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Carel evd 400 manual: >> << (Download)
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required/indicated in the user manual, may cause the final product to malfunction; CAREL accepts no liability in such cases. Only qualified driver works in this mode, control of the valve and all the alarms are disabled. Model. EVD200. EVD300. EVD400 tLAN. EVD400 pLAN. EVD400 RS485. Code. EVD0000200.
Do not use the product in application environments different than those specified in the technical manual. .. tLAN version. EVD****41* and EVD****44*:. pLAN version. EVD****42* and EVD****45*:. RS485 version. EVD***1460: Modbus® version. pGD1user interface packages (EVD400CON0 for the EVD00004*1).
EVD*200 Expansion valve driver (stepper bipolar) / EVD200 Контроллер расширительного вентиля (шаговый двунаправленный). G. G0. Vb+ CAREL. E2VCAB*. ATTENTION: always configure the valve type BEFORE connecting the motor phases to the driver. Всегда конфигурируйте тип вентиля до присоединения.
“EVD evolution" +0300005EN - rel. 3.3 - 25.01.2013. WARNINGS. CAREL bases the development of its products on decades of experience in HVAC, on the continuous investments in technological innovations to products, procedures and strict quality processes with in-circuit and functional testing on 100% of its products,
The CAREL product is a state-of-the-art product, whose operation is specified in the technical documen- tation supplied with the product or .. EVD*40*: driver for electronic expansion valve. MCH200002*:. I/O expansion board for. µ2SE. EVD*40*: driver for electronic expansion valve. Optional board. CONVONOFF*:. PWM/
Sterownik z RS485 skonfigurowany do pracy z pCO poprzez pLAN (adres 30) dla zaworow CAREL nabywane oddzielnie (kod: EVD400C0N0 dla EVD00004*). .. Typ czujek EVD. Liczba okreslajaca kombinacja czujek uzytych do kalkulacji przegrzania. Konfiguracja dodatkowej czujki. Konfiguracja czujki dodatkowej.
Integrated Control Solutions & Energy Savings. EVD evolution. NO POWER. & SIGNAL. CABLES. TOGETHER. READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! User manual electronic expansion valve driver
$85.74. EEVMAG0000. Tool for manual driving of EEV stepper valve. P.O.A. EVD Evolution Electronic Expansion Valve Drivers. Airefrig Part Number EVD Evolution Kits. Airefrig Part Number. Description. List Price Ex GST. EVD00N3E2K. EVD Evo Driver Kit - Universal valves including Carel. $1,116.54. EVD00N3E5K.
In addition to observing any further warnings described in this manual, the following warnings must be heeded for all CAREL products: Compressor to set all compressor parameters. ECOnomizer circuit valve option. Liquid injection valve option. EVD EVO driver. EVD EVO Management via FB2 with CAREL protocol.
EVD ice. NO POWER. & SIGNAL. CABLES. TOGETHER. READ CAREFULLY IN THE TEXT! User manual. Superheat control for unipolar electronic expansion 400. 13. 7. 15. -50. 0. 50. 20. Tab. 5.b. Superheat. The primary purpose of the electronic valve is ensure that the flow-rate of refrigerant that flows through the