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Cocos2d tutorial for beginners: >> << (Download)
Cocos2d tutorial for beginners: >> << (Read Online)
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4 Jan 2015 Learn how to drag a sprite around the screen with this simple cocos2d-x tutorial. Includes code, project and art files.
30 Apr 2015 In this Cocos2d-x tutorial, learn how to create a basic cross-platform game for iOS, Android, and more using C++!
Tutorial XYZ won't work with v3! Yes, it won't. Most likely it was written for cocos2d-iphone v2. Question is: do you have to use v3? And do you have to use it right now? Because if you're in the process of learning cocos2d it'll be easier to learn from and with v2 tutorials/books for the time being until more v3 tutorials have
This is the Table of Contents for our multi-part tutorial series covering all you need to know to create a game using Cocos2d-x and C++. This section covers how to handle mouse and touch events in Cocos2d-x. It covers I used to read and learn LibGDX Tutorial series of yours which at here ( www.gamefromscratch.
21 Jan 2014 Note from Ray: This tutorial is a 2014 reboot of the classic How To Make A Simple iPhone Game Cocos2D 2.0 Tutorial. Cocos2D 3.0 is the latest version of the hugely popular open source iOS framework for developing 2D games, including thousands of App Store games and many top 10
23 May 2014
In this getting started with Cocos2d-x tutorial designed for beginners we are going to get familar with the Coco2d-x game engine and will create a simple game to showcase the many features of this game engine . So lets get started. What is Cocos2d-x ? Coco2d-x is an open source game engine for building 2D games for
11 Nov 2015
Cocos2d-x is an open-source and cross platform open source free 2D game engine for mobile game development known for its speed, stability, and easy of use.
28 Jul 2014