8 December 2007
Ba för att jag har tråkigt tänker jag ladda upp massa texter jag , Micis och Elina skrivit xD (och möjligtvis Erics :P)
Hoho , gammal jäävel :P
You can't tell me that you care
When you're never there
I don't ask a lot from you
But you've got better things to do
I thought I knew you I don't know
Tiden med Er <3
Capten Fikus, Dr. FruitCake & Christmas Fucker
Here we are
But we won’t far
We are not straight
Cause we can’t open the gate
Capten Fikus ball’s, a hand
Micis & Elina <3
The Fuck Song
well, this is a song about someting realy fucked up
Vers. 1: I walked on a road
and there I saw this hot chick
I took her home
and got her in m
The secret behind Rewrite xD Dom som inte vill veta vad den handlar om borde inte läsa xD xD Haha !
Wanting to spit out the jarred thoughts is
Because there's no other proof of my exis
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