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Facebook Chat Cookie Monster Code ->>->>->>
cOKKIE MONTeR lOVEs said:24 Jun '12Lol Cookiie Monster AWW :1. I can't even believe Romney mentioned in his speeches that he would cut Sesame Street's fundings, when actually it would do so little to help the economy. Geeky Emoji Details (For Web & App Developers) unicode version unicode hex html hex entity html decimal entity hex entity test shortcode V6.0 U+1F36A ???? ???? ???? :cookie: introduction year codepoint (Unicode) codepoint (DoCoMo) codepoint (KDDI) codepoint (Softbank) codepoint (Google) 2010 127850 N/A U+EB4C N/A U+FE979 . Merchandise Sesame Street Characters Elmo Big Bird Ernie and Bert Cookie Monster Grover Mr. The chart on this page shows how this emoji is displayed on Android, iOS, and other platforms. This is a special character, not an image, so it can be used anywhere. Retrieved from " Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. Just making a few improvements to the codings #BadFrog""With mole on his face, dont I look exactly like Mark Zuckerberg? Maybe next time I take his place! #BadFrog""Its not easy being mean #BadFrog""I, Constantine, the worlds number one criminal, will be part of the Facebook Live event with the Muppets& I wasnt even invited! #BadFrog"Add a photo to this gallery On March 26, 2014, Constantine, Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Ricky Gervais and Ty Burrell did a live chat on their British and German Facebook accounts to promote Muppets Most Wanted, that was subsequently posted in the same spot, split up into two videos. In an interview for CNET, Kermit is asked about the usefulness of Twitter and Facebook, to which he replies, "it's so much easier to stay in touch with fans, friends, and especially family. Click To Tweet This Emoji: ???? . On Samsung devices, this emoji displays as two saltine crackersinstead of a cookie. Categories Smileys & People Animals & Nature Food & Drink Activity Travel & Places Objects Symbols Flags Most Popular Person Shrugging Red Heart Face With Tears of Joy Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes Thinking Face Fire Smiling Face With Smiling Eyes Face With Rolling Eyes Face Blowing a Kiss Latest News One More Step Toward 2018 Emoji List iOS 11.2 Emoji Changelog Google Fixes Burger Emoji Emoji Gift Guide 2017 77% Of 56-64 Year Olds Use Emojis On Messenger Animoji: We Did Not Expect This Why Am I Seeing Question Mark Boxes? It's New Emoji Week for iOS Events Australia Day Bastille Day Birthday Black Friday Canada Day Carnaval Chinese New Year Christmas Cinco de Mayo Dragon Boat Festival Easter Emoji Movie Fall / Autumn Fathers Day Festivus Graduation Guy Fawkes Halloween Hanukkah Holi Independence Day Mothers Day New Years Eve Olympics Queens Birthday Ramadan Spring St Patricks Day Summer Super Bowl Thanksgiving Valentines Day Wedding / Marriage Winter Winter Olympics World Cup World Emoji Day. >:( Stupid Romney. Muppets Most Wanted Facebook live chat in 2014. 404 File Not FoundSomething Wrong Happened Here & We Broke LinkOOPS! The requested page does not exist. Love Life Lies said:16 Jan '11awhh, i loved the cookie monster the most =). Anonymous said:17 Feb '10awww. Shy Sad Angel Coffee Silly Tongue Flirty Rambo Gangster Whistle Romantic Eyes Kiss Give You My Heart Pirate Diploma Jail Time Here is the list of all Facebook Emoticons and their shortcuts: Traditional Facebook Smileys Emoticon Name Shortcut smile :-) :) :] =) tongue :-P :P :-p :p =P wink ;-) ;) grin :-D :D =D curly lips :3 kiss :-* :* grumpy >:( >:-( glasses 8-) 8) B-) B) sunglasses 8- 8 B- B upset >:O >:-O >:o >:-o confused o.O O.o shark (^^^) gasp :-O :O :-o :o pacman :v squint -- devil 3:) 3:-) unsure :/ :-/ : :- frown :-( :( :[ =( cry :'( Chris Putnam :putnam: robot :] heart Giant Troll Face [[311455472226223]] [[311455502226220]] [[311455518892885]] [[311455538892883]] [[311455562226214]] [[311455588892878]] [[311455602226210]] [[311455638892873]] [[311455655559538]] [[311455682226202]] [[311455702226200]] [[311455718892865]] [[311455755559528]] [[311455775559526]] [[311455785559525]] [[311455795559524]] [[311455812226189]] [[311455822226188]] [[311455845559519]] [[311455872226183]] [[311455888892848]] [[311455898892847]] [[311455915559512]] [[311455938892843]] [[311455952226175]] [[311455975559506]] [[311455995559504]] [[311456002226170]] [[311456012226169]] [[311456025559501]] [[311456042226166]] [[311456058892831]] [[311456088892828]] [[311456105559493]] [[311456135559490]] [[311456155559488]] [[311456175559486]] [[311456188892818]] [[311456215559482]] [[311456225559481]] [[311456255559478]] [[311456272226143]] [[311456285559475]] [[311456302226140]] [[311456325559471]] [[311456348892802]] [[311456362226134]] [[311456382226132]] [[311456392226131]] [[311456415559462]] [[311456428892794]] [[311456448892792]] [[311456465559457]] [[311456478892789]] [[311456495559454]] [[311456515559452]] [[311456535559450]] [[311456562226114]] [[311456582226112]] [[311456608892776]] [[311456628892774]] [[311456642226106]] [[311456655559438]] [[311456685559435]] [[311456695559434]] [[311456722226098]] [[311456745559429]] [[311456755559428]] [[311456778892759]] [[311456788892758]] [[311456815559422]] [[311456835559420]] [[311456852226085]] [[311456858892751]] [[311456892226081]] [[311456905559413]] [[311456935559410]] [[311456982226072]] [[311457022226068]] [[311457045559399]] [[311457065559397]] [[311457078892729]] [[311457098892727]] [[311457132226057]] [[311457145559389]] [[311457162226054]] [[311457195559384]] [[311457222226048]] [[311457242226046]] [[311457258892711]] [[311457285559375]] [[311457298892707]] [[311457312226039]] [[311457335559370]] [[311457348892702]] [[311457372226033]] [[311457385559365]] [[311457405559363]] [[311457428892694]] [[311457442226026]] Country Flags Emoticon Name Shortcut America [[235308179897232]] Australia [[251943854888832]] Brazil [[277313912340862]] China [[195546403880002]] England [[368628179823130]] France [[285505011517859]] German [[240467632713605]] India [[236629836375511]] Italian [[174828349298998]] New Zealand [[136245833163892]] Mexican [[394575387235360]] Pirate [[258922724186445]] Spanish [[259034514174409]] UK [[214696081962321] Random Emoticon Name Shortcut Superman [[136942059667395]] Domo [[250128751720149]] Gumby [[172634792775561]] Spongebob(1) [[334954663181745]] Spongebob Face [[252585271419080]] Squidward [[squidward]] Mr.Krabs [[mrkrabs]] Sandy [[107950785929863]] Mrs.Puff [[255841784451619]] Plankton [[plankton]] Larry the Lobster [[353372551112]] Chowder [[49239575354]] Mung [[105412836215690]] Kimchi the Fart Cloud [[278204581010]] Gir [[127734003956294]] Dora [[dora]] Barney [[barney]] Elmo [[elmo]] Big Bird [[bigbird]] Cookie Monster [[cookiemonster]] Winnie The Pooh [[winniethepooh]] Tigger [[tigger]] Arthur [[PBSArthur]] PeeWee Herman [[PeeweeHerman]] Hello Kitty [[hellokitty]] The Power Puff Girls [[ThePowerpuffGirls]] Naruto [[104696320253]] Goku (Dragonball) [[43985111513] Goku (Dragonball Z) [[179412035432554]] Hetalia [[118851214841634]] Sailor Moon [[52945463402]] Ponyo [[PONYO]] Teletubbies [[119960411370345]] BooBah [[151959596479]] Lego [[LEGOGROUP]] Charlie Sheen [[charliesheen]] David Hasselhoff (The Hoff) [[davidhasselhoff]] Donald Trump [[217104144968122]] Randy Jackson [[RandyJacksonNext]] Nyan Cat (1) [[291720597536078]] Nyan Cat (2) [[118714951545229]] Ash and Pikachu [[PokemonWorld]] Pikachu [[326134990738733]] Poke Ball [[236147243124900]] Angry Birds [[166456416741199]] Mario [[300983063279872]] Super Mario [[supermario]] Mario Kart [[mariokart]] Sonic the Hedgehog [[sonic]] Doraemon [[155393057897143] Norbita [[224502284290679]] Shin Chan [[196431117116365]] Papa Smurf [[124839657530642]] LLama [[llamafans]] Trippy Eye [[Hungry.Eyeball]] Money [[35833778275]] Derp [[224812970902314]] Kontana Izumi [[249199828481201] Pedo Bear [[148935948523684]] Smirk [[333708903307152]] Hmmm [[134695813311979]] Mysterious [[208551699231052]] WTF [[243002845770158]] Shock [[274914629225060]] Crazy [[144264815683239]] M [[100003277310675]] A [[100003252111881]] H [[100003281300913]] Windows [[windows]] intel [[intel]] Google Chrome [[googlechrome]] Bing [[bing]] Gmail [[gmail]] Wikipedia [[wikipedia]] YouTube [[youtube]] Facebook [[facebook]] Restaurant ville [[89423383024]] FarmVille [[123827117738416] PetVille [petvillepage]] Yahoo [[yahoomessenger]] Hotmail [[hotmail]] Minecraft [[minecraft]] iTunes [[itunes]] Apple [[iPodCommunity]] Ray William Johnson [[raywilliamjohnson]] Nintendo 3DS [[Nintendo3DS]] Playstation [[playstation]] Sony [[sony]] American Idol [[101228960064]] MTV [[mtv]] Movies, TV and Music Emoticon Name Shortcut Glee [[glee]] Twilight Edward and Bella [[twilight]] The Middle [[themiddle]] Cartoon Network [cartoonnetwork]] Simpsons Icon [[thesimpsons] Homer [[53604212520]] Marge [[320426491306913]] Bart [[273143272711807]] Chief Wiggum [[171897879535510]] More [[333269677221]] Peter Griffin [[115767121778065]] Lois [[192384820807511]] Meg [[108272965860879]] Stewie [[32248376743]] Brian [[246684017145]] Quagmire [[272765955944]] Mickey Mouse [[mickeymouse]] Darth Vader [[118532231514890]] Captain Jack Sparrow [[CaptainJackSparrow]] Yoda [[80893990611]] Black Eyed Peas [[blackeyedpeas]] LMFAO [[lmfao]] Justin Beiber [[justinbiebermistletoe] Hannah Montana [[hannahmontana]] Beyonce [[beyonce]] Katy Perry [[katyperry]] Lady Gaga [[ladygaga]] Eminem [[eminem]] Mariah Carey [[mariahcarey]] Michael Jackson [[michaeljackson]] Led Zeppelin [[131572223581891]] John Lennon [[johnlennon]] Metallica [[metallica]] Taylor Swift [[taylorswift]] Gene Simmons [[121142661290301]] Nirvana [[33088012461]] Blink 182 [[blink182]] Chuck Norris [[46637413257]] WWE [[wwe]] Sad Panda [[119140778183302]] Sports Emoticon Name Shortcut NFL Logo [[nfl]] Indiana Colts [[colts]] Callas Cowboys [[dallascowboys]] steelers [[steelers]] ChicagoBears [[chicagobears]] Chicago Cubs [[cubs]] Baltimore Ravens [[baltimoreravens]] Caronlina Panthers [[carolinapanthers]] Boston Red Sox [[redsox]] Oakland Raiders [[raiders] Texas Longhorns [[texaslonghorns]] Denver Broncos [[denverbroncos]] Miami Dolphins [[miamidolphins]] New York Giants [[113131122058511]] St Louis Cardinals [[cardinals]] Florida Gators [[floridagators]] Seattle Sea Hawks [[seahawks]] University of Oregon [[universityoforegon]] NBA Logo [[nba]] Portland Trail Blazers [[trailblazers]] Denver Nuggest [[denvernuggets]] LA Lakers [[losangeleslakers]] Boston Celtics [[bostonceltics]] Houston Rockets [[houstonrockets]] Chicago Bulls [[chicagobulls]] LA Clippers [[laclippers]] Fun New Codes! Emoticon Name Shortcut Love [[f9.heart]] Lying [[f9.lying]] Pizza [[]] Raining [[f9.rain]] Rose Down [[f9.rosedown]] Shut Mouth [[f9.shutmouth]] Silly [[f9.silly]] Sleepy [[f9.sleepy]] Tongue [[f9.tongue1]] Party [[]] Ring [[f9.ring]] Wine [[]] Love Over [[f9.heartbreak]] Neutral [[f9.neutral]] Plate [[f9.plate]] Rainbow [[f9.rainbow]] Rose [[f9.rose]] Shock [[f9.shock]] Blushing [[f9.shy]] Skeleton [[f9.skull]] Star [[f9.stary]] Thumbs Down [[f9.thumbsdown]] Sun [[f9.sun]] Sunrise [[f9.sunrise]] Teddy [[f9.teddy]] Rofl [[f9.rofl]] Adore [[f9.adore]] Angry [[f9.angry]] Bowl [[f9.bowl]] Cake [[f9.cake]] Clap [[f9.clap]] Confused [[f9.confused]] Devil [[f9.devilface]] Ghost [[f9.ghost]] Kiss [[f9.kiss]] Balloons [[f9.baloons]] Billiard [[f9.billiard]] Piece of Cake [[f9.cakepiece]] Angel [[f9.angel]] Bomb [[f9.bomb]] BRB [[f9.brb]] Call Me [[f9.callme]] Coffee [[]] Curly Lip [[f9.curllip]] Doctor [[]] Fall in Love [[f9.inlove]] Laugh [[f9.laugh]] Candle [[f9.candle]] Fast Food [[f9.fastfood]] Gift [[]] Be Sociable, Share! Tweet Tweet This Post 541 Comments ← Older Comments We are Chinese Handbags wholesaler, supply many kinds of cheap Handbags,replica Handbags,wholesale Handbags,Facebook Emoticons Smileys Facebook Emoticons, and other fashion accessories. it is soooooo cute!!! i it!!!. Snuffleupagus Oscar the Grouch More characters. KayyyPerson #07 said:03 Jun '10i'm truly a cookie monster. Anonymous said:07 Feb '10I don't know why i am actually on this, but i may as well say hi, so hi!. Anonymous said:02 Mar '11sooooo cutte i love cookie monster and my friend loves him too lol :). Chloe said:11 Mar '12Aww:3 Cookie monster is such a cute Character, Love him!:3 . You can also copy and paste the text version of the cookie emoji (????) into your social media posts. blahhhh! said:13 Jan '10DUDE, what ever happened to Ernie and the rubber ducky?? they were awesome!!.. We find some error in finding your page. How can I use this emoji on my social media accounts? Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and most other social networks have built-in support for standard emojis that can be accessed through a menu. User comments (18). How does the Cookie emoji look across different devices? ???? Browser Android (Old) Android (New) Apple iOS Twitter Symbola . Facebook Emoticons Facebook is the most popular social network out there. Keep calm and try to check your URL again that you miss-typed, then hit the right page. You may go through back at the homepage or directly search what you are looking for, using below-mentioned search bar to fix the problem. XD said:28 Oct '12Oh the memories this brings back. Comment by replica discount handbags brand September 27, 2014 6:42 pm ← Older Comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Start a wiki The FANDOM App Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat Advertise Media Kit Contact Muppet Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. 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