18 October 2007
I'm head over heels goddess of mine,
your curls touching my face and now I can fly
You brought my life back, the glory you found,
I'm in deep debt, without you I wouldn't survive
Your smile is heavenly, I don't deserve all the love that your giving to me
Your touch makes it hard to breathe, the shiver's around me now,
you're so fine
The heart is pumping for my life,
the mind is happy and I,
I will love you til the day I die
you're so fine
Jag ska aldrig mer göra så jag känner såhär
Det kvittar vilken fest de är och hur många jag känner där
Jag svär om jag bara kan klara idag
soon im going to proov fucking tres's neew bädd..
kidding..i meeen... WE going to proov fucking the newww bädd *hähä*.
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