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Courage Under Fire Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r096u
The pilot of a rescue copter, Captain Karen Walden, died shortly before her helicopter crew was rescued after it crashed in Desert Storm. It first appears that she made a spectacular rescue of a downed helicopter crew, then held her own crew together to fight off the Iraqis after her copter crashed. Lt. Colonel Serling, who is struggling with his own demons from Desert Storm, is assigned to investigate her worthiness for the Medal of Honor. But some conflicting accounts, from her crew and soldiers in the area, cause him to question whether she deserves it.
Two fictional combat stories come together in this film set during the Gulf War (Aug. 1990-Feb. 1991) and afterwards. LCol Nat Serling is haunted by a mistake he made that cost the lives of a friend and his tank crew. He investigates the recommended Medal of Honor for Capt. Karen Walden, who was killed after her rescue helicopter was shot down. Conflicting reports lead him to probe deeper to uncover the truth about Walden and all of her crew, who survived. In the process, he comes to grips with his own demons.
It dredges up the old Rashomon formula and makes it seem almost new. The same story is told from various points of view, illustrating that the truth can have many faces.
Some of the family melodrama stuff is hokey, and the ending is pretty icky, but for the most part, COURAGE has muscle. Denzel Washington gives a moving performance as Lt. Colonel Nathaniel Sterling, a conscientious military leader who is assigned to the investigation of a female officer being considered for the Medal of Honor. Sterling has plenty of problems on his own plate, thanks to some friendly-fire casualties that occurred on a 1991 Gulf War mission under his command. The army has been covering up that incident. Now he is being pursued by a nosy Washington Post reporter (Scott Glenn), and can get few straight answers from his superior officer (Michael Moriarty). Sterling is losing his own family as he pursues his new assignment, questioning the soldiers who served under Capt. Karen Walden (Meg Ryan), the medal candidate. She is described by one character as "butch." Well, compared to Richard Simmons, maybe. Ryan is just not convincing playing tough, though she gets credit for trying to shake her lovable-ditz persona. I still wouldn't bet on her in an arm-wrestling match with Demi Moore.
Courage Under Fire is a movie that will stay with me for a while. Denzel Washington continues to be one of the finest actors today and proves it in this movie. The premise was interesting and was entertaining. I was disappointed with Meg Ryan's performance. I usually like her but she got annoying with her constant shouting. Yet that didn't keep the movie down. It was extremely dramatic and my two favorite scenes are the scene with Lou Diamond Phillips in the car and when it shows what really happened. A great film and terrific acting by Denzel Washington.
A film that wins on 'Courage' of its convictions. {12 July 1996, p. D1]
The image used in this article is the DVD cover from the UK release (which is also indicated by the "15" in the lower right corner). This is not a deliberate misspelling or disrespect toward American military by the movie studio, but a special design meant for the UK market. a5c7b9f00b
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