Tuesday 9 June 2009 photo 2/2
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My dream of last night:
I was on vacation with my family somewhere in the south of Holland.
It was in the middle of the summer, but it started to snow.... very much!
I've never seen so much snow falling down at the same time!
My brother, sister and dad ran away, me and my mom hided in a house of an old woman.
We stayed there for 2 days, till that storm was over.
In that house it was very dark, i wanted to put on some lights, but the woman was really scared for the light, so i putted only 1 light on.
After 2 days we got out to find the others.
We found them in a lost building somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
In that house, all the doors were made of glass, and you can open it with voice commands.
My dad, Annika and André were brainwashed, and we had to set them free! (they were brain washed, so then couldn't free themselfs!)
First Annika, she was fighting to robot-octopusses in a swimming pool for fun 0__o. I said open, and got my sis out of there, she was free!
Then came my dad and Maarten (Annika's boyfriend). There were in a room with porno-girls. I opened the door, my dad came out!
But Maarten stayed, he began to touch the girls.... he cheated on Annika, so we left him there!
Finally my bother, he was swimming, we got him just out, it was really easy!
At the pool's glide there was a grandpa with his grandson, he was scared of the glide, so he glide of the stairs! xD it was kinda funny! xD
We were complete again, but we had to get out of that building.
I found a ball-canon... We ran through the building... a guy was trying to stop us, but i shoot him!
In the lobby there was a plastic chinese guy, he was much more strong, so i had to fight him without the canon.
But he was too strong, he almost killed me, but Mom hitted him on his head! =D
With 1 final shot on the entrance door, we got out.
A voice-over told: "and the family made it. Now the curse is over, the building will become what it is supposed to be, a happy factory.... The End"
And thats also where my dream ended!
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Mon 13 Jul 2009 22:46
how old are you?
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