Sunday 7 November 2010 photo 1/1
chuck wins by forcing the tap out! naaruto is submitted.
chuck sinks naaruto with a Cross Arm Lock. naaruto is in trouble!
naaruto has passed the guard with a Guard to TakeDown! chuck looks unprepared for ground fighting. Come on, hit harder!
Both fighters are down.
chuck tries to pick naaruto up and… oh! He gets him down on the canvas, and he is doing a Cross Arm Lock.
Both fighters are standing.
naaruto attacks chuck with a Guard to TakeDown, but chuck has the greatest Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Combo 1 to the body. Awesome!
Both fighters are down.
Here we go! chuck sends naaruto down to the ground by a Single-Leg TakeDown.
Round: 1! Begin!
chuck and naaruto finally have the chance to fight; this is the matchup we've all been waiting for!