Tuesday 1 May 2018 photo 3/3
Montanus: The Story Of The Pentecostal Movements Prof M M 37 >>> http://jinyurl.com/h0tpn
Authored by Prof M M Ninan The earliest Pentecostal outpouring was on the Montanists of Phyrgia in the modern Turkey.
American Evangelical Story, The: A History of the Movement . American Evangelical Story, . is associate professor of church history and the history of .
CURRICULUM VITAE . Rev. Dr. Harold D . Professor At Large, . A Guidepost on Creation for the Pentecostal Movement Facing Spiritual Challenges in the 21st .
Pentecostal Mission and Global Christianity . and practitioners, offer exciting perspectives on Pentecostal movements . --Margaret M. Poloma, Professor .
I. Lovett, Leonard, 'Black Origins of the Pentecostal Movement' in Synan . the Story of Bishop . tongues was possessed by Montanus himself and his two . 99f0b496e7
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