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Equeenuddin-Journal Geochemical Exploration. . with Burhi Dihing river (R12) . diagram, pH verses activity of SO. 4. 2 .. INTRODUCTION Recently a new refrigerant, R-410A, has been formu-lated and currently is being used in the HVAC/R industry.
THERMODYNAMIC PROPERTIES OF R22 AT SATURATION (ENGLISH UNITS) p. 3 E - 3. . R22 P-h Diagram-Saturated Vapor Line (English Units) E - 7.
R134a als Alternative fr R12 . 26 2.6.4. R407C und R290 als Alternativen fr R22 resp. R502 . 135 9.6.1. Ladebetrieb .. 135.00: 331.38: 65.27: 0 . Temperature and Pressure at Constant Boiling - Temperature and pressure diagram for constant . Refrigerant R22 - Properties .. Part No.
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