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Can Your Boss Ask For Your Facebook Password >>>
Set up your social media profiles to be only obtainable or known by your friends and family. What you say could get you fired if it sheds a bad light on your company. Required fields are marked *Comment Name * Email * Website Notify me of follow-up comments by email. We'll be right back. There are laws in place, at least here in the USA, that limit what an employer or prospective employer is allowed to do, say, or ask for. Do I have any legal rights? Any advice? So your boss's boss asked for your password before you went on vacation and you refused to give it? Frankly, you're lucky you weren't fired.Yes, it's a concern if your company handbook or policy says it's a firing offense to give out your password. I feel like I keep getting violated from my managers/ work place. .. Grow Your Legal Practice Meet the Editors Sign In Support Toggle navigation Shopping-cart Toggle search Shop by Products Find a Lawyer Legal Articles Accidents & Injuries Bankruptcy Business Formation: LLCs & Corporations Criminal Law Debt Management Disability Law Divorce & Family Law DUI / DWI & Traffic Tickets Employment Law Foreclosure Immigration Landlords LGBT Law Nonprofits Patent, Copyright & Trademark Personal Finance Real Estate Small Business Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Social Security & Retirement Tenants Taxes Wills, Trusts & Probate Workers' Compensation Toggle search Shopping-cart Search Search Type All Products Lawyers Articles Search Term Location Error 404 The requested page could not be found. You may unsubscribeany time. Tools Outlook Toolbar Browser Toolbar About LinkedIn .. Sign up for Finance Report by AOL and get everything from breaking finance news to money-saving tricks delivered directly to your inbox daily! Subscribe to our other newsletters Emails may offer personalized content or ads. Don't forget: You have the right to a personal life and your privacy!. Just . If you did do something wrong, then it might be time to start looking elsewhere during your vacation (or contacting a criminal defense attorney).Is compliance illegal?: If you have the company's banking information, classified documents or other information that it would be illegal to grant access to, then you obviously have different concerns. TIME March 11, 2012 Employers can't legally ask for your Facebook password, but they can insist on "shoulder surfing" while you scroll through your Friends Only posts Facebook Increasingly Becomes a Helpful Tool for Employers in Job. You coulddeleteyour history in response to Google changing privacy policies, but the results youd be chasing are pointless. While you still can't be fired due to discrimination, taking Family and Medical Leave, making a worker's compensation claim, or objecting to something the company is doing that's illegal, this sounds like it doesn't fit into any protected category. Are you looking for any of these LinkedIn features?. Click to enable or disable desktop notifications Notifications Off Stay in the loop! Get breaking news alerts on your desktop. Change your name and go by a nickname that only your friends and family would recognize. Unless I hear otherwise from you within 24 hours, I will forward you my password." Then wait and see if they change their minds. When I told her about the employee handbook policy, she said that it's not her asking for it, that it's her boss asking. Learn more, including about available controls: Cookies Policy.FacebookEmail or PhonePasswordForgot account?Sign UpSee more of TIME on FacebookLog InorCreate New AccountSee more of TIME on FacebookLog InForgot account?orCreate New AccountNot Now English (US)NederlandsFryskPolskiTrkeDeutschFranais (France)EspaolPortugus (Brasil)ItalianoSign UpLog InMessengerFacebook LiteMobileFind FriendsPeoplePagesPlacesGamesLocationsCelebritiesMarketplaceGroupsRecipesSportsLookMomentsInstagramLocalAboutCreate AdCreate PageDevelopersCareersPrivacyCookiesAd ChoicesTermsHelpSettingsActivity Log Facebook 2018. Just stay on the legal side. Find him on Talent Connection and connect with Cachinko on Facebook or Twitter. But you do not have to give the information as a condition of employment. Your use of this website constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Use, Supplemental Terms, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. "I am very careful with my personal, private online persona and do not feel comfortable giving out any passwords. But remember that it really is all about common sense. By refusing to give the password, you might be fueling suspicion. Happy hunting! Public Relations Associate at in New York City Social Media Manager at the American Society for Clinical Psychology in Chicago Senior Campaign Manager at Break Media in Los Angeles Image courtesy of iStockphoto, SchulteProductions, izusek. It seems this page has taken a tea break 5a02188284