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man find solaris
linux find examples
man find exec
man find aix
man find recursive
find options unix
unix find examples
xargs man
The Linux command line offers a wealth of power and opportunity. If your memory is like mine then you find it hard to remember a large number of details. Fortunately for us there is an easy to use resource that can inform us about all the great things we can do on the command line. That's what we're going to learn about in
18 May 2014 Also, packages may provide their documentation as manpage sections. For example, perl-doc adds section 3perl where you can find all its modules, OpenSSL adds 3ssl . Not sure if it's on Ububtu, but on Fedora there is man-pages package that provides even more goods like POSIX versions of commands
3 Aug 2011 Use manpath to see the directories used by your system, and man --where --all foo to find a specific manual page of foo . The standard location is /usr/share/man according to Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, and /usr/man is usually a symlink to that directory. Other locations can be defined in
This manual page documents the GNU version of find. GNU find searches the directory tree rooted at each given starting-point by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true
This manual page documents the GNU version of find. GNU find searches the directory tree rooted at each given file name by evaluating the given expression from left to right, according to the rules of precedence (see section OPERATORS), until the outcome is known (the left hand side is false for and operations, true for or)
1 Introduction. This manual shows how to find files that meet criteria you specify, and how to perform various actions on the files that you find. The principal programs that you use to perform these tasks are find , locate , and xargs . Some of the examples in this manual use capabilities specific to the GNU versions of those
If no paths are given, the current directory is used. If no expression is given, the expression '-print' is used (but you should probably consider using '-print0' instead, anyway). This manual page talks about 'options' within the expression list. These options control the behaviour of find but are specified immediately after the last
27 Aug 2016 Referencing a man page can be essential when trying to learn proper syntax or how a command works, but with how large some manual pages are it can be a real drag to scroll through the entire man page to try and find a relevant portion. Additionally sometimes you just don't know exactly which manual
If you don't know which one you want, type man -a printf , and all manual pages will be displayed. If what you are looking for is the format of printf with all % codes and it doesn't appear on printf man page, you can jump to related man pages listed under SEE ALSO paragraph. You may find something like formats(5) , which
A man page (short for manual page) is a form of software documentation usually found on a Unix or Unix-like operating system. Topics covered include computer programs formal standards and conventions, and even abstract concepts. A user may invoke a man page by issuing the man command. By default, man typically