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Gc fuji ix gp instructions: >> << (Download)
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glass ionomer restorative materials that has been categorized as. "densified", "condensible", or "viscous" by various authors. Fuji. IX GP was developed by GC International $80.00 Fuji IX GP Standard 1:1 Package (product number 439101) contains: 15 gm powder (A2). 8 gm liquid. Mixing pad. Plastic spatula. Instructions.
Packable glass ionomer restorative in a normal and fast set. Indications:- GC Fuji IX GP is ideal for permanent or temporary Class I and II restorations in children's teeth, non-load-bearing Class I and II restorations in adult teeth, Class V and root surface restorations, core build-up and for use with a composite or an inlay in
The range of GC Fuji IX GP materials has proven itself in 400 million restorations with the added confidence from the world's leading glass ionomer cements manufacturer.
Categories: All | Brochure | Manuals | Regulatory. GC Fuji IX GP - Technique Guide · Glass Ionomer - Reference Guide · Fuji IX GP Fast - Instructions For Use · GC Fuji IX GP - Reference · GC Fuji IX GP - Brochure · Glass Ionomer - Brochure · Fuji IX GP Fast (Powder) - Safety Data Sheet · Fuji IX GP Fast (Liquid) - Safety Data
GC Fuji IX GP FAST is the fast setting version of GC Fuji IX GP, a strong, wear-resistant multipurpose glass ionomer restorative. This product achieves its initial set in only 3 minutes and 35 seconds after mixing; final finishing can begin in only 3 minutes after placement. It's non-sticky, dough-like consistency and simple
GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA is a conventional glass ionomer restorative that chemically bonds to both enamel and dentin. The Extra designation refers to enhancements in setting time, fluoride release, strength, and translucency. The material has a high fluoride release, non-etch surface preparation, and biocompatibility.
GC Fuji IX GP is the easy-to-use, handle and place fluoride releasing alternative to expensive compomers and composites and in many cases, amalgam. It cures extremely hard and is very wear resistant. As a true glass ionomer, it chemically bonds to tooth structure, has a tooth-like coefficient of thermal expansion and
GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA is the latest addition to the well established family of glass ionomers that offer unsurpassed wear resistancy, compressive strength, and durability. GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA is the fastest setting glass ionomer on the market. While maintaining the ample working time of GC Fuji IX GP FAST (1 1/4 minutes),
GC Fuji IX GP FAST Capsule · GC RELINE: Point for Trimming · GC Fuji LINING LC · GC RELINE: PRIMER M · GC Fuji LINING LC (Mini Pak) · GC RELINE: PRIMER R · GC Fuji LINING LC Paste Pak · GC RELINE: Wheel for Finishing · GC Fuji ORTHO · GC RELINE II · GC Fuji ORTHO BAND Paste Pak · GC STEPLIGHT SL-I.