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Ocimf sts transfer guide pdf: >> << (Download)
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The Guide provides advice for Masters, Marine Superintendents and others, such as STS service providers and transfer organisers, involved in the planning and execution of STS operations. Particular attention is given to the effective planning of operations and aspects including risk assessment, ship compatibility, and the
.5 planned duration of the STS operations; .6 identification of STS operations service provider or person in overall advisory control and contact information; and. 3. IMO's “Manual on Oil Pollution, Section I, Prevention" as amended, and the ICS and OCIMF “Ship- to-ship Transfer Guide, Petroleum", fourth edition, 2005. 4.
21 Jul 2016 The guidelines of the STS plan should be in accordance with the requirements of IMO “Manual on oil pollution prevention, amended section 1" , ICS and OCIMF “ ship to ship transfer guide". The plan may be incorporated in SMS required by the Chapter IX of SOLAS 74, but in any case plan is to be
It is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that the Plan is current and that the STS operations are conducted according to the requirements described on this Plan, ICS/OCIMF Ship to Ship transfer Guide – Petroleum and ISGOTT, as well as to maintain relevant records (see Appendix C). Both ship's Masters are
The 4th (2005) edition of the ICS/OCIMF Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum), referred to in this paper as the 'STS Guide', contains guidance on ship to ship transfers that includes recommendations that are relevant for 'reverse lightering' operations. 'Reverse Lightering', sometimes referred to as 'topping-off', is a.
22 Nov 2010 IMO's "Manual on Oil Pollution, Section I, Prevention", and. - the ICS and OCIMF "Ship-to-ship Transfer Guide, Petroleum" fourth edition, 2005. The ship owners or managers or builders of such tankers are kindly requested to submit at least three copies of the STS Operations Plan for each applicable ship in
IMO “Manual on Oil Pollution, Section I-Prevention" 2011,. and the guidance detailed in the. CDI/ICS/OCIMF/SIGTTO “Ship-to-Ship Transfer Guide for Petroleum, Chemicals and Liquefied Gases', 2013 (STS Guide). “Flag Administrations may have additional requirements for the STS Plan. Please consult with the local ABS IMO Chapter 8 – Implementation. • IMO adopted by Resolution MEPC. 186(59) a new Chapter 8 to. Marpol and Annex I, aimed at the prevention of pollution during. Ship-to-Ship Transfer of oil cargo. • Full implementation 1st April 2012
by telephone please mention that you are a member of OCIMF. Kind regards. Rebecca Harrison Office Manager. org ICS: info@ics-shipping. many of the principles contained within this guide will apply. A similar guide recommending procedures for the STS transfer of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) was published in 1980.
10 Aug 2009 ICS/OCIMF 2 publication “Ship to Ship. Transfer Guide (Petroleum) 4th Edition" was ambiguous and open to interpretation by service providers. It also found that the guide did not specify the criteria a master should have met before being considered suitable to control an STS transfer. This was considered