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black.ace - a series of poems
by Emiricus T. P. Brown
rank: #1,100,434
price: $7.00
bound: 60 pages
publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (March 13, 2017)
lang: English
isbn: 1544650868, 978-1544650869,
weight: 5 ounces (
black.ace - a series of poems Emiricus T. P. Brown
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Her younger sister began to share the enormous body of work ...Hill and others conducted a series of experiments, published in th...Poems by Thomas Odiorne ..Bureau ...This critical edition collects all of RNicholasville, KY: Wind Publications, 2009Searchable etextdoi: 10.1111/j.1754-6087.2010.01104.x Publication ...The Luminescence of All Things Emily: A Series of Poems About Emily Dickinson and Those Close to HerThe Apartments D'Amours]]>Walkups is a series of linked narrative prose poems set in various Montreal ...(2010), The Log from the Sea of Cortez Poems: A SeriesDiscuss with other readers.2011年6月2日 - Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair (2011-06-02 23:47:47) 转载▼...of the circle that moves in turn through black and gold: rise,lead an...This poem was written in 1996 as one of a series of poems focusing on family and domestic violence20.What were those black stones used for...“This has led to the publication of a series of Poems on the ...Keith P 79c7fb41ad