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Warrior gear guide ffxi: >> << (Download)
Warrior gear guide ffxi: >> << (Read Online)
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The last page of the Warrior guide on FFXIAH has some gear sets recently posted that should provide a baseline of what to work towards. Merit points wise.. I would assume 5/5 DA and 5/5 Berserk for Group 1 and 5/5 Savagery and then some mixture between Tomahawk & Warrior's Charge for Group 2.
Hi all, Recent return to game since quiting right before SOA. With an idea of building ws sets and swapping gear, what main relics or other
When I started playing FFXI, 5 years ago, I started as a mere WAR01 with no Support Job. My name is Whitetiger, and this is my Ultimate Guide to Warrior! With many a long wait for an updated guide for Warrior's in abyssea, I will begin to work on a guide that will help warrior's with equipment and what is NOW required
On to the request.. I'm currently CPing war with a glowing ukon (rag's in the pipeline). Can anyone help with current GA TP/WS sets? Are they similar to Saevel's above? (thanks for that btw) Does lustratio fit anywhere or are we dealing chiefly with reis augmented gear and emicho/argosy gear? Currently I'm
This guide is a continuation and rewrite of Orreo's Equipment Guide (link), which itself was based on yet another guide (link in Orreo's guide). So I do not take initial credit of this and give most props to those before me. I see this truly as a Guide, not as "you must have this or else". Take the time to research these options and
I would like to now open with a piece of advice to all Warriors who want to be the 'best they can be'. A fact of FFXI is, there is almost no possible way to be the best you can in one set of armor. a full set devoted to "Damage Dealing" will often have low defense and Vitality and leave you in a bad situation if you become the
25 Dec 2012 Warrior commands an impressive arsenal of Job Abilities, Weapons, Weapon Skills, and gear to make the job excel in almost any DD situation you put it Ejiin, I love you. Best person to write this guide hands down. Also inb4 Kaerin. [+]. Asura.Hotsoups. Offline. Server: Asura. Game: FFXI. user: Hotsoups.
13 Oct 2013 Warrior Guide - Final Fantasy XI Online: Job description Warrior is one of the six jobs you can choose when you start to play FFXI. Warrior is considered a tank class because of the Provoke ability, Defense Bonus at level 10 and they can wear the best armor available most of the time. Your goal as a
27 Jun 2016 FFXIV 3.2 Warrior (WAR) Best in Slot (BiS) Gear. 3.2 UPDATED! WAR Best in slot guide! “Ax is Hax". WAR Lore buy order, Melding, Pages & Normals, more! Back again to deliver the pain to deez goblins again I see? Welcome to the 3.2 WAR BiS! If for some reason you were hiding under a rock