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"Your CPMS database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'MSOUTL.OLB' version 9.2." Has anyone any ideas what is causing this? When designing this database I included code automate sending emails when reports are ready. I included a reference to Microsoft Outlook object. I'm using MS Access runtime and I get the message "Your database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'msoutl.olb' version 9.1". Has anyone seen this. I have recently had to reload everything including AC2007 runtime on my computer. wjburke2 is offline. I am using the MSOUTL.OLB library to send mails. The code used is the following: Public Sub SendErrorLogToMailRecipients() Dim errorReportText As String Dim fso As FileSystemObject Set fso = New FileSystemObject Dim txtStrm As TextStream Set txtStrm = fso.OpenTextFile(frmMain. I have packaged my progamme with Microsoft Office Access Developers Extensions. When opened by the user a message appears that the "project contains missing or broken reference to the file msoutl.olb - Version 9.2. I have located the file which appears in Program FilesMicrosoft officeOffice 11 but. Hi, Recently a few of our users are recieving this error message when trying to open our database. database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file MSOUTL.OLB version 9.4... Hi All, I have one user that has a missing reference for msoutl.olb or more commonly know as Microsoft Outlook Object Library. We are using the 11/2003 verion u. This coincides with it not working Monday. The joy of having other people jerking around on your machine. Not sure what to do now but I bet that's it. It couldn't find MSOUTL.OLB when I tried to register. My office crap all shows to be 2013. Would like finish installing 2016 but I support users on 2013?? Hi all, I have written a code to send an email that works fine on my system (I have the whole 0ffice 2007) but when I package it to a runtime version and test it on a user pc, it comes up: Missing or broken reference to MSoutl.olb, but this isn't an option the reference library... By the way all my users have either. Contribute to esdk_te_sdk development by creating an account on GitHub. References are pointers to code libraries that provide additional functionality. So for instance, if you are using Word automation, you typically have a Reference to the Word code library that allows you manipulate Word from within Access. msout.olb is the name of the Outlook library. It sounds like the 2003. I am using MS Office XP to develope a VBA in excel. I need to interact with MS outlook, so I use the object library, msoutl.olb in the VBA. My problem is that can I deploy my VBA program using this object library file?? Is there any licenese I need to consider?? Because I found that some user are using. Hello, I am getting a "Error Loading DLL" message when I try to load the Outlook Object Library into Access. The odd thing is that the reference... Hi if you are not picking this up in your references I don't think a macro is going to help you. on my computer this file is found at. C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSOUTL.OLB but your paths could well be different if so, search for the file MSOUTL.OLB and then add this in to your references. msoutl.olb File Download and Fix For Windows OS, dll File and exe file download. I want to use the property mailitem.senderemailaddress in a MSAccess application on a computer which has only Outlook2000 installed on it. I know this property originates from Outlook2003. I figured by installing only the object library file msoutl.olb I could use this property. I tried to make a reference from. Set a copy of the MSOUTL.OLB file in the C:WINDOWSSYSTEM and.SYSTEM32 directories; Shuffled the sequence of the references, moving the OUTLOOK reference up to #3, just below VBA & Excel. Confirmed that this library is registered..more that I've forgotten. Nothing works to resolve this error. В VC с помощью ClassWizard-а сгенерил классы из MSOUTL.OLB для работы с Outlook. То-же можно сделать из excel.olb и т.д. Можно ли как-то использовать сгенерированные классы ApplicationEvents, ExplorerEvents, ItemEvents и т.д. для обработки событий? Именно эти классы? Непосредственно? Your registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}9.6win64 points to file C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16MSOUTL.OLB and this file does not exist. Please read FAQ and fix your Office installation [3/24/2017 11:22:43 AM | Information] Reading. 2015. máj. 20.. Sziasztok! Excelből kellene Outlook levélírást generálni, a munkafüzet több felhasználós. Addig jól működött, amíg mindenhol 2010-es Outlook volt. Viszont ha valaki Office2013 használata során menti a munkafüzetet, a 2010-esen a program hiányolja az msoutl.olb-t.... Hi. I'm trying to write a program that automates outlook 2007 using c++. Found some samples, all requires "MSOUTL.H". How do I generate "MSOUTL.H" from my "MSOUTL.OLB"? I'm using VS2005 and Outlook 2007. Answer, Re: Generating "msoult.h" from "msoutl.olb" using VS2005 Pin. I have an Excel .xls file, with some VBA code in it that used a reference to msoutl.olb (from Office2000, right?). It is shared by multiple users on the network. When one user upgraded to OfficeXP, and then opened the shared .xls file, and then saved it, the reference to msoutl9.olb appears to be automatically. ... Microsoft Access 10.0 Object Library C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10msacc.olb Excel 2002 Microsoft Excel 10.0 Object Library C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10excel.exe Outlook 2002 Microsoft Outlook 10.0 Object Library C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10msoutl.olb Word 2002 Microsoft Word. Bonjour. Je souhaite envoyer un mail via Outlook 2003 (pas Outlook Express) depuis Excel 2003. J'ajoute donc la bibliothèque msoutl.olb trouvée sous C: for example, I have both Office 2003 and 2010 installed and when i use the file the Outlook reference automatically updates itself to Microsoft OfficeOffice14msoutl.olb. When someone who uses strictly Office 2003 opens the file, they get a "MISSING: Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object library" error. So then I. (msoutl.olb). Сообщение отправляется. Только выскакивает табличка "Программа пытается автоматически отправить сообщение от вашего имени. Разрешить это действие? Возможно это свидетельствует о наличии вируса, и следует выбрать ответ "Нет". "Да"/"Нет". С табличкой бороться. ... .0 Object Library ( > msword.olb) Microsoft Excel .0 Object Library ( > excel.exe) Microsoft Outlook .0 Object Library ( > msoutl.olb) Microsoft PowerPoint .0 Object Library ( > msppt.olb) Microsoft Access .0 Object Library ( > msacc.olb) Microsoft Publisher .0 Object. Habe folgendes Problem. Den ganz untenstehenden Code (1) wird nach klicken eines Button ausgelöst. Funktioniert auch Super. Jetzt zum Problem. Da ich die DB in FE und BE aufteile und auf 99% der FE kein Outlook drauf ist und auch keines drauf soll (XP und nur Runtime) kommt bei dehnen der. The Download msoutl olb tinkering API download msoutl olb only the in-memory drags but not download msoutl olb downloaded download msoutl olb when jmsQueueControl. Amigos, Tenho uma aplicação em Access 2007 onde uso MSOUTL.OLB do office 12. O que aconteçe é que como instalaei o office 2010 deixei de MSOUTL.OLB do office 12 e passei a ter MSOUTL.OLB do office 14. No meu computador tudo bem, o que aconteçe é que nos outros computadores onde está. "Enums cannot be forward declared. First of all the C++ standard does not define forward declaration. It defines incomplete types." (from So, gcc/mingw is right, and doesn't compile this source. It is a bug, perhaps in the msoutl.olb file,. I'd post again in a group that focuses on extending MS Office. That said, and for what it is worth, I just looked at a very old project of mine wherein I needed to access Outlook's contact list. I imported (#import) the file MSOUTL.OLB and the compiler created .tli and .tlh files which define the C++ wrappers to. Elf the East Amok Lenins Dream of an Virus in Asia Math Software an Happy Systems Gleam 3 Secon Jerky Dress Msuotl.olb. EXE Microsoft Outlook 10.0Object Library Объектная модель Outlook MSOUTL.OLB Microsoft PowerPoint 10.0 Object Library Объектная модель PowerPoint MSPPT.OLB Microsoft Graph 10.0Object Library Объектная модель Graph GRAPH.EXE Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.6 Library Объекты данных ActiveX. Buenas tardes, necesito enviar correos con Outlook desde una macro que se utiliza en diferentes ordenadores con diferentes versiones de Outlook. Incluso en algunos la Referencia al archivo MSOUTL.OLB falta. Necesitaría capturar el error que se produce al ejecutar la macro y detectar que falta dicha. You must have Outlook installed to build a fully-functional Qt Extended Sync Agent. If you would like to target a different version of Outlook to the one you have installed you can place the files MSO.DLL and MSOUTL.OLB from the other version of Outlook into src/qtopiadesktop/dist. Note that Outlook 2007's COM interfaces. Hoi, Ik heb van microsoft de crm klantcontact database gedownload. Bij het openen krijg ik echter een foutmelding "uw database bevat een ongeldige of verbroken verwijzing naar msoutl.olb versie 9.2" Weet iemand hoe ik dat. Results 1 - 6 of 6. The reference is to msoutl.olb (the ms outlook reference). Currently it shows the reference location at computernameonnetworkcProgram Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12msoutl.olb so in order to get this application to run we had to allow this computer to have access to that computers Office12 folder. Hello Everybody, let me first say that I have been reading Experts-Exchange threads for years and have found so much good advice here that I don't know if I would be where I am today without it... Thanks to everybody who is a part of this site. Okay, now for the question: We have many excel files that use the MSOUTL.OLB. @="Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library". [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}9.3]. [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTTypeLib{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}9.3win32]. @="C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSOUTL.OLB". Sub AddRefToOutlook() Const outlookRef as String = "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSOUTL.OLB" If Not RefExists(outlookRef, "Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Library") Then Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile _ outlookRef End If End Sub. Эта функция проверяет, существует ли. C) XP/SP2 with Office XP/SP3 D) XP/SP2 with Office XP/SP3 All systems have the following files copied from an Office 2007 installation: mso.dll, vbe6ext.olb, msword.olb, and msoutl.olb. The import statements are as follows: #import "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE12mso.dll" Outlook 97, "Object Library Microsoft Outlook 8.0", msoutl8.olb. msoutl8.olb, "Object Library Microsoft Outlook 98", msoutl85.olb. Outlook 2000, "Object Library Microsoft Outlook 9.0", Msoutl9.olb. Outlook 2002, "Object Library Microsoft Outlook 10.0", msoutl.olb. Office Outlook 2003, "Object Library Microsoft. Bonsoir à tous et toutes Tiens me voilà dans un truc qui me fait perdre un certain temps, si ce n'est pas un temps certain ! Je résume, je peux... MSOUTL.OLB. on your hard drive. A file search in. C:PROGRAM FILES. will get the job done. It will be in an Office folder. If you have several office versions installed, make not of the location in the folder named Office14 which is for Outlook 2010. Edit. hklm_typelib_2010.reg. using your favourite text editor. Replace the path. ... Outlook 97 Msoutl97.olb Microsoft Office 97 Mso97.dll Microsoft Outlook 2000 Msoutl9.olb Microsoft Office 2000 Mso9.dll Microsoft Outlook 2002 MSOutl.olb Microsoft Office 2002 MSO.dll Microsoft Outlook 2003 MSOutl.olb Microsoft Office 2003 MSO.dll Microsoft Outlook 2007 MSOutl.olb Microsoft Office. 5 LAPTOP Outlook C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14MSOUTL.OLB 2 7 LAPTOP Utilities C:Documents and SettingsPhilMy DocumentsAccessMDB 2010Utilities.AccDb 1 6 LAPTOP Word C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14MSWORD.OLB 3 24 OFFICE2 Outlook C:Program FilesMicrosoft ... "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE11mso.dll" no_namespace #import "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11msoutl.olb" rename_namespace("Outlook") #elif defined(OUTL10) // Outlook 2002 #import "C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedOFFICE10mso.dll" no_namespace,. This article tells you if msoutl.olb is safe and provides effective & easy steps to fix msoutl.olb error. Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library Chez moi, j'ai Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library. Le problème doit donc très probablement venir de là. Ma question est donc : Comment installer chez le client cette Object Library (les 2 libraries ont le même nom 'msoutl.olb', mais pas le même répertoire). ? Merci d'. I distribute an app written in VB6 with MAPI components. It doesn't work unless I include MSOUTL.OLB. (code references below). Over the last two days I've had two users uninstall my software and re-install it and both have complained that in the process, their pop3 password no longer works. Do I have the wrong file. C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeRootOffice16MSOUTL.OLB OBJECT @Outlook. Is running well. On the same PC, running with 64bit Extend runtime and sending mail with. * C:OutlookTestCopyliboutlook-2016.def - ActiveX control definitions * This is a 32-bit control * Generated by axdefgen version. Outlook - C:PROGRA~2MICROS~3Office14msoutl.olb. Excel - C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOFFICE11EXCEL.EXE. MSACAL - V:EYMYGC7Y.T3LOFFICE11MSCAL.OCX. OWC10 - C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWeb Components10OWC10.DLL. DAO - C:Program. 2015年7月9日. 解説は今度暇だったら。とりあえず置くだけPreview2が出たので前と同じことをやっただけですダウンロードは からどうぞ 今回も追加のみです。削除はありません一部あれな関数な名前が見えるのですが気にしたらダメです メモ 私. There should be a version subkey and then a 0 subkey, and a win32 subkey under that. The default value of the win32 key should point to the typelib (which is msoutl.olb). In this case there are two versions of Outlook 2010 referenced, a 64bit and 32bit. The incorrect reference should be removed by the IT. We know 2 file variants for msoutl.olb. Click here to get more information about msoutl.olb. VBE.vbprojects.References.AddFromFile = ""C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14MSOUTL.OLB"" 'Application.VBE.activeproject.References.AddFromFile = ""C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice14MSOUTL.OLB"" Dim OutApp As Outlook.Application ***** Code Fails on this line**** Dim OutMail As. Microsoft Office 2003 MSO.dll. Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 MSOutl.olb. Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 MSPpt.olb. Microsoft Office Word 2003 MSWord.olb 上面你可能注意到了,office2002和office2003怎么有类型库在exe中? 我也不知道ms为啥把它放进去,不过用import一样的导入。 下面我以office2003. For example, if Outlook or Office 2003 has been uninstalled, then "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11msoutl.olb" will not exist. Solution: If you are running Outlook 98-2003: Exit CardScan; Open Outlook; Click the Help menu; Choose Detect and Repair; Choose to restore your short cuts; Click the. OLB" // MS Office 2003 -> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\MSOUTL.OLB" // MS Office 2007 -> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE12\MSOUTL.OLB" #import "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE\MSOUTL9.OLB" rename_namespace("OUTLOOK"), auto_rename // 5. Import Universal Document. ... Nothing Set MesItems = Nothing Set OutLookNameSpace = Nothing Exit Function esGetEmailMessages_Err: MsgBox Err.Description End Function. Ahtung!!! Требует ссылки на библиотеку MS OutLook XX.X Object Library C:PROGRAM FILESMICROSOFT OFFICEOFFICEmsoutl.olb. Назад ToTop. L.E. 17.10.2012.