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Fully Explain Islamic Provision of Constitution of 1973 for LLB part 2 or Islamic and Law student. . Labour Law; Muslim Personal Law . ISLAMIC .. The Express Tribune; Web Chutney; Urdu E . Sindh govt keen on devising labour . Assembly passes bonded labour law . It added that everyone is free to work and no .. Urdu E-Paper; English E-Paper; Watch . India's government moved May 13 to toughen child labour laws in a country where millions of . which was passed in 2010 and .
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Book Review International . I reiterated these words to emphasize for the skeptic circles in Pakistan that Islam too . it is governed by the labour laws of .. Law, State and Inequality in Pakistan . books on political economy in Urdu and was a political activist in subaltern sectors, particularly bonded labour, .
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