actually having hurt someone, he goes a few steps closer but then backs away fast...

Wed 9 Apr 2014 09:38
Toia opens one of her eyes and glance at him before she rolls over on her side, she blows out hot air on him

Wed 9 Apr 2014 09:47
Runt lets out a scared yapp as she does and dashes away, suprisingly fast with his tail between his legs.

Wed 9 Apr 2014 10:06
She chuckles low and sits up some "come on pup~ I'm not scary"

Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:24
Runt stops and puffs himself up growling and baring his teeths to keep her away, but as he did blue fire started to spread around him.

Wed 23 Apr 2014 21:40
She lays down to make herself to seem less scary "clam down little one~ I'm not here to hurt you~" she speaks softly and doesn't mind the blue flames "why are you out here?"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 14:43
He still keept on edge as he didn't trust this person but the fire stopped spreading "I-I have no reason to tell you!"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 15:03
"you are right sweet cake~ you have no reason to tell me " she licks her paw some "though I would really like to hear it"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:49
Runt blinks confused as he doesn't understand really how that went together... It made him pout slight but as a small sign of "defeat" he told "The people of the city doesn't want me there."

Thu 24 Apr 2014 18:08
she tilts her head to the side some "why wouldn't they want you there? you seems harmless enough "

Fri 25 Apr 2014 12:12
"who wouldn't want a cutie like you " she stands up and lays down around him but still so that he could move away if he want to

Fri 25 Apr 2014 13:16
Runt growls and bites her before running away a few meters "D-don't come closer!!" he said and the fire spread once more.

Fri 25 Apr 2014 13:34
"C-cuz your a stranger!" he almost hissed out and the fire started to spread fast, and as it was kitsune fire it burnt trees into ashes within moments.

Fri 25 Apr 2014 19:53
"Calm down little one you're burning down innocent trees " she smiles gently " my name is Toia~I'm the bear guild huntress, see now Im not a stranger anymore "

Sat 26 Apr 2014 15:32
Runt shook his head and almost hissed, baring his teeths at her "You could be lying!"

Sat 26 Apr 2014 17:20
she sighs and holds up her front leg there the bracelet that proved that she was with the bear guild was "I'm not lying "

Sun 27 Apr 2014 02:43
Runt looked at the bracelet and blinked confused a few times before he looked a little less suspicious, something that made the fire stop spreading.
Mon 7 Apr 2014 13:01
*Raiden has been out in the woods for some hours and comes back to town. he sees Runt laying there and tilts his head as he walks up to him* Are you okay little one?

Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:09
Runt looks up with the big puppy eyes to then get up and cuddle against his leg with a low whimper.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:58
*he frowns as he sees the gesture and so he sits down on the ground and gently strokes Runts head* It's okay little one~ you don't have to look so sad~

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:49
Runt whimperd low once more and cuddled against his hand, his ears hung low, almost ashamed.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:08
*he keeps stroking his head softly* You want to tell me what happened? *his voice is soft and comforting*

Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:01
"I.. I missed my pack... And mom said all the s-stars are wolfs, a-all part of the same pack... A-and that that's the pack we a-all join when we're not.. Here anymore... S-so I tried to call for them." he curled up and closed his eyes.
"People g-got mad, one threw cold water on me, a lady hit me with a broom... And they all shouted. I.. I wasn't allowed in the city."
"People g-got mad, one threw cold water on me, a lady hit me with a broom... And they all shouted. I.. I wasn't allowed in the city."

Mon 7 Apr 2014 21:06
*he nods some as he carefully picks Runt up to be able to comfort him better* Your mom was right. Everyone that's no longer with us are up there. And you don't have to call for them little one, they can hear you if your wish is strong enough and then they'll be there with you~ *he smiles and strokes his head.
though hearing what the people did to him makes him frown some more* They did that? And they cast you out even when it's dangerous out here? *he sounds both worried and angry - but the anger is clearly aimed towards the people*
though hearing what the people did to him makes him frown some more* They did that? And they cast you out even when it's dangerous out here? *he sounds both worried and angry - but the anger is clearly aimed towards the people*

Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:35
Runt curls up close to Raiden and lets out a low whimper as Raiden said hi mom was right, it just made him miss them more, but hearing him continue his ears flicked and he looked up at Raiden "R-really?"
Runt nodded and curled up once more at the memory of the peoples crulety.
Runt nodded and curled up once more at the memory of the peoples crulety.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:53
*he keeps stroking Runts head softly as he can understand how hard it must be to miss everyone when being so little.* Yes, really~ *he smiles softly at him* The ones we love never truly leave us~ they just take on new shapes. And even if they're far up in the sky with the pack among the stars they're always close to you no matter what~
*he shakes his head seeing how Runt curls up more and he can't understand peoples cruelty towards others, especially not those as young as Runt. he looks at him softly for a moment as he thinks* How about you come live with me little one? I have a cabin in the woods. There you can howl as much as you want~
*he shakes his head seeing how Runt curls up more and he can't understand peoples cruelty towards others, especially not those as young as Runt. he looks at him softly for a moment as he thinks* How about you come live with me little one? I have a cabin in the woods. There you can howl as much as you want~

Tue 8 Apr 2014 13:54
Runts ears raises just slightly as Raiden says it's true and a quiet but slightly happy sound is heard as he looks up towords the sky letting out a small wince.
Hearing Raidens offer Runts ears twitches and he looks up wondering at him "W-woods?"
Hearing Raidens offer Runts ears twitches and he looks up wondering at him "W-woods?"

Tue 8 Apr 2014 13:59
*he smiles hearing the happy little sound and he is glad that Runt can be a bit happy even though things are as they are.
seeing him look up at him Raiden nods* Yes. I don't much like the city so I have my own little cabin away from it, but still close enough should I need anything there. So you can live with me in the woods if you want to
seeing him look up at him Raiden nods* Yes. I don't much like the city so I have my own little cabin away from it, but still close enough should I need anything there. So you can live with me in the woods if you want to

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:06
Runt nods understanding as he heard what Raiden said, he didn't like the town much himself, but he knew that's where the wolf guild was and he still held hopes of being allowed to join.
"Live.. In woods?" he repeats once again and his ears flicks, showing just how confused his emotions was, but in the end he let out a small happy whine and cuddled against him.
"Live.. In woods?" he repeats once again and his ears flicks, showing just how confused his emotions was, but in the end he let out a small happy whine and cuddled against him.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:14
*he nods as Runt repeats his question* Yes~ the woods. But we're still close to the city. *he smiles and as he hears the happy whine he chuckles and hugs him softly*

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:28
Runt licks his chin before seeing a strand of Raidens hair moving in the wind, he bites after it with a playful growl, already having forgotten all about his own ordeal.

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:33
*he strokes his head softly as Runt licks his cheek. though as he notice how Runt seems to have found something else to focus on he lets go as he finds it rather adorable seeing how the little on tries to catch the flying hair*

Wed 9 Apr 2014 09:53
Runt let out a happy sound as he managed to catch the strand of hair and chewed it.

Wed 9 Apr 2014 10:39
*he chuckles some and pulls the hair from Runts mouth* You'll get hairballs if you keep chewing on that little one~ *his voice is soft so there's no scolding or anything, just a little bit of soft advice. though as he lets go of the strain of hairs it goes back to moving in the breeze*

Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:23
Runt blinked a few times looking a bit confused to then pout for a short moment before he sees the strand of hair moving in the wind again and his eyes follows it as he struggles to keep from attacking it.

Thu 24 Apr 2014 11:15
*he looks at him rather amused* You really want to attack it, don't you? *he smiles and strokes Runts head softly* Then do so~ play a bit~ but don't blame me if you get hairballs~

Thu 24 Apr 2014 17:48
Runt nods without taking his eyes off of Raidens hair thou as he was petted he lets out a small sound and closes his eyes while cuddeling slightly against Raiden. And for the moment at least he seems to forgett about the game he wants to play.

Fri 25 Apr 2014 20:24
*he smiles seeing how Runt starts to cuddle instead, so he keeps petting him softly* You want to see the hut where you can live with me if you want?

Sat 26 Apr 2014 15:31
Runt lets out a small almost purring sound going "Frrrr~" and cuddles against Raidens neck, but hearing about his new home he nods exited and his tail starts wagging "H-haai~!"

Mon 28 Apr 2014 18:50
*he shivers slightly as Runt cuddle his neck as it both tickles and is really cosy. hearing the soft sound he smiles which turns into a chuckles at Runts eagerness* You want to sit on my shoulder as I take you there?

Tue 29 Apr 2014 10:17
Runt nodds fast and starts wriggeling in Raidens gripp to be able to move up to his shoulder,

Tue 29 Apr 2014 10:25
*he lets go of Runt to let him move as he please before he gets up* Ready?

Tue 29 Apr 2014 13:02
Runt lets out a happy sound and rushes up onto Raidens shoulder before setteling down with yet another "Frrr~"

Thu 1 May 2014 18:48
*he smiles softly hearing the small sound from Runt. after making sure that Runt lays well on his shoulder Raiden starts to walk. he follows the maim road for a little bit before he turns off to a smaller path leading into the forest. he walks for a while before they come to a smaller cabin that lays in the shadow of a large oak tree. (It looks kinda like this http://www.selfdiscoveryportal.com/2photos/p17/PickettsMill_OldCabin.jpg ) Raiden smiles as he sees it* This is home~

Thu 1 May 2014 22:41
Runt looks around exited but when seeing the house and Raiden says that this is the place his eyes lights up and he jumps off Raidens shoulder and dashes up to the house... He looks and sniffs before running around it, yapping happily.

Fri 2 May 2014 01:07
*he chuckles seeing Runts reaction to the cabin. he walks up to it and opens the door* You can go inside little one~ *he smiles and walks in himself. (It looks a bit like this https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRSVN0KpqjQLVscHn-e-VR3dUbQEq3NBj45TsU6fmhoevejpAlNtbtkT4vT but less modern, and also a dining area with a wooden table and four chairs)*

Fri 2 May 2014 11:51
As the door opens Runt rushes there, but once in on the wooden floor he didn't run as well as his claws couldn't grip the wooden floor, and so he ended up sliding around before ending up sliding into a wall.

Fri 2 May 2014 12:00
*he walks inside calmly and chuckles softly as he sees Runt struggling to keep on his feet and he can't help but to feel bad for him seeing him slide across the floor. seeing him hit the wall Raiden walks up to him and hunch beside him* Are you okay there little one? You need to take it a bit careful when you're inside, okay?

Fri 2 May 2014 12:28
As Raiden comes up to him Runt looks up, his eyes shimmering with exitement "I've never been in once of these before~" he said with a giggle.

Fri 2 May 2014 13:15
*he tilts his head some* You've never been inside of a house before? *he smiles warm* Well, there's a first for everything~

Fri 2 May 2014 16:03
Runt shakes his head and turns to the shape of a small boy "No, my pack always lived in our den... Not in anything like this..."

Fri 2 May 2014 16:40
*he nods and sits down on the floor with him* My pack was the same. They prefered the den. And to be honest, I do too. Though I haven't found a good one here so I settled for this cabin. But to be fair it's quite cosy in the winter~

Fri 2 May 2014 17:29
Runt tilts his head and "Why would this be better then a den in the winter?" he asked and sniffed around a little, still as curious.

Fri 2 May 2014 17:31
I never said it was better little one~ just cosy~ *he smiles and leans against the wall* When you're alone it's easier to keep warm here than in a den. *he looks at Runt* You may look around if you wish

Fri 2 May 2014 17:44
"Oh..." he looked a little embarassed but still smiled. But when being told that he could look around he shook his head.

Fri 2 May 2014 17:53
*he doesn't mind the embarrassment and so he doesn't comment on it. rhough as Runt shakes his head Raiden tilts his own head* Oh? Why not?

Sat 3 May 2014 13:12
Runt looks down at his feet when getting the question, not seeming to have a good anwser to it and so he mearly shook his head.

Sat 3 May 2014 13:13
*he nods some* That's okay~ *he smiles warm* You can take your time and looks around when you feel like it

Sat 3 May 2014 13:20
Runt nods and instingtivly takes a step to the side and moves his hand out as if reaching for something, but as there was nothing there he flinches and looks to the side... Seeing for himself what he just fealt his ears lowers and he looks even smaller then before, his eyes becomes shiny as if he was about to cry but no tears fall.

Sat 3 May 2014 13:24
*he sees all of this and frowns as he doesn't really understand what the boy is doing. seeing how he seems about to cry Raiden gets up from the floor and walks uo to him. he puts a soft hand on his shoulder and looks at him* What's wrong little one?

Sat 3 May 2014 13:27
Runt mearly shakes his head and bites his lip hard not wanting to tell but feeling it would be rude to just run away.

Sat 3 May 2014 13:36
*he nods some and keeps his soft smile* That's okay~ you don't have to tell me. But should you want to I'm always here to listen to you pup~

Sat 3 May 2014 14:46
Runt nods once more but before he can stop himself he has let out a low whimper.

Sat 3 May 2014 14:51
*he frowns hearing the whimper and hugs Runt softly* It's okay~ it'll be okay again~

Sat 3 May 2014 15:19
Runt shakes his head and lets out a quiet sob"N-no it wont... They will never come back."

Sat 3 May 2014 15:25
Maybe not, but they're always with you~ the ones that loves us never truly leave. As long as you remember them they will stay~ *he smiles softly as he really believes it himself*

Sat 3 May 2014 21:17
Runt tilts his head to then nod "I.. I know that but it's not the same... You can't hug them, you can't play with them."

Sun 4 May 2014 01:47
*he nods some* I know~ there is a bit of a difference in the way they're there. But if you close your eyes and think about them you can almost feel them near. *he smiles sadly* But I know that it's not the same.

Mon 5 May 2014 12:37
"I want them to be here the way they used to be...." he said and tears welled up in his eyes.

Mon 5 May 2014 12:50
*he nods and hugs Runt gently* I know you want that pup~ and I wish I could give them back to you. But unfortunately nothing can bring the dead back to life~

Wed 7 May 2014 13:56
"I talked to death once... He said he could.. But I couldn't find him again..." he said and tried blinking the tears away.

Wed 7 May 2014 14:23
*he strokes Runts head softly* Death might say that, but everything comes to a price little one. Usually a life for a life.

Wed 7 May 2014 14:32
Runy hunches back when hearing what Raiden said "I... I.." he bites his lip and his ears lowers.

Wed 7 May 2014 14:50
*he looks at him softly showing no sign of hard feelings or anything like that* It's okay little one~ I know that when you lose the ones you care about you feel willing to do anything to get them back. But some times one just have to realise that nothing can be done. I'm sorry. *and he truly does look sorry*

Wed 7 May 2014 15:15
Runt looks up at him with a pained expression "Then have you lost someone as well?"

Wed 7 May 2014 15:16
*he hesitates slightly before he nods* I have. So I can relate to your pain. I know how much it can hurt.

Thu 8 May 2014 11:04
Runt nods and without noticing himself he's once more the small white furrball, curled up in one of Raidens hands with his tails wraped around himself as if to protect him.

Thu 8 May 2014 11:20
*seeing Runt turn back to the little fluff ball again he brings his hand up to his chest and holds him softly against his heart. he keeps petting him softly wanting to comfort him*

Thu 8 May 2014 11:54
Runt lets out a whipmer, he nuzzles close to Raiden, his body shivering like a leaf.

Thu 8 May 2014 11:56
*he looks at him and lets out a low and soothing rumble as he keeps him close and safe*

Thu 8 May 2014 15:47
Runt whimpers once more, after a few minutes his breathing grows slower and he shivers less.

Sun 11 May 2014 13:42
*as he notice that Runt seems to calm down and almost fall asleep he smiles and deepens the curve of his hand so that Runt can lay more comfortably. he leans back against the wall and relax himself thinking maybe it'll rub off on Runt as well*

Thu 15 May 2014 11:58
Runt nuzzled against Raidens hand and soon fell asleep as he was completly exhusted.

Thu 15 May 2014 13:04
*he smiles softly and strokes Runts head gently before he gets up, careful not to wake Runt. he then walks over to the bed and lays him down softly not to disturb him*

Mon 19 May 2014 12:25
Runt wakes up as soon as he's touched but he soon falls asleep again when placed on the soft bed.

Mon 19 May 2014 13:51
*seeing how Runt falls back asleep as he lays on the bed Raiden smiles and walks away to not disturb him. when he's a bit away he transform into his smallest wolf form - but still being the size of a small horse. he quietly walks over to the bed and carefully gets up on it and lays down beside Runt, curling up some, but close enough so that Runt can get closer if he wants*

Mon 19 May 2014 14:51
Runt wakes up again as the bed moves, he rolles over onto his back and watches Raiden but then closes his eyes and is soon asleep again as he can't manage to stay awake.

Mon 19 May 2014 15:07
*he tilts his head and looks at Runt as he rolls over to his back and he pokes Runts stomach with his nose before laying his head down on his paws to rest*

Thu 22 May 2014 21:44
Runt flinches and wriggles bit in his sleep as Raiden ples his stomache letting out his curring sound before laying still once more.

Fri 23 May 2014 14:04
*he smiles as Runt keeps sleeping and close his own eyes letting out a deep sigh before he tries to sleep*

Fri 23 May 2014 19:26
Runt sleeps calmly for about half an hour but soon starts tossing and turning.

Fri 23 May 2014 20:45
*as Raiden wasn't asleep he feels how Runt gets uneasy and he frowns some as he looks at him. he tilts his head and kinda guess that the little on had nightmares*

Fri 23 May 2014 21:44
Runt seems to settle down for a while but inside the nightmare continued.

Sat 24 May 2014 02:43
*he watches him the whole time, but even though Runt calms down he's not convinced that the nightmares are gone. so he moves carefully to get closer to Runt, and lays down so that Runt is laying by his chest. he then curls up some keeping Runt close, but open enough so he won't feel trapped.*

Sat 24 May 2014 19:15
Runt remained still but his body started to shiver, and it only grew worse and worse... Small half chocked yelps escaped him from time to time.

Sat 24 May 2014 22:02
*he frowns as he can tell it's not an easy sleep. he wraps his tails around him and lets out a low rumbling sound trying to sooth him as he hopes it finds its way through the nightmares.*

Sat 24 May 2014 22:11
Runt flinches at the sound and his eyes flings open and all the panic he had fealt inside is released, quick as a bullet he darts underneath the bed and hides as far in as possible shivering as badly still.

Sat 31 May 2014 21:57
*he wasn't prepared at the reaction and feels really bad that he scared Runt like that. seeing how he shoots away and hides under the bed Raiden gets down from the bed and lays down on the floor. he looks at him softly and tilts his head letting out a soft questioning sound as he's not sure what happened*

Mon 23 Jun 2014 11:38
Runts tails were tucked between his legs and he hid his head between his front legs. He whimperd low as he hears the sound, expecting something to attack but as nothing happend he dared to peak out. And seeing Raiden he let out a small yaps as he wanted Raiden, but didn't dare to move.

Mon 23 Jun 2014 12:11
*hearing the small yaps Raiden understands that he wants him to come. though seeing that Raiden is a lot bigger than the room under the bed he gets his head under the bed and lifts it up slightly from the ground and moves it so that he can come closer. all the while he's doing this he lets out soothing rumbles to let Runt know that nothing bad will happen to him.
and so when the bed is moved enough Raiden nudge Runt softlu with his snout and then lays down beside himso he can hide if he wants to*
and so when the bed is moved enough Raiden nudge Runt softlu with his snout and then lays down beside himso he can hide if he wants to*

Sat 28 Jun 2014 00:05
Runt winces as the bed is moved but hearing Raiden he managed to keep from dashing away once more... Instead he hid in Raidens furr, shivering like a leaf.

Sat 28 Jun 2014 00:11
He feels bad hearing the winces, but seeing how Runt actually stays he keeps the soothing sounds up. So he isn't surprised as Runt hides against him as he lays down. He smiles softly and moves his tails to put around himself and hides Runt more. He keeps letting out soft sounds to help calm him

Sat 19 Jul 2014 22:47
Runt let out a low whimper, almost souding apolegising... But he was still as tense as a violin string.

Sun 20 Jul 2014 00:11
Raiden lets out a soft sound like saying it's okay and rumbles low but soothingly as he gently licks Runts head. He then nuzzles his softly with his head to show that it's safe and that he's not alone.

Thu 24 Jul 2014 18:10
Runt closed his eyes and whimperd low once more but it's cut off as Raiden licks his head and he raises his head a little instead.

Mon 28 Jul 2014 13:04
He smiles as Runt gets quiet and he keeps licking his head softly, all the way back to his tail. It's both a comforting gesture but also to preen him some.

Mon 28 Jul 2014 21:15
Runt closes his eyes as Raiden keeps licking him... And after a while hebrelaxes slightly.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 08:43
Raiden lets out a soft rumble as Runt relaxes and he stops licking him. Instead he nuzzles him softly and keeps his tails around him to keep him safe

Tue 29 Jul 2014 12:11
Runt looks up at him almost wondering as Raiden stops licking but he closes his eyes soon enough and relaxes more, nuzzeling back a little.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 12:12
He smiles softly as Runt nuzzles back and he keeps the low rumble as he find it rather soothing as well.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 12:16
Runt lets out the small purring sound as an anwser and tilts his head back to lick Raidens nose.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 13:22
Raiden tilts his head slightly and smiles warm as Runt licks his nose. He lays his head down so that Runt doesn't have to tilt his head back too much before he licks Runts head again.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 13:58
Runt lets out a happy "Frrrp~" and licks the corner of his mouth to show both affection and submission.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 14:15
Raiden close his eyes as Runt licks the corner of his mouth and lets out a soft, almost cooing, sound in appreciation as well as affection.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 14:54
Runts tails waggs happlily hearing the sound and he lets out a small yapp.

Tue 29 Jul 2014 15:03
He smiles hearing the yapp and opens an eye to look at him some. Seeing how happy Runt gets warms his heart.

Wed 30 Jul 2014 09:25
Raiden pokes his head softly with his nose before he lays his head down again and close his eyes to relax.

Thu 7 Aug 2014 13:39
Runt nuzzles up in the crook between his front paw and his neck, curling up with his tails around him.

Thu 7 Aug 2014 14:05
As Runt nuzzles in Raiden moves his head a bit so that it almost covers Runt completely to keep him close and safe.

Thu 7 Aug 2014 14:11
Runt lets out a half muffled sound but sounds very content and happy where he was...

Fri 8 Aug 2014 22:20
He smiles hearing the muffled sound and lets out a content sigh as he relax
キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:49
Luna was in her wolf form and looked at him, she walked to him and licked his head softly "Dont be sad, its not your faul" she said softly

Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:09
Runt flinched and ran a few steps away, staring horrified at her "D-don't come any closer!" he said baring his teeths trying to look threatheing but having his tails tucked between his legs didn't make him very belivable.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:13
"Hey, im not gonna hurt you, dear" she said softly and looked at him

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:48
"I don't belive you!" he tried to growl but started to shiver with fear.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:55
She looked at him, laid down and looked at him. She didnt look intimidating or so.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:58
The pup was still as scared... He had only meet one female outside his family, and she had acted kind and vulnerable but in the end killed his entire pack.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:06
She looked at him "I will not hurt you, Im alone too. I dont have a pack, and i would never ever hurt a cub.. I lost my daughter, when i was alittle younger.. so id never hurt a cub.."

Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:20
"She was alone too..." he said, still as scared but with a suspiciousness that should not be seen in any child.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:07
"H-have never meet anyone who's been diffrent." he said and took a few steps back, feeling safer that way.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:10
"I am different dear. If you want you can follow me home? I will not hurt you, i think its wrong to hurt a cub, to hurt anyone. You will get a place to sleep and food, doesnt that sound good?" She asked softly

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:27
"S-she was nice too, s-said she couldn't stand s-suffering o-or pain... Then killed everyone.." his ears dropped as the memories got to close and he couldn't help but to curl up scared.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 9 Apr 2014 07:09
She sighed and shook her head "Just because one did a bad thing.. you shouldnt think like that about everyone else.." she said and stood up, she started to walk away

Wed 9 Apr 2014 09:58
Runt keept curled up and turned his head away as she spoke, looking guilty but he was still mostly scared.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 9 Apr 2014 19:29
"I would never hurt you, i speak the truth. i dont see why anyone even uses violence.. I hate it. but if you dont want help, i wont force you."

Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:21
"Violence in small amounts are needed, dad said so... Or the pack can't work.. And how can you hunt without it?" he asked and tilted his head as he thought she smelled wolf but couldn't understand why she would say something alike that if she was a wolf. But the confused thoughts made him forgett slightly about his fear.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 23 Apr 2014 22:13
"The hunt is necesarry to keep alive. I would kill for that, but its only small animals." she said "Or i go to the market and buy meat"

Thu 24 Apr 2014 14:40
The anwser he got made no sense to him and so he mearly looked confused.. But after a bit of thinking he realised the sisn't hadn't gotten an anwser to the first question he asked "But what about your pack?" he asked and tilted his head,

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 25 Apr 2014 22:27
"I dont have a pack. They sold me to a Human who abused me and when i got pregnant and delivered his child he threw me out and since then, i have been alone.." she said and looked pained

Sat 26 Apr 2014 15:29
Runt tilted his head even more, almost tipping over and he looked very confused hearing she didn't have a pack... But as she revealed her horrifying story his ears dropped and he let out a low whimper "I-I.. I'm sorry..." his head dropped and he looked very much ashamed of having made her remember something so painful.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 28 Apr 2014 12:42
"Dont be" she said softly "What have happened is the past, Ive lived alone for more then 5 years, and i am bettee off without the pack who sold me and man who abused me, I might be alone but im still happier now then befor"

Tue 29 Apr 2014 10:18
Runt blinked a few times and tilted his head to the other side "I... I don't think I understand how that is possible..."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 29 Apr 2014 11:27
"You see, you dont need a pack or someone to love to be happy. If you live right then you can manage anyway" she said softly

Tue 29 Apr 2014 13:01
Runt shook his head as what she said went against everything he had been told and fealt "T-that... That can't b-be..."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 29 Apr 2014 19:43
"I know its hard to believe, i know all packs tells you about living together and so..but i managed to live, ne?" she asked softly and stood up "Its getting late.. "

Tue 29 Apr 2014 22:50
Runt looked very sceptic, the short time he had been alone had been the worst time in his life, he hated it... So how someone could even PREFEER it was a mystery to him "I-I suppose you did.." he anwserd insecurely before flinching and moving back fast as soon as she moved.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 30 Apr 2014 00:24
"Dont worry, i wont touch you" she said and streached "Please, cant you folloe me to a friend? you can spend the night at his place, he is really nice i promise. since you dont like women i wont force you but i cant just leave you here"

Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:35
"N-no.. I... I don't like strangers.. A-and I know Raiden, h-he's said I can stay with him." he said and stroked his ears back a little and it showed just how insecure he still was.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 30 Apr 2014 11:42
"then go to him..." she said and sighed, she knew it was no idea to even try to help the cub anymore.

Wed 30 Apr 2014 16:03
Runt backed a few steps and looked down as he fealt pushed away "O-okey..." his ears stayed down but he didn't leave.
He was still scared as he didn't know this person and to him that meant danger. But she didn't seem like a bad person and so he wouldn't have minded staying around for a bit longer but he wasn't allowed.
He was still scared as he didn't know this person and to him that meant danger. But she didn't seem like a bad person and so he wouldn't have minded staying around for a bit longer but he wasn't allowed.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 00:04
"It was nice meeting you, even if you probably dont think the same..." she said and laid down again.

Thu 1 May 2014 10:34
Runt nodded slowly before walking away, he made sure to be out of sight and before climbing up a tree and curling up... Feeling as lonly as ever.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 11:46
She sighed and felt her heart breaking, the cub reminded her of how lonely she had been the first years without a pack, she knew how hard it was but what could she do? The cub didnt even understand that not all are the same, she would never hurt him, she would have taen good care of him but she couldnt just force hi..

Thu 1 May 2014 14:52
Runt stayed in the tree, closing his eyes and wraped his tails around him to hide. He let out a low whimper...
(he's a pup thou dear~ ;3)
(he's a pup thou dear~ ;3)

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 14:55
She heard theb whimper and looked around, she stood up and walked towards the whimper.
(For her, All small children etc is a cub~)
(For her, All small children etc is a cub~)

Thu 1 May 2014 18:07
Hearing a sound comming closer Runt tenses and quickly moves higher up the tree where he knows he can't be seen, trying to touch as little as possible not to let his scent spread.
(even thou she's a wolf O_o)
(even thou she's a wolf O_o)

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 18:34
"Hey.. kid.. are you still here..?"
(Cub translates to Vargunge....)
(Cub translates to Vargunge....)

Thu 1 May 2014 18:41
Runt tenses and lays perfectly still and quiet for a few seconds before anwsering "Yes..."
(Have only ever heard pup or whelp never cub, cubs are bears to me ^^")
(Have only ever heard pup or whelp never cub, cubs are bears to me ^^")

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 18:46
"Werent yoy supposed to go to that man?" she asked softly.
(ive used it to Wolfs all the time.. lol.. Wolfcubs and bearcubs.. )
(ive used it to Wolfs all the time.. lol.. Wolfcubs and bearcubs.. )

Thu 1 May 2014 22:35
Runt climbs down a few branches "Yes..." he anwserd once more but looked away.
(haha okey, well according to internet the correct term is whelp and pup xD)
(haha okey, well according to internet the correct term is whelp and pup xD)

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 1 May 2014 22:40
"So why didnt you?" she asked softly
(use googletranslate, Cub-vargunge. And all the nature programs ive seen they use Cub.)
(use googletranslate, Cub-vargunge. And all the nature programs ive seen they use Cub.)

Thu 1 May 2014 22:57
"B-because..." his ears lowerd a bit with insecurity.
(I did and cub translated to cub O__o)
(I did and cub translated to cub O__o)

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 2 May 2014 11:58
"But you cant be out here alone, it can be dangerous for a small pup.."

Fri 2 May 2014 12:24
"I'm always out here alone... And I can take care of myself." he said and his furr bristled.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 2 May 2014 12:25
She sighed and then laid down besides the tree but she didnt say anything.

Fri 2 May 2014 16:04
"M-my pack used to call me Runt.. Cus I was the smallest..." he said looking down at her from his branch.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 2 May 2014 17:36
"did i tell you what my name is?" she asked softly and smiled alittle

Fri 2 May 2014 17:46
He blinked a few times and tilted his head as he thought "I... I don't think so..."

Sat 3 May 2014 13:12
Runt looked down at her and tilted his head a bit curious "Your named after Lady Moon?"

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 5 May 2014 11:01
She smiled "Yes, When i was born it was fullmoon, the moon was shining bright and since im whitehaired it shined too in the light so they decided to name me Luna"

Mon 5 May 2014 12:38
Runt giggled "I have white hair too! But.. I was born during the red moon..." he said looking down slight.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 5 May 2014 12:41
She smiled "Under the red moon you say?~ Oh... well, then you are special!~" She said and smiled

Thu 15 May 2014 11:52
Runt seemed to grow a bit insecure "My brother said it's bad to be speciall..."

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 24 May 2014 02:17
"Its good to be special~ then you are not like everyone else so... you mean more~"

Sat 24 May 2014 19:14
Runt tilts his head looking quite confused, almost as if disbelif as that was a completly new wy of seeing it to him "R-really?"

Sat 24 May 2014 23:54
"I.. I always thought... Mommy said all mean as much, that we're all part of the cirkle..." he said and his ears flicked slight in confusement.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 25 May 2014 00:13
"Well, thats true too, but i Believe that iff you are special you mean more~ "

Sun 25 May 2014 02:42
Runt keept to the faint smile as he did feel proud to hear that but would never allow himself to desert his familys belifes... Especially not now.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 25 May 2014 12:34
She smiled "But your mother is right, over all people, humans, animals,demons etc do mean equally much but for some people, special once do mean more. Since you are kinds like me, you mean more to me. I feel like i need to protect you" she said softly

Sun 25 May 2014 20:36
"O-oh..." Runts tail wagged more as he understood what she meant but it slowly stopped as he grew confused once more "Protect m-me?" echoed and looked at her.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 26 May 2014 20:46
"Yes..i know its wierd... but i get a feeling i want to protect you.."

Mon 23 Jun 2014 11:39
Runt let out a low bark and moved down a little "Not weird... Pack feelings~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 28 Jun 2014 13:13
"well then i have packfeelings~ I woulnt know since ive never had a pack~"

Sat 19 Jul 2014 22:49
"You do~ You do have them~!" he jumps and turns in the air with a small but happy bark, his tails wagging more.

Thu 7 Aug 2014 13:40
Runt whimpers low knowing it was wrong not to tell older people what they wanted but it fealt to stupid to say.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 7 Aug 2014 14:04
"Runt.. please?" she asked and cuddled alittle against him. " You can tell me.. Im not going to laugh, im not going to hurt you, i wont do anything bad... i would help you"

Thu 7 Aug 2014 14:12
"N-no it's... It's not anything like that... S-so we can forgett it..." he said pulling back a little.

Wed 8 Oct 2014 21:37
Runt nodded but as she pulled back he fealt quite guilty, making his ears go down and he looked insecure.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 9 Oct 2014 12:58
Luna sighed alittle "Id never hurt you.. But i understand if you dont trust me and dont want me too close..I wont do like that again.."
the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:43
Kei sees him and walks over to him carefully. ''hey there..'' he sits down infront off him and tilts his head as he smiles soflty at him. ''are u alone?..''

Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:46
The pup hunches back to then nod as an anwser to the question, it's ears dropps even more as he has to admitt even to himself that he has no one.

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:49
he looks sad ''your not alone... i'm alone as well..'' he sigh and looks at him ''can i pat u?..''

Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:13
Runt lookes quite confused as he heard the explination but he backed up at the question about being patted and shook his head "I... I don't know you."

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:15
he looks at him and hugs his legs instead. ''sorry... '' he sigh and hugs his legs more.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:48
"Y-you don't know me either.. So you shouldn't get close. Strangers w-will hurt you..." he said and his ears dropped low.

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:50
he tilts his head. ''not every stranger dose...'' he moves to sit on his knees ''and i won't hurt u~ and i hope u won't hurt me''

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:57
"The ones I've meet have." he said and now puffed his chest out to look dangerous but as he could fit in the hand of a grown man he didn't look very intimadating.
"I... I'll hurt anyone who's mean." he said and took a step back as it fealt like the boy came closer.
"I... I'll hurt anyone who's mean." he said and took a step back as it fealt like the boy came closer.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:21
"She said that too..." he turned his head away but quickly turnes it back as he had been taught to never take his eyes off of danger.

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:23
he frowns ''i promise... why would i hurt u? when i'm scared as hell to get hurt as well...?''

Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:52
He frowns and strokes his ears back... It made sense but experience keept him from relaxing.

the unwanted boy
Mon 7 Apr 2014 20:55
he sigh as he gets up. ''well what ever i guess... take care..'' he starts to walk.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:28
Runt looks suspiciously at him not understanding what he was playing at.

the unwanted boy
Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:30
he stops and looks back at him. and feels bad for more or less just leaving him so he sigh and walks back ''come one... i can get u some food and maybe a place to stay at...u shouldn't be alone...no one should..

Tue 8 Apr 2014 13:50
As he comes back Runt tenses worried and looks at him but then tilts his head "Food? You'r going to hunt?" he asked as that was the only way he knew of getting food.

Tue 8 Apr 2014 22:08
Runt looked hesitant at him taking a few steps forword and then a few back "F-follow where?"

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:25
Runt stops in his steps and shakes his head "N-no... I.. I shouldn't go with strangers."

the unwanted boy
Wed 9 Apr 2014 08:39
"i won't hurt u i promise...snd if u ever hurt u may i burn in hell for ever"

Wed 9 Apr 2014 10:02
"I don't belive in hell..." he said and his ears keept stroked back as he didn't like the thought of following a stranger to an unknown place.

Wed 23 Apr 2014 19:19
"That doesn't explain anything..." he said and looked even more suspicious.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 12:41
Kassim bents down beside the small pup "hello little one~

Mon 7 Apr 2014 13:46
"why are you out here alone" he pets him gently before lifting him up

Mon 7 Apr 2014 17:14
Runt tensed and let out scared barks as he tried to get out of Kassims grip, biting and clawing to get free.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:47
As he doesn't let go Runt only struggles more, he lets out a scared shriek and then a long howl as blue flames starts bursting out from him...
(@TacroySilver he's calling for Raiden)
(@TacroySilver he's calling for Raiden)

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:56
Kassim sighs when the pup didn't calm down and put him back on the ground "there~ happy now?"

Mon 7 Apr 2014 18:59
*Raiden was in the woods as he hears the shriek. he quickly realise that it's Runt and so he drops what he's doing and starts to run there. he transform as he moves and as he comes up to where Kassim and Runt are he is a wolf the size of a large horse with three tails flicking behind him. he growls low at Kassim* Put. Him. Down.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:02
Kassim sighs seeing the big wolf and holds up his hands "calm down papa wolf~ he's down"

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:04
*he keeps his glare at Kassim but takes a slightly more relaxed stance seeing Runt back on the ground*

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:07
shouldn't leave your pup out here alone~dark things lurks in the shadows

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:09
Runt runs up to Raiden and hides behind his leg, his tails tucked between his legs and he shivers slightly from the stress and panic.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:16
*he wrapps one tail comforting around Runt to keep him safe as he looks at Kassim* You shouldn't pick up pups you don't know. Someone less friendly than I could have bitten your head off

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:33
Kassim chuckles softly of the statement "don't try change the subject now~"

Mon 7 Apr 2014 19:55
Runt seems to calm as the tail is wraped around him but he's not yet cocky enough to growl as he normally would when feeling someone offended a person he knew.

Mon 7 Apr 2014 21:03
*he keeps his glare at Kassim as he hears the chuckle* I'm not changing subject. Just like you did I'm offering some advice. *he looks back some at Runt to make sure he's okay*

Mon 7 Apr 2014 22:01
"well I see that the pup is safe so I will be on my way then " Kassim smiles and bows polite before he turns around and vanish in between the city gates

Tue 8 Apr 2014 12:26
Runt stroked his ears back but as Kassim leaves he calms down as he knows Raiden won't hurt him....

Wed 9 Apr 2014 01:34
*he follows Kassim with his eyes until he is all gone. then he turns back to look at Runt. he tilts his head some and leans closer to sniff him just to make sure he's not hurt*
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