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Reference And Information Services: An Introduction Kay Ann Cassell ->>>
About the Authors and ContributorsCustomizationFinding the Answer: Basic Search TechniquesTools of the answering tradeTypes of answersCommon pitfalls in reference answeringRaison d'etre: finding the answersRecommendations for further readingBibliography and works citedPART 2: INTRODUCTION TO MAJOR REFERENCE SOURCES 4Assessing and Improving Reference Services 21Answering Questions about the Lives of People: Biographical Information Sources OverviewMajor biographical resources resources used in reference workCollection development and maintenanceFurther considerationRecommended resources discussed in this chapterRecommendations for further readingBibliography and works cited12Jan 17, 2012 Stephanie rated it really liked it review of another edition Shelves: textbooks, library-science An easy to read informative textbookFinally, I am forever indebted to this book for introducing me to KDL's What's Next Database--a searchable database to find series titles, order of books, and authorsFurther ConsiderationsFinding the Answer: Basic Search TechniquesAnswering Questions about the Lives of People: Biographical Information Sources 12
Dec 30, 2016 Steve rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction I had to read this book for a Library Sciences classNote to self: be sure to check sites as time goes onKassandra rated it really liked it Jan 03, 2017 Kristina rated it really liked it Aug 12, 2015 Ethics in Reference - Angela Ecklund 19Unfortunately, I suspect that is often the way with textbooks.The sections on readers advisory and the reference interview were both well put together but the text spends just as much time with more specific topics like mapsRecommended Resources Discussed in This ChapterYou Save 14%Bibliography and Works Cited10 Answering Questions about Geography, Countries, and TravelAtlases, Gazetteers, Maps, Geographic Information Systems,and Travel Guides 08ebffe940