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Outcome mapping idrc pdf: >> << (Download)
Outcome mapping idrc pdf: >> << (Read Online)
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Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into Development Programs. Outcome Mapping: Building learning and reflection into development programs. Author(s):. Sarah Earl, Fred Carden, and Terry Smutylo. Publisher(s):. IDRC. January 1, 2001. ISBN: 0889369593. 120 pages. e-ISBN: 1552500217. Download PDF.
Published by the International Development Research Centre. PO Box 8500, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1G 3H9 National Library of Canada cataloguing in publication data. Earl, Sarah, 1971–. Outcome mapping : building learning and reflection into development programs. Includes bibliographical references.
When IDRC published the manual Outcome Mapping: Building Learning and Reflection into. Development Programs in 2000, the Evaluation Unit hoped that it would prove useful to the development researchers with whom the Centre works. We did not anticipate the strong response it would receive. The challenges we
program's partners on development, Outcome Mapping concentrates on monitoring and evaluating its results in terms of the influence of the program on the roles these partners play in development. In the IDRC context, defining outcomes as "changes in behaviour" emphasizes that, to be effective, development research
Overview: Outcome mapping (OM) is a framework used in planning, monitoring and evaluating involving development and humanitarian interventions. It was originally developed by the International. Development Research Centre (IDRC) to facilitate evaluating the outcomes of its research granting programs and is now
and activities. Outcome Mapping by Olivier Serrat. Rationale. Development agencies must show that their activities make significant and lasting contributions to the welfare of in- . Research Centre. Available: 7. Available:
7 Aug 2005 Centre (IDRC) to assist program teams to learn from and report realistically on their achievements by tracking the connections between what they do and what happens. The methodology, adapted from the 'outcome engineering' approach (Kibel, 1999), is called 'outcome mapping'. It is being used in project Outcome Mapping. Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. Simon Hearn, Overseas Development Institute . CIDA. IDRC. BAIF. State. NGO. State. NGO. State. NGO. State. NGO. State. NGO. State. NGO. SHG. Police. Community. Leaders. Families Banks. PHCs
2 Monitoring and Evaluation: Enhancing Development Results,. Background Paper, Third International Roundtable on Managing for Development Results, Hanoi, Vietnam, 5-8 February 2007. 3 Outcome Mapping was developed and published in 2001 by the. Canadian research organisation IDRC (International Develop-.
Outcome Mapping focuses on changes in the behaviour of the people, groups and organisations influenced by a programme. Like the logical framework, it is a planning methodology that has implications for how monitoring and evaluation is conducted. However, Outcome Mapping is designed to deal with complexity, and is