11 April 2007
- Crucify Sorrow -
Åeh jag älskar mitt nya program liksom mhm :D men jag vet inte vad som hände med naglarna srsly .__. skulle ju.. bara.. fylla i det svarta lite och så vips
I'm Dreaming Of A Gorgeous Christmas
It was Christmas Eve. Hisaki sat Sleeping on a stage, sipping Depressed eggnog.
She looked at the Cute Piercing hanging on the Christmas Tree and sighed. Las
The Guitarplay Terror Of The Snow
It snowed a foot overnight. When they woke up, Uruha and Aoi went out to play. First, they made snow angels. Then they had a snowball fight and Uruha hit Aoi in hi
Var tvungen att göra en om Dollie och Kyo, puss på dig gumman jag älskar dig :*
A Sad Occurrence
Dollie paced up and down, jiggling her eye. Her very good friend, Mary Sue Love,
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