![HenrieBekky - Siiingel!!! Igen xD
H e n r i e t t e R e b e k k a L ö v h e i m ! ! !
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Erik ( Rolig ) Mikael ( Schysst ) Rebecca ( Snäll ) Simon ( Snäll & Rolig ) Rebecka ( Snäll ) Max ( Rolig & Bääst!!! ) Caroline ( Smart & Snäll ) Josefina ( Snäll , Smart & Rolig ) Olivia ( Snygg , Rolig & Schysst ) Robert ( Schysst & Rolig ) Mig ( Vad tycker du? ) Tilda ( Söt , Rolig & Snäll ) Philip ( Schysst & Rolig ;D ) Ena ( Snygg , Smart , Rolig & Schysst ) Felix ( Snäll & Rolig <3<3 ) Amanda ( Miiiiiiiiin <3<3<3 , Söööt , snyyyyygg , Bääääst!!!! , Snälll , Schysst & rroooolig!!! ) Ilir ( Venne xD ) Olle ( Schysst , Rolig & Snäll ) Jasmin ( Schyst , Rolig , Fiin!!! & Bäst!!! ) Kim ( Rolig , Snäll & Schysst ) & sist men inte minst ..... Emilie ( Snäll , Fin , Rolig & Smart )
Maybe you have right
But baby I was loneley
I dont wanna fight
Im tired of being sorry
Standing in the street
Crying all for you
girlsare like appleson trees. The best onesare at the top of the tree.The boys don't want to reachfor the good ones because theyare afraid of falling and getting hurt.Instead, they just get the rotten applesfrom the ground that aren't as good,but easy. So the apples at the top thinksomething is wrong with them, when inreality, they're amazing. They justhave to wait for the right boy tocome along, the one who'sbrave enough toclimb allthe wayto the topof the treeall girls copy and paste this to ur page
HenrieBekky - Siiingel!!! Igen xD
H e n r i e t t e R e b e k k a L ö v h e i m ! ! !
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Erik ( Rolig ) Mikael ( Schysst ) Rebecca ( Snäll ) Simon ( Snäll & Rolig ) Rebecka ( Snäll ) Max ( Rolig & Bääst!!! ) Caroline ( Smart & Snäll ) Josefina ( Snäll , Smart & Rolig ) Olivia ( Snygg , Rolig & Schysst ) Robert ( Schysst & Rolig ) Mig ( Vad tycker du? ) Tilda ( Söt , Rolig & Snäll ) Philip ( Schysst & Rolig ;D ) Ena ( Snygg , Smart , Rolig & Schysst ) Felix ( Snäll & Rolig <3<3 ) Amanda ( Miiiiiiiiin <3<3<3 , Söööt , snyyyyygg , Bääääst!!!! , Snälll , Schysst & rroooolig!!! ) Ilir ( Venne xD ) Olle ( Schysst , Rolig & Snäll ) Jasmin ( Schyst , Rolig , Fiin!!! & Bäst!!! ) Kim ( Rolig , Snäll & Schysst ) & sist men inte minst ..... Emilie ( Snäll , Fin , Rolig & Smart )
Maybe you have right
But baby I was loneley
I dont wanna fight
Im tired of being sorry
Standing in the street
Crying all for you
girlsare like appleson trees. The best onesare at the top of the tree.The boys don't want to reachfor the good ones because theyare afraid of falling and getting hurt.Instead, they just get the rotten applesfrom the ground that aren't as good,but easy. So the apples at the top thinksomething is wrong with them, when inreality, they're amazing. They justhave to wait for the right boy tocome along, the one who'sbrave enough toclimb allthe wayto the topof the treeall girls copy and paste this to ur page](http://cdn08.dayviews.com/cdn/img/spacer.gif)
Ja Deddu??
Siiingel!!! Igen xD
H e n r i e t t e R e b e k k a L ö v h e i m ! ! !
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Erik ( Rolig ) Mikael ( Schysst ) Rebecca ( Snäll ) Simon ( Snäll & Rolig ) Rebecka ( Snäll ) Max ( Rolig & Bääst!!! ) Caroline ( Smart & Snäll ) Josefina ( Snäll , Smart & Rolig ) Olivia ( Snygg , Rolig & Schysst ) Robert ( Schysst & Rolig ) Mig ( Vad tycker du? ) Tilda ( Söt , Rolig & Snäll ) Philip ( Schysst & Rolig ;D ) Ena ( Snygg , Smart , Rolig & Schysst ) Felix ( Snäll & Rolig <3<3 ) Amanda ( Miiiiiiiiin <3<3<3 , Söööt , snyyyyygg , Bääääst!!!! , Snälll , Schysst & rroooolig!!! ) Ilir ( Venne xD ) Olle ( Schysst , Rolig & Snäll ) Jasmin ( Schyst , Rolig , Fiin!!! & Bäst!!! ) Kim ( Rolig , Snäll & Schysst ) & sist men inte minst ..... Emilie ( Snäll , Fin , Rolig & Smart )
Maybe you have right
But baby I was loneley
I dont wanna fight
Im tired of being sorry
Standing in the street
Crying all for you
<p align="center">girls<p align="center">are like apples<p align="center">on trees. The best ones<p align="center">are at the top of the tree.<p align="center">The boys don't want to reach<p align="center">for the good ones because they<p align="center">are afraid of falling and getting hurt.<p align="center">Instead, they just get the rotten apples<p align="center">from the ground that aren't as good,<p align="center">but easy. So the apples at the top think<p align="center">something is wrong with them, when in<p align="center">reality, they're amazing. They just<p align="center">have to wait for the right boy to<p align="center">come along, the one who's<p align="center">brave enough to<p align="center">climb all<p align="center">the way<p align="center">to the top<p align="center">of the tree<p align="center">all girls copy and<p align="center"> paste this to ur page
H e n r i e t t e R e b e k k a L ö v h e i m ! ! !
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Erik ( Rolig ) Mikael ( Schysst ) Rebecca ( Snäll ) Simon ( Snäll & Rolig ) Rebecka ( Snäll ) Max ( Rolig & Bääst!!! ) Caroline ( Smart & Snäll ) Josefina ( Snäll , Smart & Rolig ) Olivia ( Snygg , Rolig & Schysst ) Robert ( Schysst & Rolig ) Mig ( Vad tycker du? ) Tilda ( Söt , Rolig & Snäll ) Philip ( Schysst & Rolig ;D ) Ena ( Snygg , Smart , Rolig & Schysst ) Felix ( Snäll & Rolig <3<3 ) Amanda ( Miiiiiiiiin <3<3<3 , Söööt , snyyyyygg , Bääääst!!!! , Snälll , Schysst & rroooolig!!! ) Ilir ( Venne xD ) Olle ( Schysst , Rolig & Snäll ) Jasmin ( Schyst , Rolig , Fiin!!! & Bäst!!! ) Kim ( Rolig , Snäll & Schysst ) & sist men inte minst ..... Emilie ( Snäll , Fin , Rolig & Smart )
Maybe you have right
But baby I was loneley
I dont wanna fight
Im tired of being sorry
Standing in the street
Crying all for you
<p align="center">girls<p align="center">are like apples<p align="center">on trees. The best ones<p align="center">are at the top of the tree.<p align="center">The boys don't want to reach<p align="center">for the good ones because they<p align="center">are afraid of falling and getting hurt.<p align="center">Instead, they just get the rotten apples<p align="center">from the ground that aren't as good,<p align="center">but easy. So the apples at the top think<p align="center">something is wrong with them, when in<p align="center">reality, they're amazing. They just<p align="center">have to wait for the right boy to<p align="center">come along, the one who's<p align="center">brave enough to<p align="center">climb all<p align="center">the way<p align="center">to the top<p align="center">of the tree<p align="center">all girls copy and<p align="center"> paste this to ur page
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