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The Caro-Kann: Move by Move. The Four Knights: Move by Move of our main aims of the series is to replicate – as much as possible – lessons between chess teachers and students. All the way fine point of some sub, sub-variation of a line which is truly understood by about a dozen or so people in the world, and which
below the chess board. By default, the database only shows chess games where both players were rated over 2200, you can change the database subset using the database selector at the top of the page. There is also a non-searchable HTML only game list, but most users will want to use the main game database page.
Introduction. 7. 1 Main Line: Introduction and 11 If4. 11. 2 Main Line: 11 Id2. 63. 3 Classical Variation: The f4 Plan. 95. 4 The Challenging If4. 109. 5 Panov-Botvinnik Attack: Introduction and 6 If3. 147. 6 Panov-Botvinnik Attack: 6 If3 g6 without 7 cxd5. 171. 7 Panov-Botvinnik Attack: 6 Ig5. 190. 8 The Exchange Variation. 214. Caro-Kann Defense Variations: 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5. A. Main Line (50%). 3.Nc3 (or Nd2. 1. ) dxe4 4. Nxd4. 1. Nc3 is play 32% of the time and Nd2 is played 18% of the time. A1. Classical Variation (50%). 4. Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 Nd7 8.h5 Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 10.Qxd3. A2. Steinitz
Karpov and Podgaets: Caro-Kann Defence Advance Variation and Gambit System, Batsford 2006. Karpov and Podgaets: Caro-Kann Defence Panov Attack, Batsford 2006. Matanovic (editor): ECO Volume B 4th Edition, Chess Informant 2002. McDonald: Main Line Caro-Kann, Everyman 2000. Wells: Grandmaster Secrets
The main lines of this opening are 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4. Nxe4, though the Advance Variation (3.e5) and Panov Attack (3.exd4 cxd5 4.c4) are very popular alternatives at both amateur and professional level of play. Caro Kann Defense Main line. After 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Black has a choice of four different systems.
by David Rittenhouse Date: 080614. What to do about 1. e4 the oldest question for chess players of all levels. You have so many popular Defenses these days! I tell you the CaroKann System is the best answer to not only get draws but wins! The CaroKann Defense is a very old defense in chess from my database alone I
37. 6 11.if4. 53. 7 12.id2. 59. 8 The Main Line 14.c4. 65. The Advance Variation. 9 Introduction and Minor Lines. 85. 10 c4-Lines. 95. 11 Positional Lines. 103. 12 Short Variation. 113. 13 Shirov Variation. 137. Panov Variation. 14 Introduction and Early Deviations. 149. 15 The Endgame Line. 157. 16 The Sharp 6.ig5. 171
I understand all the major replies to 1.e4, except for the Caro-Kann. It's common for black to develop the white-squared bishop early in the Caro-Kann (at least in the Nc3 mainline and advance variation)- whereas in the Slav defence against 1.
and to develop without creating major weaknesses. First of all, of the Caro-Kann. Each variation has its own particular structure, so we'll consider each of them in a separate section. The following diagram show only the pawns. Classical . In the Classical lines, the light squared bishop usually leaves the board pretty