Monday 30 June 2014 photo 1/1
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A Creature walked into Bastille, he left traces of ice behind from his footsteps, he was about 3,5 meters all and it was all ice. It looked around and just continued walking, he didn't really make a sound. It made all the area feel cold but he soon turned into Man, The man wall tall, almost 2 meters, he had a cold expression on his face and if you got close you could still feel the chills from his cold body.
He walked towards the Stag tower, he mumbled something and the ice dissapeard, he got alittle warmer and stopped just infront of the tower.
His name was Eirwen(Blessed Snow), he was what people would call a 'frost giant' but he could change shape and adjust his body temperature so he wouldn't get hurt by the sun and 'melt' or anything like that when he was in his Giantform.
He stood there, quietly and looked at the Entrance of the stag tower.
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Forgotten Portrait
Wed 2 Jul 2014 17:01
Hmm.. Well my guild is none to turn away none humans~ *red eyes open*

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 2 Jul 2014 18:24
He looked at him "I have an excellent range of magic in my body. " he said

Forgotten Portrait
Wed 2 Jul 2014 22:27
You do not have to tell me that.. you do know who I am do you not?.. I suppose taking yourself up into the actual tower will be little to no problem for you?~

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 00:04
"You are Maki Chi, Leader of the stag guild and you have a relationship with the best healer in the guild. I know everything about you," he said and then shook his head "No, its no problem. I just cant open the door without freezing the whole tower."

Forgotten Portrait
Thu 3 Jul 2014 13:20
Hm that would have been amusing if you had told the bear leader, he would have most likely gotten angry~ But I simply see a chance for potential~
The tower is protected, do not worry~ *fades slowly*
The tower is protected, do not worry~ *fades slowly*

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 13:38
Eirwen nodded and then entered the tower. he walked inside and looked around.

Forgotten Portrait
Thu 3 Jul 2014 13:45
*maki has moved to a large cauldron in the middle of the first circular room, stirring it, now not hiding the eyes all over his body where skin showed* You are clearly good with water and such but what else?

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 13:59
"Overall magic, i do most in my human form. my giant form is restricted to Ice magid but Fire cant melt me, since i have fire in my body. " he said and looked at him

Forgotten Portrait
Thu 3 Jul 2014 14:08
*turns, all his eyes studying him* Hmm.. indeed.. but fire can usually not melt the coldest of ice, it is not hot enough.. if we're not talking dragon fire but that is an exception

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 14:17
"Thats why i said i cant be melted." he said and then return to Giant form, you could feel the chils all over the room. He was even colder then ice cold and hard as the hardest diamonds.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 14:40
He turned back to the usual human form, he was ice blue and it slowly turned into his humanskincolor. "Am i qualified to join?"

Forgotten Portrait
Thu 3 Jul 2014 16:14
I believe so.. qualified for a start to practice.. I simply want you aware that if you take a wrong step it falls on me and believe me I will not be kind.. I rest all my eyes on new comers to calibrate how to punish.. I have seen your weak spots.. The punishment for deserting is death, this guild is strict and what happens in this tower will stay in it or you will hang.. Do you understand?
Also.. Last question which will determinate if I will take you in or kick you out.. What is your cause? Why did you seek my Guild?
Also.. Last question which will determinate if I will take you in or kick you out.. What is your cause? Why did you seek my Guild?

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 18:08
"My village was destroyed and i had norhing left, if i had known more i had been able to save them. but i couldnt, I heard about the Stag guild and what everyone knows, Dont take me wrong, Im not a fighter. So dont say i should seek out to the bears.. "

Forgotten Portrait
Thu 3 Jul 2014 22:39
Good.. I don't look for fighters.. Stag Guild is for those who seek knowledge and have a passion for magic

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 4 Jul 2014 13:07
He nodded " And that is what i am seeking. I want to add more knowledge to the knowledge i already know. So i can protect the once i love."

Forgotten Portrait
Fri 4 Jul 2014 15:11
Hmm.. I will approve you starting the classes here, my guild is strict and I will keep a closer eye on you.. being none human this is natural.. I should know

Forgotten Portrait
Sat 5 Jul 2014 06:50
Good *points* there is the library, you will fetch the books by magic. This is the practice room for most things and the room beyond the library is for meditation which is often key to mastering many magics.. make yourself at home~

Forgotten Portrait
Tue 8 Jul 2014 18:47
*takes his hand, pulled the sleeve back and draws a circle around his wrist and a bracelet appears* Now it is official

Mon 30 Jun 2014 13:49
Yohane feels cold. "what a weird feeling.." he looked down from the tower and saw a man there. If the man was a true stag, he could walk thrue the door. Yohane watched the man admiaring his beutiful body and face.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 13:53
He knew that if he didn't wait, he would freeze the door, so he waited as his temperature slowly rose to the right temperature. He felt that someone looked at him so he turned his head and looked at Yohane with his cold eyes. Eirwen wasn't really that cold or emotionless but he had that look for the most of the time.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 16:33
Yohane blushed a bit when there eyes meet. "T-Try just walk thrue the door!" he yells. He dident now how else he would hear him.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 17:14
"I will freeze it if I grab it, kiddo..." he said, he had a sexy and deep, dark voice.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 17:55
Yohane blushed more. "I'll come down and help you." He had his skirt, like everyone else he would think yohane was a girl, like he wanted too.
Yohane took his broom and got on it. The drooms lifts up and he flyes down too Eirwen.
Yohane took his broom and got on it. The drooms lifts up and he flyes down too Eirwen.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 18:01
Eirwen looked at him, he didn't say anything. Eirwen didn't really care if he was a girl or boy but he thought he was a girl at the moment atleast.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 18:14
Yohane stoped infront of him and got of the broom. ""if i tosch you..will i turn too ice..?"

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 18:49
"No. Im starting to get a higher temp so you wont, your hand might feel cold for a while afterwards thou... since im not in normal temperature for a human.." he said and looked at him. "hmn.. you seem so..small...how old are you, kiddo?"

Mon 30 Jun 2014 19:21
"I-im 16. Whats your name sir? Im Yohane." he smiles shy.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 19:51
"16? You are a mere child.." he said and looked at him, for Eirwen, 16 years was just a baby, since he was SO much older. " My name is Eirwen, it means Blessed Snow.."

Mon 30 Jun 2014 22:05
"Hm..maybe i am.."he seems too think a little before smiling again. "Hi Wirwen, what a cute name!" he giggle some before taking his hand. He started walking thrue the door.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 22:11
"its not cute." he said and walked with him, his hand was really big.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 22:42
When thay where inside he looked at his hand. "woooh you really are big." Yohane looked up at him.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:04
"Oh i'v heard of you people but never meet one.." he looks fasiated. "Let me show you around!" he smiles.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:14
Yohane still holds his hand and walks up a white pretty spiral stair.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:21
He walked with him and held his hand. he was just alittle colder then normal people

Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:25
"There is some rooms here if you dont have a place too stay at mister Eirwen." Yohane loks back with a cute smile.

Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:37
"There is a nice family that lets me be in there place." he smiles. "my brother lives with his boyfriend so i better not stay with them. How about you mister Eirwen?"

Mon 30 Jun 2014 23:54
"ooh is it far from here? Oh that makes me think, your of ice and such..if your goingf too do a ice castle, can i see it sometimes then?~" he looks exited.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 00:37
Yohen blushed when he smiles, he then lets go of his hand, he started getting sweaty and it was not Eirwen.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 00:52
"N-No nothing." Yohane then showed him atound. "oh this is my favorit place, the library. I learn alot of new magic from here."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 01:18
"You dont have to call me Mister... " he said and walked around alittle in the library.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 01:39
" o-oh just wanted too be respectful, mother always told me too be polite and show respect too adults.."Yohane smiles shy.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 01:47
He nodded " I understand and thats wery good but you dont have to call me that"

Tue 1 Jul 2014 01:52
"o-okay Eurwen!" he smiles. "if you ever get hurt you can come too me, im the best in healing magic!" he says proud.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 02:09
He looked at him "Im sure there is people who is bette in this guild.." he said "You should never be over confident,"

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 02:44
"Don't be sad, Yohane. Im sure you are reallt good at healing, I just mean you shouldn't be over confident, its not so attractive and it can make others angry.." he said and patted is hair softly

Tue 1 Jul 2014 03:49
It does..i will think before i say anything next time." he smiles shy and enjoys the patting.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 09:19
He nodded "But if i cant heal my own wounds, i will come to you, i promise."

Tue 1 Jul 2014 13:37
Yohane smiles and shows the rest. When thay were done he looks at him. "Im sure you will love it here!" he smiles.

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 15:19
He nodded and looked ay him "if you are close, im sure I will love it.."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 19:27
He nodded. "You are beautful. " he said and bowdd down, he kissed him softly.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 22:26
Yohane blush more before answering the kiss. "b-but..ngh.." he kiss deeper.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 22:48
Yohane stoped the kiss. "B-But i need too tell you, im not a girl.."

キティD.ハッター .
Tue 1 Jul 2014 22:58
"I don't like girls.." he said and kissed him deeper and passionated.

Tue 1 Jul 2014 23:13
Yohane took his arms around Eirwens neck and answer the kisswith a lovly blush.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 2 Jul 2014 02:48
He lifted Yohane up and kissed him deeper, he held his hands on his ass.

Wed 2 Jul 2014 05:29
Yohane breathes in hiw mouth. "mngh.." he moans some when he is grabed on the ass.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 2 Jul 2014 12:46
He looked at Yohane and made his lips alittle colder and kissed his neck, it was a better feeling when the lips were alittle colder

Wed 2 Jul 2014 17:56
"How about outside of the city..? i-im not sure my new mother want me too have a man over too..u-um..yeah.." he blush.

キティD.ハッター .
Wed 2 Jul 2014 18:25
He nodded " we can take into a Inn. I need a place to be anyhow. I will not stay here " he said

Wed 2 Jul 2014 21:11
Yohane nids och fixes his cloth with a blush. He takes Eirwens hand.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 00:46
When thay where yohane blushed. He looked around the room Eirwen got

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 00:48
Eirwen looked around alittle in the doom then looked at Yohane, he locked the door and started to undress him.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 01:47
Yohane took of his skirt and blush. He than opens Eirwens robe, he wonder how his cock looked like.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 08:35
Eirwen undressed Yohane, the yukata was the only thing he himself was wearing. He wasnt small.. but his cock looked rather normal. he Undressed Yohane completly, kissed him deeply and spanked his ass softly

Thu 3 Jul 2014 15:52
Yohane took a grip on Eirwens cock with a blush. "nh im a virgin.."

Thu 3 Jul 2014 16:02
"N-No i dont mind." Yohane dident need too get on his knees, he strted licking on Eirwens cock shy.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 18:12
Yohane feels himself getting hard aswell. He licks more around his while cock making it wet. "N-Nh this is emberessing.."

Thu 3 Jul 2014 18:16
Yohane blush even more up too his ears and starts pushing Eirwens cock inside his mouth.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 18:37
"N-Nh!" he started sucking Eirwens cock and was already fully hard.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 18:58
Yohane stoped sucking and gave out a pretty high pitch moan.

Thu 3 Jul 2014 19:35
"C-Can you um..p-preper my bum..?" he gets on the bed and shows him his ass, he gets on his four.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 20:01
He licked his finger and caressed his opening, he slowly pressed in a finger in him

Thu 3 Jul 2014 21:09
"A-Ah feels like im going too...nhg come already..ah.."

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Jul 2014 22:11
He added one finger and moved them. "If you feel like it, then come. But im bot going to stop until ive come inside you."

Thu 3 Jul 2014 23:54
Yohane blush and hides his face agains a pillow. "A-Ah.,.!" he had become softer, he was fully relaxed.

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 4 Jul 2014 13:09
He added one more finger and moved it for a short while until he then pulled then out and then placed himself against Yohanes opening and slowly and carefully pushed inside.

Sun 6 Jul 2014 21:29
Yohane started pushing his ass agains Eirwens cock making it sliwly slide in more. "nnnh.."

Mon 7 Jul 2014 01:03
Yohane grabs the bed harder. "a-ah!" he moans high pitched.

Mon 7 Jul 2014 02:38
Yohane flitch a bit but relaxes fast. "A-ah your so big..."

Mon 7 Jul 2014 03:35
"I-Im going too cum if...nh! your hitting that spot more...aah..." he bites his lips shy.

Mon 7 Jul 2014 03:48
A-ah ah!" Yohane clench the sheets and moans high. "N-Nh!~"

Mon 7 Jul 2014 03:56
"I-I cant hold it...nhg anymore...a-ah!" he moans high, almost a scream and comes alot on his tighs and bed." N-NH!"

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:02
He moaned and tooka grip of his hips, he staretd to move alittle rougher and faster, he wasn't close yet

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:03
Yohane shivers in all his body. He got hard again pretty fast. "A-ah!" it was a little too much for him but he still liked the feeling getting wrecked by Eirwen.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:05
Eirwen growled out a dark, deep moan and leaned his head back, he got alittle colder and grew alittle, inside him. He moved against his sweetspot.

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:07
"gah!!" Yohane bites the pillow hard and gets a bit tigher. It feelt wonderful.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:08
Eirwen grinned and looked at him "You like this...don't you?" he said, it wasn't reallt a question. he moved alittle harder

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:16
Yohane was drooling. "Y-Yes...ngh!" he screams in pleasure.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:17
Eirwen continued fr a pretty long while then he came, hard and filled Yohane up, it kinda 'exploded' inside him and it ran our too. he grinned and moaned dark

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:30
Yohane came with him, the feeling getting filled was too much. "A-Ah!!" he screams til his voice cracks. He shivers all over his body, both teary and drooling.

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:36
Yohane feel on his tummy all tired in his body. "I-Im going too..pass ut..."

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:37
He laid down besides Yohane and hugged him then pulled the covers over them

Mon 7 Jul 2014 04:39
Yohane breathes heavy and cuddle agains Eirwen. "mhn.." he fell alseep right away.
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