Friday 2 May 2014 photo 1/2
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Damon had been out on a ride with his guards, and was coming back into town again. He wore a smile on his lips, seeming to have had fun.
Damon was the kind to be easily bored, so he always looked for things to entertain himself with. Outside of doing paperwork and helping the guilds as well as his family, he did many things to keep himself busy.
Damon got off his horse and sighed heavily as he looked at the castle which was still in ruins.
"It's going to be a while until you're standing in your former glory again, huh? That's okay, though...I have no reason to rush things like that. Not at all..." he said softly as he closed his eyes and smiled.
"I just think...That I'm in love, and-..." he shook his head. "No, patience, Damon...Good things come to those who wait~" he said quietly to himself with a small giggle.
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キティD.ハッター .
Tue 10 Jun 2014 02:59
Zadie saw him and waved alittle to him but a guard stopped her, she frowned and he pushed her away as she tried o walk to him.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 14 Jun 2014 17:32
"Sir, she shouldn't be close, she is just a meare villager!" he said and frowned and then pushed her away more, and kinda hard.
Zadie lost her balance and fell on her butt. "...why does this always has to happen when I want to see you, damon..?" she asked and sighed
Zadie lost her balance and fell on her butt. "...why does this always has to happen when I want to see you, damon..?" she asked and sighed

Damon sighed heavily. "It does not matter if she is just 'a mere villager.' Let her come to me. THAT'S AN ORDER." he said with a frown.

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 14 Jun 2014 20:28
The knight was quiet and helped Zadie up.
Zadie walked to Damon and looked up at him while petting his horse. "I thought i was more then a mere villager atleast for you" she said softly
Zadie walked to Damon and looked up at him while petting his horse. "I thought i was more then a mere villager atleast for you" she said softly

Damon grinned slightly and looked down at her. "You are..." he glanced at the knight, signaling for him to leave. When he did, Damon looked at Zadie again. "You mean a lot to me..." His smile was loving, and genuine.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 16 Jun 2014 01:53
Zadie caressed the 'cheek' of Damons horse. "When can we show our love openly?" she asked and bit her lip alittle, she didn't look at him.. "will we ever be able to..? or is it bad that the crown prince loves a stupid ex-demon villager? well...don't answer that...of course it is" she said and sighed

Damon's smile faded, and he sighed slightly. "No one has to know of your past...but only when accepted by my mother, and when you're my fiancé...Can we show our love openly. But that is going to be a while...with this war going on, and the castle in ruins."
Damon then leaned down and took her hand. "But know this, my love... if I could, I would've married you already." he said before kissing her hand softly.
Damon then leaned down and took her hand. "But know this, my love... if I could, I would've married you already." he said before kissing her hand softly.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 17 Jun 2014 21:24
Zadie looked at him "I dont want to wait.... I want to be yours now... I dont want to have to sneak around with this... " she said

Damon smiled a bit sad and looked back. "...Then you shouldn't have fallen for royalty. All we can do is wait...I'm sorry." he said with a sigh, still keeping the sad look on his face. This all bothered him as much as it bothered her.
He longed for their future together, which still seemed so far away.
He longed for their future together, which still seemed so far away.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 17 Jun 2014 21:41
"I didnt fall for a royalty.. I fell for Damon, the man inside" she said and softly poked his chest " The man who once was in my Village" she said softly

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 18 Jun 2014 00:27
"I didnt know that when i fell for you" she said and looked at him

Damon steered the horse slightly, making it walk slowly forward. "Do you have any wishes for where to go, love~? Or should we just head straight to my inn~?" he said with a slight grin.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 18 Jun 2014 02:01
She kissed his cheek and ran her hand down his armor "Oh my prince~ Im horny~" she whispered in his ear

Damon raised his head and grinned with proud. "It is rather nice, isn't it? Custom made so it suits me perfectly~"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 19 Jun 2014 00:40
"Mhm~" she said and caressed the armor. "But...whars inside turns me on even more~ "

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 22 Jun 2014 02:33
"Hopefully what under my clothes turns ypu on as much as whats under that armor turns me on~" she said softly

Damon hopped down from the horse, and reached up to help her down. "Well, you haven't failed to turn me on earlier, I think you'll be just as effective today as other times~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 22 Jun 2014 09:35
She tool his hand and got down, she smiled alittle and kissed him~

Damon walked into the inn, and quickly took her to his room. "Sit down somewhere and relax...I need to get my armor off...you should just enjoy the sight~" he said with a wink.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 22 Jun 2014 15:30
She sat down at a sofa and smiled cutely, she leaned back alittle.

Damon began getting his armor off, it was a really complicated procedure, but he's done it many times, so it was rather easy for him.
As soon as he got the chestpiece and everything from his upper body off, he sighed of relief and flexed and stretched his muscles slightly.
As soon as he got the chestpiece and everything from his upper body off, he sighed of relief and flexed and stretched his muscles slightly.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 22 Jun 2014 16:05
She looked at him and smiled alittle teasingly "You dont really have to flex.your.muscles for me~ I know how the look when they are in use~"

Damon sighed of relief. Armor like that was heavy to wear, and it always felt great getting out of it.
Now, standing there in his naked glory, he looked over to Zadie. "I think you should get some clothes off, too...it's rather...hot, in here~" he said with a grin.
Now, standing there in his naked glory, he looked over to Zadie. "I think you should get some clothes off, too...it's rather...hot, in here~" he said with a grin.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 23 Jun 2014 01:41
Zadie stood up.and looked at his body, she bit her lip alittle then.looked at Damons face. "How can such a sexy face be on a even sexier body?" she asked and slowly undressed untill she was completly.naked~

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 23 Jun 2014 16:44
Zadie walked to him and laid her arms around his neck, she kissed him lovingly.

Damon leaned down and laid her down on the bed gently, then crouched over her and kept leaving small kisses on her~

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 25 Jun 2014 01:12
Zadie blushed and streached her body~ she moaned from the pleasure~ she loved feeling his lips overbher body

He was fully aware of how good he was with his mouth, and kept exploring her body with his mouth and wouldn't stop until Zadie begged for more~

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 27 Jun 2014 02:03
Zadie moaned and streached her body "D-damon...please....lick me.." she begged~

Damon grinned slightly and made his way down to her vag, and looked up at her with a teasing look in his eyes before he started to lick her~

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 27 Jun 2014 02:09
Zadie put a hand on his head and pulled up her legs, she moaned and arched her back alittle. You could see that she really loved it~

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 27 Jun 2014 02:44
Zadie moaned alittle louder and grabbed his hair softly, she bit her lip so she wouldn't be too loud.

Even Damon moaned slightly, he was getting turned on just by her erotic moans and reactions...he couldn't get enough of it~

Damon took a small break to comment on Zadie's needy behavior. "Heh, you liking this, Zadie~?" he said before continuing~

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 27 Jun 2014 03:28
"Nhn..Y-yes...I love it...~ " she moaned and looked at him "P..please..M-more...A-ah!"

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 28 Jun 2014 11:26
She nodded and moaned alittle "Do as you please~" she said and spreaded her legs and pulled them up more~

Damon looked at her and licked his lips. "haa-...I love you.." he said while leaning down and kissed her.
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