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I was taught that the list of character defects in the 6th step is taken directly from that which was . NA STEP WORKING GUIDE FOR STEP SIX
Links to more information about Willingness and the 6th Step: The Twelve Steps, A Spiritual Journey: A Working Guide for Healing Damaged Emotions
The Fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous is based on the Twelve Steps, the Twelve .. Our Sixth Tradition states that “an NA group ought never endorse, finance,
My sponsor has me working the steps through the NA Step Guide. .. During our Sixth step we use the Fourth and Fifth Steps to see our defects of character and
The following are the 12 Steps of Narcotics Anonymous, also referred to as NA. Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through
Original Step Guides. 1 . Write out the benefits of surrendering your life to N.A. go on the best we can, or begin to change with the second step as our guide through ongoing recovery. .. SPONSOR/SPONSEE SIXTH STEP WORKSHEET.
SPONSOR/SPONSEE SIXTH STEP WORKSHEET “We were entirely ready to Before we can use the Third Step in relation to the Sixth Step, we must do Tags: NA, NA Step Study, Narcotics Anonymous, Old Step Study Guide, SIXTH STEP
Step Writing Guides. 1987 Working Step 4 in NA. Back to the Basic Step Guide Early Step Working Guide ( pre 1983 ) · OLD SCHOOL Step Writing Guide
Excerpts from writings about how step 6 of the 12 step program works. But it was in doing the sixth Step that I saw why I had become so exhausted. I'd been trying to do God's part in the Narcotics Anonymous Step Working Guides, p. 57-58.
with requests that we develop a standard set of guides for the NA Fellowship to use The Step Working Guides is a companion piece to It Works: How and Why.