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Bimanual examination report samples: >> << (Download)
Bimanual examination report samples: >> << (Read Online)
pelvic exam
28 Jan 2013 DATA BASE SAMPLE: PHYSICAL EXAMINATION. WITH ALL NORMAL FINDINGS. GENERAL APPEARANCE: (include general mental status). 45 y/o female who is awake and alert and who appears healthy and looks her stated age. VITALS. > Temperature: 37.5°C oral (list the site where the temperature
Begin with a general abdominal examination; Inspect the external genitalia for hair distribution, sweling, scarring, signs of infection for example warts or ulcers; Ask For this reason, it is recommended the speculum examination is performed before the bimanual examination, to allow for extra lubricant during the bimanual
Sample Written History and Physical Examination. History and Physical Examination. Comments. Patient Name: Rogers, Pamela. Date: 6/2/04. Referral Source: Emergency Department. Data Source: Patient. Chief Complaint & ID: Ms. Rogers is a 56 y/o WF. Define the reason for the patient's visit as who has been.
29 Nov 2016 The pelvic examination typically consists of visual external inspection, insertion of the speculum, performance of any tests or cytology, and then bimanual examination to determine the size and character of the uterus and ovaries. Right-handed individuals generally put their right hand in the vagina and use
12 Jan 2011 In the non-screening setting, bimanual examination is inadequate to evaluate acute abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding, since ultrasound is so much more We therefore reassure with normal findings throughout the exam and inform the patient that cytology sampling may cause cervical bleeding and
A step by step guide to bimanual vaginal examination in an OSCE setting, with an included video demonstration.
Summary. ? GRIP. ? Consent and chaperone. ? Inspect. ? Palpate vagina, cervix and fornices. ? Bimanual palpation. ? Uterus. ? Adnexae. ? Inspect glove. ? Offer patient tissue. ? Cover patient. ? Report findings to patient when dressed.
Sample Type / Medical Specialty: General Medicine Sample Name: Female Physical Exam - 2. Description: Sample female physical exam. (Medical Transcription Sample Report). FEMALE PHYSICAL EXAMINATION HEENT: Pupils equal, round and reactive to light and accommodation. Extraocular movements are intact.
The patient was instructed in self-breast examination. Abdomen was benign without guarding or rebound tenderness. Vulvar inspection revealed no lesions but atrophic changes were noted. Speculum examination identified a stenotic cervical os, which was sampled with cytology brush and spatula. Bimanual examination
Sample female exam and review of systems. General Medicine Sample Name: Female Exam & ROS. Description: Sample female exam and review of systems. (Medical Transcription Sample Report) Bimanual examination revealed no pelvic tenderness or masses. No uterine enlargement. Rectal examination revealed