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20.2 classification of plants study guide answers: >> << (Download)
20.2 classification of plants study guide answers: >> << (Read Online)
Seed plants include cone-bearing plants and flowering plants. • Seed plants have several advantages over their seedless ancestors. – can reproduce without free-standing water, via pollination. – pollination occurs when pollen meets female plant parts. – seeds nourish and protect plant embryo. – seeds allow plants to
Holt McDougal Biology. 2. Plant Diversity. Study Guide B. Section 1: Origins of Plant Life. Section 20.2: Classification of Plants. KEY CONCEPT. Plants can be classified into nine phyla. VOCABULARY. MAIN IDEA: Mosses and their relatives are seedless nonvascular plants. 1. What is required in order for seedless plants to
Start studying 20.2 classification of plants. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
CHAPTER 20 STUDY GUIDE. 20.1. The Tell-Tale Hair. 20.2. Features and Diversity. A. Overview. 1. Hair is a critical sign of being a mammal. 2. A few mammals, especially aquatic forms, may have very few hairs but they are still present. 3. Hair serves many functions: protection, concealment, waterproofing and buoyancy,
3. biologists can (1) study the degree in which real populations are evolving and (2) better understand the five factors that can 15. herbivores eat plants, carnivores eat meat, omnivores eat both plants and meat. Section 13.5. 1. . Cladistics is classification based on evolutionary relationships and a cladogram shows these.
590 Unit 7: Plants. 20. 20.1 Origins of Plant Life. 7A, 7E, 8C, 12A. 20.2 Classification of Plants. 5B,7D, 8B, 8C. 20.3 diversity of Flowering Plants. 7B,. 7D, 8B data analysis YOUR TURN. Use information that you read in the chapter to answer the data set, it is a good idea to study these data points more closely. Model.
Unit 10- Plants /Study Guide KEY Answer Key SECTION 20.1. ORIGINS OF PLANT LIFE 1. eukaryotic, photosynthetic, same types of chlorophyll, starch as storage SECTION 20.2. CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS 1. free-standing water through which sperm can travel to eggs 2. They must grow close to the ground and
20.2 Classification of Plants KEY CONCEPT Plants can be classified into nine phyla. 20.2 Classification of Plants Mosses and their relatives are seedless nonvascular plants. • Nonvascular plants grow close to the ground to absorb water and nutrients. • Seedless plants rely on freestanding water for reproduction.
Characteristics that plants and green algae share: Phob?ntwho. Common ancestor of all plants: c?nna, own f??d green - -. mu?ht?llu?ar. Challenges and Plant Adaptations to Life on Land -. Challenge Adaptation(s). Waler logg|#1 - Cuticle -> V?. Liamir -. **?. Unit 7 Resource Book. McDougal Littell Biology. Power Notes 3