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Sunscreen guide 2016: >> << (Download)
Sunscreen guide 2016: >> << (Read Online)
Almost three-fourths of the products we examined offer inferior sun protection or contain worrisome ingredients like oxybenzone, a hormone disruptor, or retinyl palmitate, a form of vitamin A that may harm skin.
22 Jun 2016 Wondering which are the best natural sunscreens for summer? Our guide for 2016 shows you the best for face, body, baby, sports and even pets!
16 Nov 2016 Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, and the importance of protecting your skin cannot be overestimated.
The safe guide to buying and using sunscreen. The safety guide to using sunscreen Credit: REX. Katy Young, Beauty Director. 27 May 2016 • 1:09pm. Another sunny week, another worrying report exposing a category of sun creams which may not be working as hard as we thought. According to a Which? report,
2 Sep 2016 What growing up in Australia, the driest continent on the planet, taught me about sunscreen. An Obsessive Australian's Guide to Sun Protection. By Aimee Leabon Fast-forward to 2016 and it's now one in 53. But it's the most preventative of cancers, so what gives? We're not doing it correctly. “There's
24 Aug 2017 Think your sunscreen is safe? Probably not. Nearly 70 percent of the more than 1,480 products tested in the Environmental Working Group's “2017 Sunscreen Guide" were found unsafe, ineffective or both. As scary as those numbers seem, the good news is that dozens of approved products made the list.
69 products EWG's Sunscreen Guide for 2015 – the 9th annual edition - finds persistent problems with the ingredients and marketing of sunscreens for the American market. Fully 80 percent of 1700 products we examined this year offer inferior sun protection or contain worrisome ingredients like oxybenzone and vitamin A.
Number of mineral-only sunscreens in EWG's 2016 Sunscreen Guide – double the percentage in 2007. Number of products in EWG's 2016 Sunscreen Guide that filter UVA rays – an 18% increase since 2007. In 2010 EWG reported new findings linking Vitamin A on sun-exposed skin to an increased risk of skin cancer.
9 Sep 2016 by Venetia Sng. We talked about knowing your UVA to PA++++ in the Guide to Sunscreens Part 1 and now we're here to let you know more about the different types of sunscreens and which kind is best for you! Before you jump in and purchase any sunscreen off the shelf, you need to know the different kinds of
18 May 2017 Shopping for sunscreen? Read about types and other must-know topics in our sunscreen buying guide to make an informed choice.