Tuesday 13 March 2018 photo 26/30
Season 7 warding guide: >> http://gwu.cloudz.pw/download?file=season+7+warding+guide << (Download)
Season 7 warding guide: >> http://gwu.cloudz.pw/read?file=season+7+warding+guide << (Read Online)
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19 Apr 2015 Warding process in order to gain map control is one of the most important aspects of League of Legends. It allows you to position yourself better than enemies thus winning the fights. In this guide we will show you how to properly put the wards on Summoner's Rift depending on your position, role and stage
It may have took some time but I have figured out how jungle changes were read by low elo players at the start of season 7. They saw new jungle camps that take And sadly it seems to work because people don't ward and the game snowballs so hard right now. Although I am rusty and maybe its just
30 Jan 2017 Vision is one of the most important parts of League of Legends. Whether you're in Bronze or Challenger, people play better when they know exactly where their opponents are and what they are doing or plan to do. Being on the receiving end of a surprise attack can be devastating, especially in solo queue
12 May 2017 One of the most important parts of climbing the ranked ladder of League of Legends depends on how good you are at warding. Winning your lane means nothing if the enemy jungler or mid laner gets fed by roaming down to your lane. But if you see them coming from a mile away, you'll be able to stay safe.
With the new Season I've decided to refresh one of my classic lessons for the public. This lesson is an in depth lesson about establishing
16 Feb 2016 A guide to Vision and Map Awareness in League of Legends Season 6. by Pancu You have a ward placed between the blue buff and Gromp of the enemy jungle. What benefits They are used to deny vision of a certain spot, so if the enemy team wards nearby you can clear out that ward. The best use
4 Jan 2017
31 Oct 2017 Map Pressure - Warding and Roaming . General strategy guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends premiere strategy discussion and tools.
1 May 2017 Everyone will be roaming mid at various points of the game, so successful warding gives an advantage in “controlling the chaos" in this area and offers numerous opportunities to win fights and take objectives. If you missed my previous top lane and bottom lane warding guides, go check those out now
31 Mar 2017 Alternatively, check here for my guide to top lane warding! Depending on the enemy Jungler and Support, you should ward one of spots #7, #10, #11, or #12. I've been playing League of Legends since Season 1, and am always trying to improve, learn, and (of course) have fun with this great game!