Friday 11 April 2014 photo 2/2
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Titania walks through the woods, she had left the kingdom in Damon and the guilds leaders own hands for a while, she need to find her baster to husband…she need him to save Cassandra , she need to find the damn dark lord so that she could kill him so that Bastille could be in peace again
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Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:32
The Dark Lord walks around in the forest and feel that Titania is near. "What are you doing in my home?"

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:54
"You're still in my home, can you just fuck off insted my dear queen~? Or I rip your head off."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:09
" This's not your home, you don't have a home in this kingdom " She smiles

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:46
"Are you stupid? Of course I live in this forest~ and I'm building a new castle anyway~" He smiles back. "So fuck off now."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:28
He starts to laugh. "Oh don't be silly now Titania~ Trying to kill me and I kill someone really dear to you~"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:03
"Who do you think? Don't you have children or am I wrong?"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:07
She laughs "you have been in my dungeon for months little lord, you don't have my sons "

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:34
He looks a bit annoyed. "And who said that it was your sons?"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:37
"Because I only have four children and I know you doesn't have anyone of them "

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:56
"But it's not really that hard to get them~ They are pretty weak."

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:03
"you keep telling your self that little lord but for now I don't have time for you so we got to contain our little talk some other time " she says and starts walking, she didn't have time for him right now

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:46
"If you're in my home, then I go to yours too, bye bye little queen~"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 19:57
fine then lord lets make a deal, you stay away from my home and I will stay away from your "home"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:06
"Sure, sure~ I'm going to keep away from your "home." But that doesn't change the fact that I still want to kill you~" He pick up his sword. "And I'm pretty thirsty for drinking your blood~"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:18
she draws her sword "I feel the same little lord though I more thirsty to see you drown in your own blood"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 20:32
He starts to laugh and grins widely. "Come then little whore~ try to kill me with that worthless sword~"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:03
"oh please bitch~we both know you're the whore here" she laughs

Sun 13 Apr 2014 21:16
"Maybe I'm a whore, but I have fun at least~~ But you my fair lady, you're a bitter cunt that can't have fun~"

Mon 14 Apr 2014 01:22
"Oww~ I messed up your miserable life~? How very sad~" He laughs.

Mon 14 Apr 2014 08:47
"I'm not sorry at all~ But I'm going to keep it up and mess more with your life~"

Mon 14 Apr 2014 09:45
He smirks and looks on his own sword. "Are you that weak, don't fix it? How amusing~"

Wed 16 Apr 2014 21:48
she suddenly is in front of him, her sword was through his neck,her eyes glowing in anger "I'm not weak"

Wed 16 Apr 2014 22:14
"How lovely you are Titania..." He caught some. "Now please, take that sword out of me."

Wed 16 Apr 2014 22:27
She snorts some and pulls the swords out "worth a try~"

Wed 16 Apr 2014 23:43
"You already know it won't work. So try something else." He hold his sword harder. "So how about you~?"

Thu 17 Apr 2014 00:37
she studies his blood on her sword "…" she shrugs "you're a hard one to kill little lord"

Thu 17 Apr 2014 00:57
"But how easy do you get hurted? That's my question." He whipe away the blood from his neck and licks on the blood. "Mmh~ Yeah, I have my weakness.. But you just don't know it..."

Fri 18 Apr 2014 12:25
"No, I prefer being here~" He smirks widely and looks on his sword. "Come on Titania~"

Sun 20 Apr 2014 10:51
He looks on her with a big smirk on his lips and only looks satisfied. "Ah~"

Sun 20 Apr 2014 17:08
Titania smirks and as she hits him she burst into flames, burning him badly before her body turn to ashes and vanish "not today Dark Lord, I don't have time for you " her voice travels around him before it ebbs out

Fri 11 Apr 2014 22:36
Radek feels her near. He was by a lake washing himself naked.

Fri 11 Apr 2014 22:44
Still feeling the old bond between them she follows it to the lake

Fri 11 Apr 2014 22:51
Radek takes a towel around his waist waiting for her too find him. He feels her coming closer.

Fri 11 Apr 2014 22:55
"Get dress " Titania shows up behind him, her sword pointing at his neck

Fri 11 Apr 2014 22:58
"Says the one that distubs me while i wash myself." He gets up getting dressed. "miss my cock?~"

Sat 12 Apr 2014 12:05
"She is gone die if we don't move the baby to a other woman....and she want to see you"

Sat 12 Apr 2014 15:31
"whay baby? Have i missed something? And i wont help. If she can come here, then i can help. If i enter the kingdom you wont let me leave, and then my head gets of. Im not an idiot."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 17:51
"she's pregnant and the baby is killing her, and you're going with me, you're going to help you're daughter"

Sat 12 Apr 2014 18:06
nope. Get her too me. Non from the guild, non of the guard, and not you. Then i will help her. I love my prinsees and so do you. You better get her too me.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:13
"so that you can take her away from me?! No you already got our sons, you're going with me, you will able to go back after you have help her "

Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:28
"i sayed no. And i wont keep her with me, she isent safe here, besides, i dont think she wants too be here with me. So you have nothing too worry about."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:34
"…." she sighs "okey I will bring her here but I will go with her, I won't leave her side"

Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:38
she glares at him "stay here" she teleports back to the castle and walks to Cassandra's room "sweetie? are you awake?"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 20:41
She mumbled alittle and cought "Y...yes mother..." she said and looked up at her

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:04
"I have found daddy, I can't bring him here so I need to bring you to him,"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:24
She leaned against her and closed her Eyes alittle "Mom...im...s-so tired.."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:34
Radek takes a protecting dark magic so nobody would feel them when Cas was there and so on. Making them have it better when he will take away the baby. The cabbit he was staying in with his son right now was near thay lake.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:38
"I know sweetie, just hold on" she holds her up and teleports them both to the lake "Radek?!"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:39
Cassandra coughed alittle and leaned against her more, she was quiet.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:45
A demon cat comes up from nothing. "Follow me~" he purred and walked farward.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 21:50
she nodes and follows after, she keep holding on to Cassandra

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:18
Titania frowns when they walks through the invisible wall but doesn't say anything and follows

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:19
Thay see the cabbin. The cat sits outside before grining a bit before disperaring.
Radek waits inside.
Radek waits inside.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:21
She walked into the Cabin and then she fell down on her knees from exhaustion.
Samira was leaning against a wall in the cabin, since she was the demon who would take the baby.
Samira was leaning against a wall in the cabin, since she was the demon who would take the baby.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:27
Titania walks in after Cassandra and sits down worried beside her "you okey sweetie? " she helps her up and leads her over to a sofa to sit in

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:28
Radek got up and walked too Cas. He lifts her up and lays her on the comfy bed he had fixed for her. "how are you sweetheart?" he looks worried.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:30
"I..im fine.." she mumbled and crawled up together.
Semira giggled alittle "Ooooh, such a strong baby!~ "
Semira giggled alittle "Ooooh, such a strong baby!~ "

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:32
Radek caress Cas cheek. "we will start right away. Titania can you wait outside? You distrac me."

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:36
Cassandra looked up at Titania "Mom..he wont hurt me...o-or...do anything evil...i..know you t-Think h will...but...h..he wont.."
Semira was getting too exited "Comeeee ooon!!~ "
Semira was getting too exited "Comeeee ooon!!~ "

Sat 12 Apr 2014 22:41
Titania glares at Radek, her eyes change into a predators "hurt her and I will kill you" she growls and then glares at Semira "the same goes for you demon" she walks out and sits down outside of the cabinet

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:08
Radek gives Semira a big black coat. "put this on." he then caress Cas tummy. "are you ready?" he smiles some.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:12
Semira put it on and giggled.
Cassandra nodded and bit her lip "Y...yes.."
Cassandra nodded and bit her lip "Y...yes.."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:20
Radek gave her a deep kiss. "i love you my child. I will never let anything happen too you." he then starts too mumle some dark magic, one hand on Cas tummy and one on Semira's tummy. a pink little light when throu his hand on cas and throu his body into Semira. Some dark smoke left Radek body, he then ends the mumbeling. "Im sorry..i dident work. I have too..open you too pull out the child."

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:22
Cassandra almost panicked when hesaid the last "N..no..d-addy...n-no.. she said and lookked really scared, she had tears in her Eyes
Semira loved seeing Cassandra scared, she gigled alittle "Ooooh, such a little wuzz~ "
Semira loved seeing Cassandra scared, she gigled alittle "Ooooh, such a little wuzz~ "

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:25
Radek pulls out a sharp knife. "im sorry baby, i need too take him out, or you will die...better take the baby." he then pushes the knife on her tummy wishering something too Cas before pushing in his hand pulling out the baby. Than he right away cuts in two peaces. He (knäpper sina fingrar) and two demon cats come. "oooh dinner~" says one.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:28
Cassandra started to cry and panicked..
The other demon cat appeared and giggled "Foood~ " he said with a cute purr
Semira watched and laughed~
The other demon cat appeared and giggled "Foood~ " he said with a cute purr
Semira watched and laughed~

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:30
Radek trhou the body too them.
The other cat ate the whole half peace he got with a big sadisvie smile. "thanks master~ fetes(foster xD) are the best~"
The other cat ate the whole half peace he got with a big sadisvie smile. "thanks master~ fetes(foster xD) are the best~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:31
Cassandra crawled up togethehr and cried more..
The cat giggled and ate the piece "Thaaaank you masssteerrr~"
Semira grinned
The cat giggled and ate the piece "Thaaaank you masssteerrr~"
Semira grinned

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:33
Radek pets the cats. "good boys, now be silent, i still have Tatiana too take care of~" he grins too Semira.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:35
Casandra calmed down after a wile, she fainted from Everything.
Semira giggled ~
The cat got quiet~
Semira giggled ~
The cat got quiet~

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:37
Radek healed Cas wound so she wouldent bleed too death. "now she just need too rest."

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:42
Radek thinks a bit. "yeah tatiana will try kill me." he opens the window "lets hurry~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:45
Casandra was unconsious...
emia giggled and gor out and dissapeared~
emia giggled and gor out and dissapeared~

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:46
Radek takes his and ikis stuff before leaving with his demon cats.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:48
Titania had been walking around a little but as she hears Cas screams in pain "I KNOW IT " she screams in rage and dash to the cabinet, she draw her sword and kicks in the door "RADEK!" she screams in anger as she sees Cassandra unconscious body, she cast pure fire on the demons cats, burning them to ashes as the fire touch them, a spell binds both Radek and Semira to the floor, her eyes glows

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:50
As Radek, Semira ad the cats had already vanised, thre wasno way Titania could get to them.
Caassandra was unconsious and was really crawled together.
(She never screamed in pain btw lol)
Caassandra was unconsious and was really crawled together.
(She never screamed in pain btw lol)

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:51
Semira got away but radek dident. "Bitch, kill my cats and thay will just come back!" Radek tryes too move.

Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:57
Titania looks cold at him, her eyes was of a predators "you hurt her, now you will die" everything around her start to burn though a shield forms around Cassandra and protects her,
(sorry she heard her cry then)
(sorry she heard her cry then)

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 12 Apr 2014 23:58
Cassandra started to Wake up and saw the burning "M-mom.. NO" sh sat up "D-dont kill him... I beg you m-mother!!"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:01
Radek growls and maks a dark sheld too himself. "i wont kill you Tatania thats lord job!"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:06
"Be quiet Cassandra" she snarled and waves her hand towards Cassandra,teleporting Cassandra back to the healers room in the castle. she place her sword against Radek throat, it goes right through Radek shield "to bad because I will kill you but before I do that,tell me where is my sons?"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:10
Radek grabs her sword and it melts. Getting all black. "i only got Iki."

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:12
She glares at the melt sword and throws it away, she restrains Radek so that he couldn't move at all "where is he? and why do you only have him?" the fire grow stronger "Where is Axis"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:16
Radek growls. "i have no idee. Maybe he got tired of you, maybe he got kidnapped? Tatania, let me talk too you, without killing each other."

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:25
"where is Iki?!" Titania growls back and shows her fangs "why would I lisent to you baster, you have done nothing to but betrayed me "

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:26
"its not something i was planing on. It just happend. and iki is here around i dont know. He comes and goes how ever he want." he is calm.

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:30
"You choose to betray me! it's nothing that just happened " she growls

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:41
"You fuck your own son! " her voice where ice-cold and a cursing weight appears over Radek "you're sick man"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:48
"gh! i know i am!" he gets on his knees from the weight.

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:55
she glares at him "but fine what do you want to talk me about" she dose noting about the weigh but it doesn't increases

Sun 13 Apr 2014 00:59
"you need too know i loved you. It was never fake." Radek looks up at her even if the weight made it hard.

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:00
She laughs cold "No Radek you never did love me, of you did you would never had done this to me"

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:01
"i messed up. I know that..i miss you all. But i can never redo what i'v done."

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:25
She only looks cold at him, the weight grows heavier " ..you betrayed me..." She hisses

Sun 13 Apr 2014 01:37
Gh..." he just looks at her. Before he muskles grow. He gets up breaking free from her magic. He hugs her.

Sun 13 Apr 2014 14:37
"NO! Don't you dare to touch me!" She screams and the fire surrenders her body. she smash her head in to his hard

Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:23
"what make you think you can touch me after what you have done " she growls

Sun 13 Apr 2014 17:57
Radek looks at her. "im sorry." he bows before dispering.

Sun 13 Apr 2014 18:12
Titania roars as he despairs and the cabinet explodes in fire
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