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Gargoyles Full Movie With English Subtitles Online Download
DOWNLOAD: http://urllio.com/r2ieh
In the Dark Ages, there was a race of heroic warrior monsters known as Gargoyles. These creatures existed as stone in the day, but become flesh and blood at night. One Scottish clan made an alliance with humans to help protect a castle by night if the humans would protect their stone forms by day. The uneasy alliance was shattered when human prejudice provoked a betrayal that allowed the castle to be sacked and most of the resident clan destroyed, leaving only six adult survivors and a rookery of unhatched eggs. A further misunderstanding during the clan's retaliation on the invaders and rescue of their hostages left the clan frozen in stone by a magic spell that would only be broken when the "castle rises above the clouds." For a thousand years, the castle laid abandoned and the clan condemned by this curse. In 1994, a wealthy multibillionare named David Xanatos bought the castle and transported the whole structure to Manhattan where he placed it on top of the Eyrie building which he owned. It is high enough to be above the clouds, thus the conditions of the spell were met and the Gargoyles were revived. Now, this clan must adjust to this new age and gain friends, like Detective Elisa Masa who reveals that Xanatos revived them to exploit them for his unscrupulous ends. This is coupled by the fact that another Gargoyle comrade, Demona, is alive from their age, and is now an insane renegade bent on the extermination of humanity. Rebelling against them, the clan abandon the castle and pledge to protect New York like they protected the castle in the past.
A clan of heroic night creatures pledge to protect modern New York City as they did in Scotland one thousand years earlier.
Simply put Gargoyles is one of the most popular and best works to come from Disney.
The Series feature a powerful plot that kept on growing stronger and stronger as the series grew.
Gargoyles was without a doubt one of the best shows that came out of the 1990s.
The series center around A Chan of Gargoyles lead by Goliath (Voiced by Keith David) who along with Hudson (Voiced by Edward Asner), Bronx (Voiced by Frank Welker), Brooklyn (Voiced by Jeff Bennett) Lexington (Voiced by Thom Adcox-Hernandez) Broadway (Voiced by Bill Fagerbakke) protect New York City as heroic creatures of the night.
The Gargoyles were placed under a spell to leave them in stone for a 1,000 years until David Xanatos (Voiced by Jonathan Frakes) the series main antagonist was successful in freeing them.
However this is the beginning of their troubles as they discover that the world has change so much in 1,000 years they slept.
But Goliath and the others join forces with Detective Elisa Maza (Voiced by Salli Richardson-Whitfield). As the Gargoyles protect the city at night Goliath soon learns that another Gargoyle has survived but not as she once was. Giving a name by the humans she now goes by Demona (Voiced by Marina Sirtis). Demona blames Humanity for the deaths of her clan now is on the rampage.
This series is perhaps the darkest show Disney produced in the day when you look back on it for it dark story line and characters.
But regardless the series just has too much that you would not love. It features a strong story line, the writing in the series was made for children as well as adults which is not always easy but somehow the show made it work, also the cast gives us some of the greatest voice work in the history of animation. The Animation is top notch with great designs for the characters and the back grounds are superb.
Gargoyles is just one of the shows you can't miss out on
Really, has there been anyone better? I need to see that! It's almost unreal that Disney produced a series like this; mythology, technology, action, drama, strong characters, great voice acting, shakespeare refereces, breathtaking environment and a TIGHT story with no flaws or holes- all links together. Unfortunately the series has never aired in Sweden, at least not yet, so the audience here (both young and old :) has not experienced it... I'm glad I did and in english.
Gargoyles is without questioning the best cartoon series aired. It's sad they were taken off the air, but of course, a long lasting series isn't as good in the long run...
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