January 2010
And when I looked out I saw that we were heading fast upon a series of iron gates set in stone wickedly arched and crowned with tall spikes But what on earth knew completely was beyond the gates A set
Little boy why did you have to chase me so hard didn't your mother show you what to do didn't your father tell you not to push Little boy we could have been great friends but you frightened me to deat
(favorit) How to break a heart It is not difficult Anyone can do it So could you, if you tried Just find a light And switch it off As easy as blinking That's what I was taught When I was too young to
Lyrics to Alas (the Knight) : Alas, my love, if I could make you live And from the page step forth and sit beside me Or better still, bestride the steed I gave you Wrapped close within the cloak I len
Petka! :D PeTkA! pEtKa! PETKA! ANKAAAAAAAAAA!!!! MOHAHAHAHAHAHA! Typ det ända jogoslaviska ord som fasnat på min hjärna! PEEEETKAAA så skit på er jag kan! PEEETKAAAA
heart no kuni no alice! omg e helt galen '.' den är sååå bra han e sååå snygg -.- ta mig till världen säg att du älskar mig och jag e din förevigt! xD