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20 Jul 2010 The technological “bluff" is the implicit assumption in Western as he has shown in his many other books his deep Christian convictions.
11 Aug 2012 Ellul_Jacques_The_Technological_Bluff.pdf (file size: 2.38 MB, MIME type: application/pdf). Expand view. File history. Click on a date/time to
The Technological Bluff by Jacques Ellul, 9780802836786, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide.
The Technological Bluff [Mr. Jacques Ellul] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The author argues that an easily distracted consumer society is caught up in a rapidly Books; ›; Christian Books & Bibles; ›; Christian Living. The Technological Bluff (9780802809605) by Mr. Jacques Ellul and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now
Another book on technology!" They would not be wrong. In 1950 I wrote a comprehensive study of "The Technical Society." This was meant to be the title, but the
This article is a critical review of The Technological Bluff, the last book on technology by Jacques Ellul. Although this work has attracted little attention, the
M. Ellul's view of technology is that once it is let out of the laboratory, technology cannot be turned off. Technology begets more technology. The modern world
20 Jan 2013
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