Wednesday 24 December 2014 photo 1/1
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Raiden looks out over the city and smiles. Seeing how it has snowed over night evrrything had a lovely white shine to it. "Beautiful~" He's always loved the snow. He walks slowly along the streets and enjoys himself. "Such a wonderful winter solace~"
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Thu 25 Dec 2014 21:06
Mizuki looks down at him from a tree where he contently had been basking in the sun "Winter Solace? Is that what you call christmas here~?" he asked curiously as he stretched out, and with that he became more visible...

Thu 25 Dec 2014 21:29
"I suppose it is then~ It is mostly celebrated on the 25th of December, but some go for the 24th~ And it is a holiday to celeebrate the birth of a gods human son... At leas that is what we say where I am from~ Thou depressingly enough in spring, around March-April we also celebrate the same sons death. He died for "our sins"..." he let out a small sigh and shook his head "I can't say I belive in all of it but it is a nice holiday, christmas that is~ And everyone needs to be extra nice then they say~" he let out a small chuckle

Thu 25 Dec 2014 21:33
Raiden cross his arms slightly as he listens. Though the concept confuses him slightly so he scratch his head some but keeps his smile. "I don't think I've come across that before...we usually celebrate winter solace because it's the darkest night of the year, and so you need to bring some light into your life~ and it's also a reminder that it will soon be brighter times coming again~" he chuckles slightly. "But I do like the idea of everyone being extra nice~ though it should be like that all year around I think..."

Thu 25 Dec 2014 22:15
"Well that does not suprise me much~ It is part of the largest religion where I am from...
And what happens is that God grants a woman named Mary his child... And she is a virgin, so later on she is proclaimed a Saint Mary, or Virgin Mary~ Either way, she and her husband, NOT the god~ Travels to a town named Bethlehem to register for something that I cannot remember... But once they arrrive it is late eavning and all inns are full so a kind man allows them to sleep in a barn with all the animals...
And while there Mary gives birth to the child she has been carrying, and it turns out to be a boy... And as there is no cribb she places the new born in a manger. Not long after an angel named Gabriel shows himself and lets them know that the boy is the son of God and that he is the saviour of all men... After that shepards comes and adores the boy, claiming to be led by a star... Three kings also arrives and gives the son of God presents, and because of that, we actually have the tradition of giving our loved ones presents~
However it has been mixed up with a lot of other religions over time, and that story is about 2000 years old, and since people where I am from usually don't live for more then 80-90 years that is a LONG time ago and it has been passed down so many times this is probably quite far from the truth~
And by now we also have a figgure called Santa Claus who comes with presents for the kids, but only if you have been nice, or you get col instead~ That's why we are nice around christmas, thou... It's said that Santa keeps a list over kids for the whole year to know who's been naughty and nice~" he said with a small laugh.
"And christmas is a family holiday, everyone meets up together, eats, sings, dances and just has a good time, and to top it all off we give eachother presents~ It was my favourite time of the year~ And every year people sing songs about christmas, some do it for money that the give to good causes, like... Ways to find cures for illness, homes or just food for poor people~ It's a beautiful thought right~?" he asked and smiled widely as it really warmed his heart to think of it.
Hearing why they celebreated he let out a soft laugh "It sounds a lot like the old way of celebreating~ Before Christmas we had something similar, not that I was alive to see it~"
And what happens is that God grants a woman named Mary his child... And she is a virgin, so later on she is proclaimed a Saint Mary, or Virgin Mary~ Either way, she and her husband, NOT the god~ Travels to a town named Bethlehem to register for something that I cannot remember... But once they arrrive it is late eavning and all inns are full so a kind man allows them to sleep in a barn with all the animals...
And while there Mary gives birth to the child she has been carrying, and it turns out to be a boy... And as there is no cribb she places the new born in a manger. Not long after an angel named Gabriel shows himself and lets them know that the boy is the son of God and that he is the saviour of all men... After that shepards comes and adores the boy, claiming to be led by a star... Three kings also arrives and gives the son of God presents, and because of that, we actually have the tradition of giving our loved ones presents~
However it has been mixed up with a lot of other religions over time, and that story is about 2000 years old, and since people where I am from usually don't live for more then 80-90 years that is a LONG time ago and it has been passed down so many times this is probably quite far from the truth~
And by now we also have a figgure called Santa Claus who comes with presents for the kids, but only if you have been nice, or you get col instead~ That's why we are nice around christmas, thou... It's said that Santa keeps a list over kids for the whole year to know who's been naughty and nice~" he said with a small laugh.
"And christmas is a family holiday, everyone meets up together, eats, sings, dances and just has a good time, and to top it all off we give eachother presents~ It was my favourite time of the year~ And every year people sing songs about christmas, some do it for money that the give to good causes, like... Ways to find cures for illness, homes or just food for poor people~ It's a beautiful thought right~?" he asked and smiled widely as it really warmed his heart to think of it.
Hearing why they celebreated he let out a soft laugh "It sounds a lot like the old way of celebreating~ Before Christmas we had something similar, not that I was alive to see it~"

Sun 28 Dec 2014 00:59
Raiden looks more confused as he listens to the story that Mizuki tells him and he scratch his head slightly. He laughs slightly and smiles as Mizuki is done. "Well...that sure is some ledgend to believe in...I don't think I've head anything quite like that before. So they believe that a virgin got pregnant by this god?" He shakes his head slightly. "Well, I guess religions are full of strange stories. Though I do find it interesting~ But who is this Santa Claus? Is he part of the story somehow too?" He tilts his head some.
Hearing about the rest though hr smiles warm. "I like that part~ spending time with your family~ that's what it's all about really. We celebrate like that as well. Or well, the ones of us that find the winter solace something to celebrate. Not everyone finds it to be anything other than another day..." he nodd and smiles as well at the question. "It truly is a beautiful thought~"
Hearing about the rest though hr smiles warm. "I like that part~ spending time with your family~ that's what it's all about really. We celebrate like that as well. Or well, the ones of us that find the winter solace something to celebrate. Not everyone finds it to be anything other than another day..." he nodd and smiles as well at the question. "It truly is a beautiful thought~"
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