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Forvalues stata 13 manual: >> << (Download)
Forvalues stata 13 manual: >> << (Read Online)
Foreach & Forvalues. • Both foreach and forvalues are just specialized while loops. • foreach loops over elements of a local or global macro or variables in a varlist. • forvalues loops over series or lists of numbers. (see zoe's examples and stata help)
In these examples, there is also a solution using forvalues; see also [P] forvalues. . forval i = 0/1 { . whatever if foreign == `i' . } . forval i = 1/5 { . whatever if rep78 == `i' . } Because foreach is in many ways more general (for example, it can be used to cycle through a set of string values), we will concentrate on it here.
1 Functions in Stata. The rationale for writing this column is not that the documentation for Stata is poor. In fact, the documentation for Stata is excellent, and I say that out of much more than politeness to Stata and forvalues are written up rather tersely in the Programming Manual, they deserve to be in the .. Page 13
13 Apr 2013 STATA PROGRAMMING REFERENCE. MANUAL. RELEASE 13. ®. A Stata Press Publication. StataCorp LP. College Station, Texas StataCorp may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and the program(s) described in this manual at any time and without notice. The software described in
27 Feb 2012 If you're familiar with global and local variables from other languages, Stata's local macros are local in the same way. If not, just trust us that .. The race variable takes on the values one, two and three, so an appropriate loop is: forvalues race="1"/3 { svy, subpop(if race==`race'): reg income age }.
e.g. when collapsing data or creating sub-samples. More on this later Basic Stata Programming. (24-26/11/2014) 13 / 111 .. Programs. Example 1.1: Basic looping over values. Stata Snippet: Using forvalues, foreach, and while to loop over values/lists of values. 1. * 1. forvalues loop. 2 forvalues i
14 Oct 2016 In this post, I show a few of simple example “loops" using Stata commands -foreach-, -local- and -forvalues- to handle some common simple repetitive tasks. 2014 -1 3 5 13 19 23 24 23 21 15 7 5 3. 2015 2 -1 7 14 21 24 A Stata macro can contain multiple elements; it has a name and contents. Consider
13 Feb 2018 This tutorial introduces you to the use of loops. Loops in Stata follow a strict syntax and adhere to the same general principles as in other programming languages. The following are the three types of loops in Stata. foreach · forvalues · while. The use of each is best demonstrated using simple examples.
11 Jan 2010 A few such vignettes were added without fanfare in the Stata 8 manuals, just for interest, and many more were added in Stata 9, and even more have been added in each subsequent release. Ten new vignettes were added in Stata 13. A vignette could often appropriately go in several entries. For example,.
2016-03-06. 1. Introduction to. Macro and Loop in Stata. SOC 561. Programming for the Social Sciences. Hyungjun Suh. Mar. 7. 2016. 2. Overview. Macros (local and global macros). Loops (foreach and forvalues). Tempvar. Tempfile