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Maplestory hermit leveling guide 2012 ram: >> << (Download)
Maplestory hermit leveling guide 2012 ram: >> << (Read Online)
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18 Nov 2017 Night Lord Pros and Cons. Pros. *Share your pros on this job!* Strong 1v1 attack; Flashy Specialized Skill (Kind of like Soul Seeker); Long horizontal and high vertical mobbing skill at 4th job. High mobility with double flash jump and 160% max speed; Super HIGH Dodge rate; Extra 30% Experience with
29 Jul 2014 Since HH won't be spawning for awhile and Ulu/Himes are empty, I decided to make a training guide for those who love to work hard on leveling. Not only does Compared to other online games nowadays, MapleStory's endgame requires you to focus on only a few mobs and a few bosses. Some people
23. dec 2017 High mobility with double flash jump and 160% max speed; Super HIGH Dodge rate; Extra 30% Experience with 9 Jul 2017 MapleStory Training Spots Guide V1 : GMS v.123 – Tempest (2012-11-28) Recommended for all jobs Warrior, Bowman, Magician, Thief, Pirate in Adventurer, Resistance, Cygnus
Level up shadow shifter as soon as you can, at max level its a passive 45% dodge chance. That's why NL never die while training, because they can dodge half of the enemy attacks. Also learn to use flashjump properly, each mob's hitbox has a certain height, some of them you can FJ over to dodge them,
7 Sep 2008 Hunting Ground / Training Spots [Update 2008] Refer to these tips for more details! Switch monster as soon as possible once you are strong enough! Remember that you can join Party Quest (PQ) for fast EXP and nice rewards too! Below is a list of monster with the recommended maps (best exp/spawn rate)
5 Dec 2015 MapleStory/Thief/Skills .. "Allows you to hide in shadow for a short time. While Dark Sight is activated you cannot attack or be attacked, but you can use the Flash Jump skill. Press the skill key again to deactivate Dark Sight." . Side Step "Permanently increases Dodge Chance." Side Step level data[show]
This will also not prepare you for bossing at the earliest levels. You won't be able to go to Zakum at Lvl 50 for a helmet or do Horntail by 150, for example. If you want to set-up for these bosses, I recommend you check out the some HP washing guides before starting your Assassin. (Will explain and link to a
When fighting mobs, everyone always has way more potions than they could ever need so they just pop an elixir/power elixir when their HP gets too low. NL have access to a drain skill, if you are willing to go through Empress Might. For regular grinding they have their 45% dodge rate, as well as Showdown
9 Jul 2017 MapleStory Training Spots Guide V1 : GMS v.123 – Tempest (2012-11-28) Recommended for all unfunded jobs Warrior, Bowman, Magician, Thief, Pirate in Adventurer, Resistance, Cygnus Knights and Legendary Hero. Copy the . 140-150, 148, Chief Memory Guardian, Time Lane: Memory Lane 4.
17 Dec 2014 Night Lord Forum Talk about Assassin, Hermit and Night Lord. MrrSnuggles Level 206 Elnido Night Walker 4 OKOCafe Guild. Since NL has no shadow dodge (night walker skill that pushes you back) do you guys find it harder to dodge things as a Night Lord such as rocks from magnus, vellum, etc?