Saturday 22 March 2014 photo 14/17
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Victor had been working hard lately, just as hard as the other guild leaders.
He always got up early in the morning, and came home late at night. It ended up in him being quite tired, yet he stayed active and alert at all times.
As Victor had finished his day at work, he yawned loud as he walked out of his office and base.
It was already after midnight, and the sky was clear.
Victor looked up at the sky, sighing slightly. "Maybe I should go get a drink before I go to sleep...I think I need to relax just a little bit...Yes, I'll get one, and then go home to get some rest. It's a whole new day with work tomorrow after all...I've earned this.." he mumbled to himself as he began walking towards the restaurant and bar street.
Victor looked up at the sky, sighing slightly. "Maybe I should go get a drink before I go to sleep...I think I need to relax just a little bit...Yes, I'll get one, and then go home to get some rest. It's a whole new day with work tomorrow after all...I've earned this.." he mumbled to himself as he began walking towards the restaurant and bar street.
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キティD.ハッター .
Sat 22 Mar 2014 11:37
A wolf walked up to him and made a sound and stroked itself against his leg softly.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 17:00
The wolf turned into Luna. She smiled alittle "It was on time that you left the tower" she said softly.

"Great. Come along then." he said with a faint smile as he started walking towards the pub he usually went to.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:27
She nodded "I have heard some news about Cassandra but maybe you shouldnt hear them today" she said softly

Victor thought for a little while. "hmm...either a glass of whisky or a beer...I think.." he said with a faint smile.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:54
She smiled ad walked into the bar and to the bar then ordered drinks.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:29
"Yeah, ive given up the dreams on finding the man i fell in love with.. so i guess im doing well.." she said softly

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:53
"I didnt know him for long, we only had sex once but i felt that he was the one for me, the right person for me.. then he just dissapeared... i tracked him for long...but i couldnt find him.. im a wolf so i should have found him.....but.. he will probably not even.want me anymore... so...ive given up.. no man will ever want.me"

"Don't be like that...love is meant to be difficult. It's just more difficult for some people than others." he looked at Luna and smiled. "Patience, friend."

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:02
She looked at him "Ive fucked over 200 men, Victor. None of them have ever loved me. Should i have more patience? I dont even got any left." she said and drank

"I...don't think you should be so hard on yourself though...we all have things we're not proud of.." he said with a sigh.

Victor finished his beer and ordered another one. "...Like, how I think I've got a problem with women." he said with a heavy sigh.

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 17:04
(Ooops.. i kinda forgot this...)
"You have a probllem with women, huh?"
"You have a probllem with women, huh?"

Victor nodded slightly. "Mm...I have no problems what so ever with just talking or being friends with a woman, but as soon as a woman shows sexual interest for me....I freak out!"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 17:31
She laughed alittle "Oh dear... " she said and drank alittle "Why is that? There must be a reason for it"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 18:35
"I dont really know. " shesaid and thought some, " perhaps try and see where the line exacltly is and from tht then see what we can do aboout it?"

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 27 Mar 2014 23:58
She nodded and caressed his cheek "If i get too much you just have to tell me.."
(.....what it they actually would do it...omg... )
(.....what it they actually would do it...omg... )

キティD.ハッター .
Fri 28 Mar 2014 00:48
Luna moved closed to him and kissed Victor, then started to kiss his neck and ran her nails down his chest. "Relax..." she almost purred against his neck.
(that would be fun... Luna could actually be a woman for Victor xD she isnt innocent and so...but she knows the way around a man and actually know how to handle one.. till skillnad från Cassandra som inte vet ett skit om män xD)
(that would be fun... Luna could actually be a woman for Victor xD she isnt innocent and so...but she knows the way around a man and actually know how to handle one.. till skillnad från Cassandra som inte vet ett skit om män xD)

Victor closed his eyes slightly, it was pretty uncomfortable for him since he wasn't used to anything like this..
(Yeah!! Cas did kinda force herself on Victor after all. I mean, he was nervous when they took a shower together and it only got worse later on when he got soooo fuckin embarrassed hadfklhgj xD ohh Victor, my little dork <3)
(Yeah!! Cas did kinda force herself on Victor after all. I mean, he was nervous when they took a shower together and it only got worse later on when he got soooo fuckin embarrassed hadfklhgj xD ohh Victor, my little dork <3)

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:55
"It wont get better if you dont relax, Victor...trust me... Try to relax and enjoy it... " she said softly and softly nibbled on his neck while caressing his chest.
(Yeah,.. i know xD but i think Luma would be a better woman for Victor then Cassandra anyway.... if Luna gets Victor im bed...seriously...omg xD)
(Yeah,.. i know xD but i think Luma would be a better woman for Victor then Cassandra anyway.... if Luna gets Victor im bed...seriously...omg xD)

Victor closed his eyes completely and nodded. "I...know.." he mumbled slightly as he tried to relax.
(Yeah omfg xDDD We'll see what happens!!)
(Yeah omfg xDDD We'll see what happens!!)

キティD.ハッター .
Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:51
She moved closer and kissed his neck more, nibbeling on it softly sometime and licked over the small marks~ she caressed his stomach and chest with one hand then caressed his tight with her other hand.
( it has to happeeeennn omg xD)
( it has to happeeeennn omg xD)

Victor opened his eyes slightly, he wasn't really nervous about the situation that much anymore, but he realized they still were in the bar. "Uh..um..."

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 30 Mar 2014 04:02
Luna caressed his cheek "You can pay me something else in return" she said and purred softly

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 30 Mar 2014 15:11
Luna took his hand and took Victor to her house~ she smiled "You are doing well, Victor~"

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 30 Mar 2014 15:22
When they were inside her house, she looked at him and then kissed him lovingly, she stroked her ears back alittle.

Victor raised one of his arms and put it around her. It was insecure, but it felt right for him to do so.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 30 Mar 2014 22:23
Luna took him to the bedroom,she madehim sit on the bed and kissed him while she took of her Kimono, showing her gourges and curvy body.

This was about when Victor started freaking out. "Ah, uhm,," he looked away slightly, avoiding to look at her, just because of embarassment.

キティD.ハッター .
Sun 30 Mar 2014 23:05
She noticed it and put on the Kimono again, she kissed gim lovingly and caressed his neck

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 00:41
Luna moved away and strokdd her ears back, she tied the kimono and walked to the window.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 01:04
"Im the one who should apologize..i shouldnt have done it in the first place..."

"You're a gorgeous woman, really...but I just..." he sighed heavily and buried his face in his hands. "I might be a person that can't get sexual with anyone at all...I need to fix this...I need to..." he kept talking, but it was just low mumbling, and it was impossible to tell what he was saying.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 01:17
Luna sat behind him and hugged him "Shh... There is no one who cant be sexual, Victor..its just the fact that you must want it.. and be curages enough to take it... We can try....sowly, if you want... I wont force you"

Victor nodded slightly and put his hand on hers. "But even when I was close to someone...I...loved them with my whole heart, I still couldn't do it. How do I get courage? How do I stop being like this...?" he sighed heavily and closed his eyes.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 10:24
Luna kissed his neck softly "You get more nervouse when you see a naked woman, right? Maybe.. we can take away sight and you can use your other senses" she said softly, she really wanted to help him, it was not for the Sex she wanted it, she wanted to help him cause she did like him.

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 22:07
She moved away from the bed and then she took out a blindfold and softly put it over Victors Eyes then tied if softly. "Does it feel okey?"

キティD.ハッター .
Mon 31 Mar 2014 23:11
She moved so she was infront of him then she caressed his stomach down to his crotch, slowly and at the same time kissed him

キティD.ハッター .
Thu 3 Apr 2014 00:47
She sat down infront of him and undresed him, he caressed his cock and started to slowly give him a blow job
Sat 22 Mar 2014 11:07
Victor? *Akita comes walking along the same street and sees him as he too was thinking about a drink* It's been a while

Victor looked at Akita as soon as he heard his own name, and smiled faint and nodded slightly. "Indeed it has."

Sun 23 Mar 2014 19:37
*he nods some* Yeah. Need to relax a bit you know. So how about some company?

Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:26
*he smiles and walks up to him* Brilliant. The usual pub or something new?

Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:34
Sure. *he nods and starta walking to the usual one* You've been working hard I take it

Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:39
*he nods and lets out a slight laugh* No kidding. With the dragon and everything...still haven't found our ways into the mountains either to find her and bring back the crown jewellery

Victor nodded. "Yeah...that damn dragon...Came ruining things right in a crisis. The royal family seems to be quite a mess, too..." he said with a sigh..

Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:45
*he sigh* No shit...I've talked to the queen about it and hopefully we'll be able to sort it out...but still. There's only three of them here, the sons are still missing...*he shakes his head* It's a right mess all over I'd say

"The queen must be working hard, too... I've heard prince Damon helps her with work sometimes, though. I'm glad that he's there to support her. I'm afraid if he hadn't, it might've been to much for her to bear alone..." he sighed yet again.

Sun 23 Mar 2014 20:52
*he nods some* Yeah. I've heard the same. And it's good for him to help. Especially since he will be the one to take over the throne. So it's a good help. And we help the best we can as well. *he sigh* But now we should drink and just relax. Not talk too much about work?

Victor chuckled slightly and nodded. "Yes, there are other things to talk about than work after all." he said as he opened the door to the pub.

Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:21
*he nods and walks inside. he looks around some and out of habit he calculate the risks with eatch table and finds one with good view and close to exits if necessary. he walks over there and sits down*

Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:30
*he looks around some and shrugs* Take whatever. I'm having beer at least. Not really in the mood for wine or pure spirirts right now

Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:46
*he nods and waves a waitress over. the young girl comes over and smiles at them. Akita looks at her and smiles back* Two beers and a whiskey please. *he looks over at Victor* You want anything else?

Sun 23 Mar 2014 21:55
*Akita nods and looks back at the waitress* Just the drinks then.
*she smiles and nods* Sure thing. I'll be right back *she hurries back to the bar to pour it all*
*Akita looks at Victor and leans back some*
*she smiles and nods* Sure thing. I'll be right back *she hurries back to the bar to pour it all*
*Akita looks at Victor and leans back some*

Victor looked at the waitress as he walked away, then looked back at Akita. "Do you usually go out to get drinks?"

Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:14
*he chuckles some and shakes his head* Nah. Usually just a bottle or two in the bear cave. But the pub is nice as a change sometimes. How about you?

"Very rarely...I take a glass of wine for dinner sometimes, but really, that's it." he said with a chuckle.

Sun 23 Mar 2014 22:52
*he smiles and nods* I prefer beer or spirits really. *he leans back some* Last time I was here was with that raven, Karasu

"Oh, really? You meet outside of work sometimes? And here I thought you two weren't on good terms..."

Sun 23 Mar 2014 23:59
*he lets out a laugh as he hears what Victor says* Well, not too good terms I guess. But it's just happened that we've spent time together I guess...*he shakes his head some* Nah...I don't trust him. Feels like he's hiding something from me...*he frowns some as he says it but he has though about it for some time now*
*the waitress comes back with their drinks and gives Akita his beers and gives Victor the whiskey* Here you go guys~ *she smiles at them before walking back to the bar*
*the waitress comes back with their drinks and gives Akita his beers and gives Victor the whiskey* Here you go guys~ *she smiles at them before walking back to the bar*

"Well, he do seem to always have a lot on his mind...could as well be hiding something from you, me, everyone." he said with a shrug, as he picked up his glass.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:17
*he nods some and takes one of his glasses* Maybe...but yeah, he has a lot on his mind...still doesn't make me like him though *he chuckles and shakes his head* Too much thinking too little action if you ask me. *he raises his glass* Cheers

Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:33
*he smiles and drinks some. he sigh content and leans back some* Do you spend time with the others outsidd of work?

Victor sighed slightly. "Not really. It hasn't happened yet, at least. If I count you out that is..." he took a sip of the whisky.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:43
*he nods some and chuckles slightly* Well, we don't have to hang out with each other really...and really, me and Karasu hanging out has never been intentionally...it's just kinda happened...

"Us hanging out here wasn't really intentional either, so. But it's nice. I wish we could all be more casual with each other." he said and smiled faint.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 00:58
True~ *he smiles some and drinks some more* I agree. It would be nice to be more casual. Though it's not always that easy when you can't really stand the others...

"Yeah...Not to mention that one of us are deadly sick..." he sighed and took another sip of the whisky.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:14
*he nods some and sigh* Yeah...the stag...wonder what he does about that...haven't seen him or heard much from him really...

Victor shook his head. "Me neither...he keeps staying quiet, hidden somewhere. I don't know really." he said with a shrug.

Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:41
*he nods a bit and drinks some more before he frowns some* I wonder if he's still alive...

Mon 24 Mar 2014 01:47
*he laughs and raises his glass* I'll drink to that~ *and he does drink as well*

Tue 25 Mar 2014 08:09
*he looks at Victor and chuckles as he sees him only taking a sip* You know you can drink more than that, don't you? You don't have to take it so easy~

Tue 25 Mar 2014 23:45
Do what? Take it easy? *he raises an eyebrow and shakes his head* Not for me *he actually downs his first beer in one sweep*

Victor nodded and blushed faint. "I'm actually easily affected by alcohol...it's a bit embarassing."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 00:05
Really? *he chuckles some* Keep quiet about that~ could be used against you *he says it jokingly* I usually don't feel a thing...sometimes a couple of bottles of wine or so

Victor chuckled as well. "It's a bit amazing how different people can handle alcohol. My father and brother can handle a lot, like you. But I can't handle much at all..."

Wed 26 Mar 2014 00:25
*he laughs some* Looks like you got the raw end of the deal then. But yeah, it's quite fun how everyone reacts differently. *he starts drinking on his second beer* So...what kind of drunk are you?

Victor took yet another sip of the whisky. "......The overly giggly one." he said with an embarrassed sigh.

Wed 26 Mar 2014 01:00
*he raises an eyebrow* You? Giggly? Ha! This I got to see *he grins and leans back*

Wed 26 Mar 2014 16:57
*he laughs some seeing the embarrassed look on Victors face* Oh yes. I want to see the big bad wolf giggle~

Thu 27 Mar 2014 16:57
*he chuckles some and shakes his head as he drinks some more* Fair enough. Another day then

He looked at Akita and smiled faint. "When this damned war is over...I'll let everyone see me like that. At least in the times of celebrating."

Thu 27 Mar 2014 17:09
Yeah...when the war is over...*he sigh some and shakes his head* Whenever that will be...but I look forward to that day none the less

Thu 27 Mar 2014 17:27
Guess we'll just have to wait and see then. *he drinks some as well and waves for another glass to come to the table soon*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 17:44
*Akita leaned back as well and relax. he looks some at Victor* So how's life outside of work these days?
*the girl in the bar smiles at Victor as he looks over and accidentally pours too much beer so it spills over. noticing she curse and then blush as she starts to wipe it all up*
*the girl in the bar smiles at Victor as he looks over and accidentally pours too much beer so it spills over. noticing she curse and then blush as she starts to wipe it all up*

Victor chuckled slightly as he watched the girl, then looked back at Akita. "Well, it's pretty good, I guess. Nothing special have happened for a while, so it's just as usual." he said with a shrug.

Thu 27 Mar 2014 18:35
*Akita nods some* Well, nothing special sounds nice. Sometimes that would be nice I guess.
*the girl comes up to the table with another beer for Akita* Sorry for the wait~
*Akita takes the glass and nods* No worries.
*she smiles at them both before she walks back to the bar*
*the girl comes up to the table with another beer for Akita* Sorry for the wait~
*Akita takes the glass and nods* No worries.
*she smiles at them both before she walks back to the bar*

Thu 27 Mar 2014 18:40
*Akita leans back and sigh* I guess. A lot happens, but I guess that's just normal

Thu 27 Mar 2014 23:59
*he drinks some more and smiles a bit* Though I shouldn't complain. It's boring when nothing happens...

"Yeah...but yet I wouldn't want too much happening. It'd probably only lead to pain...I've been through some things after all. I'm glad barely anything happens right now..." he sighed slightly and put his glass down.

Fri 28 Mar 2014 00:34
True that. *he nods slightly* But you're holding up okay? *he lools at the empty glass* Another one?

Sat 29 Mar 2014 16:42
*he chuckles* That's the spirit~ *he waves at the waitress again signaling for a beer to Victor*
*the waitress nods and starts pouring one*
*Akita leans back a bit more and takes a drink* But to my other question, you're holding up okay?
*the waitress nods and starts pouring one*
*Akita leans back a bit more and takes a drink* But to my other question, you're holding up okay?

Victor nodded. "Yeah. My injuries are long gone, and I've gotten over Cas' pretty much so...I think I'm holding up fine."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 21:10
*Akita nods some* Sounds good. And good thing you're over Cassandra. Anyone else caught your eye yet? *he smiles and drinks some more*
*the waitress comes back to the table with a beer for Victor and made a new one for Akita as well* Enjoy it boyss~
*Akita takes his one and chuckles* Cheers
*the waitress comes back to the table with a beer for Victor and made a new one for Akita as well* Enjoy it boyss~
*Akita takes his one and chuckles* Cheers

Victor shook his head. "Not many..." he looked at the waitress as she walked away. "She's pretty cute though." he said with a chuckle before holding up his glass. "Cheers."

Sat 29 Mar 2014 22:25
*Akita looks after the waitress and shakes his head* Nothing for me. Though go for it~ she's been smiling at you since we got here~ *he chuckles and raises his glass before he drinks some*

Victor drank some, then put his glass down. "I don't know...I barely have time to meet someone anyway...now might be a bad time." he said with a sigh.

Sat 29 Mar 2014 23:43
*he shrugs* Perhaps. But you could always have some fun and see what happens. She lives here, she knows who you are...I'm sure she would understand. *he smiles* You need to relax too. Working too hard. *he shakes his head some as he knows they all work too hard, but he also knows they all need some way to relax. he drinks some and leans back*

Victor mumbled slightly. "I'm not that good at handling women..." he drew a heavy sigh and drank a bit more.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 03:07
*he chuckles some* Then you need practice my dear wolf~ Personally I can't really stand them as I prefer guys. But if you like women you should just try to get it to work.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 15:23
*he nods* Yupp. I know those things you know~ *he sigh some and shakes his head as he empties his other glass* Cause I need to relax as well.

Victor leaned back slightly. "It would be nice to go on a trip or something...Not that any of us have time for that." he said with a chuckle.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 16:07
Would be nice indeed. Why do you think I always take the missions outside of town? *he winks some and drinks* It's the closest you can come to a proper trip for the moment

Victor looked at him and smiled. "Oh, seriously? That's your reason?" he chuckled. "I never leave this town...Maybe I should go for some of those missions as well~"

Sun 30 Mar 2014 16:30
*he laughs some* Nah. Not the only reason. I get restless being stuck in town. So I kinda need to get put and about to actually do something. But I do it some to get out as well. *he smiles some* Perhaps you should come along on the next mission away from town

"Yes, maybe I should. Our guilds are quite alike after all." he said with a faint smile before drinking a bit from his glass again.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 16:39
True. We understand each other more than the ravens and stags. *he shakes his head* I can't really stand them to be honest. *he drinks some* But it's all politics

"I think they have a point in their way of acting, but...it's impossible to survive that way. If our guild didn't exist, this land would've already been taken over by HIM..." he said and frowned slightly, he obviously talked about the dark lord.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 22:07
*he snorts* They relay on magic too much. You can't trust magic the way they do...magic and talk...*he shakes his head* And you're right. Had they ruled alone that man would have been in power long ago. Cause he doesn't care about that...*he shakes his head and drinks more as he always gets slightly upset talking about those ways*

Victor simply nodded. "It's good that we all work together, though...it'd be chaotic if just one of us four could help and protect this land, along with the royal family." he said and drank a bit more.

Sun 30 Mar 2014 23:05
*he sigh* Maybe that's true. But that doesn't mean we have to like each other too much. As long as we work kinda well together *he chuckles some and shakea his head*

Sun 30 Mar 2014 23:53
*he tilts his head and frowns some* What's the sigh for? *he drinks some*

Mon 31 Mar 2014 00:12
*he chuckles some* Little wolf~ getting tired already? *he says it jokingly and stretch some* The night is young

Mon 31 Mar 2014 01:03
Nah. Not that early. You said yourself that you need to relax *he grins*

Mon 31 Mar 2014 01:10
Naww~ poor you~ then drink until you don't know your own name and sleep until you're sober

"You just want to see me giggly and drunk." he said trying to sound serious, but a little laugh escaped him.

Victor laughed slightly, then smiled warm. "You know, it's been nice to talk to you like this. Even if our guilds are similar, we don't talk often. So...It's been nice."

Mon 31 Mar 2014 02:05
*he smiles some and nods* It is nice. To just be like anyone else for a while. Perhaps we should do it more often. Just spend time lile this I mean

Mon 31 Mar 2014 02:28
But I stand by what I just said, the night is still young~ *he push the other full and untouched pint of beer to Victor and grins* You can manage another one

Mon 31 Mar 2014 22:03
*he chuckles* Of course not. Don't you know about the stubbornness of bears? *he winks some and waves for more beer*

Victor nodded and chuckled slightly. "Of course I do...My brother is just as stubborn as you." he said with a faint grin.

Mon 31 Mar 2014 23:04
*he grins* See? We bears are special in that way~ we never give up when we want something

Tue 1 Apr 2014 23:42
*he laughs* Good for you~ *he lets him have the glass as the waitress comes over with another beer for them. she smiles at them before she walks back to the bar*

Victor stuck his tounge out at him with a grin. He'd been getting a bit more carefree after his drinks, so it was clear that the alcohol had been getting to him already.

Thu 3 Apr 2014 00:32
*he chuckles as Victor stuck his tongue out as it was not something he would expect from him. he drinks on his own beer and has already lost count on what drink he's on* Soon comes the giggles little wolf~

Victor grinned slightly and sipped of the glass Akita had given to him. "Just what you wanted, bear~"
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