Monday 22 December 2014 photo 2/2
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Akita is walking through the outskirts of the town again like he does almost every night. He keeps his eyes on the forest and his ears open for anything. He's feeling reatless and uneasy as it is so quiet. It has been quiet for too long now and that is something he didn't like. He keeps his hand on the sword like always, prepared for anything.
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Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:32
"Out on a night stroll my lovely fella~?" The Dark Lord walks out of the forest and looks on Akita.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:34
Akita turns to where the dark lord comes from and glares at him. "I always guard the nights." He keeps his sword in its holster but tightens the hold some.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 02:42
"Bravo, you're doing such good job~ to bad you don't know that I'm always lurking in the shadows, watching you~" He smirks some.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 08:14
He looks at him raising an eyebrow before he snorts. "You really think that highly of yourself? I know you're always there. Why else do you think I'm always out patrolling at nights?"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:17
"Because you miss me of course~" He laughs for himself and walks closer to Akita. "But you have no idea of what I'm planning to do~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:26
He lets out another snort and looks very unimpressed. "And still you're the one who comes to me~ I'm almost flattered." He smirks darkly but stays where he is for now. Hearing the last he just shrugs looking bored. "No. But I doubt it'll be anything worth worrying about anyway."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:32
"Humm.. I can't deny, missed you guys too. I miss terrorising everyone.." He sighs and walks even closer. "I just found a way to get through the barrier, but it's not important, right~?"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:35
"You call what you did terrorizing?" He lets out a laugh. "Well, you do think highly of yourself." Though as he mentions the barrier Akita gets even more on his guard and the hold of his sword tightens more. "How?"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:43
"I was just joking, what I did back then is fucking ridiculous." He draw his sword and points it towards Akita's chest. "What I'm going to do now, is slaughtering everyone." He keeps walking closer with no expression on his face. "You're going to die tonight, so why should I even bother telling you?"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:48
As soon as the dark lord draws his sword Akita has his own up to counter. "There is no way I'm letting you get into this city. These people are protected by me as well as everyone else in the guilds. You have nothing to come with that would make us let you in." He growls it low but for now makes no attempt to attack, but instead waits him out. "And if I'm going to die you might as well humor me with telling me. There's no one I would be able to tell it to."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 09:57
He let out a laugh and stops walking when he's in front of the barrier. "It's such a waste of time telling you. You can die wondering how the fuck I walked though this barrier." He stretched out his arm so it went right through the barrier. "I can't deny, it's not that easy and it hurts.. but it's worth tje struggle."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 10:17
Seeing the arm go through the barrier Akita takes a more defensive pose. "I wouldn't wonder how you did it. I'm here cause I don't trust the barrier. And if you get though that just proves me right, no? So why the fuck should I wonder how you did it?" He holds his sword out ready to attack should he get further. "I suggest you stop there unless you want me to cut you in pieces."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 10:57
He starts laughing and walks through the barrier. "I guess you're right.. this barrier was such a stupid idea~" He stands in front of Akita now and looks into his eyes. "No, I'm going to cut you first." He presses his sword against Akita's stomach. "I'm going to kill you~" He thrust the sword into him.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 11:11
He glares at him looking back into his eyes and as soon as the sword is moved Akita steps out of the way as he swings his own sword in defense. But not being quick enough the dark lords sword still makes some damage, but nothing lethal. He swings his sword to get the dark lords sword out of the way and then swings his own to the dark lords neck but stops just as it cuts through the skin making it bleed slightly. "The only one dying here will be you."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 11:20
"Despite the fact that you can't kill me~ The only one that can kill me is your worthless queen. But she just tried killing me with magic and her sword.." He didn't care about the wound on his neck. "I can bleed and feel pain, but I heal again, because you have the wrong weapon~" He places his sword against Akita's neck. "And now you die~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 11:26
Not fully prepared Akita feels the sword against his neck. but as he does he quickly pulls his second sword and moves it so he gets the sword against his neck away as he uses the long sword to cut against the dark lords elbow to cut it of as he moves out of the way.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 11:34
"Oh no, you don't~" His shadow hands grabs Akita's sword before it cuts through his arm. "It won't be a fair fight if you do that~" He shings his sword against Akita's waist and cuts up a wound. "Don't forget the fact that I'm stronger than you."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 11:43
"Defense is always fair." He said behind clenched teeth as he pulls his sword free from the shadow hand. he hardly reacts on the cut as he goes on defense again out of reach. "Without cheating you know I'm stronger. I've always been. And in a fair fight you would lose." He keeps both swords high, ready for anything

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:01
"I wouldn't lose~" He smirks and let his shadow hands crawl towards Akita and up on his body. He studies the blppd on his sword. "Beautiful~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:06
Akita glares at him and uses the smaller sword to push away the shadow hand. "You would. You're just too much of a coward to realize it." Hearing what he says about the blood Akita smirks darkly. "And yours would look even more beautiful sprayed on the ground."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:13
He starts laughing and licks the blood off the sword. "Sorry cutie, I won't die tonight~" He point his sword against Akira. "Shall we dance~?"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:15
He looks at him in disgust as he keeps his sword towards the dark lord. "Then we have a problem, cause I'm not dying either." He growls it low but doesn't answer the last part.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:28
He swing his sword towards Akita's chest. "Come on, someone has to tmdie and it won't be me~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:31
Akita easily blocks the swing with the short sword as he swings his long one at the dark lords chest. "I have no plans on dying by your hands."

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:42
"To sad for you, I'm going to leave you here bleeding to death~" He blocks the sword with his shadow hands and swing his sword again.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:45
"That's not gonna happen." He clench his teeth and uses the short sword to block again as he moves out of the way getting his long sword free. He then swings it at the dark lords head

Mon 22 Dec 2014 12:55
He take some steps back and smirks. "Missed~" He laughs and swings his sword against Akita's waist.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:01
Akita steps out of the way so the sword narrowly misses his waist, but it does tear another hole in his clothes. He then launches at the dark lord with his small sword in front of him as protection and the long sword swinging a stabbing motion towards the dark lords chest

Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:14
He looks down on the long sword and chuckles. "Not bad~" He swings his sword again and sliced a new wound on Akita's waist.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:18
Akita doesn't say anything, nor does he acknowledge the new wound that appears as he blocks most of the cut with the short sword. Then he charges again and makes a significant cut along the dark lords side with his long sword.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:47
"Mmh~" He keeps smirking evil and cuts on Akita's arms and legs instead. He keeps swinging his sword and laughs.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 13:49
Akita manages to block most of the cuts skillfully while he keeps up his offensive defense. He gets some cuts in, and aims more at the dark lords shoulder trying to cut his arm off. All the while he does this, he also charges towards him forcing the dark lord back towards the barrier

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:09
He stops swinging his sword and looks on him. He grabs Akita's arm that's holding the long sword. He chuckles.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:14
Akita glares at him and as he's in the middle of a movement as his arm is grabbed he changes is flow of energy and moves a different way. and as such he pulls free in a swift motion. he still keeps his swords up and pointed at the dark lord.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:38
He grabs Akita with his shadow arms and lifts him up in the air. "That's much better~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:40
As he's lifted up he cuts towards the shadow arms as he tries to get down. "Put me back down!" He growls it low as he does his best to get free

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:46
"Why should I? If you're such a good swordsman, can't you fight me from there?" He smirks widely lifting him even higher.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 20:53
He growls at him and gives him a dark glare. "Had you been fighting with swords I could beat you. These..." he cuts throgh the shadow arms again. "...are not swords. So put me the fuck down and fight me in an honest fight!"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:15
"This is a fair fight~" He laughs and sliced a deep wound over Akita's chest. "You can still fight me~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:19
He clench his teeth as his chest is sliced. He says nothing but uses both swords to cut through the arm holding him not caring that if it lets go he will fall a bit. Right now getting free is what's most important

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:29
"Let's see what I can do with you~" He laughs and walks around him. "I said I would leave you bleeding to death so that's a good idea~"

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:37
Akita keeps struggling to get down. "I told you I won't die by your hands..." he hiss it out as he's slightly out of breath, but still he refuse to give up

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:42
" I can injure you badly, but yeah.. killing you like this won't be fun at all~ I want to see more of that hatred~" He slices on Akita's back.

Mon 22 Dec 2014 21:45
Akita clench his teeth harder at the next slice but keeps every sound in. But then he spits at him and laughs coldly. "Then keep looking. Cause you're no longer on top of the list with the most hated." He can feel the blood drop down his body but he ignores it as he keeps trying to get down

Tue 23 Dec 2014 02:10
"Like I care what you think cutie~ I'm not after to be on top of that list. All I wwnt is to take back what's rightfully mine!" He cuts Akita again.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 08:19
Akita lets out a pained snort. "You're pathetic. You have nothing here that's yours! So why don't you crawl back under the rock you came from and just fuck off." He cuts again against the shadow arms and manages to get a knife he has hidden in his robes. He takes it out and skillfully throws it so it gets stuck in thw dark lords chest.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 10:46
He looks down on the knife stuck in his chest and makes a pained sound when he pulls it out. "Cutie... I want to see you crawl~" He thrust the knife into Akita's right leg.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 10:49
Akita gives him a cold look, but looks fairly pleased hearing the pained sound. Though he lets out another snort and is about to respond as the knife is thrust into his leg. He clench his jaw and just a slightly pained breath leaves him as he gives the dark lord a glare. "Put me the fuck down."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 12:41
"If you want me to put you down..." He twists the knife before he takes it out. "You have to ask me kindly~ something like 'Please put me down, my king~'"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 12:45
Akita bites back another pained sound as the knife is twisted and gives him a dark glare. "How about, go fuck yourself." He kicks towards the dark lords hand that holds the knife for him to drop it, or drop focus so he can get down

Tue 23 Dec 2014 12:56
"Maybe I should fuck you?" He smirks widely and but makes a pained sound when he got kicked on the hand and drops the knife. "Mmh.. that's not fair.."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 12:58
He glares darkly at the dark lord but hearing the pained sound he smirks slightly. "It's about as fair as me hanging here."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:10
He picks up his sword again and look on Akita. "Well, I let you down if you ask me kindly and call me king~" He laughs and presses the sword into a wound and starts twisting it.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:12
Even if Akita manages to hold back on his pained sounds, the pain can still be shown slightly in his features. But he pays it no attention as he keeps his glare at the dark lord. "You're no fucking king. And you never will be." he hiss it through clenched teeth as his voice is strained from holding back

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:24
He keeps twisting his sword and laughs. "To bad for you, I won't let you down~" He walks around Akita again but stops so he can look at his face. "Trying to show how brave you are, warrior~?"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:32
He keeps his teeth clenched as the sword keeps twisting and only a small pained sound leaves him at times. as the dark lord looks at him he glares back. "I have nothing to prove. Especially not to you."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:48
He looks on Akita and thinks for some seconds. "Oh my, do you hate me that much?" He slices a new wound on his leg and after that a new of his chest. "Say the words and I let you down~"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:51
Akita glares at him. "You're pathetic. And I don't waste my energy on hating pathetic creatures like you." He hardly reacts to the new cuts, but instead of saying anything he spits on the ground by his feet. "I would never grovel."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 13:58
He laughs a little and lowers Akita a little. "I'm your king, worthless dog." He thrusts his sword into Akita's stomach and twists it. "Remember that to next time." He thrusts the sword deeper in before he takes it out and the shadow hands let go of him.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:01
"You're no king. You're a fucking parasite!" Though as the sword is thrust into his stomach he forgets to clench his jaw shut and a pained almost scream leaves him. as the shadow hands lets go he falls to the ground with a thud and groans at the impact. He still clench his swords, and while he's panting for breath he tries to get up.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:09
"What a waste of time you are." He places his foot on Akita's back so the can't get away. "When I'm king, I'm going to enjoy having you as my slave." He kicks Akita on his stomach. "Kick you around like the dog you are."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:13
Akita groans slightly as he's pushed against the ground. "You'll never be the fucking king." He hiss as he swings the small sword against the dark lords leg even if he's in a bad position laying on his stomach.
As he's kicked he automatically pulls his legs closer to his body but grabs hold of the dark lords leg and pulls hard enough for him to loose balance and fall. "I'm no dog you miserable parasite." He growls it low and again tries to get up despite the pain
As he's kicked he automatically pulls his legs closer to his body but grabs hold of the dark lords leg and pulls hard enough for him to loose balance and fall. "I'm no dog you miserable parasite." He growls it low and again tries to get up despite the pain

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:37
He makes a pained sound when he falls and closes his eyes for some seconds. "Ahh, that hurts a lot." He sits up and looks on Akita. "You are a dog and nothing else. You foloow every singel order your queen gives you."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:41
Even if it's not much Akita grins slightly hearing that it hurt as that had been the point. He has managed to get up on his knees with the support of his sword and he glares back at him. Though hearing what he says Akita laughs coldly. "You really have no idea what you're talking about."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:56
He stands up and looks on Akita. "I don't need to know form your perspective. I have my own." He had no expectation on his face and grabs his sword. "I hate all of you." He cuts a deep wound on Akita's legs. "I hate you all so fucking much!"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 14:59
Akita hardly flinch as the dark lord cuts him again and had it not been for the fact that he needs his sword for support he would have used it and attacked. But instead all he does is looking at the dark lord coldly. "Then fuck off and don't come back. Then you don't have to fucking care anymore."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 15:12
"I want to kill you all!" He cuts up a new wound on Akita's body. "I want to bash your head and eat your guts. I want to torture you until you can't take it anymore." He grabs Akita's hair. "I want to tear your fucking skin off." He laughs coldly. "So I won't leave, I'm going to slaughter you one by one~"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 15:17
A small flinch of pain that runs over his face is all that shows from the new cut. Getting his hair grabbed he keeps the cold look as he glares at him. "You won't win this. And deep down you know it..." His breaths are getting more strained as he can feel the blood leaving his body from every wound and he keeps one hand over the cut in his stomach. "You're going back into the dark hole you came from, just like the maggot you are." He sneers and spits his blood at the dark lords feet.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 15:41
He starts laughing again and pulls back Akita's head. "Oh, shut up you filthy dog, I'm not the one who's about to die~" He places his dword on Akita's neck.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 15:45
Akita allows for him to pull his head back and glares at him. "I'm not going to die either." He takes a deep breath and close his eyes for a second before glaring back at him paying no attention to the sword at his neck. "Cause you enjoy this too much. You know I'm the only one here that can give you a proper fight. The others are too weak and you know it."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 16:42
He smirks and let go of his sword. "Yeah, you're right

Tue 23 Dec 2014 16:43
I won't kill you, I enjoy this way to much~" He let go off his hair.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 16:46
Even if he doesn't show it Akita is relieved as this is not how he planned to die, and all he does is grins. As his hair is let go his head fall down against his chest and he struggles to catch his breath. "Told you..."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:03
"And I told you that you would lose." He laughs and lifts up Akita. "Shall I put you somewhere closer to the town."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:06
Akita keeps glaring at him and moves out of the dark lords hold. He ignores the shot of pain that shoots through him. "Forget it."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:15
He laughs some. "Come on~" He lifts up Akita again and places him on the back. "It's such a waste if you die. Like you said, I enyoy this to much."

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:20
With his swords still in his hands Akita moves one of them to the dark lords throat. "I do NOT need your help. As I said, will won't die by your hands, but it will be over my dead body that I accept your help." He hiss it low and means every word.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:40
He starts walking into the town. "Shut up, I don't care about that." He grabs the sword and pushes it away from his throat.

Tue 23 Dec 2014 17:54
Akita grinds his teeth and muster all the power he has left and pulls himself free from the dark lord and falls to the ground yet again. He keeps his swords close to him and glares up at him. "I said I don't need your help." He pants as he talks and uses his swords as support to get up. He stands on unsteady legs and leans heavily against his sword. "You will not carry me into town. You have already won today. Then leave. The next time won't end like this." He sneers as he talks low, taking breaks between sentences to catch his breath. He's almost amazed he can stand, but adrenaline is still keeping him upright. He bows his head just faintly, cause even if he didn't find the fight fair he's been taught to show respect should a fight end with both parties still alive. Then he uses his sword like a crutch and takes a small and unsteady step towards the city

Tue 23 Dec 2014 18:06
"Whatever you say, dog~" He starts walking and pick up his sword. "See you soon, Akita~"

Tue 23 Dec 2014 18:08
Akita doesn't really acknowledge him but nods slightly as all of his focus is on getting back to town even though he's bleeding more than he'd like to admit

Tue 23 Dec 2014 22:44
He looks back on Akita and smirks for himself. "I'm never going to kill you because I enjoy torturing you to much~"
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