Blockchain: The Technological Revolution That Will Change the World
by Craig Cooper
rating: 3.8 (8 reviews)
Heard of bitcoin? Blockchain is actually far more than bitcoin. In fact, blockchain is hailed as the second coming of the Internet. Even in its infancy stage, it is taking the world by storm. The banks, the accounting firms and the financial companies are taking it seriously. But what is it and how does it affect us in our lives or our jobs? Is blockchain just another hyped up bubble or is it going to stay for real? Follow us through this book to understand blockchain and you decide whether it will affect us. This book will provide views from different perspective and hopes to let listeners understand the good and bad of the blockchain. After listening to the book, one should have a sound idea of what blockchain is and why is it such a huge phenomenon!
Details:Amazon rank: #182Price: $3.74bound: 2 hours and 52 minutesPublisher: CooperLanguage: EnglishASIN: B07253PFP6
Blockchain: The Technological Revolution That Will Change the World Craig Cooper
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