Sunday 23 May 2010 photo 1/1
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Dagens gärningar:
Städat råttburen och matat/vattnet de små liven
Besökt en awesome snyggbilsträff på Marieberg
Sett Avalons dimmor
Ätit middag
Sett Mannen i järnmasken
Sett Kampen om Camelot
Jag anar vissa mönster? Nå, jag har massor jag måste läsa nu, och därtill Främlingen-serien i lagom tid för Skottlandsresan i sommar. Och nu, några ägiga citat från en av de absolut bästa scenerna i The Man in the Iron Mask:
Athos: What happened?
Porthos: Kidney stones. It hurts when I piss. It hurts when I shit. I'm just a fat old fart with nothing to live for anymore. I'm going to hang myself, as soon as I'm sober.
Athos: What is Porthos doing?
Aramis: Walking into the barn naked, or so it would seem.
Athos: But what is he doing?
Aramis: About to hang himself, I suppose; he's been threatening to do it for months.
Porthos: [he puts the rope around his neck and prepares to jump] Farewell cruel world... farewell to useless Porthos.
Athos: [Aramis and Athos are watching the building from the outside] What was that?
Aramis: It's all right; I sawed the beam.
[the building promptly collapses, and Athos stares at Aramis in disbelief]
Aramis: Well, I'm a genius, not an engineer!
Porthos: [a naked Porthos has tried to hang himself but failed] Aramis! You sawed the beam! You knew I would I try to hang myself and you sawed the beam! Admit it. Admit it!
Aramis: Of course I knew! And now that you've got the idea of killing yourself out of your head you can stop boring everyone and be useful for a change. And put some clothes on!
Städat råttburen och matat/vattnet de små liven
Besökt en awesome snyggbilsträff på Marieberg
Sett Avalons dimmor
Ätit middag
Sett Mannen i järnmasken
Sett Kampen om Camelot
Jag anar vissa mönster? Nå, jag har massor jag måste läsa nu, och därtill Främlingen-serien i lagom tid för Skottlandsresan i sommar. Och nu, några ägiga citat från en av de absolut bästa scenerna i The Man in the Iron Mask:
Athos: What happened?
Porthos: Kidney stones. It hurts when I piss. It hurts when I shit. I'm just a fat old fart with nothing to live for anymore. I'm going to hang myself, as soon as I'm sober.
Athos: What is Porthos doing?
Aramis: Walking into the barn naked, or so it would seem.
Athos: But what is he doing?
Aramis: About to hang himself, I suppose; he's been threatening to do it for months.
Porthos: [he puts the rope around his neck and prepares to jump] Farewell cruel world... farewell to useless Porthos.
Athos: [Aramis and Athos are watching the building from the outside] What was that?
Aramis: It's all right; I sawed the beam.
[the building promptly collapses, and Athos stares at Aramis in disbelief]
Aramis: Well, I'm a genius, not an engineer!
Porthos: [a naked Porthos has tried to hang himself but failed] Aramis! You sawed the beam! You knew I would I try to hang myself and you sawed the beam! Admit it. Admit it!
Aramis: Of course I knew! And now that you've got the idea of killing yourself out of your head you can stop boring everyone and be useful for a change. And put some clothes on!
Comment the photo
2. Snyggbilsträff? Bilar som...jänkare, eller annat?;)
3. Ska du till skottland? Woho, skicka ett vykort!^_^
4. Aramis: Well, I'm a genius, not an engineer! XD Underbart!

2. Från gamla T-fordar anno 1920-talet och fram till 80-talet, både europeiska, amerikanska och japanska bilar. Samt motorcyklar, EPA- och A-traktorer och husvagnar ^^
3. Yes, I shall! Vet inte hur det blir med vykort, men några bilder på bdb ska jag nog kunna ställa upp med.
4. Jag vet, det är fantastiskt! x'D

3. Yay! Ser fram emot det (oavsett om det blir vykort eller bilder)

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