Saturday 22 December 2012 photo 2/2
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Sun 23 Dec 2012 09:10
Läser man beskrivningen till denna video (som även är länkad i den video som är länkad här ovanför) så får man reda på hur hästen skadade sig.

Tue 25 Dec 2012 13:09
11/19/2011- The day Paula's and I lives has changed forever. This is Paula's story
November 19th ordinary Saturday at the barn,I went up to work , after I was done work I took Paula inside from being outside in the field. I brushed her off tacked her up. Went for a ride, For some strange reason I keep thinking while I was riding that imagine if this will be my last ride forever anyways later I got off Paula after a great ride. She was amazing. I took her inside un-tacked her brushed her and went to turn her outside with her cooler on. After I turned her outside I went back into the barn with my friend we went into the arena to take the jumps down. While we were in the arena we started hearing the horses scream. Didn't think much of it till something hit me I had the urge to make sure Paula was okay so I ran into the barn and ran out. Right when I came out of the barn Paula was screaming she was under the fence. I ran to her held her head, yelled to my friend to get the owners, she ran up to the barn owners house, I stayed with Paula of course in tears, The way Paula was looking at me with her eyes I knew this was serious she has never gave me that look before. The one owner came down fast and we had to free her from the fence he got some sort of tool and broke the fence and took the wood down. her legs were clear to get out. But something was wrong she couldn't, she couldn't get up she couldn't stand. He called the emergency vet and a professional horse trainer. While we were waiting for help we pulled Paula away from the fence with a rope so she was more comfortable. The vet came and quickly examined Paula, He gave her Two big doses one was pain relief and one was a drug to calm her down and to give her strength to get up. He examined her legs to make sure nothing was broken her backs legs didn't have any movement at that point. After we waited a while at points she would try to stand up but couldn't make it up and would fall down again. The vet then realized that her spinal cord might have been affected he then gave her a huge amount of a drug for her spine (the best kind there is) We waited for her to try to get up she couldn't we tried multiple things bringing her best friend of a horse over she wouldn't move. The vet gave my dad a lot that ill probably never forget in my life. I knew what he was talking about. He said the best thing is probably for her to be put down. We had to think of something to give her a chance so we got a slate of wood and a ATV pulled her on to the wood and drag her from the field into the barn in her stall. She got into the stall and we surrounded her stall in hay bales so she wouldn't hurt herself from trying to get up. The vet said give her 3 days to get up and if she doesn't get up we will have to put her down. That night I stayed with her I held her head in my arms praying that she will have the strength to stand up. After hours went by she would try to get up and hurt herself. At 12:30 am she stood up for a minute and fell back down her legs were unbelievably shaky. She was the strongest horse I've ever met. She keep fighting. At 1 30am She stood up and never went down she was so unstable that I wasn't allowed in her stall if she were to fall and land on me. But I didn't care I went in everyday and kissed her and hugged her and told her how strong she is and how she can pull through this. She was down for 24 hours the vet said when a horse is down for only a few hours they have no chance but Paula was down for a day. It was a miracle. I've been taking her out now for short walks and I do see improvement. Actually huge improvement from not being able to stand and now to be able to walk.
Now a lot of people are probably going to ask me will she ever be ride able. Well I don't know that answer all I know is that shes one hell of a fighter and she will try her hardest. and I will do everything I can to make her have a full recovery. I gave her a promise to never let her down, to never give up, and to never sell her. And Paula I'm keeping that promise ill give up anything, do anything for you and never look back♥ I love you keeping fighting Paula.
You don't know how I feel. No one could. No one will ever know how hard it was. Only Paula and I will know.
Thank you for reading, and caring.
made this whole song edited it myself. No you cannot use it. I made it for our journey.
Note- All the clips of me riding her are before her accident. All the clips of me not riding that are shown are all recent.
November 19th ordinary Saturday at the barn,I went up to work , after I was done work I took Paula inside from being outside in the field. I brushed her off tacked her up. Went for a ride, For some strange reason I keep thinking while I was riding that imagine if this will be my last ride forever anyways later I got off Paula after a great ride. She was amazing. I took her inside un-tacked her brushed her and went to turn her outside with her cooler on. After I turned her outside I went back into the barn with my friend we went into the arena to take the jumps down. While we were in the arena we started hearing the horses scream. Didn't think much of it till something hit me I had the urge to make sure Paula was okay so I ran into the barn and ran out. Right when I came out of the barn Paula was screaming she was under the fence. I ran to her held her head, yelled to my friend to get the owners, she ran up to the barn owners house, I stayed with Paula of course in tears, The way Paula was looking at me with her eyes I knew this was serious she has never gave me that look before. The one owner came down fast and we had to free her from the fence he got some sort of tool and broke the fence and took the wood down. her legs were clear to get out. But something was wrong she couldn't, she couldn't get up she couldn't stand. He called the emergency vet and a professional horse trainer. While we were waiting for help we pulled Paula away from the fence with a rope so she was more comfortable. The vet came and quickly examined Paula, He gave her Two big doses one was pain relief and one was a drug to calm her down and to give her strength to get up. He examined her legs to make sure nothing was broken her backs legs didn't have any movement at that point. After we waited a while at points she would try to stand up but couldn't make it up and would fall down again. The vet then realized that her spinal cord might have been affected he then gave her a huge amount of a drug for her spine (the best kind there is) We waited for her to try to get up she couldn't we tried multiple things bringing her best friend of a horse over she wouldn't move. The vet gave my dad a lot that ill probably never forget in my life. I knew what he was talking about. He said the best thing is probably for her to be put down. We had to think of something to give her a chance so we got a slate of wood and a ATV pulled her on to the wood and drag her from the field into the barn in her stall. She got into the stall and we surrounded her stall in hay bales so she wouldn't hurt herself from trying to get up. The vet said give her 3 days to get up and if she doesn't get up we will have to put her down. That night I stayed with her I held her head in my arms praying that she will have the strength to stand up. After hours went by she would try to get up and hurt herself. At 12:30 am she stood up for a minute and fell back down her legs were unbelievably shaky. She was the strongest horse I've ever met. She keep fighting. At 1 30am She stood up and never went down she was so unstable that I wasn't allowed in her stall if she were to fall and land on me. But I didn't care I went in everyday and kissed her and hugged her and told her how strong she is and how she can pull through this. She was down for 24 hours the vet said when a horse is down for only a few hours they have no chance but Paula was down for a day. It was a miracle. I've been taking her out now for short walks and I do see improvement. Actually huge improvement from not being able to stand and now to be able to walk.
Now a lot of people are probably going to ask me will she ever be ride able. Well I don't know that answer all I know is that shes one hell of a fighter and she will try her hardest. and I will do everything I can to make her have a full recovery. I gave her a promise to never let her down, to never give up, and to never sell her. And Paula I'm keeping that promise ill give up anything, do anything for you and never look back♥ I love you keeping fighting Paula.
You don't know how I feel. No one could. No one will ever know how hard it was. Only Paula and I will know.
Thank you for reading, and caring.
made this whole song edited it myself. No you cannot use it. I made it for our journey.
Note- All the clips of me riding her are before her accident. All the clips of me not riding that are shown are all recent.
Sun 23 Dec 2012 00:36
Mirakel finns :'))
Men vad var det för olycka hästen varit med om? och det hade påverkat balanssystemet eller? Måste ha missat det om det stod eller nämndes i filmen hehe, är inte så bra på engelska (a
Men vad var det för olycka hästen varit med om? och det hade påverkat balanssystemet eller? Måste ha missat det om det stod eller nämndes i filmen hehe, är inte så bra på engelska (a
Sun 23 Dec 2012 00:24
woow... mina tårar ville helt plötsligt ha en fest på mina kinder..
Sun 23 Dec 2012 00:02
Jag finner inga ord! Undrar också vad som hände egentligen, men det spelar inte så stor roll... att den här tjejen fortsatte kämpa, tog ett litet steg i taget, trodde på sig själv och sin känsla, trots det alla andra sa! Kärlek och mod!
laddar 87%
Sat 22 Dec 2012 23:43
bara så jag förstår de rätt, denna hästen var alltså påväg att dö för ett år sen. Men tjejerna gav inte upp och räddade livet på henne. Och nu ett år senare lever hon och är så fin? :')
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